Class-Created Rubric For Poetry Analysis

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Class Created Rubric for Poetry Analysis

It is important for you to have the opportunity to formulate assessments for your work. This will help you to understand
where your marks are coming from, to recognize and consider the significant elements that should be included and
addressed in your writing, and to take greater ownership in the writing and analysis you are doing.

Understanding the Poem

(Literal Meaning)

Understanding the Poems

(Figurative or Implied

Form and Structure


/ 15

Ideas have been well
substantiated/ tied back
to the poem with
supporting evidence from
the text/ poem (this may
include predictions,
hypotheses, and analysis)

Ideas have been somewhat
substantiated/ tied back
to the poem with
supporting evidence from
the text/ poem (this may
include predictions,
hypotheses, and analysis)

Ideas have been minimally
substantiated/ tied back
to the poem with
supporting evidence from
the text/ poem (this may
include predictions,
hypotheses, and analysis)

Any assumptions that did

not pan out have been
addressed and reflected
upon; these have enhanced
understanding; vocabulary
and context
comprehension have been
well documented

Assumptions have been

somewhat addressed, but
misinterpretation may
exist; vocabulary and
context comprehension
have been somewhat

Assumptions have not

been substantiated, and
have led to
misinterpretation of text;
vocabulary and context
comprehension are
incomplete/ minimally

Theme has been correctly

identified, well
documented, and well
supported with evidence
from the text

Theme has been identified,

somewhat documented,
and some support has been

Theme has been identified,

but may be misinterpreted;
minimal support for ideas
is present (may have led to
the misinterpretations)

Risk-taking is evident in
vocabulary; progression
and organization has been
well-defined and is clearly
evident; theme is wellsupported in exploration of

Vocabulary is progressing
from conventional, risks
have been attempted;
progression and
organization are evident,
but may falter somewhat
at times; all topics support
main theme/ idea

Vocabulary is conventional;
progression and
organization are minimally
evident and may distract
from message; topics
explored may not support

Grammar, syntax, and

writing structures have
been well considered and
effectively applied; one or
two minor spelling errors
are understandable with

Grammar, syntax, and

writing structures have
been considered and are
progressing; few spelling

Grammar, syntax, and

writing structures are
developing; several spelling
errors (meaning may begin
to be affected)

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