Handout Expressing Blaming, Accusing, Promises, Admitting Mistakes

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1. Blaming Someone (Menyalahkan Seseorang)

Blaming is when someone said that person did a mistake that should be her/his responsibility, like
choosing wrong way. Blaming is an expression that is used to say on somebody the responsibility for something
done (badly or wrongly) or not done.
Expressing Blaming
How could you do such a thing?
Its your mistake/fault.
I think you are to blame.
I think you are the one who could have done it.
Are you out of your mind?
I cant believe that you did it.
I hope youre sorry.
I hope you are sorry for....
Serves you right.
What on earth were you thinking?

Example Dialogue of Blaming :
Ita : Hey, you. stop!
Vita : What is it?
Ita : You are to blame for steel my earphone.
Vita : Im not. I dont do that.
Ita : But everybody in class said you do that. You have to be responsible for this!
Vita : Prove it. I will change your earphone if you can prove it.
Ita : OK. I will.

2. Accusing Someone (Menuduh Seseorang)
Accusing Someone is expression when someone said that person did something wrong although she/he
doesnt know the truth, like stealing.

Expressing Accusing Responding
You must have talked about me behind my back. No, we didnt.
You dropped that porcelain glass last night,
didnt you?
No, it wasnt me.
You took my magazine, didnt you? Yes, I did. Sorry for not asking you first.
You had lost all of my data on the computer. Im really sorry. I didnt mean to.
No one else could do such a thing, but him. You are probably right.
You copied my artwork. No, I didnt.

Example dialog :
Dede looks angry when she doesnt find her mobile phone. She thinks Jupe has stolen it. Then, she comes to
Dede : Hey you! You stole my mobile phone.
Jupe : Huh! How dare you are. I wont do that suck things.
Dede : Yea, Ive seen you out of my room. It must be you stealing my mobile phone.
Jupe : I never do it. Why do you always suspect in me?
Dede : Yea. Because youre suck. You
Before Depe continues her words, Jupe hits her on the face. Depe suddenly gets faint.

Dialog (Coversation) 1
Lisa : Hey, you Kiki. Stop!
Kiki : What happened Lisa?
Lisa : Did you steal my money? Youre the one to blame!
Kiki : It wasnt me. I didnt do that.
Lisa : But everybody in my class said you do that. You have to be explain about this!
Kiki : Huh! How dare youre. I never do that suck things.
Lisa : Yeah, but my friends had seen you out of my classroom. It must be you stealing
my money.
Kiki : Prove it, how dare you just accuse and blame me without clear evidence. I will pay
your money if you can prove that suck things!
Lisa : Ok, I will prove that!
Kiki : I will wait for that!

Dialog (Conversation) 2
Dede : Kiki, stop right now?
Kiki : What?
Dede : Did you steal my handphone?
Kiki : No, I do not do that!
Dede : Seriously? But everybody in the class say that must be you! It was your fault Kiki!
Kiki : What? I never do that! Seriously! Youre such as a lier!! I hate you!
Dede : Huh! How could you run away from all this, and pretended not to know!
Kiki : You do not talk nonsense, prove it Dede!!
Dede : Huh! Sure I will.

3. Admitting Mistakes Expressions :

Admitting Mistakes Expressions Respond a Admit of Mistake
Im sorry. Its my fault.
Youre right. Im fully responsible for this matter.
I admit what Ive done is wrong.
I realize Ive made mistakes.
Yes, I take the blame.
Its my mistakes. Forgive me.
It shouldnt be like this. Forgive me.
I never intended it that way
Dont mention it.
That would be okay
Just take it easy
Let it go.
Forget it.
Thats fine.
I give you sorry.
It doesnt matter for me.

4. Expressions for Making a Promise

Expressions for Making a Promise Respond a Promise
I promise/swear that I .
I promise you that .
I swear (to do something).
Trust me, I can.
I will pick you up.
I assure you that I will return it on time
I wont go, I swear to stay here.
I swear I will not let you down.
Dont worry, Ill see you before I leave.
Thank you.
I believe you.
Let me be assured.
Just let the time to answer.
I wish you can keep on your promise
Ill wait for you.

The Dialog of Expressing Making Promise:
Andre : Hi, Jen. I was told that Id fine you here. I want to talk with you.
Jenny : Im sorry Ndre, I cant, Im very busy and I have many activity today, I dont have a time
to talk about anyway.
Andre : But I want to apologize with you, please forgive me, I know you think Im a looser man,
but I promise to change my attitude.
Jenny : You said it too yesterday.
Andre : Please Jenny, I swear this time, believe me!
Jenny : Sorry I have many activities today, I have to go, bye!

Aziz : Would you accompany me to visit Linda. She is hospitalized.
Uje : What time?
Aziz : At 9 o'clock. By the way, are you sure Doni will join us next week?
Uje : I'm sure he will. He promised to join us next week.

Vidya : Who should be responsible to this?
Alpred : Sorry miss, I have to admit that it is my fault.
Vidya : So, what will you do now??
Alpred : Yes miss, so I will replace the food with the new one.

SPEAKING - Exercise 1

SPEAKING - Exercise 2
Choose one of the dialogs and Practice it with your

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