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Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Activity F

Anecdotal Records (FEAP (b) #1)

Students Name: Chris G.

Class: Period 3

Observation #1
Date: 09/09/2014 Time: 11:38 - 12:36
Comments on the student's social interactions with classmates.
Chris seems to get along with everyone in class. He does not disrespect his fellow students. Chris
likes to make his fellow students laugh by telling jokes. When he is around his classmates, Chris
is very energetic. He tends to be more social with students from his old elementary school
compared to the students who came from different elementary schools.
Comments on student's emotional well-being.
Chris always has a smile on his face. Up to this point he has not shown any signs of neglect or
abuse. In addition, Chris does not show any signs of depression or sorry. One aspect of his
character that I found interesting is that Chris seeks the attention from his classmates more than
he does from his teacher.
Comments on student's participation in instructional activities.
Despite his unique personality, Chris has a hard time stay focus or on task. He is always finding
a way to stand-up during instruction. Chris has been out of his seat at least six times today.
Even after Level 1 interventions, Chris tends to continue this behavior. Another behavior I notice
Chris displaying is calling out answers during class. Chris appears to not have a filter when it
comes to answering questions. He always apologizes, but repeated the behavior ten times today.

Adapted from Demonstrating the New Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (2012), p. 225

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

Observation #2
Date: 10/09/2014 Time: 11:38 - 12:36
Comments on the student's social interactions with classmates.
The honeymoon period with his fellow classmates has ended. It seems that Chris like to
antagonize one of his peers whenever he has a chance. He makes fun of this student when the
student does not get the correct answer. This has occurred three times today. He is also
displaying a rivalry with one of the female students. Today, the two students went head-to-head
with each other over his calling out behavior. Each conversation only lasted thirty second at
most before I intervened. Other than these two occasions, Chris still has a good to average
rapport with the rest of his classmates.
Comments on student's emotional well-being.
Chris' happy personality at the beginning of the year has changed. He was moody at the
beginning of the lesson (5 minutes), but soon turned back to his silly self. He still does not show
any sign of abuse or neglect, but his personality has changed over the last month for some
reason. At first, Chris appeared to be adjusting to middle school, but this observation has
changed based on his behavior the last two weeks. When it comes to his head-to-head moments
with the female student, he does not turn to volatile or violate means or actions.
Comments on student's participation in instructional activities.
Out of the fourteen homework assignments assigned over the past month (prior to this
observation), Chris has not turned in one assignment. Today will make the fifteenth assignment
he has not turned in for homework. During the lesson today, he was very social during the
lesson. He talked to three students sitting around him instead of taking notes on the lesson. His

Adapted from Demonstrating the New Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (2012), p. 225

Robert Green

Fall 2014 Internship

social behavior lead him to shout out to me that he does not understand what I was teaching.
This occurred five times during the lesson.

Observation #3
Date: 11/10/2014 Time: 11:38 - 12:36
Comments on the student's social interactions with classmates.
The interactions describe in the previous observation have been resolved. However, Chris has a
new rivalry with his seat buddy. During the first ten minutes of class, Chris and the student
repeatedly call me over because one of them did something to the other person. Immediately, I
had to separate the two students. Besides this incident, Christ has a good to average relationship
with the other students in the class.
Comments on student's emotional well-being.
Chris's emotional state while in class has change a bit since the last observation. He shows signs
of helplessness and/or depression before, during, and after he leaves the classroom. Before, the
beginning of class, Chris told me that he got into a verbal argument with his older brother, who
attends the same school, which resulted in his brother being mad at him. His silly personality
was absent from class today.
Comments on student's participation in instructional activities.
During the lesson, Chris did not take any notes; he refused to answer the question I asked him;
and, he did not interact with his peers (with the exception of the moment at the beginning of
class). During 75% of the period, he had his head on his desk despite the numerous time I asked
him politely to sit up and take notes. I am suggesting to my mentor that we contact his parents
about his resent behavior over the past month.

Adapted from Demonstrating the New Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (2012), p. 225

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