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Jose Rodriguez-Lage
November 6, 2014
ENC1101/Professor Massey
Annotated Bibliography: Diabetes
Deepa, M., A. Bhansali, R.M. Anjana, R. Pradeepa, S.R. Joshi, P.P. Joshi, V.K. Dhandhania,
P.V. Rao, R. Subashini, R. Unnikrishnan, D.K. Shukla, S.V. Madhu, A.K. Das, V.
Mohan, T. Kaur. Knowledge And Awareness of Diabetes In Urban And Rural India:
The Indian Council Of Medical Research India Diabetes Study (Phase I): Indian
Council Of Medical Research India Diabetes 4. Indian Journal of Endocrinology &
Metabolism 18.3 (2014): 379-385. Academic Search Complete. Web. 22 October
Diabetes is a major problem all around the world. In many countries around the world
people are not aware of the risks that are associated with being diabetic. Some of the people
in those regions have never heard of the term diabetes and many of those that have heard of it
are not fully aware of the risks that come with being diabetic. In India, a country with a
population of 1.2 billion people, 62.4 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes as of
2011. It is projected to increase to 101.2 million by 2030. Four states in India were selected in
2008 in order to learn more about the awareness for diabetes in their respective regions. Men
and women 20 years old and above were selected for the survey. They were asked seven
different questions. Their answers were recorded on a scale ranging from four to zero. Those
with a higher score are most aware of diabetes and its effects.

Wang, Chang, Yaqin Yu, Xiangyang Zhang, Yong Li, Changgui Kou, Bo Li, Yuchun Tao,
Qing Zhen, Huan He, Joseph Sam Kanu, Xufeng Huang, Mei Han, Yawen Liu.
Awareness, Treatment, Control Of Diabetes Mellitus And The Risk Factors: Survey

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Results From Northeast China. PLoS ONE 9.7 (2014): 1-7. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 29 October 2014.
A survey was conducted in the northeast region of China in order to learn more about
the awareness of diabetes in the region. Men and women ages 18 to 79 were selected for the
survey. So far there has been little importance placed on diabetes in China mostly due to the
neglect of the government but as the most populous country in the world with a population of
1.357 billion people much more emphasis needs to be placed on diabetes. In the Chinese
province of Jilin the awareness for diabetes was higher than previously thought but still
relatively low compared to other countries. It was learned that the awareness and treatment of
diabetes increased with age. This means that older people are more likely to be more aware of
the risks that come with diabetes are more knowledgeable in the subject than the younger
people. This is also due to the fact that since older people are retired and dont have as many
things to worry about they have the time to sit down and learn about diabetes.

Aida, Halimic , Gage Heather, Vrikki Maria, Williams Peter. Diabetes Awareness and
Behavioural Risk Factors among University Students in Saudi Arabia. Middle East
Journal of Family Medicine 11.3 (2013): 4-9. Academic Search Complete. Web. 29
October 2014.
The government of Saudi Arabia is getting concerned that cultural changes in the
country are affecting the dietary habits of many people, especially the young. They claim that
the western cultures are affecting their culture mostly through the consumption of fast foods
and also a lack in the consumption of fruits and vegetables. 200 university students took part
in a survey to learn about their knowledge on diabetes. In the survey about half of the
students had a family member that had been diagnosed with diabetes. The purpose of the

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survey was to show the students about the risks associated with being unhealthy. Some of the
risks include diabetes and high blood pressure which can even lead to heart attacks. Most of
the people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are usually unhealthy and overweight. Through the
survey the students learned about the risks that come with being diabetic and how dangerous
they could be.

Hinkley, Kara Nett. "States Fight Diabetes." State Legislatures 39.4 (2013): 9. Academic
Search Complete. Web. 5 November. 2014.
There are currently over 26 million Americans that have been diagnosed with
diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is caused by a lack of exercise and consuming unhealthy foods.
Due to this many states are increasing the amount of physical exercise that students must take
part in while at school as well as by raising the nutrition standards at the schools. By doing
this they are hoping to prevent future generations of type 2 diabetics. In 2011 the Illinois
Legislative Diabetes Caucus teamed up with the Illinois Diabetic Policy Coalition. The
conference was attended by doctors, caregivers, and diabetics amongst others. The lawmakers
eventually declared that November was to be diabetes awareness month. In addition, they
also passed a legislation that would require parents that were seeking assistance for the
diabetic care of their children to submit a diabetic plan. It also provided aid that would help
children with diabetes follow their plans at school. Lastly it required training for school
employees and gave them civil immunity for responding in good faith.

Townes, Glenn. "Grants awarded to promote diabetes awareness, prevention." New York
Amsterdam News 25 Oct. 2012: 36.Academic Search Complete. Web. 5 Nov. 2014.

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Recently the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in collaboration with Emblem
Health, a health insurance giant, have awarded nearly 7 million dollars in grants to a variety
of community organizations, some of which are located in the metro area. The goal of the
grants is to provide wellness training classes as well as diabetes prevention solutions to the
residents of Harlem, New York as well as other metro area communities. The community of
Harlem, along with other communities in Queens, have one of the nations highest rates of
diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the more common of the three and most of those that have
already been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes suffer from the risk of a heart attack. The
program will help participants learn about how they can make healthier food choices,
exercising, and energy-building activities. Those who are diagnosed with diabetes are at an
extreme risk for heart attack, stroke, and hypertension. Through these grants people will
hopefully make healthier choices in order to minimize they possibility of any of those
problems may occur.

United States House of Representatives. To Prevent And Cure Diabetes And To Promote And
Improve The Care Of Individuals With Diabetes For The Reduction Of Health
Disparities Within Racial And Ethnic Minority Groups. BiblioGov. 2011. Print.
Diabetes is a growing issue in the United States. There are over 26
million Americans that have been diagnosed with diabetes and there are many more that may
be diabetic and have not yet been diagnosed. Many people that are diabetic are not actually
aware of all the risk factors that are attributed with being diabetic. Those who are or may be
diabetic are at risk for many risk factors. Some of those factors include strokes and heart
attacks. In order to avoid those risk factors, people need to be knowledgeable on diabetes and
those risk factors. They also need to learn how to better take care of their body. That includes

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having a healthy diet and doing exercises. Exercising is a good way to lose weight which can
also be related with diabetes. Those that are overweight are also at an extreme risk for heart
attack or stroke. Losing weight will help to diminish the possibilities of a heart attack and/or

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