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Project Management

Group no. 1
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 A project is a unique endeavor to produce a set of
deliverables within clearly specified time, cost and
quality constraints.
Projects are different from standard business
operational activities as they:
 Are unique in nature.
 Have a defined timescale.
 Have an approved budget.
 Have limited resources.
 Involve an element of risk.
 Achieve beneficial change.
 Project Management is the
skills, tools and management
processes required to undertake
a project successfully. It

A set of skills.
 A suite of tools.
 A series of processes.
Why Project Management?
 Today’s complex environments require ongoing

 Project management is a method and mindset…a

disciplined approach to managing chaos

 Project management provides a framework for

working amidst persistent change
The Bandra-Worli Sealink
The Bandra- Worli Sea Link
 It is the first phase of the proposed West island
Freeway system and was inaugurated on June 30,
 Among the most complex & advanced construction
projects ever in India
 Major project in Mumbai metropolitan region after
Mumbai-Pune expressway

 8-lane, twin carriage way cable-stayed bridge, which
will link Bandra and the western suburbs of Mumbai
 The Sea Link will enable speedy travel between
Bandra and Worli
What gave birth to this linkage?

 Mahim Causeway was the only link connecting western

suburbs to island city of Mumbai, making it highly
congested during the peak hours
 Vehicular traffic admeasuring about 120,000 PCU
travels on the Mahim causeway everyday and during
peak hours and it takes about forty minutes to travel
from Mahim causeway to Worli, a distance of about 8
How the Sea-Link Helps
 Additional connectivity from city to suburbs

 Reduces travel time from 1 hour+ to only 7 minutes

 Decongests Mahim Causeway- 125,000 vehicles a


 Avoids 29 traffic lights

 Save Rs 100 crore a year in vehicle operating costs

Planning the Project

 The Project Life Cycle

 Organizing the Project Team

 Project Plans
The Project Life Cycle

• Initiation
• Planning
• Execution and controlling
• Closure
The Project Life Cycle

 Initiation

 Develop business case –

 Construction of the project link would provide an additional fast moving outlet from the island city to
the western suburbs and thereby provide much needed relief to the congested Mahim Causeway.
 The Sea Link reduces travel time between Bandra and Worli from 45–60 minutes to 7 minutes.

 Feasibility study
 The major engineering problems that needed suitable solutions before
proceeding with the work were as follows:
 1. Highly variable geotechnical conditions of the foundation bed as
explained above. 2. Highly uneven foundation bed even for plan area of
one pile. 3. Presence of Intertidal Zone (Foundation Bed exposed in low
tide and submerged in high tide).

 Terms of reference
 Main Bridge Structure
 Intelligent Bridge System
 Power Supply Distribution and Road Lighting System
 Pre-Cast Yard
 Marine Works
 Timely phase review

Description Progress in Total Progress incl.

Jul'07 Jul'07

Pile 1 428
Pile cap including Open Foundation 0 83

Pier/Abutment 0 64
Segment casting 28 1278
Segment erection 0 44
Bandra Cable Stay P19 2 38

Worli Cable Stay P27 0 12

Worli Cable Stay P30 0 7

The Project Life Cycle- Planning

 Project plan- Building a cable-stayed bridge with pre-stressed

concrete viaduct approaches.
 Resource plan- The construction was executed by Hindustan
Construction Company, with design and project management by DAR
 Financial plan- Rs. 1600 crore ($ 400 million approx.) was approved
by the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) .
Planning the Project: The Project Life Cycle


 Package I: Construction of flyover over Love Grove junction at Worli

 Package II: Construction of cloverleaf interchange at Mahim intersection

 Package III: Construction of solid approach road from the Mahim intersection up to the
start of the Toll Plaza on the Bandra side and a public promenade

 Package IV: Construction of Cable-Stayed Bridges together with viaduct approaches

extending from Worli up to the Toll Plaza at Bandra end, Intelligent Bridge System (IBS).

 Package V: Improvement to Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road

Planning the Project: The Project Life Cycle

 Intelligent Bridge System
 Power Supply Distribution and Road Lighting System
 Pre-Cast Yard
 Marine Works

 Foundation and Substructure

 Cable Stay bridges
 Pylon Tower Legs
The Project Life Cycle- Planning

 Closure

•The project was initiated more than 10 years ago in 1999 and was supposed
to be completed within 5 years but it was delayed due to public interest
litigations .

•The bridge was dedicated to the public on 30 June 2009 by Congress

President and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, although only 4 of 8 lanes are
in service.
Organizing the Project Team

 Project Leader

 The Team

 Work Methods and Procedures

Project leader and Project team
PROJECT LEADER- Hindustan Construction Company
 HCC has been building large and complex structures for the last 80 years.
 Known for taking giant strides in technology and innovation, it is recognized as a
spearheading force in engineering construction, both in India and the rest of the world.
 HCC has been entrusted with the construction of high value projects across segments
like transportation, power, marine projects, oil and gas pipeline constructions, irrigation
and water supply, utilities and urban infrastructure.

Engineering team from China, Egypt, Canada, Britain, Serbia,

Switzerland, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and
Philippines worked on the project.
Work Methods and Procedures
Hercules -The Crane

 A 5,990-metric-tonne floating crane is being used in the Bandra-Worli

Sealink project.

 The crane is hired from a Singapore-based firm, Keppel and Smit, at a

price tag of approximately Rs12 crore for two months (which includes the
time taken to transport it via sea from Singapore to Mumbai and back).

 The entire process of dismantling and reassembling would have taken

eight months, but with the help of the Asian Hercules the trusses can be
air-lifted and placed on the Worli end in just four days.

 It can only function during high tide. “In order to function effectively, the
Asian Hercules requires a minimum water level of five meters.
Project Plans

1. Critical Path Analysis

2. PERT Charts

 Critical Path Analysis and PERT are powerful tools that help you to schedule and manage
complex projects.
Critical Path Analysis

 Critical Path Analysis formally identifies tasks which must be completed on time for the
whole project to be completed on time, and also identifies which tasks can be delayed for a
while if resource needs to be reallocated to catch up on missed tasks.

 A further benefit of Critical Path Analysis is that it helps you to identify the minimum
length of time needed to complete a project.

 The disadvantage of CPA is that the relation of tasks to time is not as immediately obvious
as with Gantt Charts. This can make them more difficult to understand for someone who is
not familiar with the technique.

 Critical Path Analysis (CPA) helps you to plan all tasks that must be completed as part of a
project. They act as the basis both for preparation of a schedule, and of resource planning.
Critical Path Analysis
Drawing a Critical Path Analysis Chart

 1. List all activities in the plan

 2. Plot the activities as a circle and arrow diagram

PERT Charts

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)

 PERT is a variation on Critical Path Analysis that takes a
slightly more skeptical view of time estimates made for each
project stage.
 Use the formula below to calculate the time to use for each
project stage:
PERT Charts
PERT Charts

Critical Path Analysis is an effective and powerful method of

 What tasks must be carried out
 Where parallel activity can be performed
 The shortest time in which you can complete a project
 Resources needed to execute a project
 The sequence of activities, scheduling and timings involved
 Task priorities
 The most efficient way of shortening time on urgent projects.
Project Plans
The Planning Cycle

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