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The Study of Family Ethnicity/Group Diversity

Jodi Sviontek
Diversity 3110


In this paper I will discuss the rich and collective history of the Native American Indians. I will
delve deep in to the culture to explore the background of the community as well as the present
day dynamics of the group. The Native American Indians, an ethnic and diverse group of people
have lived on this land for thousands of years; they fought to protect their land, with having a
profound impact on the development of this nation. I will bring to light the sources of cohesion
of the culture, the identity and strength that is shown from the people. I will discuss further the
sources of the cultures stress, discord, and the strife which may have caused or have influenced
problematic behavior in the culture as well as possible resolutions that may have taken effect or
could be shown in the present or future of the Native American Indians way of life.


The study of Family Ethnicity/Group Diversity

Rich in culture, the Native Americans lived on the American soul for thousands of years
and fought hard to protect it, they are resourceful and smart. The men were hunters, warriors and
protectors, and the women took care of the children, the homes, and they farmed. The Native
Americans were forced out of their homelands, they experienced racism, oppression, and were
deprived of their fruitful culture. Today Native Americans experience social and health problems
which include alcoholism, and suicidal tendencies, they are among the poorest people in the
U.S., yet they are still very spiritual with a strong background.
The U.S. Census 2000 reports that there are 4.1 million Native Americans/Alaskan
Natives. There are 561 federally acknowledged tribes, in addition to numerous other
tribes not officially recognized. Native Americans/Alaskan Natives speak over 200
languages. Today, only 20% of Native Americans live on reservations. Over 50% live in
urban, suburban, or rural non-reservations areas (Appleby, Colon & Hamilton, 2011).
Based on the American Indians past, there tends to be many stigmas and stereotypes regarding
their culture. The Native Americans were seen as uncivilized and savaged, they were portrayed
over time as brutal warriors and not very smart, which all derogatory stigmas of course was
untrue, the people were quite the opposite; being good noble warriors, and protectors. The
discrimination they experienced in the past included European cultural racism and colonialism.
The general Allotment act began a cultural assimilation and the beginning of ethnocide towards
the Native Americans. The group may be viewed in light of its collective history as the negative
stigmas that I have noted above, yet looking deeper into their history as a culture and as people;
there is evidence of strong hunters, protectors, strong family ties (tribes) and spiritual believers.


The Native Americans are closely knit, by the families of their tribes. There are a large
amount of legally recognized tribes each that represent their own distinct values and tribal
customs; this is a source of their cohesion. Their identity is of their tribes, they are not
homogeneous group because of there being so many different tribes. Kinship is very important to
Native Americans, Grandparents are very important to the group; they are a source of strength
for the dynamic of the culture, they carrying on traditions and beliefs to the young ones (Nies,
2008). The Native Americans experience sources of stress from the oppression and racism that
has affected their culture over the years, may Native Americans have mental health issues, the
discord and strife that the people have been projected too, alcoholism, and suicide are serious
matters that the group faces, all of these factors are evident of the groups reality, and this may
influence problems in generations since the issue has been identified over generations in tribes.
From a future social worker perspective; counseling that caters to cultural sensitive work may
lead to possible resolutions that can help a Native American effectively who may experience,
certain tribulations such as alcoholism, depression from poverty, oppression, and suicidal
Children learn by observation, chanting, singing, praying and engaging in spiritual
practices. They learn stories, and are guided spiritual from infancy to be prepared for their
special roles in life. The roles are assigned in relation to gender and age as depending on the
tribe, typically males are the protectors, and providers and the females take care of the family.
This is a reflection of the groups cultural reality, the group is very reliant of religious belief and
natures bond is very important to the culture. The consequence of the role assignment can be
constricting to stereotypical gender roles such as the male is the provider and the female take
care of the family, yet the roles are important to the culture to maintain a sense of pride and


ethnicity. As the Native American history states the group has been oppressed, and forced to the
European way of culture, they were violently made to conform to this way of living; this is how
the group functioned in relation to other systems. As far as education, in history the
people/children were forced to boarding schools where they were treated cruelly, and unfairly,
they were mal nourished at the schools, they were forced to assimilate. Education also depended
on the tribe, some were trained, other learned through observation. Today, they attend public
schools in the U.S., the choice also depends on the family whether or not they want their children
to attend public school or to be home schooled. Religiously the people are very spiritual, in
history in relation to assimilation they were forced to practice Judeo Christian beliefs, but
spirituality and nature is very important to the Native Americans, Today depending on where the
Native Americans live, they are free to practice their religion and beliefs. Occupations for the
Native Americans in history were hunters and gatherers. Today, the population is known to live
in poverty. There are programs and websites that are geared towards cultural backgrounds such
as Native Americans to help find employment. Jobs and employment here in the U.S. for Native
Americans is the same for all. The judicial aspect for Native Americans is based in Indian law
and tribal rights. Historically, it is based on the tribes.
The group functions as a transmitter of cultural values by having a very strong sense of
family and religious beliefs. Everything pertained to their religion is based on harmony and
understanding. This group compares with the information contained in the literature about people
of similar identity by having the struggles and experience, racism, cultural ridicule, cultural
difference, and oppression.
The implications for social work practice at both micro and macro levels, being specific
in terms of practice having to relate and understand the groups strong spiritual background. The


group believes that everything is either natural or supernatural, the group has to be treated with
harmony and understanding, they believe in healers.
In conclusion the Native Americans are very strong in their beliefs, rituals, traditions, and
way of living. They stem from a culture that is very rich, and though they have experienced
hardships and oppression, they still believe strong in kinship and their religious beliefs.


Appleby, G. A., Colon, E., & Hamilton, J. (2011). Diversity, oppression and social functioning,
person-in-environment assessment and intervention. Pearson College Div.

Nies, J. (2008). Native American history: A chronology of the vast achievements of a culture and
their link to world events. (1 ed.). New York: Lighthouse.

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