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Jamie Smart Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked

Jamie Smart Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked

And then it finally dawned on me: Hearing Hypnosis In Action Is he !ey o Unlocking Its
After an e$tended testing process and %ser feed&ack' we()e come %p with a prod%ct that will
allow yo% to ac*%ire hypnosis skills rapidly and sa)e money +,-.
How m%ch wo%ld yo% like to:
/e a far more effecti)e p%&lic0speaker' leading to impro)ed career prospects1
/e a &etter con)ersationalist and storyteller' impro)ing yo%r social standing1
/e a &etter comm%nicator' with happier relationships with family and friends1
/e a more effecti)e 2change0worker(' helping yo%r clients and yo%rself e)en more1
/e far more infl%ential' leading to more s%ccess in e)ery area of yo%r life1
3aster the magic of hypnotic lang%age' as easily as listening to a C4.
5or years now' people attending Salad +6" "ractitioner rainings ha)e &een learning hypnosis
and infl%ence skills &y playing card games %sing o%r Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards 7o%r flagship
prod%ct for accelerating yo%r lang%age skills81
"eople learn a )ariety of ways and e$perience shows that yo% can learn the powerf%l hypnosis
lang%age patterns )ery *%ickly &y playing games %sing o%r Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards1
At Salad' we(re always looking for ways to impro)e o%r prod%cts so that yo% can master +6"
lang%age patterns faster1
o help yo% tap into more power and %nderstanding from the Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards we
present to yo% o%r hot new prod%ct release: Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked A%dio
he reason we(re so e$cited a&o%t this new prod%ct is &eca%se o%r own research and prod%ct
testing confirmed something yo% pro&a&ly already know: he more sensory channels yo% engage
in the learning process the faster yo% learn the material1
his is why intellect%al learning alone is often not eno%gh to learn something thoro%ghly' < why
learning hypnosis lang%age &y playing card has &een so effecti)e and why Ericksonian Hypnosis
Cards Unpacked a%dio programme will accelerate yo%r learning still f%rther1
-ho this is for
If yo% already own a deck of Hypnosis Cards' &%t only get them o%t once in a while' < ha)en(t
had the time to really wire in the patterns1
If yo% are already e$periencing the &enefits of Salad Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards then this
Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked allows yo% to accelerate yo%r learning1
If yo% are new to +6" and hypnosis then the Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked A%dio
programme is pro&a&ly the fastest way to learn hypnotic lang%age patterns yo% can &%y today1
Hear Hypnosis 6ang%age "atterns in Action
In the early stages of my learning of hypnosis I disco)ered that' yo% ha)e to hear hypnosis in
action to f%lly comprehend its power#1
In the Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked A%dio programme yo% won(t =%st listen to me
o%tline >? powerf%l Hypnotic 6ang%age "atterns yo%(ll also hear me demonstrate how to say
them for ma$im%m effect1
-hen ;ichard /andler and John @rinder modelled the world(s greatest hypnotherapist' 3ilton
Erickson' they noticed that he wo%ld wea)e many layers of meaning into seemingly normal
con)ersations1 his m%lti0layered style of comm%nication wo%ld &ypass conscio%s mind
resistance and go straight into the %nconscio%s mind the mind that dri)es a person(s emotions
and &eha)io%rs1
7:o%(ll &e a&le to hear me doing this in the introd%ction to the programme &y the time yo%()e
listened to the ?0min%te intro a few times' yo%(ll notice that yo%(re &eginning to hear commands'
s%ggestions < layers of meaning that yo% missed the first time.8
Here are =%st some of the amaAing a&ilities yo%(ll learn when yo% listen to this a%dio programme:
3aster the Secret 6ang%age# that is always going on %nder the s%rface of reg%lar
comm%nication1 -hen yo% learn what is really going on when yo%(re comm%nicating with others
it will transform the way yo% approach talking to others1
6earn to direct a person(s mental processes in a way that is the secret to infl%ence and
Create 2s%&liminal messages( in an ordinary con)ersation' elegantly and effortlessly1 I call these
hypnotic depth charges' and yo% ha)e to hear how they are phrased to really grasp their power1
Create a powerf%l connection with a person &y talking to them in a way that seems like yo% now
their inner world completely1 Cold reading is a skill %sed &y 4erren /rown and others to create
the effect of knowing someone at a deep le)el1 I(ll show yo% some patterns that will help yo%
achie)e this same degree of rapport with a person1
/ecome a &etter storyteller1 Capt%re people(s imaginations and tell stories that are powerf%l1
6earn to tell great stories and &ecome a more interesting con)ersationalist1
Increase yo%r co)ert infl%ence skills1 /y employing these patterns in yo%r con)ersations yo% can
get more of what yo% want from yo%r interactions with others1
Create instant rapport with others1 Erickson was a master at con)eying an %nderstanding of the
person he wo%ld talk to1 -e()e modelled his patterns so yo% can achie)e similar res%lts1
6earn to %se yo%r most powerf%l hypnotic tool yo%r )oice1 A lot of the power of hypnosis lies
in how yo% say words1 I(ll not only gi)e yo% powerf%l patterns I(ll demonstrate how to say them
to achie)e o%tstanding res%lts1
"%t people into trance. Hypnosis is the lang%age of trance1 I(ll show yo% the patterns that "a%l
3c!enna and other top hypnotists %se to ind%ce trance in other people1
%rn an ordinary con)ersation into one with impact1
Use the 2mind tricks( people %se in their own head to win their agreement1 %ne into how people
%se these patterns in their own heads1
/ecome a powerf%l 2changeworker(1 3ilton Erickson was often called a miracle worker &eca%se
of how he co%ld g%ide people to change their li)es and rid them of their pro&lems1 hese patterns
are one of the keys to his powerf%l approach to change1
-hat yo%(ll learn
,ne of the ways Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked will help yo% learn to %se the lang%age
of hypnosis faster is &y gro%ping the >? patterns into B? highly f%nctional categories:
B1 "atterns for opening %p m%ltiple comm%nication channels with a person so that while yo%(re
talking to them on a conscio%s le)el yo% sim%ltaneo%sly sending messages and commands to
their %nconscio%s mind1
?1 4efensi)eness0&%sters hree patterns that will package yo%r messages in ways that ha)e
ma$im%m appeal to the person yo%(re talking to' witho%t triggering defensi)eness 7this is a key
to getting yo%r message heard.8
C1 Imagination0dri)ers In this section yo%(ll disco)er an essential key for sending a person(s
attention in a certain direction then yo%(ll get si$ patterns that will help yo% do it with power
and finesse1
D1 he magic of &eing artf%lly )ag%e# Hear yo%(ll learn BB specific patterns for directing the
process of a person(s thinking towards their 7or yo%r8 desired o%tcomes1
>1 3ind0reading Ha)e yo% e)er &een so in0t%ne with someone that it felt like they co%ld read
yo%r mindE :o%(ll learn two s%&tle lang%age techni*%es that demonstrate that yo% %nderstand a
person perfectly1
F1 frame0setters < 4irection0setters Use %nconscio%s mind logic# and the str%ct%re of &eliefs
to install ideas powerf%lly1 In this section yo%(ll find fi)e patterns that will create profo%nd
meanings that so%nd so logical that people won(t e)en *%estion them1
G1 he art of negation 6earn se)en patterns to make yo%r messages and commands irresisti&le1
@et people to rela$ while gently leading their minds in the direction yo% want them to go 7these
are great with polarity0responders people who want to do the opposite of what yo% s%ggest.8
H1 I 4on(t !nowI wo patterns to lead a person(s to direct someone(s awareness and
pres%ppose s%ggestions yo% want people to act on1
J1 K%otes A pattern that will help yo% tell a person anything yo% like and a)oid resistance and
BL1 ag K%estions 6isten to a co%ple of ways that will ena&le yo% to str%ct%re statements that
are really hard to disagree with1
BB1 "res%pposition 5o%r patterns that will install s%ggestions in a person(s mind &y getting
them to ass%me them from the o%tset1 Erickson was a master at this and I(ll walk yo% thro%gh
how to phrase these patterns to make them stick inside a person(s mind1
B?1 Stacking "atterns Hypnotic lang%age is a a com&ination of patterns and ideas to create a
s%&te$t1 I(ll g%ide yo% thro%gh eight pattern yo% can %se straight away to ind%ce magical effects
in a person(s conscio%sness1
If yo%()e e)er wondered a&o%t hypnosis' what it is and how yo% can %se it in yo%r e)eryday life
then the Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked a%dio programme will help yo% get started right
/%y now and take ad)antage of o%r introd%ctory &on%ses
-hen yo% &%y now yo%(ll get:
he f%ll st%dio recorded a%dio of Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked# 7a)aila&le as an 3"C
instant download or C481
Imagine &eing a&le to talk in ways that comm%nicates directly to a person(s %nconscio%s mind1
o know the power of hypnosis and how it can help yo% &ecome more pers%asi)e and infl%ential
yo% need to hear it works1 -hen yo% listen to Ericksonian Hypnosis Cards Unpacked yo% will
hear Jamie Smart demonstrate >? powerf%l hypnotic patterns and how to say them to pers%ade
and infl%ence people(s %nconscio%s mind the mind that dri)es their emotions and &eha)io%rs

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