First Certificate Mistakes

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When she starts her new job shell get a o!"an# ar$
I% #o& !'ss the tra'n #o&ll ha(e to ta)e a ta*'$
I% an+ when an l'n) two "arts o% a sentene$
We o%ten &se the "resent s'!"le +'retl# a%ter these wor+s, e(en tho&gh we are tal)'ng
abo&t the %&t&re-
When I ret're, Ill tra(el ro&n+ the worl+$
The sa!e th'ng ha""ens when we &se be%ore, a%ter, &nt'l, b# the t'!e an+ as son as-
Ill "hone #o& as soon as I arr'(e$
.# the t'!e we get ho!e, 't w'll be +ar)$
We an &se w'll a%ter when '% we &se when as a /&est'on wor+-
When w'll I see #o& aga'n?
Ill be s&r"r'se+ '% she "asses her e*a!s0
Co!"lete the sentenes below &s'ng the orret %or! o% the (erbs$
1$ I% #o& treat her so &n%a'rl# shell wal) o&t o% the job$
1$ Co&l+ #o& "hone !e when you have the res&lts o% the test?
2$ .# the t'!e the# arrive the !ath w'll be o(er$
3$ I% 4ath# gets 'n to&h ne*t wee), Ill let #o& )now$
5$ 6ets go o&t %or a +r'n) a%ter we finish these ao&nts$
7$ I +ont l')e &ne*"ete+ ('s'tors, so I ho"e she r'ngs be%ore she arrives0
8$ 9o& ant +r'(e a ar 'n Englan+ &nt'l #o& are se(enteen$
:$ Youll have to reta)e the e*a! '% #o& fail 't$
Sara wont be able to o!e< shes go'ng s)''ng ne*t wee)en+$
Can #o& tell !e what t'!e the ne*t tra'n lea(es?
Se(eral +'%%erent %&t&re %or!s are "oss'ble, b&t 'n general we !ost o!!onl# &se the
"resent ont'n&o&s to tal) abo&t an arrange!ent-
I! ta)'ng !# e*a! to!orrow0
We &se w'll %or 'nstant reat'ons, "re+'t'ons an+ "ro!'ses-
Thats the +oorbell0 Ill get 't0
Ill "robabl# sta# 'n to!orrow n'ght$ =I(e got no arrange+ "lans>
I! "la#'ng s/&ash to!orrow n'ght$ =I(e alrea+# arrange+ 't>
We &se the "resent s'!"le %or %&t&re t'!etable+ e(ents-
The "lane lea(es at : a!$ =t'!etable+ e(ent>
I! lea('ng the ho&se at 5-2? a!$ ="ersonal arrange!ent>
Ton'ght were having a s&r"r'se "art# %or @e!!as b'rth+a#0
Co!"lete the sentenes below &s'ng the orret %or! o% the (erbs$
1$ The on%erene starts at A a!$, so well ha(e to set o%% earl#$
1$ Its (er# gloo!# weather< I th'n) Ill stay 'n+oors to+a#$
2$ The onl# +'ret %l'ght leaves at 5 a!$, wh'h !eans an earl# start$
3$ Sorr#, I! late$ I "ro!'se 't wont happen aga'n0
5$ Ha(e #o& hear+ %ro! 6&a reentl#? Hes getting married ne*t !onth$
7$ @wen an+ To! are going to Ba&r't'&s %or the'r hone#!oon$
8$ Theres no h&rr#, the %'l! doesnt start &nt'l A "!$
:$ I nor!all# lea(e wor) earl# on Fr'+a#, b&t th's Fr'+a# Im working late$
Can #o& tell !e where the ban) 's?
He as)e+ !e what D)'tshE !eans$
When we &se a "hrase l')e +o #o& )now, an #o& tell !e, et$ 'n %ront o% a /&est'on, the
wor+ or+er 's 'n(erte+-
What +oes Den'g!at'E !ean? ;o #o& )now what Den'g!at'E !eans?
Wheres the e*a! hall? Can #o& tell !e where the e*a! hall 's?
When we re"ort a /&est'on to so!eone else the sa!e hange 'n wor+ or+er ha""ens-
Whats the t'!e? He as)e+ !e what the t'!e was$
;ont %orget that 'n re"orte+ s"eeh the (erb goes ba) a tense$
He as)e+ !e what !# %a(o&r'te ban+ was$
1$ Co&l+ #o& tell !e what t'!e the ne*t tra'n 's?
1$ I +ont )now where the 'ne!a 's$
2$ Co&l+ #o& tell !e '% #o& are o!'ng ho!e late ton'ght?
3$ The# won+ere+ whether the %'l! ha+ starte+$
5$ Ha(e #o& an# '+ea how I get to O*%or+ Street$
7$ She as)e+ !e '% I )new Ellen$
8$ I as)e+ her what she wante+ %or her b'rth+a#$
:$ He wante+ to )now when her b'rth+a# was$
1$ When I go on hol'+a#, Ill sen+ #o& a "ostar+$
1$ She as)e+ !e where she could learn Arab'$
2$ I% #o& get th's new job, w'll #o& get a "a# r'se?
3$ When does the course finish?
5$ Im going to O*%or+ ne*t wee)$
7$ The "lane arrives at 8 "!$ so we sho&l+ !a)e the onnet'on$
8$ R'ng !e as soon as you get here$
:$ Ann'e is coming o(er th's wee)en+$
Bon'a- Wo&l+ #o& l')e to o!e %or l&nh on Th&rs+a#?
En!a- Sorr#, I ant$ Im playing tenn's$
Bon'a- What abo&t +'nner on Th&rs+a# e(en'ng?
En!a- Im going to a onert$
Bon'a- When is #o&r job 'nter('ew?
En!a- It is on Fr'+a# a%ternoon$
Bon'a- R'ng !e as soon as 't finishes$ What are you doing a%terwar+s?
En!a- I +ont )now #et$ I th'n) Ill go stra'ght ho!e$
Bon'a- Im meeting F&l'an at se(en olo) Gwh# +ont #o& o!e along an+ jo'n
Fa!'e- What are you doing ne*t wee)en+?
En!a- Ill go to Na"les$
Fa!'e- What t'!e are you leaving?
En!a- Her# earl#$ The "lane leaves at 8 a!$
Fa!'e- Are you going to the a'r"ort b# tra'n?
En!a- I ha(ent tho&ght abo&t that #et$ I th'n) Ill take a ta*'$
En!a r'ngs the tra(el agent to as) so!e /&est'ons$ Co!"lete her /&est'ons-
1$ Co&l+ #o& tell !e how !an# n'ghts 't 's?
1$ ;o #o& )won '% the tr'"s are 'nl&+e+ 'n the "r'e?
2$ Ha(e #o& an# '+ea '% all the roo!s ha(e showers?
3$ ;o #o& ha(e an# '+ea how %ar 't 's %ro! the stat'on?
5$ Can #o& tell !e '% we an ('s't Po!"e''?
En!a 's ba) %ro! hol'+a#$ Co!"lete the /&est'ons$
1$ Is #o&r Ital'an better now? As)e+ Peter$
a$ Peter as)e+ En!a '% her Ital'an was better now$
1$ What 's Ca"r' l')e? As)e+ Ban'a!$
a$ Bar'a! as)e+ En!a what Ca"r' was l')e$
2$ ;o #o& ha(e a s&ntan? As)e+ Anne$
a$ Anne as)e+ En!a '% she ha+ a s&ntan$
3$ What +o #o& th'n) o% Ital'an %oo+? As)e+ @lenn$
a$ @lenn as)e+ Anne what she tho&ght o% Ital'an %oo+$
5$ ;o #o& want to ('s't Ital# aga'n? As)e+ F&l'a$
a$ F&l'a won+ere+ '% En!a wante+ to ('s't Ital# aga'n$
Are these sentenes r'ght or wrong? Corret those wh'h are wrong$
1$ When w'll #o& get ba) %ro! Ital#? Corret$
1$ I! not s&re where the e*h'b't'on 's$
2$ The# as)e+ !e '% !a# s'ster st'll l'(e+ 'n New 9or)$ Corret$
3$ Ill ha(e a shower as soon as I get ho!e$
5$ He won+ere+ what I +'+ 'n !# s"are t'!e$
7$ E*&se !e0 Co&l+ #o& tell !e where the town hall 's?
8$ She as)e+ !e wh# I was so late$
:$ As soon as #o& o!e well ha(e l&nh$
I ha+ a terr'ble hea+ahe all +a# #ester+a#$
I ho"e #o& ha(e got %&n on the sa'l'ng o&rse ne*t wee)$
We an &se e'ther ha(e or ha(e got to tal) abo&t own'ng or "ossess'ng so!eth'ng, or to
+esr'be "ersonal harater'st's-
Shes got a ba+ te!"er$ I She has a ba+ te!"er$
We ha(e a new ar$ I We(e got a new ar$
We &se ha(e, not ha(e got, to tal) abo&t at'ons or e*"er'enes 'n e*"ress'ons s&h as
ha(e l&nh, ha(e a bath, ha(e +'%%'&lt#, ha(e %&n, ha(e an a'+ent, ha(e a hol'+a#, et$
We +ont &s&all# &se ha(e got 'n the "ast or the %&t&re$
I &s&all# ha(e %&n when I see Bar&s$
I ha+ a "et rabb't when I was #o&ng$
I o%ten ha(e +'%%'&lt# w'th "hrasal (erbs$
Co!"lete the sentenes w'th the orret %or! o% ha(e or ha(e got$
1$ Did you have a goo+ hol'+a# last wee)?
1$ What t'!e does she usually have l&nh?
2$ Bah!o&+ has got h's own b&s'ness 'n 6on+on, b&t hes har+l# e(er there$
3$ Ill ha(e to +o so!e o(ert'!e$ I havent got an# !one# at the !o!ent$
5$ He ant wal) (er# well at the !o!ent, he had an a'+ent last wee)$
7$ B# s'ster had (er# long ha'r when she was #o&ng$
8$ Her new bo#%r'en+ hasnt got a (er# goo+ sense o% h&!o&r$ He ne(er gets a
:$ The ree"t'on on th's l'nes not (er# goo+, what are #o& +o'ng?
Im having a bath0$
That wr'ter won a "r'Je last #ear %or h's new no(el$
Reg'nas been a seretar# s'ne 1AAA, e(en tho&gh she %'n+s 't (er# +&ll$
We &se the "resent "er%et-
To tal) abo&t e(ents that are rele(ant now or ha""ene+ reentl#-
o Wheres !# !ob'le? Its +'sa""eare+0
To re%er to so!eth'ng that ha""ene+ at so!e t'!e 'n o&r l'(es, when the t'!e 's
not '!"ortant an+ not state+-
o I(e !et one o% So&th A!er'as !ost %a!o&s wr'ters$
To tal) abo&t so!eth'ng that starte+ 'n the "ast an+ ont'n&es now =o%ten w'th
%or or s'ne to show how long>-
o I(e wor)e+ 'n 6on+on %or %'(e #ears$ =I wor) there now>
o I(e l'(e+ 'n that %lat s'ne 1AA:$ =I l'(e there now>
o =Not I l'(e 'n that %lat s'ne 1AA:$>
We &se the "ast s'!"le to tal) abo&t e(ents 'n the "ast or '% we re%er to a %'n'she+ t'!e-
I wor)e+ 'n 6on+on %or %'(e #ears b&t now I wor) 'n S#+ne#$
Ha(e #o& e(er been to Prag&e?
9es I went there when I was a st&+ent$
1$ Its o&r ann'(ersar#$ We ha(e been !arr'e+ %or ten #ears$
1$ Th's 's the %o&rth t'!e I(e alle+ b&t theres st'll no re"l#$
2$ Theres no !'l) le%t- so!eones +r&n) 't all$
3$ I wor)e+ as a translator when I l'(e+ 'n S"a'n$
5$ Where 's Fohn? I ha(ent seen h'! %or ages$
7$ I(e ne(er eaten Fa"anese %oo+ be%ore, so I+ be &r'o&s to tr# 't$
8$ How !an# t'!es +'+ #o& t&rn &" late %or wor) last !onth?
:$ How !an# "la#s +'+ Sha)es"eare wr'te?
Sarah loo)e+ +'%%erent bea&se she ha+ lost we'ght$
I+ wor)e+ %or %'(e #ears b# the t'!e I+ starte+ ollege last #ear$
We &se the "ast "er%et when we tal) abo&t the "ast an+ we want to re%er to so!eth'ng
that ha""ene+ be%ore th's-
.# the t'!e the %'re br'ga+e arr'(e+, the b&'l+'ng ha+ b&rnt +own$
The +og ran +own the street$ It ha+ j&!"e+ o&t o% the ar$
Not'e how we o%ten &se the "ast "er%et an+ the "ast s'!"le together$
We o%ten &se the "ast "er%et a%ter a re"ort'ng (erb 'n the "ast-
;a('+ as)e+ !e '% Sarah ha+ lost we'ght$
We o%ten &se the "ast "er%et when we tal) abo&t "ast e(ents o&t o% se/&ene$ To tal)
abo&t e(ents 'n the sa!e or+er as the# ha""ene+, we &se the "ast s'!"le-
The +og j&!"e+ o&t o% the ar$ It ran +own the street$ =a%ter j&!"'ng o&t o% the
Two #ears ago I went to @reee$ I sa'le+ aro&n+ the 'slan+s$
1$ She as)e+ !e '% I had seen her at$
1$ When Pa&l starte+ &n'(ers't# he had never lived awa# %ro! ho!e be%ore$
2$ Theres no "o'nt 'n go'ng now0 Weve missed the start o% the %'l!$
3$ We arr'(e+ at the "art# at !'+n'ght, b&t !ost "eo"le had left b# then$
5$ I was hel+ &" at wor), so b# the t'!e I arrived, the# had stopped ser('ng hot
7$ T#"'al0 F&st as I got 'nto the bath the tele"hone rang0
8$ When she got ho!e she realised she had forgotten her )e#s$
:$ Wh# +'+nt #o& tell !e #o& had changed #o&r tele"hone n&!ber?
1$ Ta)e so!e ('ta!'n tablets0 Thats the seon+ t'!e #o&(e o!e +own w'th a
ol+ this month$
1$ Whats @eorge been &" to? I ha(ent hear+ %ro! h'! s'ne last week$
2$ Fohn an+ Isobel %ell o&t tw'e last month$
3$ We l'(e+ 'n Istanb&l three years ago$
5$ Shes reall# "ester'ng h'!0 Thats the th'r+ t'!e shes alle+ h'! so far today$
Wr'te the 'nter('ewers /&est'ons-
1$ Wh'h shool +'+ #o& go to?
1$ Ha(e #o& got a +r'('ng l'ene?
2$ How long ha(e #o& been a /&al'%'e+ sol''tor?
3$ Ha(e #o& e(er wor)e+ 'n !e+'a law be%ore?
5$ How long ha(e #o& wor)e+ at C't# K Co$?
7$ Ha+ #o& e(er been to Ch'na be%ore 1AA3?
8$ What +'+ #o& st&+# at &n'(ers't#?
:$ How long was #o&r +egree o&rse?
F'll 'n the ga"s &s'ng the a""ro"r'ate tense$
A s&r"r'se too %ar
When I le%t ollege 'n ;&bl'n 'n 1A:?, I went to Ba+r'+ to wor) %or a large
!an&%at&r'ng o!"an#$ I ha+ ne(er wor)e+ abroa+ be%ore an+ I +'+nt )now an#one 'n
Ba+r'+, so I %o&n+ 't a b't lonel# at %'rst$
One wee)en+ I +e'+e+ to get a Dlast !'n&teE %l'ght to ;&bl'n %or a s&r"r'se ('s't to !#
bo#%r'en+$ When I arr'(e+ at ;&bl'n a'r"ort I "hone+ h'! b&t he wasnt at ho!e$ H's
%lat!ate tol+ !e that he ha+ gone awa# %or the whole wee)en+$ I %elt so +'sa""o'nte+$ I
ha+nt tol+ h'! that I was o!'ng bea&se I wante+ 't to be a s&r"r'se$
I sta#e+ the wee)en+ then went ba) to Ba+r'+ on Bon+a# !orn'ng$ When I got to !#
%lat I %o&n+ a note &n+er the +oor$ It was %ro! !# bo#%r'en+$ He ha+ o!e to Ba+r'+ at
the wee)en+ to ('s't !e as a s&r"r'se0 .# the t'!e I got the note he ha+ %lown ba) to
1$ O% o&rse I ant go o&t0 Ive broken !# leg$
1$ ;es"'te the ba+ re('ews, I th'n) 'ts the best show Ive ever seen$
2$ 4atr' waited o&ts'+e %or two ho&rs &nt'l her bo#%r'en+ arr'(e+$
3$ In #o&r a+(ert'se!ent, #o& stated that all the roo!s ha(e showers$
5$ Two #ears ago !# s'ster an+ I went o% a "a)age hol'+a# to S"a'n$
7$ The o&rse started two #ears ago, so #o& sho&l+ be able to ath &" eas'l#$
8$ Hes an ol+ %r'en+$ Ive known h'! %or ages$
:$ 9ester+a# !orn'ng I went to enrol on a o!"&t'ng o&rse$
I ha(e to go to an 'nter('ew to!orrow$
F'ona %rat&re+ her wr'st an+ ha+ to go to hos"'tal last wee)$
We &se ha(e to L !&st M 'n%'n't'(e so sa# 't 's neessar# to +o so!eth'ng-
I !&st go to the ha'r+resser$
I ha(e to go to to shool$
B&st 's onl# &se+ 'n the "resent$ We &se %or!s o% ha(e to %or all other tenses-
The last tra'n was at !'+n'ght, so he ha+ to lea(e earl#$
We(e !'sse+ the b&s so well ha(e to wal)$
We o%ten &se ha(e to %or r&les or th'ngs that other "eo"le th'n) are neessar#-
I ha(e to lose we'ght$ =The +otor tol+ !e to>
We o%ten &se !&st when the sense o% obl'gat'on o!es %ro! the s"ea)er-
I !&st go to the +otor$ =I +ont %eel well>$
I !&st +o !ore e*er'se$
Co!"lete the sentenes w'th the orret %or! o% !&st or ha(e to$ Use one wor+ onl#$
1$ I% #o& want to go awa# ne*t !onth, #o&ll have to start sa('ng !one#$
1$ I! e*ha&ste+0 I had to wor) e(er# wee)en+ last !onth$
2$ I ha(ent seen #o& %or ages0 We must !eet &" soon$
3$ I ant stan+ having to wa't 'n long /&e&es at the ban)$
5$ F're reg&lat'ons sa# #o& must lea(e the b&'l+'ng '!!e+'atel# '% #o& hear the %'re
7$ We have to b&# the t')et be%ore we get on the tra'n$
8$ Shes had to &t +own on her e*"enses s'ne she lost her job last !onth$
:$ We +ont have a s"are roo!, so #o&ll ha(e to share th's one$
The "er%or!ane starts at : "!$ so we !&stnt be late$
9o& !&stnt tell an#one bea&se 'ts a seret$
B&stnt 's &se+ to sa# that so!eth'ng 's not allowe+-
9o& !&snt s!o)e 'n here$ =Its not allowe+>
We !&snt sho&t$ =The bab# 's aslee", well wa)e her &">
;ont ha(e to 's &se+ to sa# that 's not neessar# to +o so!eth'ng-
I! on hol'+a#0 I +ont ha(e to wor) %or two wee)s$
We +ont ha(e to wh's"er$ =Theres no one else here>$
Its S&n+a#$ I +ont ha(e to get &"$
1$ We +ont ha(e to "a# to get 'n$ Its %ree$
1$ .e /&'et0 9o& !&stnt tal) 'n the l'brar#$
2$ We !&stnt %orget o&r t')ets %or the tra'n, or well ha(e to "a# a %'ne$
3$ 9o& +ont ha(e to wear a &n'%or!$ 9o& an wear whate(er #o& l')e$
5$ Tell Ah!e+ he !&stnt arg&e w'th h's boss aga'n, or hell get the sa)$
7$ 9o& +ont ha(e to t'+# #o&r roo!$ I t'+'e+ 't th's !orn'ng$
8$ I +ont ha(e to lea(e earl#$ I% I !'ss !# b&s I an wal) ho!e$
:$ We !&stnt be late$ The# lo) the +oors a%ter !'+n'ght$
E(ent&all# I was able to !a)e her hange her !'n+$
I! worr'e+ that '% I lose !# job, I wont be able to %'n+ another one$
To sa# so!eone has the ab'l't# or "oss'b'l't# to +o so!eth'ng 'n general, we &s&all# &se
an =%or the "resent> or o&l+ =%or the "ast>-
I o&l+ r&n 1? !'les a +a# when I was #o&ng$
We an &se be able to %or all tenses-
I w'll be able to r&n 1? !'les a +a# '% I "rat'e eno&gh$
To re%er to a "art'&lar "ast s't&at'on, we &ses was L were able to$ We +ont &se o&l+
=b&t o&l+nt 's "oss'ble>-
E(en tho&gh the resta&rant was row+e+ we were able to %'n+ a table$
We werent able to L o&l+nt %'n+ a table bea&se the resta&rant was too
We &se an or o&l+ to as) %or "er!'ss'on to +o so!eth'ng, b&t not be able to-
Can I as) #o& a /&') /&est'on?
Co&l+ I borrow #o&r s&ntan o'l, "lease?
1$ ;o #o& th'n) I o&l+ ha(e a /&') loo) at #o&r news"a"er?
1$ She o&l+nt %'n+ the s&'t #o& wante+$
2$ When we went to Par's last !onth were able to ('s't o&r !other$
3$ B# brother hasnt been able to %'n+ a job s'ne last Ba#$
5$ Can L o&l+ I lose the w'n+ow?
7$ I% #o& go to the sales ne*t wee) #o& w'll "robabl# be able to "') &" a barga'n$
8$ I o&l+ "la# the "'ano when I was a h'l+$
:$ Unless #o& sa(e so!e !one#, #o& wont be able to a%%or+ the latest o!"&ter$
Bath the sentenes-
1$ 9o& ha(e to lea(e$ 9o& !&stnt sta#$
1$ 9o& +ont ha(e to sta#$ 9o& an lea(e$
2$ 9o& !&st sta#$ 9o& ant lea(e$
3$ B&st #o& sta#? ;o #o& ha(e to sta#?
5$ 9o& an sta#$ 9o& +ont ha(e to lea(e$
7$ ;o #o& ha(e to lea(e? Can #o& sta#?
Co!"lete the %ollow'ng sentenes-
1$ B# s'ster o&l+ (er# well when she was #o&ng$
1$ B# boss wasnt able to get there on t'!e so we ha+ to start w'tho&t her$
2$ 9o& !&stnt %orget to lo) the +oor, or well get b&rgle+$
3$ B# o&s'n 's so well o%% that he +oesnt ha(e to$

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