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eati ng

Discover great dishes for making barbecues
and a/ fresco eating as delicious and easy

they are fun and informal.

412 Ealing Outdoors


ntry Pasta


Colourful, tasty and nutritious, this

is the ideal pasta salad for a picnic.

Serves 6

al the

1 Cook the pasta in liqhtly saJted

3 To make the dress ng, put

boiling water for 8-'10 minutes, unti

ngredients n a large bowl with

tender. Drain n a colander, rinse under

and pepper to taste and whisk well

cold running water, then shake the

untii thoroughly combined.


colander to remove as much water

as poss ble. Leave

300911 1 az/23/4cups dried fusilli


to drain and



50gl5oz green beans, trimmed and

shaking the colander occasiona ly so

cut into 5cm/2in lengths

potato, about I 50q/5o2, diced

that t



does not st ck.

2009/7oz baby tamatoes, halved

2 spring onions (scallions),

finely chopped
9agl31hoz/scant 11/dcups diced or
coarsely shaved Parmesan cheese

6 8 pitted black olives, cut into ings

5 30ml/l-2 tbsp capers, to taste

4 Add the baby tomatoes, spring

onions, Parmesan, olive rings and

capers to the dressing, then the cold

For the dressing

pasta, beans and potato. Toss welL to

90ml/6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 Cook the beans and diced potato

15ml/7 tbsp balsamic vinegar


smll1 tbsp chopped fresh flat

leaf parsley

salt and qround black pepper


mlx all the ingredients. Cover the

a pan of lightly salted, boiling water for

salad and leave to stand for about

5 6 minutes, or until tender. Drain

30 minutes. Season to taste with sait

eave to cool.


and pepper before serving.








Eatinq Outdoors 4'13

Salad with Watermelon and Feta Cheese

The combination of sweet and juicy

watermelon with salty feta cheese

was inspired by the Turkish
tradition of eating watermelon

with salty white cheese in the hot

summer months. lt is idealfor
barbecues and picnics.

Serves 6-8
30-45m1/2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
juice of th lemon

1 Pour the extra virgin olive oil, lemon

juice and vinegar into a bowl or jug

5mll1 tsp vinegar of choice

(pitcher). Add the fresh thyme and

3 Cut the flesh into bitesize triangularshaped chunks.

leaves in a bowl, pour

sprinkling of fresh thyme

ground cumin, and whisk until well

4 Put the lettuce

pinch of ground cumin

combined. Set the dressing aside

over the dressing and toss together.

4 large slices of watermelon, chilled

until you are ready to serve the salad.

Arrange the leaves on a serving dish


or individual plates and add the

frisee lettuce, core removed

309/41hoz feta cheese, preferably

sheep's milk feta, cut into

2 Cut the rind off the watermelon and

watermelon, ieta rheese, punpkin

remove as many seeds as possible.

and sunflower seeds and black olives.

5erve the salad immediately.

bitesize pieces
handful of lightly toasted
pumpkin seeds

'c()(,K'S TIP

Use plump black Mediterranean olivet

cantaloupe or Charentais

handful of sunflower seeds

such as kalamata, for this recipe or

Use Galia,


other shiny, dry-cured black olives.

melon instead of the watermelon.

15 black olives

414 Eating Outdoors

Peruvian Salad
This really is a spectacular-looking
salad. lf you serve it in a deep,
glass salad bowl, the guests can
then see the various layers of rice
and green salad leaves, topped by

the bright colours of the peppers,

corn, eggs and olives.

Serves 8
4509/1 lb14 cups cooked long grain

brown or white rice

Put the cooked rice into a large bowl

and spoon in half the dressing. Add the

30mll2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

chopped parsley, stir well and set aside.

5 Cook the green beans in boiling

water for 2 minutes, then add the corn
and cook for 1-2 minutes more, until

2 red (bell) peppers

tender. Drain both vegetables, refresh

2 onions, sliced

them under cold water, then drain

olive oil, for sprinkling

aqain. Place in a larqe mixinq bowl and

2509/9oz green beans, halved

add the red pepper strips, quaill eggs

and ham. if using.

5gl4oz/2ls cup baby corn

8 quail's eggs, hard-boiled

759/3oz Serrano ham, cut into
thin slices (optional)
2 small avocados
lemon juice, for sprinkling
1509/5oz mixed salad leaves

30mll2 tbsp capers

3 Cut the peppers in half, remove the

about 20 stuffed olives, halved

seeds and pith, then place the halves,

For the dressing

Add the onion rings. Sprinkle with

cut side down, in a small roasting pan.

2 garlic cloves, crushed

ittle olive oil, place the pan unde-

120mll4fl oz/lh cup olive oil

a hot grill (broiier) and grlll (broil) for

90ml/6 tbsp sunflower oil

60ml/4 tbsp lemon juice

5-6 minutes, or until the peppers

Peel each avocado, remove the stor:

(pit), and cut the flesh into slices or

blacken and blister and the onion turns

chrrks. Sprir kle with rhe lemon

90ml/6 tbsp natural (plain) yogurt

golder^. You "nay need to st r the onion

Put the salad leaves in a separate boy,

5ml/1 tsp mustard

once or twice so that it cooks evenly.

add the avocado and mix lightly.

5ml/1 tsp granulated sugar

Arange the salad on



1u ce

the "i(e.

salt and ground black pepper

7 Stir about 45mll3 tbsp of the

1 Make the dressing by placing all the

remaining dressing nto the green be.-

ingredients in a bowl and whisk ng

and peppernixtlre.


the salad.

fork until smooth. Alternat

shake the ingredients together in

screw-top jar.


e this on top


8 Sprinkle the capers and stuffed olives

on top and serve the salad with the

c(ta!!(,s rrP


remaining dressing.

hard-boil quail's eggs, place them in a


pan of simmering wateri bring the water

back to simmering point and cook for

peppers in a bowl, cover and leave unti

Use couscous

4 minutes. Drain the eggs and rinse in

cool. Peel ihe peppers and cut the flesh

bowl and cover with 2.5cm/1 in boiling

cold water then shell.

into thin strips.

water. Leave to stand for 1 0-1 5 minutes.

Stir the onion into the rice. Put the

instead of rice. Place in a



* #*;*.







4'16 Eatinq Outdoors

Egg and Fennel Tabbouleh with Nuts


is a

Middle Eastern

salad of steamed bulgur wheat,

flavoured with lots of parsley, mint

and garlic. lt goes very well with

Ha ve and then thinly siice the

{ennel. Boil in salted water for


6 minutes, drain and coo under

runn ng water.

almost all barbecue dishes,


especially chicken.

4 Comb ne the

egg quarters, fennel,

spring onions, sun-dried tomatoes,

Serves 4

parsley, mint and olives with the

250gl9oz/11/a cups bulgur wheat

eggs, arange them on top of the

bulgur wheat. ]f you have sliced the

4 small (US medium) eggs

ad. Dress the tabbouleh with ol ve

Place the bulgur wheat in a bowl,


fennel bulb

cover w th boiiing water and eave to


bunch spring onions

soak for

we I with

(scallions), chopped

metal sieve, place over a pan of

25q11 oz/1/z

5 minutes. Transfer to a

qarlic oil and lemon juice. Season


t and


boiling water, cover and steam for

cup sun-dried

10 minutes. Spread out on a meta tray

tomatoes, sliced

45mll3 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

and leave to cool while you cook the

30mll2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

eggs and fennel.

759l3oz/1/z cup black olives

60ml/4 tbsp olive oil, preferably Greek

or Spanish
30ml/2 tbsp garlic oil
30ml/2 tbsp lemon juice
salt and


black pepper

Hard-boil the eggs for 8 minutes.

Coo under running water, shell and


quarteL Alternatively, using an egg

Small whole eggs, such as gull, quail,

slicer, slice them but not quite all the

plover or guinea fowl, would also be

way through.

good in this dish.


. ..



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Eating Outdoors 417

Tortilla Wrap with Tabbouleh and Avocado

To be successful,

tabbouleh needs

lemon juice, plenty of {resh

herbs and lots of freshly ground
black pepper.

Serves 6

759/602/1 cup bulgur wheat

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh flat
leaf parsley

bunch spring onions

(scallions), sliced


cucumbet diced

50ml/2fl ozll/q cup extra virgin olive oil

juice of 1 large lemon

ripeavocado, stoned (pitted), peeled

and diced
juice of 1/z lemon

red chilli, seeded and sliced

garlic clove, crushed

th red (bell) peppe, seeded and

finely diced
salt and ground black pepper

4 wheat tortillas, to serve

flat leaf parsley, to garnish (optional)

2 Add the mint,

parsley, spring onions

and cucumber to the bulgur wheat

To make the tabbouleh, place the

To make the avocado mixture, place

and mix thoroughly. Blend together

lhe olive oit and lemon ju'ce rn a jug

the avocado in a bowl and add the

lemon juice, chilli and garlic. Season to
taste with salt and pepper and mash

(pitcher) and pour over the tabbouleh,


season to taste with salt and pepper

Stir in the red pepper.

a fork to form a smooth pur6e.

bulgur wheat in a large heatproof

bowl and pour over enough boiling

film (plastic wrap) and chill in the

4 Warm the tortillas in a dry frying pan

water to cover. Leave for 30 minutes

refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow

and serve either flat, folded or rolled

until the qrains are tender but still

the flavours to mingle.

up with the tabbouleh and avocado

and toss well to mix. Cover with clear

retain a little resistance to the bite.

mixture. Garnrsh with parsley, if using.

Drain thoroughly in a sieve. then tip

coot(,s TtP

back into the bowl.

The soaking time for bulgur wheat can

vary. For the best results, follow the

instructions on the packet and taste the

grain every now and again to check
whether it is tender enough.

418 Eating Outdoors

Summer Vegetables with Yogurt Pesto

3 Slice the fennel bulbs and the red

Chargrilled summer vegetables

make a meal on their own, or are
delicious served as a Mediterraneanstyle accompaniment to grilled

onions into thick wedges, using a sharp

kitchen knife.

meats and fish.

Serves 8

small aubergines (eggplant)

4 large courgettes (zucchini)

2 red (bell) peppers

1 Cut the aubergines inlo 1cml1,bin

2 yellow (bell) peppers

slices. Sprinkle with salt and leave to

2 fennel bulbs

drain for about 30 minutes. Rinse well

in cold running water and pat dry

2 red onions
300mllh pintll


cups Greek

(US strained plain)


Use a sharp krtchen knife

to cut the

Prepare the barbecue. Stir the yogurt

and pesto lightly together in a bowl.

90ml/6 tbsp pesto

courgettes in half lengthways. Cut

to make a marbled sauce. Spoon the

olive oil, for brushing

the peppers in half, removing the

seeds but leaving the stalks in place.

yogurt pesto into a serving bowl, cover

salt and ground black pepper


and set aside.




5 Arrange the vegetables on the hot

barbecue, brush generously with olive

oil and sprinkle with plenty of salt anc

qround black pepper.
6 Cook the vegetables until golden
brown and Lenoer, tJ"ning ocras one


The aubergines and peppers will take

6-8 minutes to cook, the courgettes.

onion and fennel 4-5 minutes. Serue
the vegetables as soon as they are
cooked, with the yogurt pesto.

coot(,s TIP
Baby vegetables are excellent for cookirS

whole on the barbecue, so look for babl

aubergines (eggplant) and (bell) pepper'
in particular. There's no need to salt th
aubergines if they are small.

Eating Outdoors 419

Aubergine and Smoked M ozzarella Rolls

Slices of grilled aubergine are
stuffed with smoked mozzarella,
tomato and fresh basil to make an
attractive hors-d'oeuvre-

Serves 4

turning once.

Prepare the barbecue or preheat the

grill (broiler) and line the rack with fo

Place the aubergine slices on the rack

and brush liberally with oil. Cook for

large aubergine (eggplant)

45ml/3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for

drizzling (optional)
165g/51/z oz smoked mozzarella
cheese, cut into

0 minutes until tender and golden,

Remove the aubergine s ices from

the heat, then place a slice of

mozzarella, a slice of tomato and a

1 Cut the aubergine lengthways into

basil leaf in the centre of each

10 thin s ices and discard the twcr

aubergine slice, and season to taste.

outermost slices. Spnnkle the slices


4 even-size slices

with salt and

return to the heat, seam side down,

large basil leaves

20 minutes. Rlnse well under cold


2 plum tomatoes, each cut into

set them aside for

the aubergine over the filling and

until heated through and the

balsamicvinegar, for
drizzling (optional)

running water to remove all traces of

mozzarella begins to melt. Serve

salt, then drain and pat dry with

drizzled with olive oil and

salt and ground black pepper

kitchen paper.

balsamic vinegar, if using.



a ittle

420 Eating Outdoors


icken Liver Pat6 with Garlic

3 Add 45ml/3 tbsp Madeira and set it

This smooth pat6 is indulgent

1Melll5g/3ozl6 tbsp butter

and absolutely delicious. Start

preparation the day before so that
the flavour can develop fully.

pan over a low heat, then leave it to

alight, then scrape the contents o{ the

bubble gently until it is clear Pour off

pan into a food processor or blender.

in a small

the clarified butter into a bowl.

Serves 6-8
2259/8ozl1 cup unsalted (sweet) butter
400911 4oz chicken livers, chopped

45 60nl/34

tbsp Madeira

3 large shallots, chopped

2 large garlic cloves, finely chopped


tsp finely chopped fresh thyme

pinch of ground allspice

4Melt25g/1ozl2 tbsp butter n the

30ml/2 tbsp double (heavy)

cream (optional)

2Mell40g/11hozl3 tbsp butter in

salt and ground black pepper

lryrng pan and cook the chicken lrvers

shallots for 5 minutes, or until soft.

small fresh bay leaves or fresh thyme

for 4-5 minutes, or until browned. Stir

Add the garlic, thyme and allspice and

frequently lo make sure tha't the livers

cook for another 2-3 mlnutes. Add this

cook evenly. Do not overcook them

mixture to

or they will be tough.

butter and cream, if using, then

sprigs, to garnish
toast and small pickled gherkins,
to serve

pan over a low heat and cook the



with the "emaining

process until smooth.

5 Add about 7.5ml/11h tsp each of salt

and black pepper and more l\,4adeira to
taste. Scrape the pat6 into a serving
dish and place a few bay leaves or

thyme sprigs on top. Melt the clarified

butter, if necessary, then pour t over
the petd. Cool ard chil. tl-e o6te [o"
4 hours or overnight.


Cognac, Armagnac or port can be

used instead of Madeira.


duck livers instead of chicken

and add 2.5m1/% tsp grated orange rind


chopped fresh tarragon instead

of the thyme.

Eating Outdoors 421

Herbed Liver Pdt6 Pie

Serve this highly flavoured pAt6


of Pilsner beer for

a glass

change from wine.






6759111/z lb minced (ground) pork

!eJ f

3509/1 2oz pork liver

3509/7 2oz/2 cups diced cooked ham

small onion, finely chopped

30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

5ml/1 tsp German mustard
3Aml/2 tbsp Kirsch


smlll tsp salt

beaten egg, for sealing and glazing
259/1 oz sachet (envelope) aspic jelly

250mll8fl ozll cup botling water

ground black pepper
mustard, crusty bread and dill pickles,
ta serve

the pastry

4509/1lb/4 cups plain


(all-purpose) flour

pinch of salt


2/59/1 0oz/11/a cups butter

2 eggs plus

egg yolk

30ml/2 tbsp water




1 Preheat the oven to 20a"c/400"F/

Gas 6. To make the pastry, sift the

flour and salt and rub in the butter.

Beat the eggs, egg yolk and water,
add to

tre ory ngredie.lls dnd



Bake for 40 minutes, then reduce

the oven temperature to 1 80'C/350'F/

further hour.

Gas 4 and cook for a

Cover the pastry with

foi if the top

begins to brown too much. Leave the

pie to cool in the tin.

Knead the dough briefly until

smooth. Ro I out two-thirds on a llghtly

floured surface and use



ine a

(pan). Tr m any excess dough.

Process half the pork and all of the

ver unti I fa irly smooth.


r in the

rema n ng minced pork, ham, onion,

jelly, using the

packet instructlons. Stir to disso ve,


Make up the asp

boiling water or according to the

0in hinged loaf trn

Roll out the remain ng pastry on the

then leave to coo.

ight y f oured surface and use lt to

top the pie, brushing the edges with

some o{ the beaten egg to seal.

the pie with a skewer, then pour in the

Make a small hole near the edge of

parsley, mustard, Kirsch, salt and black

Decorate w th the pastry trrmmrngs

aspic through a greaseproof pape.

pepper to taste.

and brush with the remaln ng beaten

funne. Chlll in the refr gerator'o'

egg to g aze. Us ng a fork, make three

east 2

Spoon the fllling rnto the tin and

leve the surface.

or four holes n the top, for the steam

r :c c i .:
rl'e p e u th -J-t"'r ('- -... .'': r'. i-

to escape dunng cookrng.


horr: belore



422 Ealing Outdoors

Summer Herb Ricotta Flan

Infused with aromatic herbs, this
flan makes a delightful picnic dish.

serves I

1 Preheat the oven to 1 80'C/350'F/

Gas 4 and lightly grease a 23cm/9in
sprinqform cake tin (pan) with oil. Mix

together the ricotta cheese, Parmesan

and egg yolks in a food processor or

olive oil, for greasing and glazing

blender. Aod the herbs and seasoning,

8009 / 1 3 I t I b/31h cups ri cotta cheese

and blend until smooth and creamy.

759/3oz/1 cup grated Parmesan cheese

3 eggs, separated

2 Whisk the egg whites in a large bowl

60ml14 tbsp torn fresh basil leaves

until they form soft peaks. Gently fold

60ml14 lbsp chopped fresh chives

the egg whites into the ricotta cheese

45ml/3 tbsp fresh oregano leaves

2.5m\/lhtsp paprika

mixture using a rubber spatula, taking

(dre nol to l nock out too much air

salt and ground black pepper

Spoon the ricotta mixture into the

chopped. Gradually add the olive oil

fresh herb leaves, to garnish

prepared tin and smooth the top.

and blend to a coarse paste, then

For the tapenade

3 Bake for

4009/1 4ozl31h cups pitted black olives,

the flan is risen and the top is golden.

4 Make the tapenade by placing the

olives and garlic in a food processor
or blender and process until finely

trans{er to a seruing bowl. Garnish

hour 20 minutes, or until

rinsed and halved, reserving a few

Remove from the oven and brush

whole to garnish (optional)

the {lan with fresh herbs leaves and


with the tapenade.

lightly with olive oil, then sprinkle with


5 garlic cloves, crushed

paprika. Leave the flan to cool before

Sprinkle 259/1 oz chopped, drained sun-

75ml/5 tbsp olive oil

removinq it from the pan.

dried tomatoes over the flan as a garnish

Red Onion and Goat's Cheese Pastries

These attractive little pastries are

ideal for picnics and buffets and

frying pan, add the sliced red onions

3 Preheat the oven ro 220"C/475"F/

Gas /. Unrol' the pu'f pastry and using

couldn't be easier to make. Serve

simply with a mixed green salad
dressed with balsamic vinegar
and extra virgin olive oil.

and cook over a gentle heat for about

a 1 5cm/6in plate as a guide, cut out

Heat the olive oil in a large hearry

0 minules, or unti{ softened, stirring

eight equal rounds.

ace the pastry

occasionally with a wooden spoon to

rounds on dampened baking sheets

prevent them from browning.

and, using the point of a sharp knife,

score a border, 2cmflin inside the

Serves 8

edge of each round.

30ml/2 tbsp olive oil

9009/2lb red onions, sliced

4 Divide the onions among the pastry

rounds and top with the cubes of

60ml/4 tbsp fresh thyme or

goat5 cheese. Brush the edge of each

round with beaten egg and bake {or

20ml/4 tsp dried

30ml/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

lb 4oz ready+olled puff pastry


25 30 minutes, untilgolden.


wilh the fresh thyme, if using.



the salad leaves and tomatoes.

2259/8oz/1 cup goat's cheese, cubed

2 eggs, beaten


salt and ground black pepper

2 Add the thyme, seasoning and

fresh thyme sprigs,

balsamic vinegar, and cook the onions

Ring the changes by spreading the pastry


base with 45ml/3 tbsp pesto or tapenade

to garnish (optional)
mixed green salad leaves and
cherry tomatoes, to serve

fufther 5 minutes. Remove the

frying pan from the heat and leave

(see recipe above) before you add the

to cool.

onion filling.


. &_:. . /l





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424 f

aling Outdoors

Herbed Greek Pies

2 Preheat the oven Io 190"C/375"F/

Mixed fresh herbs give these

little pies a delicate flavour.

Gas 5. Roll out the pastry thinly and cut

oJt erghL "ounds using a 7.5(m/3in

cutter. Line deep Patty tins (muffin

pans) with the Pastry rounds, then each one wilh a Pie(e ol bakinq

Makes 8

5g/4oz/1 cup plain (all'purpose) flour

parchment. Bake bllnd for 1 5 minutes'

5Og/2oz/4 tbsP butter, diced


Remove the baking Parchment and

5-25m1/1-11h tbs? water

For the


45-60m1/34 tbsP taPenade or

sun-dried tomato Paste
large (uS extra large) egg
th cup thick Gr-^ek

the cases are crisP.

1 To make the Pastry mix together the
floul a pinch of salt and the butter'
Using the {lngertips or a pastry blender,


rub the butter into the flour until the

mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs

garlic clove, crushed

Mix in the water using a round-bladed

knife and knead lightlY to form a

l OOg/33/4ozlscant

strained Plain) Yogurt

gOml/6 tbsP milk

cook for a further 5 minutes, or until

30mtl2 tbs1 choPPed mixed herbs,

such as thYme, basil and ParsleY
salt and ground black PePPer

firm dough. WraP the dough in clear

film (plastic wrap) and chill in the
refrigerator for 30 minutes.

3 To make ihe filling, spread a little

tapenade or tomato paste in the base of
each pastry case. Whisk together the egg.

yogur, mirk, garlic, he'bs ano seasoning'

Spoon into the Pastry cases and bake

for 25 30 minutes, or until the filling


golden. Leave
lust firm and the pastry
the pies to cool slightly before carefully
'enoving from the tins and serv'n9'

Tomato and Bla ck Olive Tart

This delicious tart has a fresh, rich
Mediterranean flavour and is ideal

for picnics and buffets. Using a

rectangular tin makes the tart
easier to transport and divide
into portions.

Serves I


cup plain (all-purpose)

flour, plus extra for dusting

2.5m:/1h tsp salt

1 Preheat the oven to 1 90'C/375'Fl

Gas 5. To make the Pastry mix together
the flour, salt and butter' Using your
fingertips or a pastry blender, rub the
butter into the flour until the mixture
resembles {ine breadc'umbs. M:r 'n
the water and knead lightly to form a
firm dough. Roll out the pastry thinly
on a lightly floured surface Line a
28 x 18cm/1 1 x 7in loose-based
rectangular flan tin (quiche Pan),
trimming off any overhanging edges'

130gl41hoz/1 cuq butter, diced

45ml/3 tbs? water

For the


3 eggs, beaten
300ml11h Pintl11/t cuPs milk

30ml/2 tbsp choPPed fresh herbs,

such as parsleY, marioram or basil

Line the Pastry case

with baking

parchment and baking beans, and

bake blind for 15 minutes. Remove the
baking parchment and baking beans
and bake for a further 5 minutes. or
until the base is crisp

3 To make the filling, beat the eggs

with the milk, seasoninq and herbs'
Slice the tomatoes and olives and cube

the cheese. Add to the prepared flan

case (pie shell). Then Pour over the
egg mixture.
4 Transfer the tart carefully to the over
and bake for about 40 minutes, or uni
the filling is just firm and turning

6 firm plum tomatoes


golden. Serve the tart warrn or cold,

759l3oz riPe Brie

This tart is delicious made with other

cut into slices.

about i6 black olives, Pitted

salt and ground black PePPer

cheeses- Try slices of Gorgonzola or

Camembert for a slightly stronger {lavour'


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426 Eating Outdoors

Greek Aubergine and Spinach Pie

Aubergines layered with spinach,
feta cheese and rice make a
f lavoursome and dramatic f illing
for a pie. lt can be served warm or
cold in elegant slices.

Serves 12
3759/1 3oz shortcrust pastry, thawed

if frozen

45 60ml/34

2 Nea|30-45m1/2-3 tbsp of the oil in

large aubergine (eggplant), sliced

a frying pan. Add the aubergine slices

layer over the base of the part-bake.

into rounds

and cook over a medium heat for

pastry case (pie shell). Reserve a {ey,

onion, chopped

garlic clove, crushed

6-8 minuies on each side, until

go den. You may need to add a iittle
more oil at first, but this will be

arrange the remainder in an even

tbsp oilve oil

759/6oz spinach

4 eggs

Spread the cooked rice in an eve-

aubergine slices for the top, and

layer over the rice.

released as the flesh softens. Remove

75gl3ozl1/z cup crumbled feta cheese

from the pan with a spatula and drain

409111/zoz/t/z cup freshly grated

well on krtchen paper.

Parmesan cheese

60ml/4 tbsp natural (plain) yogurt

3 Add the onion and garlic to the oil

90ml/6 tbsp creamy milk

remaining in the pan then cook over a

gentle heat for 4-5 minutes, until soft,

2259/8oz/2 cups cooked white or

brown long grain rice

adding a little extra oil if necessary.

salt and ground black pepper

Spoon the spinach and feta mlxture

over the aubergines and place the

remaining aubergine slices on top.

Bake for 30-40 minutes. until lightly

browned. Serve the pie while warm, cleave it to cool completely before

transferring to a serving plate.

Preheat the oven

to 80"c/350"F/

Gas 4. Roll out the pastry thinly on a

lightly floured surface and use to line

Rinse the spinach in cold water,

cool(,s TrP

drain well and pat dry with kitchen

Courgettes (zucchini) could be used in place

paper. Remove and discard any tough

of the aubergines (eggplant), ifyou prefer,

stalks, then chop the spinach ieaves

Cook the sliced courgettes in a little olive

25cm/10in fian tin (quiche pan). Prick

finely wlth a sharp knrfe or in a food

oil over a medium heat for 3-4 minutel

the base all over with a fork and bake

processor. Beat the eggs in a large

until they are evenly golden. You will need

lo, 10-12'n nJles, Lntil tne

mixing bowl. then add the spinach,

to use three or four standard courgettes.

pale golden. (Alternatively, bake blind,

feta, Parmesan, yogurt, mrlk and the

Alternatively, choose baby courgeftes

having lrned the pastry with baking

onion mixture. Season to taste with

salt and ground black pepper and stir

instead and slice them horizontally.


parchment and weighted it with

handful of bakinq beans.)


thoroughly to mix.



- ..-.-i=:,.. i





428 Eatinq Outdoors

Roasted Vegetable a nd Garlic Sausage Loaf

stuffed with cured meat and
roasted vegetables, this crusty cob

loaf makes a colourful centrepiece

for a casual summer lunch or picnic
Serve with fresh green salad leaves.

Serves 6
1 large cob loaf
2 red (bell) peppers, quartered

and seeded

1 Preheat the oven to 220"C/425"F/

large leek, sliced


90ml/6 tbsp olive oil



Slice the top off the loar rs ng

2 Put the

r-"d peppers and sl ced eek

into a roasting pan with the olive oil

cook'or 25-30

a large serrated knife and set it aside,


/59/6az gr"en beans. blancheci

then cut out the soft centre, leaving

occasionally, or until the peppers

and drained

the crust intact. Stand the crusty

have softened.

759/3oz garlic sausage, sliced

n-inutes, TUrnilg

shel on a baking sheet.

2 eggs, hard-boiled and quartered

1 1 5g/4oz/7 cup cashew nuts, toasted
759/3oz/'l cup soft white (farmeft)

cheese with garlic and herbs

salt and ground black pepper

coo!('s TtP
Do not throw away the soft centre of the

loaf. lt can be made into breadcrumbs

and frozen for use in another recipe.

3 Spoon half of the pepper and leek

mixture into the base of the oaf shell,
pressing it down f irmly with the back

of a spoon. Add the green beans, gar|c

sausage slices, egg quarters and
cashew nuts, pack ng


ayers down

wel . Season each layer with salt and

ground b ack pepper to taste before
adding the next. Dot the soft cheese

with garlic and herbs over the fill ng

and top with the remaining pepper and
eek mixture.

Replace the top of

the oaf and bake

il {or 15 20 minutes, or until the f ll ng

is warmed through. Serve, cut into

wedges or slices.

You can use a variety of different-shaped
loaves, such as a large, uncut white or

wholemeal (whole-wheat) sandwich loaf,

for this recipe. Hollow out the loaf and fill

' : : ! ii:,,i;lt nr,-.


as above, then cut into slices.

Eaiing C-:cf,:= rt29

Potato Skewers with Mustard Dip

When potatoes are cooked on
the barbecue, they have a great
flavour and crisp skin. Try these
delicious kebabs served with
thick, garlic-rich dip for an
unusual start to a meal.

Serves 5


kg/21/t lb small new potatoes

, :"qrt
r :,

2009/7oz shallots, halved

30ml/2 tbsp olive oil

5ml/1 tbsp


" ""'r:::l::l:.i:rr:-'




For the dip

4 garlic cloves, crushed

2 egg


30mll2 tbsp lemon juice

300m1/1/z pintl11/a cups extra virgin

olive oil

10mll2 tsp wholegrain mustard

salt and ground black pepper


t_. i


1 Prepare the barbecue or preheat the

grill (broiler). To make the dip p ace the
garlic, egg yolks and lemon luice in a
blender or a food processor fitted with

Keep the blender or food processor

motor running and add the oil very

gradually, pouring it in a thin stream,

a metal blade and process for just a

until the mixture forms a thick, glossy

few seconds until the mixture

cream. Transfer to a bowl, add the


smooth and combined.

mustard and stir to combine, then

season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and

coot('5 TtPs

chill until ready to use.

only early or "new" potatoes and salad

Par-boil lhe potatoes in their skins in

Brush the skewers with olive oil and

potatoes have the firmness necessary to

stay on the skewer.

a pan o{ boiling water for 5 minutes.

sprinkle with sea salt. Cook on the

Drain well and then thread them on to

barbecue or grill (broil) for about

Lightly oil the skewers before threading

the potatoes and shallots to make the

metal skewers alternating with the

10-12 minutes. turning occasionally.

process easier.

shallot halves


with the mustard dip.

430 Eating Outdoors


You can use any firm-fleshed fish

for this South American dish,

provided that is perfectly fresh.
The fish is "cooked" by the action
of the acidic lime juice.

ace the avocado in a bowl and add

and m x gently. Cover with clear f lm



the tomatoes, emon juice and olive oil

and set as de.


Serves 6
6759/7 1/: lb halibut, turbat, sea bass ar

salmon fillets, skinned

juice of 3 limes

1 Cut the f sh nto strips

1 2 fresh red chillies, seeded and very

aooLt 5


. lctt) . ',in. -a) l"le.e



sha ow, non-metal|c dish and pour

finely chopped

over the I me luice, turnrng the f sh

)l.ip. ro ( o.l lle'"] arl o\e. r Ll-e uirp.

15ml/1 tbsp olive oil


Cover wlth clear f lm (plastic wrap) and

For the garnish



Season the fish

ripe avocado

oiL. Toss

4 large firm tamatoes, peeled, seeded

and diced

with salt and sprink

the flsh in the mixture, then

- aflTale
5 30 minutes

2 Meanwhile, prepare the garnish.

'ep ate ll e cor'e'. I eale lo

Cut the avocado n half lengthways

the re{rigerator for


15ml/1 tbsp leman iuice

3Aml/2 tbsp alive oil

and tw st to separate the ha ves.

more. To serve, divide the avocado

Remove the stone (p t) with the point

and tomato garnish among

3Amil2 tbsp fresh coriander

of the kn fe, then peel and fine y dice

Arrange the ceviche, then sprlnkle

the flesh.

with coriander.

(cilantro) leaves










over the ch ll es. Drizzle with the olive


).. '#r'


q' ,*






,**,*X "

x plates.

Eating Outdoors 431

Three-colour Fish Kebabs

Don't leave the fish to marinate for

5 Meanwhile, make the salsa by

more than an hour. The lemon juice

will start to break down the fibres

mixing the tomatoes, garllc, chilli, olive

oil, lemon,uice, pa'>ley and sugar ir a

of the fish after this time.

bowl. Season to taste.

Serves lt

6 Heat the reserved marinade in a

small pan to boiling point, then
remove the pan from the heat and stlr

120mll4fl oz/1/z cup olive oil

finely grated rind and juice

in the parsley and season with salt and


pepper to taste.

large lemon

5ml/1 tsp crushed chilli flakes

3509/1 2oz monkfish fillet, skinned

grill (broiler) to medium. Thread the

chunks of fish and pepper squares on

and cubed
3509/1 2oz swordfish fillet, skinned

and cubed

Prepare the barbecue or preheat the

7 Transfer the kebabs to warm plates,

spoon the marinade over them and

to erght orled metal skewers, reserving

serve immediately. accompanied by

the marinade.

the salsa.

4 Cook the skewers on the barbecue

or under the grill, turning once, for


5-8 minutes. until the fish

It has a similar meaty texture and will be

3509/12o2 thick salmon fillet or

steak, skinned and cubed
2 red, yellow or orange (bell) peppers,
seeded and cut into squares

31mll2 tbsp finely chopped fresh flat




and light golden brown.

equally successful.

leaf parsley

salt and ground black pepper

For the sweet tomato and

chilli salsa

tuna instead of swordfish, if you like.


59/8oz ripe tomatoes,

finely chopped

garlic clove, crushed

fresh red chilli, seeded and chopped

45mil3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

5mlll tbsp lemon juice

5mlll tbsp finely chopped

fresh flat

leaf parsley

pinch of suqar

1 Put the oil in a large, shallow


or china drsh and add the lemon rind

and ju ce, the chllli flakes and pepper
to taste. Whisk well to combine, then
add all the fish chunks and turn to
coat them evenly.

2 Add the pepper squares, stir, then

cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and
leave to marinate in a cooi place for

hour, turning the fish occasionally


a slotted spoon.



1t=. G'+-,ti

432 Eating Outdoors

Moroccan Grilled Fish Brochettes



Serve these delicious skewers


1 Put the garlic, paprika, cum n, salt,

, emon ju ce and

strips of red peppers, potatoes and

cayenne pepper, oi

aubergine slices, which can also be

coriander or parsley in a arqe bowl

cooked on the barbecue. Accompany

and mix together.

them with warm, soft f lour tortillas.

Serves 5
5 garlic cloves, chopped
2.5mll1/z tsp paprika

3 Thread the f sh cubes and pepper

2.5m1/1h tsp ground cumin


pieces alternately on to six wooden

1 tsp salt

or meta skewers.

3 pinches of cayenne pepper

60ml/4 tbsp alive oil

30ml/2 tbsp lemon juice
30ml/2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
(cilantro) or parsley


lb firm-fleshed white fish,

such as haddock, halibut, sea bass or

4 About 40 m nutes before you


2 Add the fish and toss to coat. Leave

going to cook the brochettes. prepare

to marinate for at least 30 m nutes,

and light the barbecue. lt w ll be ready

and preferably 2 hours, at room

when the flames subside and the coals

temperature, or chi I overnight.

have turned wh te and grey.

snappet cut into 2.5-5cm/

1 2in cubes



5 Gri I the brochettes on the barbecue

3-4 green (bell) peppers, cut into

2.5-5cm/1-2in pieces

lf you are using wooden skewerl soak

for 2-3 minutes on each side, or unti

them in cold water for 30 minutes

the frsh

2 lemon wedges, to serve

before using to stop them burning.



tender and I ghtly browned.

with lemon wedges.

Eating Outdoors 433

Grilled Squid Stuffed with Feta Cheese

A large, fresh leafy salad or a
vegetable dish, such as fresh green
beans with tomato sauce could be
served with the grilled squid.

Serves 8
8 medium squid, totalweight

about 9009/2lb
8-1 2 finger-length slices

of feta cheese

175m1/6fl oz/3/a cup olive oil

4 garlic cloves, crushed

6 8 fresh marjoram sprigs,


removed and chopped

salt and ground black pepper

lemon wedges, to serve

Lay the squid bodies and tentacles in

a large shallow dish that will hold them

1 To prepare the squid, wash it

carefully. lf there is any ink on the body,

in a sinqle layer Tuck the pieces of

rinse it off so that you can see what

cheese between the squid.

you are doing. Holding the body firmly,

ink sac is still intact, remove it. Either

4 To make the marinade, pour the olive

oil into a jug (pitcher) or bowl and

keep it for cooking or discard it.

whisk in the fresh garlic and marjoram

pull away the head and tentacles. lf the

sprigs. Season to taste with salt and

pepper Pour the marinade over the

Pull out all the innards, including the

squid and the cheese, then cover with

6 Preheat the grill (broiler) to a low

foil and leave in a cool place to

marinate for 2-3 hours to allow the

setting or prepare a barbecue. Cook

on the sides. if you like. SIice the head

across just under the eyes, severing the

flavours to develop, turning once.

then turn them over Cook them for

tentacles. Discard the rest of the squid

5 lnsert one or two pieces of cheese

skewered tentacles. Cook them for

long transparent stick or "quill". Peel

olf and discard the

Lhin purple skin on

the body, but keep the two small fins

the stuffed squid for about 6 minutes,

1-2 minutes more, then add the

few bits of marjoram from the

2 mlnutes on each side, until they start

head. Squeeze the tentacles at the


head end to push out the round beak

marinade into each squid and place

to scorch. Serve the stuffed squid with

the tentacles and a few lemon wedges.

in the centre. Throw this away. Rinse

them in a lightly oiled grlll (broiler) pan

the body sac inside and out and the

or tray. Thread the tentacles on to

tentacles very thoroughly under cold

wooden skewers that have been


running water. Drain well and pat dry

on kitchen paper

soaked in water for half an hour (this

Tentacles are often left whole for frying,

prevents them from burning).

but can be chopped into short lengths.

434 Eatinq Outdoors

Scallops Wrapped



Cook these lovely skewers on the

2 Sprinkle the scallops wrth lemon

barbecue for a/ fresco summer

.juice. Wrap a strip

dining. Serve with lime wedges for

a sharper flavour.

each scallop. Thread thern on to eight

Serves 4

of prosciutto around

metal or wooden skewers.

3 Brush the wrapped scallops with

olive oil. Arrange the skewers on a

lemon juice

each side, or until the scallops have

8-1 2 prosciutto slices, cut lengthways

just turned opaque. Be careful not to


overcook them or they will become

Use a short sturdy knife to prise scallop

tough and inedible.

shells open and to cut the roof muscle

the membrane, organs and gristle at the

24 shucl,ed medium-sirc



corals removed

olive oil, for brushing

baking sheet if you are gorng to grill

(broil) them. Cook for


minutes on

ground black pepper

lemon wedges, to serve


and the muscle under the skirt. Discard


two skewers on each of four

warmed seruing plates. Sprinkle the

side of the white meat. set the coral aside

scallops with f reshly ground black

for another dish, if you like. Rinse the

preheat the grill (broiler) when you

pepper and serve immediately with

scallops well under cold running water

make the skewers.

lemon wedqes for squeezing over

and pat dry with kitchen paper.

Prepare the barbecue in advance or


Eating Outdoors 435

Italian Prawn Skewers

Parsley and lemon are all that is

required to create a lovely tiger

prawn dish. Grill them or cook
on the barbecue for an informal

al fresco summer appetizer.

Serves 4
9009/2lb raw tiger prawns (umbo
shrimp), peeled

60mll4 tbsp olive oil

45ml/3 tbsp vegetable oil
759/3ozl11/a cups very fine
dry breadcrumbs
garlic clove, crushed


5mll1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

salt and ground black pepper

lemon wedges, to serve

SIit the prawns down their backs

and remove the dark vein with the

point of the knife. Rinse in cold water
and pat dry on kitchen paper.

Put the olive oil and vegetable oil in

a large bowl and add the prawns,

mixinq them to coat evenly. Add the

breadcrumbs, garlic and parsley and
season with salt and pepper. Toss the
prawns thoroughly, to give them an
even coating of breadcrumbs. Cover

and leave to marinate for


Prepare the barbecue or preheat the

grill (broiler). Cook the skewers for

about 2 minutes on each side, until

the breadcrumbs are golden. Serve

with lemon wedges.

3 Thread the tiger prawns on to four

metal or wooden skewers, curling

them up slightly as you work, so that

the tails are skewered neatiy and
securely in the middle.

436 Eating Outdoors

King Prawns



This dish just couldn't be simpler.

The sherry brings out the sweetness

of the seafood perfectly.

Serves 4
12 raw king prawns (jumbo


30ml/2 tbsp olive oil

30ml/2 tbsp sherry

few drops of Tabasco sauce

salt and graund black pepper

Pu I off the heads and peel the

prawns. Using a very sharp knife, make

2 I eaTTl.eoil nafrTi

-' ,

coot('s TIP

a shallow cut down the back of each

urr I p nk. PoJr over il-e .'

King prawns are known as tiger prawns in

prawn, then pull out and discard the

season with Tabasco

Britain, jumbo shrimp in the United States

dark intestinal tract with the pornt of

the knife or a cocktail stick (toothpick).

dnd pepper.
the prawns immediately.

and Ieader prawns in Australia.



the prawrs {or aboJL 2--.

sa-:: ,-: -.
Tu'1 inlo a c:.- : - -

Sizzling Prawns
This dish works especially well with

tiny prawns that can be eaten

whole, but any type of unpeeled

will be fine. Choose

a small

casserole or frying pan that can be

taken to the table for serving while

the garlicky prawns are still sizzling
and piping hot.

Serves 4

Rub the cut surfaces of the gar|c

2 gailic cloves, halved

cloves over the base and sides of a

259/1 oz/2 tbsp butter


Toss in the sliced red

prawrs. St r-'ry'or 1-2

ch .- : --:
- - -

frying pan, then throw the garlic cloves

heateo th"ough, then se". r -

small fresh red chilli, seeded and

away. Add the butter to the pan and


finely sliced

melt over

fairly high heat until t lust

begins to turn golden brown.

pepper. Se've

5g/4oz/1 cup unpeeled cooked

prawns (shrimp)
sea salt and coarsely ground

black pepper

lime wedges, to serue

C(,(,K'S TIP
Wear gloves when handling chillies, or
wash your hands thoroughly afterwards,

the juices can cause severe irritation to

sensitive skin, especially around the eyel

nose and mouth.

: =: ; -,fo'sq-e:: - : -

sea salt and plenty o=


wirh hne wedqes












438 Eating Outdoors

Grilled King Prawns with Romesco Sauce

This sauce, originally from the
Catalan region of Spain, is served

with seafood. lts main ingredients

are sweet pepper, tomatoes, garlic

and almonds.

Serves 6-8
24 raw king prawns (jumbo shrimP)

3A 45mll2 3 tbsp

olive oil

4 Rerove tl'e

Toast the aLmonds under the gril

flat leaf parsley, ta garnish

l-omon wedges, ta serve

(broi er) unt I golden. Transfer to



b ender or food processor and grind

wrrha,l-arplrr'e,s teacho :

For the sauce

coarsely. Add the remain ng 30ml/


2 well-f lavou red tamataes

60ml/4 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp of the o ive o , the vinegar and

the last gar ic c ove and process until

tne po nr o' 'he I r.'e or a coc

,1ool1prc. .. R rse ard oal dn c

onion, chopped

evenly combined. Add the tomato and

papcr. Dreheo rl'e gn l. -oss

pim ento sauce and process until

rr ol ve o. , then >pread out n :': :

smooth. Season with salt to taste.


4 garlic cloves, chopped

canned pimiento, chopped

leavirg trem othcrw 5e -r

Crr I rb'oi.,

fo' abo-t



75ml/5 tbsp fish stock


30ml/2 tbsp white wine

You can cook the prawns (shrimp) on the

0 blanched almonds

barbecue if you thread them on skewers,


tbsp red wine vinegar


*" r*r#,

l --;;{



w *ru

;' - rctP - "



pratte'sr'h the

a1o t1F sal(e ir a

eror ..:: '

9^ .I


water and !eave for about 30 setonds,

then refresh them under cold water
Peel off the skins and coarse y chop

the tomato f esh

2 Heat 30ml/2 tbsp of the oil in a pan,

pimiento, tomatoes, chilli, fish stock

and wine, then cover and simmer for

30 mlnutes.


sral oo* 5e'.:


To make the sauce, place the

c oves and cook until soft. Add the

nedra'ery. gar.-] sned Pa's :

tomatoes in a bowl, cover with boiling

add the onion and three of the garlic


l. I -



on eacn ) oe, urt I Prri A"ano-

2.5m1/1/z tsp dried chilliflakes or powder


bar. ano remove the do"

::, ,--,


Eating Outdoors 439

CIams with ch illi and Yellow Bean Sauce

This delicious Thai-inspired dish is

1 Wash and scrub the clams. Heat the

simple to prepare. lt can be made

oil in a wok or large frying pan. Add

in a matter of minutes so will not

keep you away from your guests

the garlic and ginger and stir-fry over

are open. Discard any that remain

a medium heat for 30 seconds,then

shut. You may need to add a splash of

for very long.

add the shallots and stirfry for a

water Adjust the seasoning with the

fufther minute.

fish sauce and a little sugar

3 Continue to cook, stirring frequently,

for 5 7 minutes, or untll all the clams

Serwes z[-6
1kq/21/q lb fresh clams

30ml/2 tbsp vegetable oil

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

5ml/1 tbsp grated fresh root ginger

4 shallots, finely chopped

30ml/2 tbsp yellow bean sauce

6 fresh red chillies, seeded

and chopped
5ml/1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
pinch of granulated sugar

2 Add the clams to the pan. Using

handful of fresh basil leaves, plus extra

fish slice or spatula, turn them a tew

to garnish

times to coat


over with the oil. Stir

Finally add the basil leaves and stir to

mix. Transfer the clams to individua

bowls or a serving platter Garnish rv

in the yellow bean sauce and half the

the remainirg reo ch llie:

chopped red chillies.

Ieaves. Serve immediately.




44O Eating


Lamb Tikka
Creamy yogurt and ground nuts go
wonderfully with the spices in
these little lndian meatballs.


Makes about 2O
450gl1lb lamb fillet
2 spring onions (scallions), chopped
For the marinade

2 With a sharp knife, cut the lamb

fillet into small pieces and put in the
bowl of a food processor with the

4 With moistened palms, form the

1Smll1 tbsp vegetable oil

spring onions. Process, using the pulse

and arrange them in a shallow dish.

2-3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

action, until the meat

juice of


chopped. Add 30-45m1/2-3 tbsp of

garam masala or cu rry powder

the marinade and process again.


2fl ozl1l/z



Smll1 tbsp ground almonds, cashew

nuts or peanuts

5m ll 1 tsp



Spoon over the remaining marinade,

cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and
chill the meatballs in the refrigerator

.5mllt/t tsp cayenne pepper

5-30mil1 2 tbsp chopped fresh mint

balls, measuring about 4cmli %in long,

for 8-1 0 hours or overnight.

2.5mll1/2 tsp ground cardamom


meat mixture into slightly oval-shaped

To prepare the marinade, put all the

inqredients in a bowl and stir well to



see if the mixture holds

together by pinching a little between

your fingertips. Add a little more

baking sheet with foil. Thread each

marinade if necessary but do not

meatball on to a skewer and arrange

on the baking sheet. Grill (broil) for

make the mixture too wet and soft.

Preheat the grill (broiler) and line a

mix. Reserve about 120m1/4fl ozll/zcup

4-5 minutes, turning the skewers

of the mixture in a separate bowl to

occasionally, until crisp and golden on

use as a dipping sauce.

all sides. Serve with the reserved

marinade as a dipping sauce.




















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442 Ezting Ouidoors

Barbecue-glazed Chicken Skewers



2 Bone the chicken thighs and cut the

yakitori in Japan, these

meat into large dire. Thread the >pring

skewers are popular throughout

the country and are often served

an appetizer with drinks.

onions and thigh meat on



'12 metal

or wooden skewers.

Makes'12 skewers and

8 uring pieces

basting sauce into a stainless-steel or

enamel pan and simmer gently until

l\,4easure the ingredients for the

8 chicken wings

reduced by two-thirds. Remove from

4 chicken thighs, skinned

the heat and leave to cool.

4 spring onions (scallions), blanched

and cut into short lengths

1 Remove the wing tip of the chicken

at the first joint. Chop through the
second joint, revealing the two narrow

Heat the grill (broiler) to moderately

high. Grill (broil) the wings and

For the basting sauce

bones. Take hold of the bones with a

60ml14 tbsp sake

clean cloth and pull, turning the meat

skewers without applying any otl.

When juices begin to emerge from the

75mll5 tbsp/l/s cup dark soy sauce

around the bones inside out. Remove

chicken, baste liberally with the sauce.

30ml/2 tbsp tamari sauce

the smaller bone and discard. Repeat


1Sml/1 tbsp mirin, or sweet sherry

with the remaln ng wings and then set

chicken on skewers and cook about

15ml/1 tbsp sugar

them aside.

5 minutes for the chicken wings.

a f

urther 3 minutes for the

Barbecue Chicken
A fragrant marinade of Thai spices
and coconut milk qives this chicken

lt makes ideal
party f ood for outdoor eating with

a superb f lavour.

a difference.

Serves 5

chicken. about 1.5kgl3l/alb, cut into






1 0 pieces


lime wedges and fresh red chtllies,


L ;*-t+.

ta garnish



the marinade


2 lemon grass stalks, roots removed

2.5cm/l in piece fresh root ginger,





peeled and thinly sliced

6 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped


bunch coriander (cilantro)


roots, chopped


' .r* .,' ,i

4 shallots, coarsely chopped



Smll7 tbsp palm sugar

otl t cup co(onut m;ll

30mll2 tbsp Thai fish sauce

"sr ^''"

30ml/2 tbsp light soy sauce



1 To make the marinade, cut off the


lower 5cm/2in of the lemon grass

stalks and chop them coarsely. Put lnto

food processor or

b ender a ong

al the other marinade






' .;*


ngredients and

process until the m xture has reached a

smooth consistency.

deep d sh, pour the marinade over

3 Prepare the barbecue. Cook the

ch cken over the barbecue for

Place the chlcken pieces in a {a rly

thern and stlr to mix well, turning the

20-30 minutes, or untrl the pieces are

cooK's rrP

ch cken pieces over to coat thoroughly

cooked and qolden brown. Turn the

You can buy coconut milk fresh, in cans or

Cover the d sh w th c ear f lm (plast c

pieces and brush w th the mar nade

cartons, or use 509/2oz creamed coconut,

wrap) and eave in a cool place to

once or twice during cooking. Transfer

available in packets, and dissolve in

mar nate for at least 4 hours

20ml I 4fl ozl'/, cup wa rm water


rigerator overnight.

or n the

to a serv ng platter and garnish w th

i me wedges and red chi lies to serve.

444 Ealinq Outdoors

Turkey Patties
Minced turkey makes deliciously
light patties, which are ideal for
summer meals. Serve the patties in
split and toasted buns or between

thick pieces of crusty bread, with

chutney, salad leaves and chunky
fries or potato wedges.

Serves 6
6759/11hlb minced (groundl rurkel

I 5mall t-d onDn [;n-l) . haDr c

grated rind and juice of 1 1ir.

>mall handful of ;.es;


= =-.=-

15 3Amill 2 tbsp oii'.,e al

salt and qraunC btac<


i.'x -cgethe. the turkey,



on on, I me

and lJ ce, thyme and seasoning.

er aro chi for up to 4 hours to

o'r,'tne flavours




and cook for


0-1 2 minutes. Turn the

patt es over, brush with more o I and

nfuse (steep),

dlvide the mixture into six equa

cortions and shape into round patt

2 Preheat a gr ddle. Brush the patt

w th oil, then p ace them on the gridc


cook for T0 12 m nutes on the seconc


de, or untjl cooked through.








Lamb Burgers with Red Onion and

Tomato Relish
A sharp-sweet red onion relish
works wellwith burgers based on

Middle-Eastern stYle lamb. The

burgers can be made a daY ahead

and chilled. Serve them with Pitta

bread and tabbouleh or a crisP
green salad.

Serves 8
50g/2oz/1,b cup bulgur wheat
1kgl21Alb tean minced (ground) lamb

small red onions, finelY choPPed

4 garlic cloves, finelY choPPed

fresh green chillies, seeded and

finely chopPed
l Omll2 tsp

ground toasted cumin seeds

5ml/1 tsp ground sumac

259/1 oz/1h cup choPPed fresh flat
leaf parsley

60ml/4 tbsp choPPed fresh mint

olive oil, for frying

4 Brush the onions with 30ml/2 tbsp

oil and grill for 5 minutes on each side,

salt and ground black PePPer


until browned. Cool, then choP.

the relish

4 red (bell) peppers, halved

5 Add the onions, tomatoes, chilli

and seeded

(if using) to taste, the mlnt, parsley,

oregano or marjoram and half of the

4 red onions, cut into 5mmll/4h

thick slices

SOmll1/d pint/2,4

cumin and sumac to the peppers. Stir

in the remaining oil and 30ml/2 tbsp
of the lemon juice. Season with salt,

cuP olive oil

700q/1 lb 9oz cherry tomatoes, chopped

1 fresh red or green chilli, seeded and

finely choPPed (oPtional)

60mll4 tbsp chopPed tresh mint
60ml/4 tbsp choPPed fresh ParsleY
30ml/2 tbsp choq1ed fresh oregano

P\ace the bulqur wheat in a bowl and

add\\e mrnced\amb,

onron, gar\rt,

chilli, cumin, sumac, parsley and mint.

Mix the ingredients thoroughlY

or marjoram
5ml/1 tsp ground toasted cumin seeds
5mll1 tsp ground sumac

together by hand, then season with

'10m1/2 tsp salt and plenty of black

juice of

mixture into 16 small burgers and set

aside while you make the relish.


caster (superfine) sugar,

to taste

pepper and mix again. Form the

pepper and sugar and leave to stand


Prepare a barbecue or heat a heavy

frying pan or griddle over a high heat

and grease with oljve oil. Cook the
burgers for about 5-6 minutes on each
side, or until just cooked at the centre.

7 While the burgers are cooking, taste

1 Pour 300m1/1l pinVl


cups hot

water over the bulgur wheat in a bowl

and leave to stand for 1 5 minutes, then
drain in a sieve and squeeze out the
excess moisture.

3 Grill (broil) the peppers, skin side up,

until the skin chars and blisters. PIace in
a bowl, cover wlth clear f ilm (plastic
wrap) and leave to stand until cool. Peel
off the skin. dice and place in a bowl.

lhe relish and adlust the seasoning,

adding more salt, pepper, sugar, chilli,
cumin, sumac and lemon juice to taste.
Serve the burgers as soon as they are

cooked, with the relish.

446 Eating Outdoors

Skewered Lamb with Red Onion Salsa

This summery tapas dish is ideal


outdoor eating, although, if the

weather fails, the skewers can be
grilled rather than barbecued. The
simple salsa makes a ref reshing

accompaniment - make sure that

you use a mild-flavoured red onion
that is fresh and crisp, and a tomato
which is ripe and f ull of flavour.

Serves 4
2259/8oz lean lamb, cubed
2.5m1/1/z tsp ground cumin

5ml/1 tsp papika



tbsp olive oil

salt and ground black pepper

For the salsa

red onion, very thinly sliced

large tomato, seeded and chopped


5ml/1 tbsp red wine vinegar

3-4 fresh

basil or mint leaves,

coarsely torn
small mint leaves, to garnish

3 Thread the lamb cubes on to four

small skewers - if using wooden
skewers, soak them first in cold water

for about 30 minutes to prevent them


the cubes of lamb rn a bow and

from burning during cooking.

add the cum n. paprika and olive oil and

season with plenty of salt and pepper.

thoroughly until the lamb is coated

To make the salsa, put the sliced

onion, tomato. red wine vinegar and

with the spices.

torn basil or mint leaves in a small

2 Cover the bowl with clear frlm

combined. Season to taste with salt,

(plastic wrap) and set aside n a cool

garnish with mint, then set aside while

place for several hours, or in the

you cook the lamb skewers.

bowl and stir together untrl thoroughly

Cook the skewers over the barb::

or under a preheated gril (broiler

refrigerator overnight, so that the lamb

turnirg Irequerlly,'o' 5-i0 r n-:::

unti' IhP amb is wel browned b-: .

absorbs the flavours of the spices.

slightly pink ln the centre. Serve

immediateiy, wrth the salsa.

Eating Outdoors 447

Garlic and Chilli Marinated Beef with

Corn-crusted Onion Rings
Fruity, smoky and mild Mexican

5 Heat the oil for deep-frying to

chillies combine well with garlic in

160-180"C/325-350"F. or until a

this marinade for grilled steak.

cube of day-old bread turns brown

in about 60 seconds.

Serves 8
6 Drain the onion rings and dip
409/11hoz large mild dried red chillies,

each one into the corn meal mixture,

such as mulato or pasilla

coating it thoroughly. Deep-fry for

4 gailic cloves, plain or smoked,

2-4 minutes, or until browned and

crisp. Do not overcrowd the pan, but

finely chopped

10ml/2 tsp ground toasted cumin seeds

3 Wash and dry the steaks, drizzle the

1)ml/2 tsp dried oregano

chilli paste all over them and leave to

out of the pan with a slotted spoon

120m1/4fl oz/Ib cup olive oil

marinate for up to 1 2 hours.

and drain on kitchen paper.

cook in batches. Lift the onion rings

8 beef steaks, rump (round) or rib-eye,


75-2259/6-8oz each
ground black pepper

salt and

For the

onion rings

4 onions, sliced into rings

475m1/16f1 oz/2 cups milk

759/6oz/1lh cup coarse corn meal

Smll1 tsp dried red chilliflakes

10mll2 tsp ground toasted cumin seeds
10mll2 tsp dried oregano
vegetable oil, for deep-frying

1 Cut the stalks from the chillies and

discard the seeds. Toast the chillies in a
dry frying panfor


minutes. Place

them in a bowl, cover with warm water

and leave io soak {or 20-30 minutes.
Drain and reserve the water

Process the chillies

to a paste with

the garlic, cumin, oregano and oil in

food processor. Add a little soaking

wateq if needed. Season with pepper.

4 To make the onion rings, soak the

7 Heat a barbecue or griddle.

onions in the milk for 30 minutes.

the steaks with salt and cook for

Mix the corn meal, chilli, cumin and

about 4 minutes on each side

oregano and season to taste.

for a medium result.


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