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To Diversify or to consolidateNICT at crossroads

Submitted by,
Subramaniam S

1) Do you think NICT should take up PBI Offer?

NICT should not take up PBI offer due to the following reasons:
Test parameters

Evaluation of parameters
The drivers of Business model



If NICT takes up the PBI offer, the employment which is a

key driver for its inclusive growth might not be contributor
The skill-set and capabilities of the employees needed to be
much stronger to serve the requirements of PBI.
The reputation and reliability of the services extended by
NICT towards PBI might be lost due to inefficient working.
Therefore the empowerment of people which is one of the
core inputs for NICTs inclusive growth could be lost.
The key ecosystem partners


Existing customers

The complacency among the employees would increase,

thereby increasing the inefficiency of work within the
The CSC employees who were not even graduates will not be
able to inculcate the capability to serve the requirements.
The competitors of PBI viz. SBI and BOI might not retain
their relationships with NICT. This would mean that NICTs
dependence on PBI would increase, thereby transferring the
bargaining power to PBI.
Organizational attributes



The organization hierarchy would be incompatible, if the PBI

offer is accepted. The accountability issues would escalate
causing disharmony within the teams.
The workload by PBI might affect the flexibility of NICT, and
its ability to offer diversified portfolios, which would thereby
disrupt NICTs reputation.

2) What are ramifications with respect to SBI & BOI if it takes up PBI Offer?
If NICT takes up PBI offer, the following are the ramifications with respect to SBI &
a) Since SBI & BOI are immediate competitors of PBI, they would be reluctant to maintain
the same relationship with NICT as before.
b) Also, NICT need to make sure that they are not biased in offering services to their
customers. In case of any bias, either of the power heads could terminate their association
with NICT.
c) If SBI and BOI plan to exit the relationship with NICT, PBI would emerge as the only
major revenue source. Thereby the bargaining power would be now with PBI.
d) The villages that received empowerment due to the alliances might get stopped, thereby
restricting NICTs customer base.

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