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Application Form for the Post of Shop Supervisor (S.S.

Salesmen (SSM)

1. Name of the Candidate :
2. Fathers Name :
3. Educational Qualifications :
4. Date of Birth and Ae :
!. "lace of #irth :
$. Caste :
%. Address &ith Contact No. :

'. E()erience :
*. Furnish +for ,ho) ,u)er-isor onl./ :
a/ 0ast desination and De)artment
#/ "resent "ension details +1etd. Em)lo.ees/:
c/ 0ast "a. Dra&n

2 underone the 3erms and Condition and aree to fulfill the
Attested co)ies of Certificates to #e enclosed:
1/ 2D "roof
2/ Address "roof
3/ Educational Qualifications ,.,.C.5 6ar7s list for salesmen and
intermediate consolidated mar7s list for ,ho) ,u)er-isor.
4/ 0ast desination and De)artment +for ,,/ if retired em)
!/ E(istin "ension +for ,,/
$/ 0ast "a. Dra&n +for ,,/

T!MS & $"N%ITI"NS for the post of Shop Supervisor (SS)
1/ 3he Candidate should #e ,tate 8o-ernment 1etired em)lo.ee5 includin
e(9defense )ersonnel dra&in )ension in the ,enior Assistant : a#o-e
cadre5 ae not e(ceedin $2 .ears and should #e mentall. and )h.sicall.
fit for o-erall ,u)er-ision of da. to da. transactions5 maintenance of
reisters5 stoc7s5 u) 7ee)in the retail outlet etc.5
2ntermediate "ass5 a#o-e 21 .ears of ae and 6a(imum Ae 0imit 4<.ears
as on <1.<%.2<14 +,C=,3=BC="> ? ! @ears ae rela(ation/5 Nati-e to
the same district ha-in )roof of 2dentit. -iA. Aadhar = Boter 2D = 1ation
Card etc.5 are elii#le
2/ 3he Candidates &ill #e selected #. the District 0e-el Committee headed
#. the Coint Collector5 concerned District.
3/ 3he Candidate has to su#mit a ,ecurit. De)osit of 1s. 1.< 0a7hs + 1s. ;ne
la7h onl./ #. &a. of Fi( De)osit 1ecei)t +FD1/ from an. ,cheduled
Ban7s dra&n in fa-our of the A"BC05 5 DDDDDDDDDD District for the
)eriod of +1/ @ear and assined in the name of the candidate.
4/ 3he selected Candidate &ill #e re4uired to e(ecute EAreement of Contract
: E"ersonal ,ecurit. Bond underta7in to indemnif. the loss5 caused to
A"BC0 on account of )ilferae5 damae5 misa))ro)riation caused to the
stoc7s and an. such t.)e of irreularities to the A"BC05 26F0 De)ot.
!/ 3he 1etail ;utlet ,ho) ,u)er-isor &ill #e )aid 1s. *5<<<=9 )er month5
su#Fect to the condition that the total emoluments i.e.5 e(istin )ensions G
1s. *5<<<=9 shall not e(ceed the last )a. dra&n #. him.
$/ 3he candidate &ill #e )osted in an. of the 1etail ;utlets in the concerned
District and can #e transferred from one 1etail ;utlet to another 1etail
%/ ,er-ice Conditions &ill #e o-erned #. Contractual 1ules of Andhra
"radesh ,tate 8o-ernment.
T!MS & $"N%ITI"NS for the post of Shop
Salesmen '
1/ 3he Candidate should )ass 1<
Class and a#o-e 21 .ears of ae5 Nati-e to
the same District &her the 1; is locatd : ha-in )roof 2dentit. -iA
Aadhar=Boter 2D=1ation Card etc. are elii#le and 6a(imum Ae 0imit 4< @ears
as on <1.<%.2<14 +,C=,3=BC=">?! .ears ae rela(ation/. >e should #e
mentall. and )h.sicall. fit to &or7 in 1etail ;utlet i.e. 0oadin of #ottles
into the shel-es5 deli-er. of #ottles to customers as )er the #ill and other
acti-ities as )er the instructions of ,.,.

2/ 3he Candidates &ill #e selected #. the District 0e-el Committee headed
the Coint Collector5 Concerned District.
3/ 3he Candidate has to su#mit a ,ecurit. De)osit of 1s. !<5<<< =9 + 1s.
thousand onl./ in the form of Demand Draft dra&n in fa-our of HA"BC0
26F0 DE";3I concerned Furisdiction and the same &ill #e con-erted
into FD1 for the )eriod of +1/ .ear and assined in the name of
the candidate.
4/ 3he Candidate selected is re4uired to e(ecute EAreement of Contract :
E"ersonal ,ecurit. Bond underta7in to indemnif. the loss5 caused to
A"BC0 on account of )ilferae5 damae5 misa))ro)riation caused to the
stoc7s and an. such t.)e of irreularities to the A"BC0.
!/ 3he ,ales 6an &ill #e )aid a consolidated amount of 1s.%5%<<=9 )er
$/ 3he candidate &ill #e )osted in an. of the 1etail ;utlets in the Concerned
District and can #e transferred from one 1etail ;utlet to another 1etail
%/ ,er-ice Conditions &ill #e o-erned #. Contractual 1ules of Andhra
"radesh ,tate 8o-ernment.
(.) PATT!N "F STAFF (SS/SSM) %!P*"+!% AT AP,$* !TAI*

S#"P SUP!.IS" (SS) 1 *5<<<=9
S#"P SA*!S M!N (SSM) 2 %5%<<(+2/?1!54<<=9
Total / 0121))/3
S#"P SUP!.IS" (SS) a/ ;-erall ,u)er-ision of da.9to9da. transactions.
#/ 6aintenance of reisters5 stoc7s5
c/ J)7ee) of the retail outlet5 etc.
d/ ;ther acti-ities as )er instructions of Chief 6anaer =6anaer.
S#"P SA*!S M!N (SSM) a/ 0oadin of #ottles into the shel-es
#/ Deli-er. of #ottles to customers5 as )er the #ill
c/ ;ther acti-ities as )er the instructions of ,,.
$AT!G"+ !*IGI,I*IT+/ M"%! "F %!P*"+M!NT MA4IMUM
1etired 8o-ernment em)lo.ees5 includin e( defence
)ersonnel dra&in )ension in the ,enior Assistant :
a#o-e cadre5 mentall. alert : )h.sicall. fit are
$2 .ears
2ntermediate )ass5 a#o-e 21 .ears of ae5
Nati-e to the same district ha-in
)roof of identit. -iA.
Aadhar= Boter 2D=1ation card=etc. are elii#le
4< .ears as on
<19<%914 +,C=,3=BC=
"> ?! .ears ae
Class )ass5 a#o-e 21 .ears of ae5
Nati-e to the same District
&here the 1; is located : ha-in )roof
;f identit. -iA Aadhar=Boter 2D=1ation card=etc.
are elii#le
4< .ears as on
<19<%914 +,C=,3=BC=
">?! .ears ae
5.) S!$UIT+ %!P"SIT'
*.1 3he ,ho) ,u)er-isor +,,/ should )roduce ,ecur i t . De)os i t of s . -. ))
l a6hs #. &a. of Fi(ed De)osit 1ecei)t +FD1/ from an. ,cheduled Ban7s
dra&n in fa-our of the A"BC0 De)ot concerned.
*. 2 3he ,ho) ,alesman + ,,6/ s houl d )r oduce ,ecur i t . De)os i t of
s . 7)2 )))/ 3 each #. &a. of Fi(ed De)osit 1ecei)t +FD1/ from an.
,cheduled Ban7 dra&n in fa-our of the A"BC0 De)ot concerned.

*. 3 ,t af f &i l l #e t er mi nat ed5 &i t hout not i ce5 i n cas e of f ai l ur e t o
di s char e t hei r dut i es : the ,ecurit. De)osit &ill #e forfeited.
*.4 ,ecurit. De)osit &ill #e returned alon &ith interest accrued thereon on e()ir. of
contract )eriod.
-).) T!NU! "F APP"INTM!NT & *!A.!'
1<.1 3he a))ointments are )urel. on contract : -alid u)to 3<9<$92<1!.
1<.2 Further e(tension of contract )eriod &ill #e decided #. the A"BC0.
1<.3 Chief 6anaer=6anaer shall o#tain an underta7in f r om t he s t af f t hat
t he. &i l l not as 7 f or )ermanenc.5 reulariAation or )reference in an.
other 8o-ernment = A"BC0 em)lo.ment #. -irtue of their #ein
em)lo.ed on contract #asis.
1<.4 3he ,ho) ,u)er-isor +,,/ : ,ho) ,alesmen + ,,6/ 5 shall i-e at least one
month ad-ance notice5 in &ritin5 to the concerned 6anaer=Chief 6anaer5
26F0 de)ot5 #efore 4uittin.
1<.! 2f the. lea-e the Co# &ithout i-in ad-ance intimation5 action &ill #e ta7en
aainst them5 includin forfeiture of ,ecurit. De)osit.
1<.$ Kee7l. holida. to the Contractual em)lo.ees &or7in at 1;s shall #e arraned &ithin
themsel-es : as decided #. the ,ho) ,u)er-isor.

1<.% Entitled for 19da. C0=month &ith a))ro-al of ,ho) ,u)er-isor for ,ho) ,alesmen :
concerned C6=6anaer for ,ho) ,u)er-isor.
1<.' Not entitled for an. other medical lea-e5 etc.
1<.* "eriods of a#sence in e(cess of elii#le lea-e &ill #e treated as unauthoriAed a#sence :
Chief 6anaer shall deduct )ro)ortionate )a..
--.) 8", $#AT'
11.1 3he sho) shall #e 7e)t o)en5 on all &or7in da.s5 from 11.<< A.6. to 1<.<<
".65 as )rescri#ed in the E(cise Act.
11.2 ,ho) ,u)er-isor : ,ho) ,ales men should sell the stoc7 of 26F0= F0=Beer etc.5 onl.
at the 61" rates as fi(ed #. the 8o-ernment.
11.3 ,ho) ,u)er-isor = ,ho) ,ales men should not sell li4uor =Beer to an. )ersons less
than 21 .ears of ae.
11.4 3he sale of 26F0=F0=Beer in retail outlet shall #e in First 2n First ;ut +F2F;/
11.! ,toc7 not #ein unsold for more than *< da.s is due to failure of F2F; s.stem.
For such stoc7s5 the staff of ;utlet is held res)onsi#le for such loss : &hich
&ill #e reco-era#le from them.
11.$ ,ho) ,u)er-isor = ,ho) ,alesmen &ill issue recei)t to consumers5 : #e
res)onsi#le for #an7 remittance of sale )roceeds5 )lacin of 2ndents &ith
the De)ot5 maintenance of cash5 stoc7 : records.
11.% ,alesmen &ill also #e res)onsi#le for unloadin of stoc7s.
11. ' 2n the sho)5 Dis)la. of #ottles in the sho)5 cleanin the dust o-er the #ot t l es5
r ac7s : )r emi ses e-er . da. : maintain cleanliness and 7ee) the outlet in
h.iene condition.
11.* ,ho) ,u)er-isor = ,ho) ,ales men should re)ort for dut. e-er. da..
Annexure :
F & G
THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT made this ___ day of ___________ month
of Two Thousand and Fourteen, ET!EEN " Any #erson authori$ed %y
the Mana&in& 'ire(tor, Andhra )radesh e*era&es Cor#oration
+imited hereinafter (a,,ed the -FIRST )ART. on ONE )ART"
Shri//////////////////////////////////////////, son of
Shri///////////////////////////////////////, resident of
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// in the
Manda, of the /////////////////////////////// 'istri(t //////////////////////,
hereinafter (a,,ed the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
the SECON' )ART"
Shri/////////////////////////////////////// son of Shri
///////////////////////////////////////////, resident of
//////////// in the Manda, of the ////////////////////// 'istri(t
////////////////////////////, hereinafter (a,,ed the -Surety., on the THIR'
Shri/////////////////////////////////////// son of Shri
///////////////////////////////////////////, resident of
//////////// in the Manda, of the ////////////////////// 'istri(t
////////////////////////////, hereinafter (a,,ed the -Surety., on the THIR'
!HEREAS the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t
has %een se,e(ted %y the FIRST )ART *ide its o3er of (ontra(t
a##ointment No4 dated for his en&a&ement on (ontra(t with a
*iew to uti,i$e his ser*i(e with the FIRST )ART for a 56ed #eriod of
0___1 months i4e4, u#to 0____________1 whi(h o3er has %een
une7ui*o(a,,y a((e#ted %y the 0Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho#
Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t1 AN' !HEREAS as #er the Main Terms
and Conditions of the said o3er of a##ointment, the Sho# Su#er*isor
0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t1 is re7uired to ser*e the Em#,oyer for a #eriod of 0__1
Months from the date of :oinin& AN' !HEREAS as #er the Main
Terms and Conditions of the said o3er of a##ointment, the Sho#
Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t and his Surety
are re7uired to e6e(ute a Contra(t A&reement/(um/Surety ond on
non/:udi(ia, stam# #a#er in fa*our of the Em#,oyer, to ser*e the
Em#,oyer for a #eriod for 0___1 months from the date of :oinin& ,
fai,in& whi(h the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t and the Surety sha,, %e :oint,y and se*era,,y %ound unto the
Em#,oyer in the sum of Rs4;,<<,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees One ,a=h on,y1 >
Rs4?<,<<<2/0Ru#ees Fifty thousand on,y1 in terms of this ond@
AN' !HEREAS the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t a&rees that if he (ommits %rea(h of any of the (onditions of
this a&reement, the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t and the Surety sha,, %e :oint,y and se*era,,y ,ia%,e to #ay to
the em#,oyer on demand the said sum of Rs4;,<<,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees One
,a=h on,y1 > Rs4?<,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees Fifty thousand on,y14
;4 The FIRST )ART sha,, a##oint the (andidate as a Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1
2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t for a #eriod of 0__1months
94 The Em#,oyer (an terminate this a&reement at any time without any
noti(e and assi&nin& any reason therfor4
A4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t sha,,
not ,ea*e the Em#,oyer durin& the #eriod of ser*i(e with the FIRST
)ART for the sti#u,ated #eriod of 0___1 months e6(e#t for reasons of
(ontinued serious i,,/hea,th, in(a#a(itatin& him to wor=, #ro*ided that
su(h i,,/hea,th has not %een %rou&ht a%out %y his ne&,e(t,
(are,essness, desi&n or mis(ondu(t, a%out whi(h the de(ision of the
em#,oyer sha,, %e (on(,usi*e and %indin&4
B4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t sha,, %e
#aid a 56ed remuneration of Rs4C,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees Nine thousand on,y1
> Rs4D,D<<2/ 0Ru#ees Se*en thousand se*en hundred on,y14
?4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t and as
we,, as the Surety sha,, =ee# the A)C+ indemni5ed, a&ainst ea(h
and e*ery ,oss, dama&e,
in:ury and or ,ia%i,ity et(4 (aused to or a&ainst the Em#,oyer due to
any %rea(h, a(t omission, ne&,i&en(e, defau,t, fai,ure of resum#tion
of duties2of the terms of his em#,oyment or he fai,s to (om#,ete the
(ontra(t and2or fai,s to ser*e the em#,oyer for the sti#u,ated #eriod
of ? months from the date of :oinin& the A)C+ or %rea(h2non
(om#,ian(e of any of the terms of this a&reement in any manner
whatsoe*er and he sha,, %e ,ia%,e to #ay on demand an amount of
Rs4;,<<,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees One ,a=h on,y1 > Rs4?<,<<<2/ 0Ru#ees Fifty
thousand on,y1 as 7uanti5ed dama&es4
In the e*ent of any defau,t on the #art of the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2
Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t as stated herein a%o*e, the
Em#,oyer sha,, %e entit,ed to re(o*er the said amount from the Sho#
Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t Em#,oyee and2or
the Surety :oint,y or se*era,,y %y institutin& a ,e&a, suit for re(o*ery
under the s#e(ia, #ro*isions of Order AD of the Ci*i, )ro(edure Code4
)ro*ided a,ways and it is here%y de(,ared that the de(ision of the
FIRST )ART as to whether the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen
0SSM1 on Contra(t SECON' )ART has or has not #erformed and
o%ser*ed any of the o%,i&ations, terms and (onditions herein %efore
indi(ated sha,, %e 5na, and %indin& on the #arties hereto4 )ro*ided
further that any for%earan(e on the #art of the FIRST )ART or its
su((essors, administrators and2or e6e(utors or any of them towards
the Em#,oyee in res#e(t of his fai,ure, ne&,e(t, defau,t, et(4
res#onsi%i,ities or his 7uittin& ser*i(e or %rea(h of any of the terms of
em#,oyment or those of this a&reement sha,, not in any way re,ease
or e6onerate the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t or SECON' )ART or his heirs, e6e(utors, or administrators in
res#e(t of his ,ia%i,ities in terms of this %ond2 a&reement4
E4 The Em#,oyer (an transfer2assi&n to the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho#
Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t SECON' )ART any wor= in any of its own
D4 The Surety here%y underta=es and a((e#ts that his ,ia%i,ity is
(oe6tensi*e with that of Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1
on Contra(t, that he sha,, %e :oint,y and se*era,,y ,ia%,e with the Sho#
Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t1 for #ayment of
a,, amounts that may %e(ome due and #aya%,e under
this a&reement, that, he is aware and a((e#ts the s#e(ia, nature and
(hara(ter of the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t as we,, as the manner of (om#utation of
dama&es2(om#ensation@ that the FIRST )ART sha,, %e at ,i%erty to
enfor(e this &uarantee2Surety furnished %y him without ne(essari,y
see=in& to enfor(e the same a&ainst the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho#
Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t1 in the 5rst instan(e@ that the FIRST
)ART sha,, %e entit,ed to #ro(eed either a&ainst the Sho# Su#er*isor
0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t or Surety or %oth for
re(o*ery of any amounts due under this a&reement4 Any demand
made on the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Contra(t under this a&reement sha,, %e deemed to %e suF(ient
noti(e of su(h demand to the Surety a,so@ and that the Surety
&uarantees the satisfa(tory #erforman(e of ea(h of the (,auses,
terms, o%,i&ations and (onditions of this a&reement4
G4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t a&rees
that he wou,d (ondu(t and %eha*e himse,f honest,y and o%edient,y
towards his su#eriors and mana&ement of the FIRST )ART and wi,,
de*ote his who,e time to the duties assi&ned to him %y the FIRST
)ART and wi,, not en&a&e dire(t,y or indire(t,y in any trade, %usiness
or o((u#ation ti,, the end of the #eriod for whi(h he is %ound to ser*e
C4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t sha,,
o%ser*e se(re(y and2in no way di*u,&e or dis(,ose to any #erson or
#ersons what/so/e*er, the se(rets entrusted to him or (omin& to his
=now,ed&e in the (ourse of his trainin& and ser*i(e with the FIRST
)ART either in re,ation to its wor=, %usiness or its (ustomers4
;<4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t sha,,
not (ommit or (ause to %e (ommitted any waste, dama&e or other
in:ury to the #ro#erty and 2 or &oods of the Em#,oyer not sha,, he
,end any su(h #ro#erty or &oods to any #ersons without the
#ermission of the mana&ement of the FIRST )ART4
;;4 The Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t sha,, on
the termination of his ser*i(e %y the Em#,oyer or on his ,ea*in& the
said ser*i(e,
whene*er it may ha##en, sha,, a((ount for, #ay and #ea(efu,,y
de,i*er to the FIRST )ARAT a,, the sto(=s in trade, %oo=s of a((ounts,
do(uments, #a#ers and e3e(ts that are in his #ossession and (ustody
and %e,on&in& or re,atin& to the FIRST )ART4
;94 For matters not #ro*ided for in this Ser*i(e A&reement/(um/Surety
ond, the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t
sha,, %e &o*erned %y the o3er a##ointment and Ru,es and
Re&u,ations of the FIRST )ART in for(e from time to time4
;A4 In (ase the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t
does not (om#,y with the terms and (onditions (ontained in the o3er
of a##ointment or the Ru,es and Re&u,ations of the FIRST )ART or the
(o*enants (ontained in this %ond, the Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho#
Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on Contra(t and his Surety underta=e that they sha,,
:oint,y and se*era,,y #ay to the FIRST )ART on demand without any
demur the amount demanded %y the FIRST )ART towards the
e6#enses in(urred
;B4 The :urisdi(tion for a,, the ,e&a, matters with re&ard to Ser*i(e
A&reement/(um/Surety ond sha,, %e the a##ro#riate (ourt at
IN !ITNESS !HEREOF the #arties hereto ha*e si&ned these #resents
on this ________day of __________ month of ________ year in the
#resen(e of the fo,,owin& witnesses"
;4 !itness
Si&nature" ____________________________
Name" _______________________________
O((u#ation" __________________________
Address" _____________________________
0Si&nature of Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on

Name" ______________________________
Address" _____________________________
94 !itness
Si&nature" ____________________________
Name" _______________________________
O((u#ation" __________________________
Address" _____________________________
0Si&nature of Surety1
Name" _______________________________
O((u#ation" __________________________
Address" _____________________________
)AN No" _________________
0Attestation of si&natures of Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen
0SSM1 on Contra(t1 and surety %y a Ga$etted oF(er or Notary )u%,i(1
0Si&nature of Sho# Su#er*isor 0SS1 2 Sho# Sa,esmen 0SSM1 on
Si&nature > Sea,
0Si&nature of Surety1
Si&nature > Sea,
0For oF(e use on,y1
;4!itness 0Em#,oyerIs1
Si&nature" ____________________________

Name" _______________________________
'esi&nation" __________________________
Address" _____________________________
94 !itness 0Em#,oyerIs1
Si&nature" ____________________________
Name" _______________________________
'esi&nation" __________________________
Address" _____________________________
A((e#ted __________________
Si&nature of any #erson
Authori$ed %y Mana&in& 'ire(tor of A)C+
Name" _______________________________
Address" _____________________________

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