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Puzzle Cube Project

Aislinn Schepers
Period 4

About the Designer:

My name is Aislinn Schepers. I am currently a ninth grade student at Southeast Raleigh High
School, where I study the concepts of engineering. I excel at math and science subjects. I am a
member of the golf team, robotics team, and theater program. I designed this cube to create a
fun challenge for all ages!

Puzzle Cube Challenge Design Brief:


Fine Office Furniture, Inc.

Target Consumer

Ages: High school aged


Aislinn Schepers

Problem Statement
A local office furniture manufacturing company throws away tens of thousands of scrap
hardwood cubes that result from its furniture construction processes. The material is
expensive, and the scrap represents a sizeable loss of profit.

Design Statement
Fine Office Furniture, Inc. would like to return value to its waste product by using it as the raw
material for desktop novelty items that will be sold on the showroom floor. Design, build, test,
document, and present a three-dimensional puzzle system that is made from the scrap
hardwood cubes. The puzzle system must provide an appropriate degree of challenge to high
school students.

1. The puzzle must be fabricated from 27 hardwood cubes.
2. The puzzle system must contain exactly five puzzle parts.
3. Each individual puzzle part must consist of at least four, but no more than six hardwood
cubes that are permanently attached to each other.
4. No two puzzle parts can be the same.
5. The five puzzle parts must assemble to form a 2 cube.
6. Some puzzle parts should interlock.
7. The puzzle should require high school students an average of 3 minutes/seconds to solve.

The entire project procedure is included below as an overview. Your teacher will guide
you as to when you will complete each step.

Study the Puzzle Cube Design Brief located below.

Brainstorm and sketch on isometric grid paper possible puzzle part cube combinations
for your cube using Activity 4.1a Puzzle Cube Combinations.

Create two different Puzzle Cube designs from your possible parts using Activity 4.1b
Graphical Modeling. Note that the design brief that follows requires that each puzzle part
contain at least four and no more than six hardwood cubes. For each design, neatly sketch and
color code an isometric view of each of the five component parts and show how they fit
together in the isometric view of the cube on isometric grid paper. See your teacher for an
example. You will need a total of two solutions with ten unique parts.

Choose your best option from the two solutions.

Hand sketch a multi-view drawing for each of the five puzzle parts of your solution using
Activity 4.1b Graphical Modeling. Exchange your sketches with a classmate, virtually build your
partners parts according to the activity, and provide feedback.
Select one of your partners six cube puzzle parts. Neatly fabricate the part from the
multi-view sketch. Give appropriate feedback using Activity 4.1b Graphical Modeling.

Complete Activity 4.1d or Activity 4.1e Software Modeling Introduction.

Create the five parts to your cube using 3-D modeling software. Color the parts within
the CAD environment using the same color combination used in the sketching phase of your

Assemble your cube using 3-D modeling software.

Fabricate your five puzzle parts. Color your parts using markers (colored pencils or paint)
to match the colors of your CAD model and assemble your cube.
Test the solution time of your puzzle cube. Identify at least ten test subjects. Be sure to
choose your test subjects so that the data you gather can provide evidence of meeting (or not
meeting the design criteria). Each test subject will solve your puzzle three times. You will
measure and record the time to solve the puzzle each time. Also, collect demographic
information that might be important to determine how well you have addressed the needs of
your target market (and to help you answer the conclusion questions).
Find statistics related to your test data (using technology as appropriate) to include the

Mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation of the solution time for the first
attempt for all test subjects.

The mean of the solution times for the second attempt for all test subjects.

The mean of the solution times for the third attempt for all test subjects.

View the Assembly Constraints presentation. Using 3D solid modeling software, create
an assembly model of your puzzle.

View the Creating Drawings in CAD presentation. Create a drawing using 3-D modeling
software to display a fully dimensioned multi-view for each of the five parts and two different
isometric views of the assembled puzzle. The isometric views should provide enough
information so that another classmate can solve the puzzle using only those two views.
Exchange your drawing with a classmate and provide feedback on errors, omissions, and
recommendations to improve your classmates drawing.
Using Excel, create a scatterplot and find a trend line for the relationship between
number of attempts (independent variable) and the average solution time (dependent
variable). You will have three data points: (1- average solution time for first attempt), (2 average solution time for second attempt), and (3 - average solution time for third attempt).
Properly label the axes of the scatterplot and include units. Write the relationship between the
two variables in function notation and define your variables. (You should complete Activity 4.1c
Mathematical Modeling prior to completing this requirement.) Express your model using
function notation.

Using your trend line, address the following:

Interpret the slope and the y-intercept of the trend line and explain their meaning in

Estimate the average solution time on the fifth attempt. Indicate the solution both
graphically (by showing how to use the input of 5 to find the time output on the graph) and
numerically (using the equation of the trend line).

Estimate the number of attempts a person has made at solution if they solve the puzzle
in 23 seconds. Indicate the solution both graphically and numerically.

Consider changes to your puzzle cube that might improve your design.

Activity 4.1a:

Multi-View Sketches:

Justification of Chosen Puzzle Design:

This specific puzzle design was chosen due to how it had many simple pieces but it is harder to
put together. The design has layers, which is the key to solving. It provides for a challenge that
is truly simple if you work on building it step to step. The design was also chosen because it was
easy to build and also to model in CAD programs. I wanted simplicity for the designer, but a
challenge for the consumer.

Physical Model:

Pieces Expanded:

Original Sketches of Designs:

Mult-view Sketches:


Puzzle Cube Pieces on Inventor:






Drawings of Pieces:



Dimensions on drawings will not show due to CAD program difficulties.

Summary of Statistics (excel document found below portfolio):
As viewed in the statistical model of the data about time needed to solve vs attempts to solve,
we can understand that there is a negative correlation between time and attempts. Most
people started out with a longer time needed to solve my puzzle the first time versus the
second and third attempts. The average time needed was about 5.7 minutes, which was higher
than my goal for 3 minutes. There were some outliers where a person took over 7 minutes to
solve or less and a minute. This data proves that this specific puzzle design is most likely
approved for high school aged students.
Possible Changes for Future Design:
If I was to redesign or modify my existing design, I would;

Have more interlocking pieces

Sand down pieces to create a more even finish
Use pieces that are not so similar
Make sure puzzle cannot be solved by layers
Use wood glue for ALL pieces
Paint the pieces versus using a marker
Find a studier material to build with


Challenges Had During This Project:

I had struggled with the sketching of our designs and making a physical mult-view sketch. I also
had trouble with adding all of the pieces into Inventor then connecting them. I would try next
time to make sure all of my dimensions are correct before the assembly.


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