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Nursing Process
Diagnosis (analysis)
Implementation (treatment)
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs


Prevalence Proportion: # of existing cases in the population at a specific time divided by
population total x 1000= ____ per 1,000
Incident Rate: # of newly diagnosed cases in the population at a specific time divided by
population total x 1000 = _____ per 1,000
Crude Mortality Rate: Number of deaths divided by population total x 1000 = ____ per 1,000
Infant Mortality Rate: # of infant deaths before 1 year of age in a year divided by numbers of
live births in the same year x 1000 = ____ per 1,000
Attack Rate: # of people exposed to a specific agent who develop the disease divided by total
number of people exposed.
PRIMARY: Prevention of the initial occurrence of disease or injury
o Community health nurse
Nutrition education
Family planning and sex ed
Smoking cessation ed
Communicable disease ed
Health and hygiene ed
Safety ed
Prenatal classes
Advocating for access to health care
o Education class
o Assess immunization status
o Maintain current health records
o Health promotion
SECONDARY: Early detection and treatment of disease with the goal of limiting severity and
adverse effects
o Community health nurse
Community assessments
Disease surveillance
Screening (cancer, DM, HTN, hypercholesterolemia, sensory
impairments, TB, lead exposure, geneticc disorders in newborns)
Control of outbreaks in communicatble diseases
o notify contacts of pt about exposure
o isolate from pregnant woman
o assess children for abuse, neglect, mental illness
o provide emergency/acute care
o ID kids at risk
o Checking heights and weights
o Screening for lead exosure
o Risk for harm/suicide
o Monitor workers for levels of chemical exposures at job sites
o Obtain environmental health histories of individuals

o Survey for health conditions that may be related to environmental and

occupational epsoures
o Assess homes
o Vision/hearing screenings
TERTIARY: Maximization of recovery after an injury or illness (rehabilitation)
o Community health nurse
Nutrition counseling
Exercise rehab
Case management
Physical and OT
Support groups
Exercise for htn clients
o Assess kids with disabilities
o Assess kids with LT health needs
o Support lean up

WHO- (INTERNATIONALHEALTH ORGANIZATION) provides daily info regarding the occurrence

of internationally important diseases; establishes work standards for antibiotics and vaccines
OSHA: Develops and enforces workplace health regulations to protect the safety and health of

Report notifiable communicable diseases to state depts. Of health, where they report state to

Communicable Diseases
Airborne (inhaled by susceptible host)
o Measles
o Chicken pox
o TB
o Pertussis
o Influenza
Foodbourne (bacterial, viral, parasitic infection of food)
o Salmonellosis
o Hep A
o Trichinosis
o E.Coli
Food Intoxication (toxins produced through bacterial growth, chemical contamination, or
disease-producing substances)
o Staph aureus
o Clostridium botulinim
Waterborne (fecal contamination of water)
o Cholera
o Typhoid fever
o Bacillary dysentery

o Giardia lamblia
Vector borne
o Lyme disease
o Rocky mountain spotted fever
o Malaria
Direct contact
o STIs
o Infectious mononucleosis
o Enterobiasis
o Impetigo, lice, scabies

Secondary data: mortality/morbidity data, health surveys, medical records

I PREPARE Mnemonic
Method of determining current and past environmental exposures
I-investigate potential exposures
P- present work
R- residence
E- environmental concerns
P-past exposure
A- activities
R- REFFERALS AND RESOURCES (Enviornmental Protection Agency, Agency for Toxic
Substances & Disease Registry, Associateion of Occupationa and Enviornmental Clinics,
MSDs, OSHA, local health department, environmental agency, poison control)
E- education

o Individuals must be older than 65 years receiving social security, have been
receiving disability benefits for 2 years, have amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and
receive disability benefits or have kidney failure and be on maintenance dialysis or
had a kidney tranplant to qualify for medicare
o Provides health care coverage for individuals of low SES and children, through the
combined efforts of fed and state govs. Eligibility based on household size and
income, with priority given to children, preg women, and those with disability
Lead Exposure
Diet: extra iron and calcium (more milk and red meat)
Cleaning wood floods in houses with lead: wet mop (vacuuming aerosolized particles)
Levels of prevention for client with flu
o Primary- education class about flu

o Secondary- notify contacts of the client about their exposure, isolate client from
pregnant women
o Tertiary- give antiviral to reduce complications
Infant Guidelines
Water heater setting-should be no higher than 120 degree Fahrenheit
Crib slates- must be <6 cm apart
Pacifier during naps should be attached to clothing, not hung around clothing
Toddler Guidelines
Non-potty trained toddlers and swimming- they should be swim in a wading pool
Pregnancy/Post Pregnancy Mother Guidelines
Postpartum blues- common first week to 10 days PP
Roles with surveillance- occupational health nurse
Early Head Start program
Age range- birth to 3 yrs
Most infectious period- coughing
Those exposed- should be treated prophylactically with erythromycin for 7 days (family
members, teachers); check immunization status of classmates
Groups who should get vaccinated- new military recruits, pts with SLE, dormitory setting
Preventing transmission of intestinal parasites- wipe diaper changing stations with dilute bleach
Ethical Tenet
Policy development: serve citizens, not customers; meet the needs of the greatest # of citizens
Health Concerns/Leading Causes of Death
Perinatal conditions/congenital anomalities
Motor vehicle/other unintentional injuries

National health goals

o Reductions in: dental caries, obesity, exposure to second hand smoke
Motor vehicle/other unintentional injuries
National health goals:
o Reductions in: violent crimes, initiation of tobacco use, obesity, inappropriate
weight gain
Reproductive health (childbearing, menopause, osteoporosis)
Heart disease
Malignant neoplasm (breast, cervical, ovarian, colorectal)
Heart disease
Malignant neoplasm (prostate, testicular, skin, colorectal)
Unintentional injuries
Lung disease
Liver disease
Older Adults
Heart disease
Malignant neoplasm
Cerebrovascular disease
Pneumonia and influenza
Substance use and misuse

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