Lola Montez

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In this report I will be writing about the history of Lola

Montez (1821-1861) who lived a short but interesting life,

was born Elizabeth Gilbert in Ireland and how she then
reinvented herself as 'Lola the Spanish Dancer' on the
London stage in 1843. I have chosen to write about her
because I wanted to know what impact she had on Australia
and what she had done to help shape society.

Birth and early life:
Lola Montez was born in Limerick, Ireland, and christened
Maria Dolores Eliza Rosanna, daughter of Ensign Edward
Gilbert and his fourteen-year-old wife who claimed descent
from Spanish nobility. Her father died in 1824 and her mother
married Major John Craigie, later adjutant-general of the
British army in India.

Early adulthood/beginning of career:
When she was 18 years-old, Montezs mother tried to marry
her to a 60 year-old judge in India. Lola eloped with a young
Lieutenant and they married in Ireland, but he soon left her for
another woman. Montez then went to Spain where she learnt
Spanish dancing, which enabled her to travel the world and
gain access to people of power and influence, both politically
and culturally.

Career as a dancer:
Her London debut as "Lola Montez, the Spanish dancer" in
June 1843 was disrupted when she was recognized as Mrs.
James. The resulting notoriety did not hurt her career and she
quickly became famous for her self-created "Tarantula Dance".
From 1851 to 1853 she performed as a dancer and actress in
the eastern United States then moved to San- Francisco in May
1853. There she married Patrick Hull in July and moved to
Grass Valley, California, in August.
After a tour of Australia, she moved to New York.

Contribution to Australian society:
The exotic dancer Lola Montez, who joined the gold rush to
Australia in 185556 from her home in California, spent two
years entertaining men on the colonial goldfields and major
cities with artistic performances that culminated in her famous
spider dance. Diggers showered her performances with
nuggets. She was also presented with gold jewellery, among
the pieces, a huge oval-shaped gold brooch, inscribed on the
back, Presented Melbourne Dec. 28 1855 to Madame Lola
Montez by her Friends in Victoria as a proof of their esteem.

Lola Montez's digger brooch, 1855

Death: On June 30, 1860, she suffered a stroke and was
partially paralyzed for some time. In mid-December she had
recovered enough to walk with a slight limp and went out for a
stroll in the cold weather. She contracted pneumonia, lingering
for nearly a month before dying one month short of fortieth

A powerful letter of
Lola Montez to Miss
Laura Cornelia
Mitchell - April 4,
The letter reads:
49 Weymouth St.
Portland Place
April 4th. 1859

Dear Madame,

Although personally a
stranger to you, as you
to me, a mutual friend,
Mr Young, has had a
long conversation with
me about you which
has so deeply
interested me, that I
must write to you, not
as an unknown, but as
a dear suffering sister,
to comfort, to aid and
to strengthen. Oh,
may the Lord Jesus
give vitality to my
words, that they may
come home and dwell
in your thoughts. I
know you as if I had
lived beside you for
years, and, oh, how I
pity, how I love you,
poor, poor child. Once I lived for and from the world, was carried away to commit all its fearful sins and
deceptions. I then loved that world. It was my all. I kissed and worshipped its chains that fettered
me. And why was this? Because I lived out of myself depending on it for my happiness, then my very
bread from its vices. Oh, it took me years and years to rise out of its degradations. I loathed myself,
loathed sin. I from myself tried to reform, not in outward show, for I never was a hypocrite, but from an
inward drawing toward the light which is truth. I could not do this of myself for I had too many proofs
that of myself I could only sin. My state of mind at that time was a most negative one. I hung between
good and evil, but as I felt dark in my soul. I could not live in myself. My state was a wretched one,
fearfully wretched. I began to see what a monster in spirit I was. I sought for something I could not
find. I went amongst Spiritualists and every sect, every kind of thinkers. Still I could not find that thing I
sought Peace. I read my Bible with true feelings of much repentance of soul. I felt better, calmer, but
still one thing was wanting, and at last, Oh, blessed be Gods holy name forever, I have found, found what
nothing else can be compared with, what nothing else, what no one can give either by sympathy, advice
or kind actions. That the love of God was so great to the most depraved of sinners that he gave his Son,
His Divine Humanity, that He might come into the world to take all sin from the world and die for us that
through his death we may have eternal life. The wages of sin is death, spiritual death to all sweet holy
and good feelings. Christ our dearest friend, our brother and our God saves us eternally by our believing
in him. Oh, this holy thought that our dear Saviour, daily and hourly in his earth life bearing the most
dreadful persecution, living with a divine love and gentleness, and then completing his wonderful
sacrifice by the most cruel of deaths, praying for those who did all this Father, forgive them for they
know not what they do. Oh, Madame, what, who can you love or live for but Him after once your heart
is struck with these things? Who other would do all this for you or for me but Jesus? Oh, meditate on
these things and you will, like myself, go to Jesus and lay hold of His garment and cling to it forever. I pray
that He may quicken your heart that these glories may be received and pray, pray ever, at every moment,
pray that He may not let you be tempted beyond your poor strength. Say His own prayer, It is the most
beautiful that ever lips breathed. Oh, do pray, do. Go and converse with Mr Harris of the New
Church. Never mind an introduction. Go and tell him all about yourself. Hide nothing. The Lord will do
the rest for you. I believe Mr Harris is a true servant of the Lord. Tell him also how much good and how
much consolation and strength his Arenna Celestial has done my spirit. Tell him I am brought to
Jesus. Oh, never again to be lost. I write all this to you from what Mr. tells me about you. Oh, how I
wish I was near you. But seek others far better than I am. A true Christian will never turn away from
you. Oh, know that they will take you to Christ, to their hearts for the love of Christ, and there are many
sincere ones in New York. If you will see Mr Harris he will lead you through Our Lord into a path beaming
with light. Remember, dear one, there is in Heaven the greatest joy and gladness over one sinner that
repenteth and goeth to Him whose name is Love. I feel so deeply for you about your state of mind, your
unhappiness that, were you my sister, I could not take your distresses more to heart. But remember that
I have been taught that the greatest blessings come sometimes through the greatest miseries. Have faith,
perfect faith Read what He says and believe not the half but the whole, and fear not, never mind the
morrow but do what is strictly right today through love of Him and He will take care of His own. But do
remember nothing can truly be of yourself. Go to Jesus and ask Him to come and dwell in you and what
you ask will surely be granted. Think what a sinner I was. How impossible it once seemed to me to
become even better. And it is only by His constant care and love and by my fervor and sincerity of heart
that He has accomplished this miracle. I beg of you alone at night to read His words. I could not point to
any particular passages for all are beautiful. Then after reading His teachings go down on your knees, and
talk to Him as your best and only friend. Never did He turn the deaf ear. Do not, I pray, be either
offended or astonished at reading all this, I prayed before I began for His holy grace that it
might through these few words go to your heart. The Lord has helped me and I praise Him. Remember
tis for Love, love to Christ brings love in the heart to all His creatures. Will you write to me? I should be
happy were you to do so. Address your letter to 49 Weymouth St and give me some good news. Mr. .
has promised to get you a little book. It is a simple little book but there is a grand beauty in there
because it speaks not to reason, not to the senses, but straight to the heart. Do not consider that I am
sending you a sermon or a long rigmarole of words or that I consider myself better than you or anyone
else. I am a frail sinner in myself and only breathe truth and peace because I prayed Jesus to come and
dwell in my heart. I feel very humble. I have myself renounced much money and am poor as far as
money goes. I did the right thing for love of my God and I have found the fullest in Him. I am ready to
accept all He gives me joys or sorrows for it is all good. My prayer is not that He may give me of this
worlds goods but that He will give me heavenly feelings which never go away when once you feel
them ....(illegible). May God our Father, friend and Saviour watch over you. May His spirit come to you is
my earnest prayer with which I subscribe myself.

Your sister in Christ
Lola Montez

The information from this source gives us a helpful insight of
how once she was going through a hard time and now as she
is in a better state she believes that it was only gods aid that
helped her get through. Oh, it took me years and years to
rise out of its degradations. I loathed myself, loathed sin. I
from myself tried to reform, not in outward show, for I never
was a hypocrite, but from an inward drawing toward the light
which is truth. I could not do this of myself for I had too many
proofs that of myself I could only sin. My state of mind at
that time was a most negative one. I hung between good and
evil, but as I felt dark in my soul. I could not live in myself. My
state was a wretched one, fearfully wretched. I began to see
what a monster in spirit I was. The letter shows how grateful
and dedicated she is to god now. Oh, blessed be Gods holy
name forever, I have found, found what nothing else can be
compared with, what nothing else, what no one can give
either by sympathy, advice or kind actions. That the love of
God was so great to the most depraved of sinners that he
gave his Son, His Divine Humanity, that He might come into
the world to take all sin from the world and die for us that
through his death we may have eternal life. This quote from
the writings of her letter shows us just how indulged she was
in Gods love and actions and is now offering to comfort they
who is receiving the letter to stay strong as god will bring
them to peace and happiness.

Lola Montez, 1821-1861.

I enjoyed writing about Lola Montez and I think I worked well
and used class time efficiently. I covered all topics in full
detail and included images, quotes and a bibliography. I did
my best to reach all the expectations and different aspects of
the rubric however some of the questions I wasnt too sure
about (information from the primary source/what
information does the source provide us with)

For the main points and aspects about her life:
Australian Dictionary of Biography -

For the information on her contribution to Australian society:
reCollections -

For the primary source:

Beth Fisher 9D

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