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Title of Activity: Rounding Numbers

Reference Section:
Smithsonian: National Museum of Natural History.(n.d). Department of Paleobiologys Virtual
Dinosaur Dig. Retrieved from

Grade Level: 4

Subject: Social Studies

Brief Description of Activity:

Students will go to a website, in which they will have to dig up a virtual dinosaur. There they
will discover how paleontologists excavate a specimen. Students will also learn the specimens
anatomy along with where it lived and how large it was etc. Finally, students will view a short
slide show of what the animal looked like along with a construction of its muscle system.

General Learner Outcome:
4.1: Alberta: A Sense of the Land.
Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how elements of physical
geography, climate, geology and paleontology are integral to the landscapes and
environment of Alberta.
Specific Learner Outcomes:
4.1.1- appreciate the diversity of elements pertaining to geography, climate, geology and
paleontology in Alberta.

ICT Outcomes:
C.1.2.1 access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search
path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)
C.3.2.2 recognize that information serves different purposes and that data from electronic
sources may need to be verified to determine accuracy or relevance for the purpose
C.7.2.1 use a variety of technologies to organize and synthesize researched information.
C.7.2.2 use selected presentation tools to demonstrate connections among various pieces of
F.4.2.1 recognize that graphics, video and sound enhance communication.
F.4.2.2 describe how the use of various texts and graphics can alter perception.

Rationale for Computer Integration:

This computer assignment is interactive and stimulating allowing the students work at their own
pace. They get to learn about dinosaurs using an activity that full immerses them as if they were
a paleontologist.

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