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Behavior Change Project

Health is defined as a extent of continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability
to cope with one's environment. ood health is harder to define than bad health because it must
convey a more positive concept than mere absence of disease, and there is a variable area
between health and disease. ! person may be in good physical condition but have a cold or be
mentally ill. "omeone may appear healthy but have a serious condition that is detectable only by
physical examination or diagnostic tests or not even by these.
#ptimal health is a balance of five areas of health. $hese areas are emotional, physical,
spiritual, intellectual and social health. $he concept of optimal health focuses on mental health
and healthful relationships, as well as nutrition and exercise.
%hen we were assigned this assignment & thought about a behavior that & could change
that would possibly help better my marriage is so way. "o & thought if & could be more patience
that would be great. "ometime & lac' in patience specially with my wife at times. $here are times
when she just doesn't get what & am saying and it annoys me and & get frustrated. & understand
that women and men are different but & didn't ever thin' it was that different until & got married.
%omen thin' different, act different, and even understand different that men do. "o & figured if &
wor'ed on my patience maybe & would be more patience with her and we would get along better.
&n the textboo' one of the things that would help me with the behavior change was
developing a plan of action. $hose steps include getting what & need, modify my environment,
control my related habits, rewarding myself, involving people around me as a support, and plan
for the challenges that may occur. & also found a article online about positive reinforcement,
when using position reinforcement (ou need to remember that reinforcement needs to be
consistent, made to fit the individual, and it needs to be enough to motivate the behavior. !ll of
these are factors that can be helpful or not to motivate the behavior change. (ou have to be
careful that the reinforcement isn)t a punisher than a reinforcement. &f the plan hurts the plan and
reducing the behavior you need to modify the reinforcement to where it will increase the
behavior and not decrease it.
$he specific strategies & used were just trying to be more understanding and not getting
frustrated or upset when explaining something to my wife, specially when she didn't understand
it necessary. *y support was my wife because we 'new this could help better our marriage. !s
for an rewards system & li'e to dine out so we would use that as a reward. %hen & would do good
and show patience throughout the wee' we would go out to dinner for a date night. "o we would
'ill two birds with one stone sort of spea'. %hen& would do go & got to choice where to go eat at
as & enjoy good food.
& didn't necessary do great through this project changing my behavior but & did try to do
my best and & too' it seriously. & would do my best even when my wife was in a bad mood and
trying to push my buttons. & would try very hard it & happen to have a bad day which that happen
a couple of times as well. & would wor' at being patience by either tal'ing in a matter that would
calm my wife down or & would just bite my tongue and go to another room. $hat is something
that & believe & didn't better at during this behavior change project was 'eeping my mouth shut.
$o me that was showing patience because & didn't get upset and fight bac'. & 'now there was a
time or maybe two that & didn't do that, but for the most part & tried my best at being patience and
not getting frustrated with my wife. & play on continuing to wor'ing to be patience with my wife
and & hope to ma'e it habit in my life. & 'now it would be a great change in my life and in my
marriage if & can continue to wor' on changing this behavior. $his assignment wasn't easy but &
tried to do my best at change this behavior since & 'now it would help my marriage. *arriage is
not easy at all+ & have reali,ed & have to continually wor' on it.
%or' cites
&nsel, Paul, and %alton -oth. CORE CONCEPTS IN HEALTH. $hirteenth .dition. *craw/Hill
.ducation, 0123. 03/04. Print.
$homas, !llen. 5Behavior *odification $hrough Positive -einforcement.5 6012789 n. page. %eb.
7 #ct. 0127.

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