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T E A MST E RS L O C A L 705 A N D U N I T E D P A R C E L

A ugust 1, 2013 to July 31, 2018
A R T I C L E 3. R E C O G N I T I O N, U N I O N SH O P A N D C H E C K O F F
Section 3.6. Supervisors Wor king / Inside Wor k
c. The following shall apply with regard to inside work. Within each building, each operation shall maintain separate list(s), by
seniority, of those part time employees and those full time employees who are interested in performing extra work. It shall be the
HPSOR\HHVUHVSRQVLELOLW\WRVLJQ XSRQWKH Dppropriate list. The Company shall post such list and employees who are interested in
contact information is correct. Employees who are unavailable to work on three (3) separate occasions within a calendar month shall
have their names removed from the coverage list. Those employees shall be eligible to re-sign the list for the following month. When
extra work is available, or when there is a special sort on a weekend or holiday, the Company shall use the Article 22.3 full time lists
to fill the required positions, by seniority, and then, if necessary, shall use part time lists and such employees shall work as assigned.
Full time employees shall be paid for hours worked only. The employee must be qualified for the available work and double shift
employees shall have seniority among themselves. The full time employees called in from the list must be capable of covering their
normal scheduled work. No employee is allowed to work more than two shifts in any twenty-four (24) hour period. All extra work
offered shall be reviewed with the Union Steward.
During the peak season, A rticle 22.3 employees may sign the Peak posting for extra wor k occur ring after the completion of
their bid job.

A R T I C L E 7. L O C A L A N D A R E A G R I E V A N C E M A C H I N E R Y
Section 7.1. G rievance Definition
Differences between the Employer and the Union as to the application or interpretation of any of the provisions of this Agreement,
including the question of whether an employee has been disciplined or discharged for just cause, shall be settled by the following
grievance and arbitration procedure.

a) The Employee shall discuss any issues or complaints with a supervisor, or

b) The Union Steward or Business Agent shall discuss any issues or complaints with the appropriate supervisor or manager.

,IWKH(PSOR\HHVLVVXH RUFRPSODLQWLV QRWUHVROYHGLQVWHS(a), the Employee shall discuss the issue or complaint with his/her
steward and the appropriate supervisor or manager.
A R T I C L E 10.2 L OSS O R D A M A G E
Section 10.2. C O D L iabilities
The Employer shall incorporate into the DIAD for packages shipped using Worldship and Maxiship (as well as other shipping systems
when it is technologically feasible) a function that shall prompt the driver when a specific type of fund is to be collected from each
C.O.D. delivery (e.q.,e.g. certified funds, cashiers checks, money orders). The Employer shall notify the Union prior to the
installation of the prompts or as the system is expanded. If the driver collects an improper check, the Employer shall inform the driver
of that acceptance.

A rticle 14 Compensations C laims

Section 14.2 -T emporary A lternate Wor k
The Company may continue a modified work program on a nondiscriminatory basis. This program is designed to provide temporary
work opportunity to those employees who are unable to perform their normal work assignments due to an on-the-job injury.
Employees shall be provided their guaranteed hours DWWKHHPSOR\HHVUHJXODUUDWHRISD\ with a start time no more than one (1)
hour earlier or one (1) hour later than their normal start time, with continuous hours, for the duration of TAW, provided the work is
available. These guaranteed hours shall be reduced as medical restrictions dictate.

A rticle 15. M I L I T A R Y C L A USE

The Employer, in its discretion, may make additional payments or award additional benefits to employees on leave for service in the
uniformed services in excess of the requirements outlined in the USERRA.
E mp loyees on U S E R R A -a pp rove d mi l ita r y leave sh all conti n ue to acc r ue vacation to be used upon r etu r n as set
for th below. T o be e ligi ble for acc r ual, emp loy ees must be (i) e mp loy ed by U PS fo r at least on e (1) y ea r , (i i) be a
me mbe r of t he u nifor me d se r v ices at t i me of ca ll up, and (ii i) be ca lle d onto active duty (ot he r tha n for t r ain i ng) for
a pe r iod of se r vice e xcee di ng t hi r ty (30) days p u rsuan t to any p rovision of law beca use of a w a r or nationa l
eme rge ncy decla r e d by the P r esi de nt of the U nit ed States or C ong r ess. A n e ligi b le e mp loyee r etu r n i ng to wor k as
pe r US E R R A shal l be ent itle d to an n ual vacat ion for the r e ma in de r of that cont r a ct ual vacat ion pe r iod base d on
the nu mbe r of wee ks to w hic h he/she i s ent itled for yea r s of se r v ice a n d t he qua r te r i n the c u r r ent cont r a ct ual
vacation pe r iod i n w hich t he e mp loy ee r et u r ns f rom eligib le mi l ita r y leave, as follows:
No. W ks.





In no event shall the employee have less than one (1) week of vacation available upon his/her return.
For the next contractual vacation period, the employee shall be credited with the vacation he would have accrued while he was
on military leave. In no event shall the employee have less than he is entitled to based on total years of service.
T he treatment of unused vacation and the scheduling of the vacation shall be in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
A rticle 16. L E A V E O F A BSE N C E
Section 16.3.1 L eave of A bsence
When an employee, in any job classification requiring driving, loses his or her operating privilege or whose license has been
suspended or revoked for reasons other than those for which the employee can be discharged by the Employer, leave shall be granted
year two (2) years, provided the driver whose operating privilege or license has been suspended or revoked notifiHVWKHHPSOR\HHV
only to the first (1st) suspension or revocation except for suspension of commercial drivers license (CDL) of one (1) year or less
When an employee, in any job classification requiring driving, has lost his/her license under this Article he/she shall be afforded the
opportunity to displace junior, one (1) full-time or two (2) part-time, inside employees, until he/she can return to his/her driving job,
not to exceed one (1) year two (2) years, unless provided for otherwise in this Agreement. The employee shall receive the appropriate
rate of pay for the job performed based on his/her seniority. Coverage for benefits shall continue for the length of the leave of absence
or for the job duration, up to one (1) year two (2) years.
Section 16.3.3. Alternative Work (Alcohol/Controlled Substance)

When an employee, in any job classification requiring driving, has lost his/her license for driving under the influence of alcohol or a
controlled substance he/she shall be offered available inside work of one (1) full-time or two (2) part-time openings, not to exceed one
(1) year two (2) years provided that the employee is assessed by a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) and is released to return to
work by the SAP. The SAP shall establish the terms upon which the employee may return to work. The employee must also enter a
rehabilitation program, if required by the S$3 ZLWKLQ RQH   PRQWK RI WKH 6$3V DVVHVVPHQW 7KH HPSOR\HH VKDOO EH UHWXUQHG WR
driving once he/she successfully completes the rehabilitation program, provided his/her driving privileges have been restored. The
employee shall receive the appropriate rate of pay for the job performed based on his/her seniority. Coverage for benefits shall
continue for the length of the leave of absence or for the job duration, up to one (1) year two (2) years.
Any driver cited for Driving Under the Influence who does not have his/her license suspended, or who has limited driving privileges
shall be assessed by a SAP within five (5) working days of the citation. If the SAP determines the driver does not require
rehabilitation, then he/she shall be allowed to return to driving. Until the assessment is completed, the driver shall be allowed to work
inside at his/her hourly wage and guarantee in accordance with the paragraph above. If rehabilitation is required, the above
paragraph shall also be applicable. The one time right to rehabilitation provided in Article 35, Section 4.11 shall not be applicable to a
driver who completes a rehabilitation program under this paragraph unless, as a result of the DUI citation, the driver is convicted or
loses his/her license for driving.
Section 16.5. Rehabilitation Program - L eave of A bsence
An employee shall be permitted to take a leave of absence for the purpose of undergoing treatment in an approved program for
alcoholism or substance abuse. Employees may use the United Parcel Service Employee Assistance Program (EAP); a Union
sponsored rehabilitation program, as well as any other referral service in choosing an approved program for treatment.
E mployees shall be permitted to take advantage of a rehabilitation program once every fi ve (5) years, three (3) times lifetime
maximum, under all conditions of this A rticle.
The leave of absence must be requested prior to the commission of any act subject to disciplinary action except as provided in Article
35, Section 35.3 and Section 35.4. The leave of absence shall be for a maximum of ninety (90) days; additional time may be granted if
it is mutually agreed between the Company and the Union, or requested by the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP). While on such
leave, the employee shall not receive any of the benefits provided by this Agreement, except the continued accrual of seniority.
If an employee voluntarily enters such a rehabilitation program, under the provisions of the Article, the following shall apply:
when the employee has provided a negative drug test result, as per cutoff levels contained in Section 35.3.3 or Section 35.3.4 of
Article 35, as applicable, and/or an alcohol test with an alcohol concentration less than .02. T he E mployer will ma ke all reasonable
efforts to conduct all return-to-wor k testing, conference call, and examinations within five (5) wor king days of completion of a
rehabilitation program.
4. Failure to comply with the after-care treatment plan or a positive specimen as part of the after-care treatment plan shall result in
discipline pursuant to Article 35, Sections 35.3.13 and 35.4.1211.
A rticle 18. SA F E T Y A N D H E A L T H , E Q U IP M E N T , A C C I D E N TS A N D R E P O R TS.
Section 18.4. Seats
The Employer shall provide high-back air-ride seats in all new tractors and when replacing the driver seat in present tractor
equipment. Such seats shall be maintained in a proper and reasonable condition.
Section 18.8. Radios

A rticle 20. E X A M I N A T I O N A N D I D E N T I F I C A T I O N F E ES
Section 20.5. Identification
Should the Employer find it necessary to require employees to carry or record personal identification, such requirements shall be
complied with by the employees. The cost of such personal identification shall be borne by the Employer with up to two (2)

A R T I C L E 22. P A R T-T I M E E M P L O Y E ES
Section 22.3
The parties agree that providing part-time employees the opportunity to become full-time employees is a priority of this Agreement.
Accordingly, the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it shall offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at
least five hundred (500) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations covered by this Agreement.
T his commitment shall include the obligation to create at least the number of full-time combination jobs as follows:
5th year T hirty (30) (beginning A ugust 1, 2017)
In creating these jobs, the Company shall be allowed up to one and one half (1.5) hour gap between jobs in a wor kday.
The number of full-time jobs created under Article 22, Section 3 of the 1997-2002 and the 2002-2008 Agreements shall not be
F ull time Combination E mployee Wor k Rules
1) All newly created or vacated 22.3 jobs shall be bid to all full-time employees in full-time seniority order and to part-time
employees in full part-time seniority order on a three-for-one basis within the building (three (3) full-time then one (1) directly to
a) If the a full-time rotation bid is not filled by a full time employee, it shall be bid to the part time workforce according to the
which he/she bid.
b) Part-time employees shall be eligible to place their names on the 22.3 combination MRE LQWHQW OLVW IRU /RFDO V
jurisdiction upon completion of their part-time progression as outlined in A rticle 22.5 (b). T his list will be used to fill
the rotational bid to the part-time employees and will also be used if there is not a successful bidding employee in a)

If the job is not filled in accordance with b) above, it will be bid to the remaining part-time employees at the building
where the opening exists.


Local 705 shall receive an updated list of employees, in seniority order, that are on the combination job intent list on a
quarterly basis.

2) Employees who have gone through a full time progression and bid into a Article 22.3 job shall not be obligated to undergo a second
full time wage progression.
3) 22.3 employees shall be limited to three (3) one (1) successful bids in a calendar year.
4) Article 22.3 home centers shall be determined by the Employer and shall be indicated on the day-off schedule.
5) For purposes of resolving issues relating to payroll, attendance, vacation, vacation selection, employees shall maintain contact with
the employer through his/her supervisor in the home center to which they are assigned.

Section 22.5. W ages

(a) Part time E mployees
All part-time employees who have attained seniority as of August 1, 200813 shall receive the following general wage increases for
each contract year. In the first three (3) years of the contract, the increase will be effective on A ugust 1 st. In 2016 and 2017 each
of the years, the increase shall be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first-half of the increase shall become effective on August 1
of the specified year. The second half of the increase shall become effective on February 1 of the following calendar year. The total
wage increase for each year shall be as follows:
2008 seventy cents ($0.70)
2009 seventy-five cents ($0.75)
2010 seventy-five cents ($0.75)
2011 eighty-five cents ($0.85)
2012 ninety-five cents ($0.95)
2013 seventy cents ($0.70)
2014 seventy cents ($0.70)
2015 seventy cents ($0.70)
2016 eighty cents ($0.80)
2017 one dollar ($1.00)
Part-time employees still in progression on August 1, 201308 shall receive the above contractual increases and shall be paid no less
than what they are entitled to in accordance with the wage schedules in Article 22, Section 5 (b) below.
(b) Newly hired part-time employees
All part-time employees, who are hired or reach seniority after August 1,201308 shall be paid according to the following wage
Hourly Rate
Start plus ninety (90) calendar days
Seniority plus one (1) year
Seniority plus two (2) years
Seniority plus three (3) years
Seniority plus four (4) year

plus one (1) year

plus two (2) years
plus three (3) years
plus four (4) year

Preloader/ Sorter

All Others



(d) All part-time employees governed by this Article shall be provided a minimum daily three and one-half (3-1/2) hour guarantee.
Should any part-time employee work beyond the fifth (5th) hour, he / she shall be paid time and one-half (1-1/2) his / her regular rate
for all time worked in excess of five (5) hours.
Section 22.13. H ealth and Welfare Part-T ime M edical Coverage
[see A rticle 34.1 below]
(a) No later then six (6) months after ratification of this agreement health and welfare coverage for all part-time employees on the
payroll at that time and those hired thereafter shall be provided pursuant to the terms of an Employer sponsored nationwide health care
plan, namely, the UPS National Health Plan for Part-Time Employees. (A copy of the Summary Plan Description shall be provided.)
Features of the plan shall include a prescription card. This paragraph shall supersede any provisions on the same subject in this

agreement including those provisions which require part-time benefits to be equal to or the same as full-time medical benefits.
Seniority part-time employees on the payroll as of the date of ratification shall receive dependent coverage after eighteen (18) months.
(b) (i) individual health coverage shall be made available to part-time employees hired after August 1, 2008 after twelve (12) months
of active employment and (ii) spousal or dependant coverage shall be made available to these part-time employees eighteen (18)
months after their initial date of employment.
Section 22.15. Part-time E mployee E ducational T ransfer
Part-time employees who wish to transfer to another location RXWVLGHRI/RFDOVMXULVGLFWLRQ for educational purposes may submit
a written request to the Employer. If approved, the transfer shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:
A rticle 26. C O M P E T I T I O N
Section 26.4. Surepost
1) In order to retain existing commercial customers that are solicited by a competitor offering services similar to those described
herein, or to attract new commercial customers, the Company may offer service contracts that include the delivery of packages
by the USPS. Packages eligible for such delivery will normally be less than ten (10) pounds in weight and less than three (3) cubic
feet in size, in accordance with paragraph (2) below. F urther, UPS agrees that the Surepost will not be presented as a general
service offering. T his service will only be offered for shipping from a business to a residential customer. The Company agr ees
that it will not use Surepost as a basis to diminish the size of the bargaining unit.
2) The Company will continue to use and develop technology that identifies two or more Surepost packages to be delivered to the
same address and/or any combination of Surepost package(s) and ground package(s) to be delivered to the same address. In such
circumstances, all of the Surepost package(s) and ground package(s) will be delivered by package drivers. The Company will
implement, when available, technology that identifies multiple addresses in close proximity to which any combination of Surepost
and ground packages are to be delivered. Within 120 days of the effective date of this Agreement, the Company shall also
develop technology that identifies oversized (greater than three (3) cubic feet) or overweight packages. O nce such technology is
operational, all Surepost packages exceeding ten (10) pounds or with dimensions greater than three (3) cubic feet, will be
delivered by package drivers.
3) The Joint UPS/IB T Competition Committee will meet on a quarterly basis to review the progress of this service and discuss
potential technological enhancements that will allow Surepost volume to be placed back in the UPS system for final mile delivery.
A ny issues or disputes related to the Surepost service that cannot be resolved by the Competition Committee shall be refer red
directly to the C hairs of the Union and the UPS National Negotiating Committees for discussion and resolution.
A R T I C L E 32. SU B C O N T R A C T I N G
The Employer agrees that no work or services of the kind, nature or type, and including new operations or buildings, covered by,
presently performed, or hereafter assigned to the collective bargaining unit shall be subcontracted, transferred, leased, assigned or
conveyed in whole or in part to any other plant, person or non-unit employees, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement. The
Employer may not subcontract work in any classification for the purpose of avoiding overtime. The Employer may not subcontract
work in any classification if any employee who normally performs such work is on layoff. Prior to subcontracting wor k, the
E mployer will ma ke all reasonable efforts to use the employees covered by this Agreement.
The number of car washer and porter jobs in the bargaining unit as of July 31, 1990 shall be guaranteed from replacement by the
Employer subcontracting this work. It is further agreed that additions to the workforce in areas that currently have bargaining unit
employees performing this work shall become bargaining unit members covered under this Agreement.
A R T I C L E 33. C OST-O F-L I V I N G
Effective August 1, 201409, and every August 1 thereafter during the life of the Agreement, a cost-of-living allowance shall be
calculated on the basis of the difference between the Index for May 201409 (published June 201409) and every May thereafter, and
the base Index for May 201308 (published June 201308) and every May thereafter, as follows:

A R T I C L E 34. H E A L T H & W E L F A R E A N D P E NSI O N

Section 34.1. F ull and Part-T ime H ealth and W elfare Insurance
Health and Welfare insurance shall be provided for full-time employees and retired employees during the term of this Agreement as
outlined in the new UPS Health & Welfare Package Summary Plan Description.
(a)A ll full-time and part-time employees on the payroll as of January 1, 2015 will be provided medical coverage through the
C entral States H ealth & W elfare F und (CS H & W Plan). W eekly payments for covered employees shall be in accordance with
the rules set forth in the C entral States Supplement. UPS will be responsible for making the weekly payments to the C entral
States H ealth & W elfare Plan to provide the medical coverage in accordance with its agreement with the CS H & W Plan.
(b) Individual health coverage will be made available to part-time employees hired after A ugust 1, 2008 after twelve (12)
months of active employment and (ii) upon ratification on a prospective basis only, spousal or dependent coverage will be
made available to these part-time employees twelve (12) months or more afte r their initial date of employment.
(c) A ny eligible employee covered by this Section who retires effective January 1, 2014 or thereafter shall be provided ret iree
medical benefits through the CSH & W F und.
(d) T he base benefits for all employees cove red by the C entral States H ealth & W elfare F und shall be the C6 schedule. T he
following will also apply:

E nhancements shall be made in the C6 plan in the following areas: Phased in deductible; reduced co-pays for medical
office visits, physical exams and well child care and mail order prescription drugs.


T he Company will also enhance the retiree eligibility rules.


Short term disability, life insurance and dental benefits will first be provided through C entral States H ealth &
W elfare. UPS will cover the differential between what Central States H ealth & W elfare cur rently provides and what
the employee had as a benefit prior to January 1, 2015.


Details concerning any of the above benefits shall be available from the C entral States H ealth & W elfare Plan.

(e) A ll full and part-time employees will be maintain their Company medical coverage through December 31, 2014 on the same
terms as existed under the 2008-2013 agreement.
If, in accordance with a duly adopted funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan, the Local 705 International Brotherhood of
Teamsters Pension Plan is required to issue a schedule pursuant to ERISA Section 305 (added by the Pension Protection Act of 2006)
that requires contributions in excess of those contained within this Article, the Union and the Employer shall promptly meet to
negotiate changes in the Agreement to generate sufficient savings to cover the cost of the increased contributions. Agreement shall not
be unreasonably withheld. Once completed, the applicable Fund shall be obligated to accept the schedule as if it was the beginning of
the term of a new labor agreement.
Section 34.2. Pension and H ealth & W elfare F unding
(a)Pension contributions for all full time employees shall be three hundred and ninety dollars ($390.00) per week with increases
as specified in this section. as follows:
Date Employer Weekly Contribution
August 1, 2008 $286 per week
August 1, 2009 $312 per week
August 1, 2010 $338 per week
August 1, 2011 $364 per week
August 1, 2012 $390 per week
(b) T he total H ealth & W elfare contribution for full-time employees will be increased on A ugust 1 of 2013 and on each
subsequent A ugust 1st during the life of the contract as follows:
A ugust 1, 2013- fifty cents ($0.50)

A ugust 1, 2014- fifty cents ($0.50)

A ugust 1, 2015-fifty cents ($0.50)
(c) T he total Pension contribution for full-time employees will be increased on A ugust 1 of 2013 and on each subsequent
A ugust 1st during the life of the contract as follows:
A ugust 1, 2013- fifty
A ugust 1, 2014- fifty
A ugust 1, 2015- fifty
A ugust 1, 2016- fifty
A ugust 1, 2017- fifty

cents ($0.50)
cents ($0.50)
cents ($0.50)
cents ($0.50)
cents ($0.50)

(d) For those part-time employees who will be transitioning from a UPS sponsored medical plan to the C entral States H ealth
& W elfare Plan, the allocation for years 2013 through 2015 shall be fifty cents($0.50) to UPS for health and welfare coverage
through the CS H & W . F ifty cents ($0.50) shall be allocated for pension to UPS for those years. In years 2016 and 2017, UPS
will retain for pension the differential between the increase to CS H & W and one dollar.
(e) If, in accordance with a duly adopted funding improvement plan or rehabilitation plan, the Local 705 International Brotherhood of
Teamsters Pension Plan is required to issue a schedule pursuant to ERISA Section 305 (added by the Pension Protection Act of 2006)
that requires contributions in excess of those contained within this Article, the Union and the Employer shall promptly meet to
negotiate changes in the Agreement to generate sufficient savings to cover the cost of the increased contributions. Agreement shall not
be unreasonably withheld. Once completed, the applicable Fund shall be obligated to accept the schedule as if it was the beginning of
the term of a new labor agreement.
Section 34.3.
The Employer payments to the Fund shall be as follows:
a) The amount per employee per week shall be paid for each regular employee covered by this Agreement for any week in which such
employee performs any services for the Employer even when such services are not performed under the terms of this Agreement;
b) Payment shall be made on replacements for absentee employees for the days worked by such replacements at a rate equal to twenty
percent (20%) per day of the aforesaid weekly payment;
c) If an employee is absent because of non-occupational illness or injury, the Employer shall pay the required payment for a period of
four (4) weeks;
d) If an employee is absent because of occupational illness or injury, the Employer shall pay the required payment for the period of
twelve (12) months;
e) The obligation to make the above payments shall continue during periods when a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is being
f) All leaves of absence, when granted by the Employer, in addition to the requirements of the parties, shall be conditioned upon the
Employer and the employee making satisfactory arrangements for paying the weekly payment to the Fund and at all times the payment
shall be made by the Employer for the period of such granted leave of absence;
g) The Employer is not obligated to make payments to the Fund for an absent employee, except as outlined in subsection (c) and (d)
h) Contributions required to be paid hereunder shall be paid for all days off which are paid for under the Holiday and Vacation
provisions of this Agreement.
Section 34.6. F ull-T ime Long-T erm Disability
Long Term disability shall be provided for full-time employees during the term of this Agreement as detailed in this Section. outlined
in the new UPS Health & Welfare Package Summary Plan Description.

(a) F ull-time seniority employees will become eligible for long-term disability (L T D) after six (6) months of employment for
non-occupational illnesses or injuries that last longer than twenty-six (26) weeks.
hundred dollars ($600) per week for up to five (5) years. Long-term disability benefits begin when short-term disability
coverage ends or after twenty-six (26) weeks from date of disability, whichever is later. T he six hundred dollars ($600) cap
shall be increased to eight hundred dollars ($800) on January 1, 2017.
(c) A verage weekly base pay is computed by averaging paid hours (maximum of forty (40) hours per week) each week during
the last full calendar quarter the employee wor ked and multiplying that by the hourly rate of their base job. W eeks of
unemployment in the prior quarter will not be counted in the calculation. If there were substantial weeks of unemployment,
the prior full calendar quarter may be used for the calculation.
(d) T he definition of disability, termination of eligibility, offsets, exclusions, limitations, claim procedures and any othe r
related issues will be controlled by the Summary Plan Description.
(e) T he long-term disability coverage will become effective on January 1, 2015 for eligible employees who become disabled
prior contract shall remain in place through December 31, 2014.
(f) A ny employee receiving L T D benefits pursuant to this Plan shall be entitled to receive health care coverage from CS H & W
for up to twelve (12) months only.
Section 34.7. UPS Part-T ime Pension Plan
The total monthly service pension benefit shall be equal to the following provided the employee meets the Credited Service
$2100.00 1,925.00 at any age after 35 years of Credited Service
$1800.00 1,650.00 at any age after 30 years of Credited Service
$1500.00 1,375.00 at age 60 with 25 years of Credited Service
$1250.00 1,125.00 at any age with 25 years of Credited Service
(Based on $50.00 45.00 per year of credited services)
2) Part-time employees shall receive one (1) year of Credited Service for 750 or more paid hours. (Six months of part-time Credited
Service shall be granted for 375 to 500 hours worked in a calendar year, and 9 months of part-time Credited Service shall be granted
for 501 to 749 hours worked in a calendar year. This paragraph shall also be applied to determine Credited Service for all full time
employees on the payroll on August 1, 2002 who were formerly participants in the UPS Pension Plan.
(7) T he Company will amend the UPS Pension Plan to allow an employee with an hour of service in covered employment on or
after A ugust 1, 2013 to become a participant on the January 1 or July 1 (whichever is earlier), after reaching age 21 and
completing a 12 month period of employment beginning on their hire date, or any subsequent calendar year, in which they
earned at least 375 hours of service. In addition, in order to receive any retroactive benefit service as a result of the change,
WKH HPSOR\HHV SULPDU\ MRE DV RI $XJXVW  3 must be a part-time position. T he Pension Plan will also be amended to
reduce the number of hours of service required to earn a vesting year from 750 to 375. T his paragraph does not change how
benefit service is accrued.
Section 34.8. Part-time Retiree H ealth & W elfare Coverage
The Employer shall provide health insurance coverage to all part-time employees, not covered by a Union plan, who retire on or after
that date before January 1, 2014 as outlined in the new UPS Health & Welfare Package Summary Plan Description. A ny eligible
employee who retires effective January 1, 2014 or thereafter shall be provided retiree medical coverage through the CS H & W
F und. For active retirees as of December 31, 2013, the contribution rates and benefits shall be as spec ified in the Summary
Plan Description.

A rticle 35(03/2<((6%$,//,&(16(68%67$1&($1'$/&2+2/7(67,1*
Section 35.3.3. Screening T est
The initial test uses an immunoassay to determine levels of drugs or drug metabolites. The following initial cutoff levels shall be used
when screening specimens to determine whether they are negative for these five (5)) drugs or drug classes.
Marijuana Metabolites
Cocaine Metabolites
6-A cetylmorphine
Opiate Metabolites

Initial Test Level (ng/ml)

300 150
1,000 500

These substances and test levels are subject to change by the Department of Transportation as advances in technology or other
considerations warrant
Section 35.3.4 Confirmatory T est
All specimens identified as positive on the initial test shall be confirmed using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
techniques at the cutoff values listed. The following cutoff levels shall be used to confirm the presence of drugs or drug metabolites:

Confirmatory Test Level (ng/ml)

Marijuana Metabolite (1)


Cocaine Metabolite (2)

150 100


Morphine (3)

6 - Acetyl morphine (3)

Codeine (3)





Met amphetamine (4)

500 250
500 250

M D M A/M D A/M D E A (5)

(1) Delta 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol 9 - carboxylic acid. (T H C A)
(2) Benzoylecgonine. Confirmatory cutoff of 100ng/ml.
(3) Test for 6-AM when morphine concentration is greater than or equal to 2000 ng/ml. M orphine is the target analyte for
codeine/morphine testing.
(4) Specimen must also contain amphetamine at a concentration greater than or equal to two one hundred (200 100) ng/ml before
reporting methamphetamine positive.
(5) M ethylenedioxymethamphetamine (M D M A) and its analytes M D A and M D E A
In the event the initial urine test indicates a positive response the confirmatory test must be done. These substances and test levels are
subject to change by the Department of Transportation as advances in technology or other considerations warrant.
Section 35.3.12. Rehabilitation and T esting A fter Return To Duty.


The employee shall be permitted to return to work after the SAP has determined that the employee has successfully complied with
prescribed education and/or treatment and the employee has provided a negative drug test result conducted under direct
observation, as per cutoff levels contained in Section 35.3.3 or Section 35.3.4 of this Article, as applicable, and/or an alcohol test with
an alcohol concentration less than 0.02. T he E mployer will ma ke all reasonable efforts to conduct all return-to-wor k testing,
conference calls, and examinations within five (5) wor king days of completion of a rehabilitation program.
The SAP is responsible for performing the following functions:
Follow-up testing shall consist of at least six (6) tests in the first twelve (12) months following the employee's return to duty. The one
(1) year Period may be extended as necessary by written verification of the Substance Abuse Professional. T ests shall be conducted
under direct observation.
Section 35.4.11 Discipline
It is agreed that an employee shall have a one (1) time rehabilitation opportunity opportunities for alcohol abuse as outlined in Article
16, Section 5, except as provided under Random Testing below. There shall also be a one (1) time rehabilitation opportunity for
substance abuse.

A R T I C L E 37. M A N A G E M E N T-E M P L O Y E E R E L A T I O NS
Section 37.1.
a) The parties agree that the principle of a fair day's work for a fair day's pay shall be observed at all times and employees shall
perform their duties in a manner that best represents the Employer's interest. The Employer shall not in any way intimidate, harass,
coerce, bully, or overly supervise any employee in the performance of his or her duties. The Employer shall treat employees with
dignity and respect at all times, which shall include, but not be limited to, giving due consideration to the age and physical condition
of the employee. Employees shall also treat each other as well as the Employer with dignity and respect.
b) It is the policy of the Employer to cooperate with a package car driver who desires to be relieved of overtime, subject to the
understanding that such package car driver shall complete his/her assignment and subject to the provisions below. Any package car
driver who desires to be relieved from overtime on a particular day or days shall submit a request in writing at least twenty-four (24)
hours in advance. The Center Manager and the Steward shall process such requests based on seniority.
within eight (8) hours, the driver shall be entitled to a two (2) hour penalty payment at his/her straight time rate.
The Employer shall allow a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the package car drivers worked in any center off on a daily basis. No
package car driver shall be granted more than two (2) requests per month. It is understood that to accomplish the above the Employer
may need to provide an earlier start time. It is further understood that the Employer is not obligated to let more than one (1) driver in a
loop off at one time. Such requests shall not be submitted during the period from November 15 th through the first two full weeks of
January months of November and December.
c) The Employer shall make a reasonable effort to reduce Package car drivers' workdays below 9.5 hours per day where requested. If a
review indicates that progress is not being made in the reduction of assigned hours of work, the following language shall apply, except
in the period from November 15 th through the first two full weeks of January months of November and December.
A R T I C L E 40. A I R O P E R A T I O N
Section 40.6. W ages
All hourly wages for employees covered under Article 40 shall be determined in accordance with this Section, Article 22 and Article
41 where specified.
a. Part-time air drivers including exception air drivers shall be paid as follows:
Start $11.50 $12.50
Seniority $12.50 $13.50
Seniority Date plus 12 months $13.00 $14.00

Seniority Date plus 18 months $13.50 $14.50

Seniority Date plus 24 months Top Rate
1. Effective August 1, 2008 2013 the prior $20.62 $24.74 twenty-four (24) month (top) rate shall change on August 1st and February
1st of each of the first three years of the Agreement to reflect the agreed upon general wage increases. T he last two general wage
increases will be applied to the Top Rate on A ugust 1 and F ebruary 1.
2. Seniority part-time employees entering a part-time air driver job after August 1, 2008 shall begin at the seniority rate.
Part-time employees who are awarded a scheduled part time air driver job shall receive progression credit in accordance with the
following: for each four (4) days on which exception air work was performed in the two (2) years immediately prior to the bid award,
one (1) month of progression credit shall be granted. In addition, if a bid part-time air driver is displaced, he shall retain his/her
progression credit under paragraph (a) for any air exception work. Seniority part-time employees entering a part-time air driver job
after August 1, 2008 shall begin at the seniority rate.
b. Full-time air drivers shall be paid as follows:
Start $13.50 14.50
Seniority $14.50 15.50
Seniority Date plus 12 months $15.00 16.00
Seniority Date plus 18 months $15.50 16.50
Seniority Date plus 24 months Top rate
1. Effective August 1, 2008 2013 the prior $20.62 $26.74 twenty-four (24) month (top) rate shall change on August 1st and February
1st of each of the first three years of the Agreement to reflect the agreed upon general wage increases. T he last two general wage
increases will be applied to the Top Rate on A ugust 1 and F ebruary 1.
2. All full-time air drivers in progression on August 1, 2008 shall be slotted into the full-time progression in paragraph (b) above.
Seniority full-time employees entering a full-time air driver job shall be slotted based on their Company seniority.
ac. All new hire full-time or part-time air drivers shall be placed in the applicable progression in paragraphs (a) or (b) above. Parttime employees who bid into a full-time air driver job covered by this Section will be red circled at their c ur rent wage rate
until such time as the calculated progression rate set forth above exceeds that rate. T he transfer date will become his/her f ulltime start date for the purposes of applying the progression set forth above. A part-time employee shall not lose the red circle
protection provided by this paragraph as a result of transfer ring from one full-time air driver job to another full-time air
driver job.
bd. All current full-time or part-time air drivers who are out of progression shall receive the general wage increases provided for in
accordance with the split dates provided in Article 41 or the Top Rate provided in paragraphs (a) or (b) above, whichever is greater.
ce. Employees in existing or newly created less-than-eight hour combination jobs shall be paid the part-time air rate in accordance
with paragraph (a) above for air driver work and their normal part-time wages for the hours worked in other classifications in
accordance with Article 22.
df. Employees who are in existing full-time combination jobs or who hereafter enter a full-time combination job shall be paid the
appropriate full-time air rate for air driver work and appropriate inside part-time rate for the hours worked in other classifications. If
an employee has no established inside rate, that employee shall be paid the appropriate part-time rate in accordance with his Company
eg. Employees on the exception air driver list shall continue to be slotted into the part-time air driver progression in paragraph (a)
above based upon the length of time the employee has been performing air exception work. Seniority employees who begin
performing air exception work shall start at the seniority rate. New part-time employees signing up to perform air exception work shall
receive the start rate in paragraph (a) above until they gain seniority.
fh. Part-time air hub and gateway employees and air walkers shall be paid at the all other rate of pay as shown in Article 22. However,
if a part-time employee is awarded an air walker job he/she shall continue to receive his/her inside rate in accordance with Article 22.
Full-time air hub and gateway jobs shall be paid in accordance with Article 41, Section 3 unless there is an existing agreement under
Article 40, Section 3 expressly providing a pay rate for such a classification.
gi. Air operation employees who are covered by a daily guarantee shall receive the same rest period provisions as outlined.

A R T I C L E 41. W A G ES
Section 41.1. F ull-T ime W age Increases
All full-time employees who have attained seniority as of August 1, 2008 2013 shall receive the following general wage increases for
each contract year. In the first three years of the contract the increase will be effective on A ugust 1. each of the years In 2016 and
2017, the increase shall be paid in two (2) equal installments. The first-half of the increase shall become effective on August 1 of the
specified year. The second half of the increase shall become effective on February 1 of the following calendar year. The total wage
increase for the year shall be as follows:
2008 seventy-cents ($0.70)
2009 seventy-five cents ($0.75)
2010 seventy-five cents ($0.75)
2011 eighty-five cents ($0.85)
2012 ninety-five cents ($0.95)
2013 seventy cents
2014 seventy cents
2015 seventy cents
2016 eighty cents
2017 one dollar


Full time employees still in progression on the effective date of this agreement shall receive the above contractual increases and shall
be paid no less than what they are entitled to in accordance with Article 41, section 2 below.
Section 41.2. F ull-time W age Progression
a. The following wage progression schedule shall cover all full-time employees, except apprentices, who are in the progression as of
August 1, 2008.
The rate in effect on July 31, 2002 shall be used to calculate the progression rates for the life of this Agreement.
Rate in Effect on July 31, 2002
Start 70% Seniority 75% Seniority date plus one (1) year 80% Seniority date plus 18 month 90% Seniority date plus two (2) years Top
Part time employees on the payroll as of July 31, 2002 who subsequently are promoted to full-time employment under this
progression, shall be red circled until such time as the calculated progression rate exceeds that rate. The transfer date shall become
his/her full-time start date for purposes of applying the above progression.
When a part time employee bids to a full-time classification under this progression where the top rate of the full time classification is
less than his/her current rate, the employee shall be placed at the top rate of the new classification immediately.
a. b. No employee shall be required to complete a full-time progression more than one time even if he or she transfers between
fulltime jobs except as set forth in this paragraph The sole exception is when an employee is awarded a package car or feeder driver
job and has not previously held a full-time job which includes driving duties. In such event, the employee shall have a break in rate
equal to the employee's current wage rate until six (6) months from the date the employee entered the job. The employee shall then go
to the prevailing top rate. A part-time air driver who has completed the Article 40 progression bids a full-time inside job and then a
driver job within two (2) years shall have the same break-in period.
b. c. The progression for employees entering a package car driving, feeder, or other full-time job (other than an air driver or a job
covered by Section 3 below) position after August 1, 200813 shall be as follows:
Twelve (12) months
Twenty-four (24) months
Thirty-six (36) months
Forty-eight (48) months

$16.10 $18.75
$17.25 $18.75
$18.45 $19.50
$20.75 $21.00
Top rate $25.00
Top Rate


Part-time employees on the payroll as of July 31, 2008 13 who subsequently are promoted to full-time employment under this
paragraph shall be red circled until such time as the calculated progression rate exceeds that rate. The transfer date shall become
his/her full-time start date for purposes of applying the above progression.
If a part-time employee bids to a full-time position and the top rate of the classification is less than his/her current rate, the employee
shall be placed at the top rate of the new classification immediately.
This Sub-section shall supercede any provision to the contrary in this agreement.
Article 41 Section 2 (c) of the prior Agreement shall remain in effect for all employees in that progression as of August 1, 201308.
Section 41.3. F ull T ime Inside Combination E mployees W ages
The rates in this Section shall not apply to any full-time inside jobs guaranteed in Article 22, Section 2 created prior to August 1,
1997. Rather for employees entering those jobs, A rticle 41, section 2.b. above shall apply.
Part-time employees whose rates are higher than those set forth below who bid into a full-time inside job covered by this Section shall
be paid their current inside wage rate plus the general wage increases.
Other part-time employees who bid into a full-time inside job covered by this Section shall be red circled at their current wage rate
until such time as the calculated progression rate set forth below exceeds that rate. The transfer date shall become his/her full-time
start date for purposes of applying the progression set forth below. A part-time employee shall not lose the red circle protection
provided by this paragraph as a result of transferring from one full-time inside job to another full-time inside job.
Start $14.00
Seniority $15.00
Seniority plus one year $15.50
Seniority plus 18 months $16.00
Seniority plus 24 months $16.50
Seniority plus 36 months Top Rate
Seniority plus 12 months
Seniority plus 24 months
Seniority plus 36 months
Forty-eight (48) moths

Top Rate

The Top Rate shall be $22.62 $26.74 plus the general wage increases provided in Section 1 above
For those employees who are currently in the above progression as of August 1, 200813 or who enter a job covered by this Section
prior to August 1, 2008, Article 41, Section 3 of the prior Agreement shall continue to apply. When the progression is completed, the
employee shall be placed at the then current top rate and shall thereafter be eligible to receive the general wage increases beginning on
the next date specified in Article 41, Section 1.
Full-time employees who bid into a full-time inside job covered by this Section shall be paid in accordance with their full-time
seniority date. Full-time employees with three (3) four (4) or more years of full-time seniority who bid into a full-time inside job shall
be paid the top current rate of the classification.
A rticle 44. SE N I O R I T Y
Section 44.1. Seniority Rights
Employees hired to fill vacancies during the vacation period, or hired only for peak season (October 1st through December 31st the
second full week of Janua ry) shall not be entitled to seniority. No new Employees shall be hired if Employees on the Seniority list
are available at adjoining Centers and willing to perform the work. Part-timers who have wor ked to fill vacancies in the package
car or feeder classifications, who successfully bid into a permanent opening, shall have all days wor ked filling vacancies during
the twelve months prior to the first day wor ked on the bid job deducted from the applicable progression. It is understood th at
the filling of vacancies in the feeder classification occurs in the Peak season only.


Section 44.2. Probationary E mployees-O rientation M eetings

b)Attendance at orientation meetings, not to extend beyond three (3) days, shall not count as working days. People attending
orientations shall be paid a daily rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) seventy five dollars ($75.00) for full time and thirty dollars ($30.00)
forty dollars ($40.00) for part time.
c) Business agents shall be permitted to attend new employee orientations for the sole purpose of talking about the benefits of
Union membership. T he E mployer agrees to provide the Local Union at least one week's notice of the date, time, and location
of such orientation. T he Business agent shall give the L abor Relations M anager forty-eight (48) hour notice of attendance.
Section 44.4. L ay O ffs
The Employer shall make an effort to reduce assigned overtime in any classification where employees may be laid off.
F ull-T ime
When it becomes necessary to reduce the working force in a classification, the employee in that classification with the least amount of
Company Seniority shall be laid off first. For the duration of the layoff the employee shall have one choice of the following options.
1. a) If a full time feeder driver is laid off he/she may exercise his/her company seniority in the same classification and displace the
employee with the least amount of full time company seniority in the classification on the following Monday in the Tri-District Local
b) If a full time package car driver is laid off he/she may exercise his/her company seniority in the same classification and displace the
employee with the least amount of full time company seniority in the classification on the following Monday in the Tri-District Local
c) If a full-time A rticle 22.3 combination employee is laid off, the employee performing the job being reduced may exerc ise
his/her company seniority and displace the full-time combination employee with the least amount of company seniority at their
location, if qualified. (T he location is defined as the same sort combination that comprises the laid-RII HPSOR\HHV ELG  ,I
unable to displace the junior A rticle 22.3 at their location he/she may exercise their seniority to displace the least senior A rticle
22.3 employee on the following M onday in the District, if qualified. No combination employee will be laid off if a part -time
employee is scheduled to perform the wor k that is being reduced.
cd) If any other full time employees are laid off he/she may exercise his/her company seniority and may displace the employee with
the least amount of full time company seniority in the classification on the following Monday in the District, if qualified.

A R T I C L E 48. F E E D E R D R I V E RS
Section 48.1. Job Bids
In March and September of each year, all feeder jobs in each building shall be posted for bid by classification seniority. Twenty-five
percent (25%) of the employees in their classification shall bid weekly. Those who fail or decline to make their selection by the
required time period shall be assigned. Such bidding procedure shall be completed by the end of said months. After completion of the
job bidding process, a copy of the bid sheet shall be given to the union Steward upon request. In addition to the March and September
bid of each year, the feeder drivers shall have unlimited bidding.
If a permanent vacancy, or newly established bid, becomes available in a building, the feeder driver in that building may bid on such
openings in seniority order. Any unfilled vacancy shall be first filled from the Tri-District Local 705 jurisdiction Feeder intent list.
T he ten most senior employees who get the necessary certification (permit) will be trained for purposes of gaining their C D L
qualifications. O nce qualified, these ten employees will be the first employees, eligible in seniority, order for pea k season and
permanent feeder job opportunities only. T hese ten may be expanded by mutual agreement.


Section 48.3. T ractor-T railer School

All full time employees who are interested in qualifying as a tractor-trailer driver, shall so notify the Employer. Such employees in
seniority order shall be permitted to attend on their own time, the Employer training program which may be established from time to
time as the need occurs. The Employer agrees to furnish the necessary equipment and instructors.
A R T I C L E 51. H O L I D A YS
Section 51.1 Holiday Pay
Employees shall be paid: eight (8) hours pay for full time employees, four (4) hours pay for part time employees, at the straight time
hourly rate for the following holidays: New Year's Day, Decoration M emorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, December 31st, and three (3) optional holidays, and regardless of the day of the week on
which it falls, provided, they comply with the qualifications set forth hereinafter. Holidays, which fall on Sunday, shall be observed on
Monday. Where the Employer schedules work on a holiday, such work shall be offered in order of seniority and if not fully staffed the
least senior employee(s) shall work the holiday.
W hen the employer allows an employee to take an entire wor kweek off without pay, and said employee has an optional holiday
available, the employee shall be allowed to use the optional day.
A R T I C L E 52. V A C A T I O NS
Section 52.1
5) Unused option days shall be paid in full the first week of December each year.
The Employer shall schedule fifteen percent (15%) of the Employees by classification off on vacation from the Monday after Easter,
of the third full week of A pril up to and including the week in which Labor Day falls and a minimum of five percent (5%) off the
remaining months. Optional weeks are not to be differentiated from regular vacation weeks in selection.
2. T wo Hour Ninety (90) M inute G ap Review
The Employer and Union shall periodically meet and review full time combination jobs that have over an hour break between
segments and where possible shall reduce the gap.
UPS C hicago A rea Consolidation H ub / T eamster Local 705 F eeder Department Agreement
United Parcel Service, Inc. and I B T Local 705 agree that the following terms shall apply to the C A C H F eeder Department:

No more than 10 percent of the C A C H feeder board total shall be bid as A rticle 22.3 Combination shifter jobs.


No more than fifteen percent (15%) of the C A C H feeder board shall be F ull-time (Non-C D L) Shifter positions
(refer red to hereafter as F ull- T ime Shifter). It is understood that this classification is not intended to eliminate the
C D L shift jobs.


T he top rate of pay for the A rticle 22.3 Combination Shift wor k shall begin at the midpoint between the T ractor
D river rate and the Inside Jobs (A fter July 31, 2002) rate.(A rticle 22.3 Combination Shift employees who at the time
of the implementation of this agreement who enjoy a higher rate of pay for the shift portion of the job will be redcircled at that rate until the position is vacated).


T he top rate of pay for the F ull-time Shifter positions shall begin at the midpoint between the T ractor D river rate and
the Inside Jobs (A fter July 31, 2002) rate.



T here shall be no cross-over bidding between C D L F eeder and F ull-time Shifter feeder boards during the bi-annual
bids. (A rticle 22.3 Combination Shifter employees shall remain separate and do not participate in bi-annual bidding).


F ull-time Shifters and A rticle 22.3 Combination Shifters shall have the opportunity to when qualified, add their name
to the feeder qualified list should they wish to become C D L F eeder drivers.


C D L F eeder drivers desiring a F ull-time Shift job shall indicate in writing, to the Company and the Union, their
desire to obtain said position at the appropriate rate of pay.


No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of any bid start time shall be comprised of bid F ull-T ime Non-C D L shift jobs
unless by mutual agreement of the Company and the Union.


It will be considered a permanent vacancy in accordance with the terms of A rticle 44. Section 5(b) should an A rticle
22.3 Combination Shifter wor k eight (8) hours or more per day in the shifting portion of his/her job. A buses of this
provision will be subject to the grievance machinery.

10. W hen it becomes necessary to reduce the wor kforce, the A rticle 22.3 Combinations Shifters will be laid-off first in
reverse order of seniority. Said laid-off employees will have the rights afforded under A rticle 44. Section 4.
11. W hen further reductions are necessary, the F ull-time Shifters will be laid-off next in reverse order of seniority. Said
laid-off employees will have the right afforded under A rticle 44. Section 4.


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