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Teacher: Latarsha Threadgill

Grade Level: 11th

I. Content and Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.11-12.5 Analyze how an authors choices concerning how to
structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the
choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure
and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.
II. Prerequisites: Annotating text by circling, highlighting, and/or underlining
important information as a student reads.
III. Essential Questions:
1. What is the purpose of asking questions as I read?
2. How will annotating a text help me to become a better reader?
3. Can I ask any question that comes to mind when reading?
4. Do I write my questions on a separate sheet of paper or on the actually
text that I am reading?
IV. Instructional Objective: SWBAT Annotate while they read in order to be engaged,

alert readers, which will help us make inferences later.

V. Instructional Procedures:
Opening/Review or Introduction (5-8 minutes)
1. Do Now: Students will read My Name by Sandra Cisneros quietly to
2. Introduce new homework procedure: If you dont have your homework to
hand in, hand in a piece of paper (teacher will show students the preformatted slip and where it is located) explaining what struggle prevented
you from doing it and the date you anticipate completing the assignment. If
you fail to do this, you will not be able to hand it in late.
3. Teacher will read the objective for the day listed on the board as well as the
agenda from the beginning to the end of class, which is also listed on the
4. Teacher will ask students by a show of hands if they highlight, circle, or
underline text while reading. Teacher will have a brief discussion by asking
the students who raised their hands why they use this strategy when reading.
5. Teacher will explain to students that they will re-read My Name to figure
out more about the author, but this time they will annotate the text by
writing questions that comes to mind as they read. These questions will be
written on the right or left side of the margins of the text.

6. Teacher will model this think-aloud strategy by reading the first half of
paragraph 1 and then ask a question aloud that comes to mind. Teacher will
then ask a student to read the second half of paragraph1 and the student will
ask a question aloud that comes to mind. ****If youre not asking questions as
you read, youre not really reading.
7. Teacher will instruct students to continue reading aloud with their table
partner, taking turns asking/writing questions (p1 reads aloud while p2
questions, then switch). Teacher will walk around each table to ensure
students are staying on task and to listen to various questions from the text.
8. Class will come back together and have a few partners share out their
9. Exit ticket: What is something we can infer about the author? Cite at least 2
specific examples and the part of the text and question(s) that lead to your
10. Teacher will restate the objective and then present and handout Homework:
Read excerpt from memoir I Am Malala and annotate by writing at least 3 to
7 questions. Bonus points: draw a conclusion about the author.
VI. Materials and Equipment:
Homework assignment slips
My Name story printout
Excerpt from memoir I Am Malala
VII. Assessment/Evaluation: Teacher will walk around to each table to listen to
students read and ask questions.
VIII. Differentiation:
1. Read aloud
2. Group work
IX: Technology: None
X: Self-Assessment: For the most part, class went the way I expected. My 5th & 6th
period classes (Special Ed) are a bit concerning due to behavior; therefore, I always
anticipate a change in lesson plans. I did not give the exit ticket to 5th & 6th period
because it took them longer to complete the in-class assignment, not to mention the
fact that we got started late because I had to deal with behavior issues at the
beginning of class.

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