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Graduating Teacher Standards: Aotearoa New Zealand

These standards recognise that the Treaty of Waitangi extends equal status and rights to Mori and
Pkeh alike.
Graduates entering the profession will understand the critical role teachers play in enabling the
educational achievement of all learners.

Professional Knowledge
Standard One: Graduating Teachers know what to teach
Final selfEvidence
Arts: A- A fabulous Portfolio, You are very talented in Visual Art
a. Have content After completing
courses and
A Gibson 2013:
knowledge from
to the
learners and them in
areas of their English, and the
Mathematics and Statistics: Bprogramme. arts I now know
how to teach these
areas using
English literacy: A
effective planning
and teaching. I
have taught lessons
in social studies,
science and Te reo
on my practicums

and have also

developed the skill
to continue
learning and
develop my content
Having taught
b. Have
pedagogical through the
different areas of
the curriculum.
Such as Maths,
English, physical
to the
learners and education, arts,
science, social
areas of their studies and Te Reo.
programme. Through my
observations on
practicum it has
been noted that I
can teach in a range
of areas both
creatively and

Raymond Stripling- Practicum 2

Michaela has attempted to use a variety of teaching strategies and resources
during this practicum to engage children in learning. Students love her creative
streak. Michaela is able to think on the spot and use initiative.

Teacher Evaluation Report: Aaron Joe Practicum 5

c. Have
knowledge of
the relevant
documents of

Having studied
courses like
learning and
teaching, I have
become confident
with the content
within the
document the
objectives and
learning intentions
guide what I teach
while the values,
vision, principles,
affects my
pedagogy and
outworking of my
teaching. I am
confident in using
both the New

- RAYMOND STRIPLING- PRAC 2: Michaela is able to work easily with the

curriculum document.
Introduction to education in Aotearoa, NZ: ASSIGNMENT 2
Write a 1500 word statement that captures your understanding of the
nature of the New Zealand Curriculum with reference to its philosophical
commitments, curriculum models and way of organizing knowledge.
Grade: C+

document and
documents such as
the Reading and
writing standards
and mathematic
d. Have content During practicum
five I had two EAL
pedagogical students, this really
opened my eyes to
how as an educator
we can help or
hinder their
English as an learning journey.
intentionally taking
care with my
language and
learners to
putting into
succeed in
practice different
techniques enabled
children to get the
most out of the
lessons taught. I
also see the
importance of
teaching and

Languages Rationale
Yr 3 Hazel:
2. Explore the learning Languages essence statement, achievement
objectives and resources with a particular focus on its foundational
conceptual issues and goals and a Biblical Christian foundation.
3. Develop further understanding of planning and teaching students for
whom English is an additional Language.
Grade: B+

embracing other
cultures, and look
forward to doing
this intentionally in
my own class.

Standard two: Graduating Teachers know about learners and how they learn.

Final self-appraisal
a. Have knowledge Through completing a
course in Human
of a range of
development in PIPI 1 I
have a clear
theories and
research about understanding of
Bronfenbrenner, Blooms
and Gardners beliefs
around the development
of the human, through
and learning.
this I have learnt about
the different levels of
learning and growth that
an individual goes
through as they grow and
how these experiences
shape and mould their
world view. Through the
Learning and teaching
paper I further learnt
about these theories, this
has equipped me with the
ability to not only
understand my students
but to also support them
in their spiritual,
emotional, physical,

LTCS5125 Learning and Teaching : NZ Curriculum
ASSESSMENT Task 1Examination- B
Key learning theories and their implications for learning
and teaching.
The reciprocal nature of learning and teaching.
Learning and teaching in scripture. Overall grade: B
PIPI 1 Human development- learning intention 3- A-

cognitive and social

b. Have knowledge Through setting goals
and assessment with
of a range of
students before teaching
begins has enabled me
to not only involve
principles and
students with work, but to
purposes of
also teach with the end in
and evaluation. mind and have a vision
for where the learning is
going. Sharing the vista
and vision with my
students means that the
learning is collaborative
and more student lead
and owned. Throughout
Practicum 5 I strived
using this approach and
used assessment to
inform future teaching
whilst working alongside

Tutor report: Michaela has used a range of formative

assessment tasks along with a variety of recording
procedures Cathy Hayes Practicum 5

Examples of Assessment used:

New Zealand Curriculum: Planning, assessment and

Evaluation-2. Examine a range of planning and assessments
approaches and apply a selection of these within a range of
Micro-Teaching experiences.
Micro Teaching- Very Good

c. Know how to
strategies of

I have consistently worked Research report Available for viewing from:

towards effective questions. milestone two :
Having focused my
research report on this
meant that I was able to
look at the importance of
critical thinking, and
engagement. While looking
at Blooms taxonomy I
realised that learning is
effective when it involves
the head, heart and hands.
Not only do students take
on board what they are
learning but it relates to
their lives and is applicable
to them. When thinking of
the diverse learner I realise
that all children are unique
and need to access learning

d. Know how to
appropriate to
the learners and
the learning

Through having a vast

Tutor Report:
range of experiences in
Rachelle Hulbert, Practicum 4
different context while on
my practicums has
enabled me to practice
selecting and creating
Teacher Evaluation reportlessons that are
appropriate for a range of Andrew Chesswas, Practicum 2
learners and to also think
about differentiation
within the children. In the
past this has created a
rich learning environment
where needs are met and
the individual connects
with the learning.

Teacher Evaluation report- Aaron Joe Michaela is able to

use and refer back to the curriculum document.

Standard three: Graduating Teachers understand how contextual factors influence teaching and
Final self-appraisal
a. Have an understanding Having a thorough understanding and grasp on
the world I live in, affects who I am as an
of the complex
educator and who my students are. Having
influences that
taught at both urban and country schools on
personal, social, and
my teaching experiences, as well as taking
cultural factors may
papers such as TCDC- Teaching children of
have on teachers and
diverse cultures, and as participating in the
immersion experience has equipped me with a
vast understanding of the cultural, economic,
and social and personal differences that are at
play in the education system.
Recognising the rich and strong Maori culture
b. Have knowledge of
in New Zealand has enabled me to use Te Reo
tikanga and Te reo
Mori to work effectively to enrich my learning. Through having
participated and involved myself in a Marae
within the bicultural
stay as well as teaching the knowledge gained
contexts of Aotearoa
in this time with students has enabled me to
New Zealand.
really understand and share a passion for Te
Reo maori

List of practicums experienced:
TCDC overall mark: B+
Immersion evidence:
Completed at Maungatapu

Te- Reo lab-Completed

Learning Intentions achieved:
1. Develop a basic competency
of the Maori language and its
structure enabling a greater
understanding and empathy
with the cultural meanings
inherent within Te Reo Maori
2. Through a set of relational
experiences, engage with
Maori culture and society in
order to develop educators who

are responsive, trans formative

and secure
3. Evaluate the importance of
the Treaty of Waitangi and
New Zealand's bi-cultural
heritage within a biblical
Units planned for Te Reo
Maori-Mihis, battle of Gate pa
Immersion report
Marae overnight visitCompleted
c. Have an understanding
of education within the
bicultural, multicultural,
social, political,
economic and historical
contexts of Aotearoa
New Zealand.

Having grown up in New Zealand and further

completing different papers like an
Introduction to education in Aotearoa New
Zealand as well as our Ideas and Ideals paper
has shown me the rich diversity and sociology
factors that come into play in society and thus
impact and shape the Curriculum document.

Ideas and ideals

Learning intentions:
1. explore with historical
philosophical and
biblical frameworks,
the relationship
between a range of
ideas and their
consequential ideals,
influence and
2. 2. identify and critically
reflect on a range of
ideas, socio-scientific
issues and socio-

technological trends
for their influence on
teaching, learning and
curriculum content
within their chosen
sector in Aotearoa NZ
3. create a website
where you report on
an in-depth inquiry into
one socio-scientific
issue or sociotechnological trend as
a basis for personal
development as a
leader of ideas and a
web-based resource
for others. Grade: C+
web resource address:
Diversity: Participating in an
immersion experience where I
was engaged in a Rumaki
Classroom for three days.
Introduction to education
Aoetearoa NZ, Grade: C+

Professional Practice
Standard Four: Graduating Teachers use professional knowledge to plan for a safe, high quality
teaching and learning environment

a. Draw upon content

knowledge and
pedagogical content
knowledge when
planning, teaching
and evaluating.

b- Use and sequence

a range of learning
experiences to
influence and
promote learner

Final self-appraisal
Throughout my time in the
classroom I have improved
immensely at planning with the
end in mind, through setting a
vision and planning to work
towards this goal with the class,
whilst continually reflecting with
intention means that I am able to Tutor report-practicum 5
have informed planning that
maximises learning.
Through using both
cumulative and unit plans I
have not only linked each
lesson and integrated them
well, but have also seen
student need and adapted
lessons both prior to teaching
and whilst teaching. lessons
not only connect with one
another but are also
integrated throughout the
curriculum and to the

Andrew Chesswass, Associate teacher:

practicum 2:Michaela is strong at building
healthy relationships with students, identifying
needs and planning to meet those needs.

AT feedback- Practicum 5

Through practicum five I

focused on creating a class
expectations of all
culture that celebrated
learners, focus on
success together and sets
learning and
recognise and value high standards for every
individual the class culture
and relationships built
resulted in myself having a
greater understanding of the
individual and the diverse
learning needs that I could
then try and meet.
Throughout my time doing my
e. demonstrate
degree I have had numerous
proficiency in oral
chances to use and refine my
and written
skills and knowledge in both
language (Mori
numeracy and literacy.
and/or English), in
Further, I had also had
numeracy and in
ICT relevant to their chances to not only discover
ICT and E-learning but have
professional role.
C- Demonstrate high

Tutor report - practicum 4

Use of Google docs in writing and reading in

practicum 5. Michaela successfully picked up
using Google Docs and used this to monitor and
feedback on childrens work Prac 5 AT
Created a website about I Pads in classrooms:

witnessed and applied it how I

would in the classroom. From
this I have been confident to
implement this into my
teaching throughout my last
Practicum, and feel confident
to use this in my classroom.
f. use te reo Mori me Having completed Te Reo has
given me knowledge and a
ng tikanga-a-iwi
appropriately in their way of applying te reo Maori
in my classroom. Not only
have I been able to identify
with New Zealands culture
and heritage on a personal
level and on a professional
level. On practicums 2,3 and
5 I have Taught Te Reo
effectively. Through these
practicums I used a range of
different approaches, through
talking about heritage, culture,
and developing language.
Through knowing my MIhi I
was able to teach the children
in my class on practicum 5. I
integrated cultural art and Te
Reo while helping children
develop their Mihi.

Photo of finished work- Practicum 5developing our own Mihi.

My own personal Mihi:

Tena Koutou katoa
Ka mihi ki a koutou e nga Amorangi, Ki a
koutou hoki ekui, e koro ma
1 corinthians 13:13 Na tenei tem au nei te
te tamanko, te aroha, enei e toru; ko te mea nui
rawa ia
o enei ko te aroha.
Ko Maungatautari te maunga
Ko waihou te awa
Ko wakarererangi te waka

Ko OPhaelan te iwi
Ko George ko Brian ko Julius ko Joe ko Janice
ratou Ko Judith oku tupuna
Ko Andrew ko Dudley ratou Lee-ann oku matua
Ko Timothy rawua Benjamin oku tungane
Ko Patrice toku tuakana
Ko Olivia toku teina
No Waotu ahau
Ko te whare tauira O peterehema te kura
Ko Michaela Rose OPhaelan toku ingoa
No reira tenakoutou katoa
g. demonstrate
commitment to and
strategies for
promoting and
nurturing the
physical and
emotional safety of

Throughout all of my
practicums this has been a
prominent strength of mine. A
great way that I not only built
relationship in the short
amount of time but also
provided a nurturing
environment where children
felt safe and secure. This is
evident in the feedback from
individual parents, associate
teachers and students.

Picture form student, from practicum 4.

A picture of what my class looks like:

Letter from students grandmother:

Standard five: Graduating Teachers use evidence to promote learning

a. Systematically
and critically
engage with
evidence to
reflect on and
refine their

Final self-appraisal
Having further experience in Practicum
four and five I can see personal growth in
this area. Intentionally reflecting upon my
teaching practice has enabled me to
effectively grow and teach my students to
their individual needs. Therefore making
learning more meaningful to each student.
Through engaging and completing in my
own research report around questioning

Prac 2:Tutor report: Michaela has Identified needs
and has planned to meet those needs, while
constructing creative lessons to keep students

b. Gather, analyse
and use
information to
improve learning
and inform

meant that my weakness with questioning

turns into a strength for me. This was
noted on practicum 5. Because I
undertook professional development in an
area that I was not strong in meant I was
able to strengthen my teaching practice.
Through collecting data on both paper Copy of assessment sheet- with learning
and on the computer in practicum 5
intentions from practicum 5:
meant that I was able to keep detailed
records of where students were at in
regards of meeting the learning goals.
Through this I was able to inform my
future plans and lessons to ensure
that all children who needed help
were also able to meet the
assessment criteria.

c. Know how to
appropriately to
learners, their
rs and staff.

On both practicums 2 and 5 I was

able to write student reports that
outlined the student current
achievements and learning needs.
These were completed in the schools
own layout, Reports were written
honestly with agreement from my
associate teacher, and matched with
his thoughts and feelings about the
students strengths and needs across
the curriculum.
Discretion and professionalism has
always been shown from my behalf
with the grade s and information
about students both with other
students, teachers and staff. Having

Student report from practicum 5 in school


participated in a parent teacher

learning conference in practicum 4
has also given me confidence and a
first-hand experience for my own
teaching career.

Professional Values & Relationships

Standard six: Graduating Teachers develop positive relationships with learners and the members of
learning communities

a. Recognise how differing

values and beliefs may
impact on learners and
their learning

Final self-appraisal
Having had many
experiences throughout
my degree has meant that
not am I only
knowledgeable about
other cultures and diverse
learners but recognise
how these differences
affect the childs world
view and ultimately how

Immersion- COMPLETE
Tutor Report: Practicum 4, Michaela seeks to
understand the individual and their situation.

they best learn. Through

my Immersion experience
at Maungatapu I was
privileged enough to see a
cultural way of learning,
through the tuakan teina
system older children
were able to teach
younger children and the
partnership and
community throughout
the Rumaki rooms had a
sense of unity and culture.
b. Have the knowledge and I have had many
experiences where I
dispositions to work
have engaged culturally,
effectively with
and within the
community in my
degree. Having stayed
families/whnau and
at the Marae overnight
and being involved in a
Rumaki on immersion,
has given me a greater
understanding and
disposition to approach
situations within the
classroom. Having also
worked closely with

Tutor report: Michaela can provide a supportive but

challenging learning environment. Michaela develops
meaningful relationships with students and staff.- :
Raymond Stripling- Practicum 2.

Paragraph two- Practicum 5, A.T reference:

c. Build effective
relationships with their

d. Promote a learning

parents for production,

athletics and other
community activities, I
have modelled gracious
responses and personal
boundaries in all
One of my key strengths
is connectedness, and
being relational is
something that has
come very naturally to
me. This is my key
priority the moment that
I enter the door. I
actively seek to know
my students, their
interests, and value
each individuals input in
the classroom. There is
also a strong sense of
boundaries and
students are well aware
of these at the
beginning which then
makes it easier to deal
with any hiccups or
behavioural incidents
further into the year.
While on Practicum a new

Tutor report: Michaela has developed a mature,

warm rapport with both students and staff as part of
the team. Andrew points out in his comments that
one of her strengths is the ability to develop healthy
relationships with students.
Raymond Stripling- Practicum 2.

Tutor Report: Practicum 4,

Michaela has worked to build positive interactions
when dealing with behaviour and management of

culture which engages

diverse learners

e. Demonstrate respect for

te reo Mori me ng
tikanga-a-iwi in their

student arrived mid my

time in full control, the
transition that took place
went smoothly. The
culture was previously set
in the class when I arrived
and through further
promoting this I realised
the importance of the class
culture. Not only was the
class a lovely place to be,
and children knew they
were appreciated and their
opinion valued. This
meant that as a class we
would celebrate success
and hardship. Essentially
the culture that I further
fostered was one of care
and respect.,
Throughout all my
teaching and work that I
do, I have shown that I
have a high respect for Te
Reo Maori, and effectively
use it in my teaching.
Through using it as part of
an integrated unit with art
I was able to explore
traditional cultural art and

Tutor report: Michaela can provide a supportive but

challenging learning environment. Michaela develops
meaningful relationships with students and staff.- :
Raymond Stripling- Practicum 2.

Practicum 2, Tutor report

Tutor Report: I have appreciated Michaelas

thoughtful integration of art and Te Reo in our
classroom. Raymond Stripling- Practicum 2.

the Te Reo language in a

class that had until that
point had little exposure.
Children were proud of
their final product and
were able to share their
Mihi with the Japanese
students that visited. This
for me was a proud
moment and real proof of
just how rich and
important our countries
culture is.

Standard Seven: Graduating Teachers are committed members of the profession

a. Uphold the
Code of

Final selfEvidence
My commitment
Practicum 2, Teacher Evaluation Report.
and respect for the
education system
that I am entering
has developed
throughout my time
in my degree. I have
always strived to
uphold the Code of
Ethics and have
Practicum 5, Reference from Aaron Joe
being professional

in every situation I
find myself in. I
have done so
relationships with
my learners,
engaging in
working alongside
staff and parents as
well as catering for
the needs of the
diverse learner.
intentionally going
through the Code of
ethics I understand
what is required and
have the personal
disposition to live
them out with
personal integrity.
Throughout PIPI 3
we looked at what it
b. Have
knowledge being a professional
meant. Through
understandi reading literature
around this subject
ng of the

Research report-

Practicum 2, Tutor report-Raymond Stripling

Practicum 4
Tutor report-

l and legal
ties of

c. Work cooperatively
with those
who share
ty for the
of learners.

and professional
discussion with
peers I realised the
responsibilities and
possible dilemmas.
I learnt about how
we can intentionally
improve our
practice and
through we we are
commitment to our
learners through
looking out for their
well-being. Also I
learnt the
importance of
working with
colleagues within
Throughout both
practicum two and
five it was
commented that I
was willing to ask
for help and take on
board advice from
those around me. In
Practicum four it
was noted that a

Rachelle Hulbert-

Tutor reportCathy HayesPracticum 5.

Combined long term plan Practicum 5:

major strength of
mine was my teachability and attitude
that took on
feedback with an
open mind and heart
to improve.
Working with
associate teachers
has shown me just
how valuable other
staff members and
educational team
members are.
d. Are able to Throughout my
Journey as a student
teacher I have been
and justify
able to develop a
professiona passionate creed
that captures the
philosophy essence of who I am
of teaching as an educator.
Through numerous
reworks and
refining my
passionate creed I
have captured
several points that I

Passionate Creed:
Make a safe learning community,
where individuals can discover and explore their giftings and
Enabling creative engagement with hands on learning, that
has application
and relevance in their lives, while personally being a gracious,
holistic teacher

Communitycommunity is one thing that I really valued about this practicum, while
I didnt
notice the whole school community I really felt a part of the room
their family

feel passionately
My metaphor and
philosophy of
education have also
been intentionally
reflected and built
upon over the past
three years.

and enjoyed spending time getting to know each individual that made
up our

Application and relevanceI think that learning that has little or no relevance to a childs life has
little or no meaning to be taught. Learning who a child is through
relational and taking the time to find out what they are passionate
about means
that you can include their interests in your learning making it more
while you as the teacher must scaffold them and lead them in the way
you want
them to go, there is a difference between a child doing their work and
their work. I want children to be proud of their work, to have
opportunities to
bring who they are to the table and for them to realise that being
different is
great because we all have our strengths and weaknesses that we bring
to the

GraciousI have been noted to be a gracious teacher, and I think that the three
that I have heard over and over again are valuable qualities for any

teacher to have. Gracious secure and teachable because teaching is a

job where you need to always be assessing not only your students but
also yourself as a teacher. Being gracious to me means that you are
fair and just in your work, taking difficult situations and having a
restorative approach towards your students.
Holistic:By holistic I mean an educator who knows the individual student and
is involved in the learning process. They understand that learning is
'not the filling of the bucket but the lighting of a flame'. When
Hollinger's (2005) 'head, heart and hands' idea is taken into
consideration it is easy to see how having all three interconnecting
aspects can effectively come into play. Each dimension feeds nurtures
and sustains the other.
The head is what is considered to be the cognitive aspect; this requires
comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation.
Through teaching with the heart, or the affective domain, content is
relevant to the student, they are able to connect with it on a heartfelt
level. They receive the information, respond and value it.
The hands is the response to the thought process, this could be the
adaption of a concept into their lives. Through provoking all three
domains or aspects it allows learning to be genuine and owned by the
Philosophy of Ed.
As an educator I believe it is my role to walk alongside children as
they learn, making the learning process accessible for all individuals

and sharing and celebrating in each success. I believe in holistic

learning where learning encompasses the whole person and relates
back to their world.
The role of learner is to give everything a go and work towards
independent achievement. With a mutual balance of respect shown to
their peers and teacher; sound relationships are built within the
classroom to make a fun safe learning environment.
The metaphor that kept coming to me was that of an artist's kit.
I envisioned a briefcase-type of thing filled with paints, markers, glue,
clay, pieces of this and that, and brushes and cutting blades etc. In this
metaphor, the students are the artist, the teacher is the kit, bringing all
of the necessary supplies and tools along in order to create an
where the artist can "make" their art, the classroom is of course the
studio, the curriculum is/are the materials within the kit, the
administrator is a provider of materials to fill the kit, and the parent is
a supporter of the artist. It seems to me that within the framework of
this metaphor, the classroom effectively becomes a huge artists' lab,
where the teachers' purpose/intention should be to provide a variety of
materials and opportunities for the students' to play with them and in
doing so, assign to them meaning and function. A limitation of this
model lies in the supposition that somehow the teacher will be able to
provide enough varieties of material as to entice every student into this
play and creation. There, perhaps, isn't enough input from the artists
themselves in this model.

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