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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Bukidnon
City of Malaybalay
Barangay 3
December 26, 2011
Manager-Ultra Marketing
Valencia City, Bukidnon
Dear Maam Linda,

#$e C$ri!tma! %ea!on in!till! a &oyou! celebration o' (armt$ and gi)ing to
commemorate t$e birt$ o' our %a)ior* +! ,art o' our tradition, t$e Pupil Eyewatch and
the Youth Orani!ation o" #aranay $ (ill be $a)ing it! C$ri!tma! -arty t$i! coming
December 2., 2011* /it$ t$i!, (e (ould like to !olicit any amount in kind to contribute
'or t$e ,arty* #$i! (ill be a big $el, 'or t$e c$ildren and and out-o'-!c$ool-yout$ in t$eir
celebration o' t$i! yuletide !ea!on*
/i!$ing you and your 'amily a 0a,,y C$ri!tma! and a ,ro!,erou! year a$ead*
%incerely 1our!,
Michael P. Daniot
-unong Barangay

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