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Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL

12:59:58 PM 0:18
12:59:58 PM

12:59:58 PM

Pg 1

A-1 Welcome/Headlines

(Director Note)
Standby C2 (2-shot, Margo & Nathanl); C3 Margo (MCU); C1
Nathan (MCU); C4 Paul (MCU)
Roll recording turbo and VTR
Ready DDR for Recording
Count down 5,4,3,2,1
Fade in CAM 2 (2-shot) & Cue Margo
( Margo / 2 Shot / Cam 2 )
Thank you for tuning into UNI TV. I'm Margo Sturges

1:00:01 PM

( Nathan / 2 Shot / Cam 2 )

And I'm Nathan Greve. We've got a lot of great stories
coming from the UNI campus, Cedar Falls, and the rest
of the Cedar Valley.

1:00:09 PM

( Margo / 2 Shot / Cam 2 )

It is an absolutely beautiful Thurday afternoon so instead
of enjoying the weather, sit down and hang out with us
for a half hour!

1:00:16 PM
1:00:16 PM

(Director Note)
Ready DDR, Roll & Take
Take Video Runs.. 0:11 (Open)
Take Live Runs.. 0:11 (Open)

1:00:16 PM

1:00:28 PM
1:00:28 PM

A-2 Opening


A-3 Farmer's Market

( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1

A farmer's market on College Hill is a close location
where Northern Iowa students have access to locally
grown food. Veteran reporter Sean Dengler is on the

1:00:38 PM

1:02:22 PM

Take PKG Runs.. 1:44 ..std outcue"

"InCue: "I'm here at the farmer's market on the Hill."
TRT: 1:45
OutCue: "For UNI-TV, I'm Sean Dengler.""
( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1
Great job out there, Sean. Be sure to head over to the
farmer's market tonight, October 23rd, and October 30th.
Otherwise, you will have to wait until next spring.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed by chen, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:50:15 AM

Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL

1:02:31 PM
1:02:31 PM


Pg 2

A-4 Google Announcement

( Margo Sturges / MCU / Cam

On Wednesday morning Google Announced that
Cedar Falls is now known as the 2014 Digital Capital,
eCity of Iowa. Google works with an independent
research firm to analyze the online strength of local
businesses in cities and towns across America. Luke
Hansen was at the event hosted by Scratch Cupcakery
who just won the Battle of the Brands.

Take PKG Runs.. 5:00 ..std outcue"

"[In Cue] On October 15, 2014 at Scratch Cupcakery,
Cedar Falls was announced by Google as the Digital Capitals
2014 eCity for Iowa.
TRT 5:00
[Out Cue] LUKE TBA"
( Margo Sturges / MCU / Cam

1:02:50 PM

1:07:50 PM

Thank you Luke. Businesses in our communities are

embracing the power of the web to find new customers,
connect with existing ones and fuel our local economy.

1:07:59 PM
1:07:59 PM


A-5 Toss to Break

( Margo Sturges / 2 Shot /

Cam 2 )
Its time for a break, go grab a beverage and a snack
and come on back for some UNI panther sports
highlights with Paul Ochoa.

(Director Note)
aroll and atke DDR (1:00) for two PSAs

1:08:06 PM

1:08:07 PM



1:09:07 PM
1:09:07 PM


B-1 Football

( Paul Ochoa / MCU / Cam 4 )

Welcome Back to UNITV. I am Paul Ochoa.
At the UNI-Dome there was a watch party to see our
UNI football panthers on the big screen lets take a look
at what they had to offer.

1:09:17 PM

Take PKG Runs.. 3:23 ..std outcue"

"In Cue: At the University of Northern Iowa, the UNI-Dome
was open to students.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed by chen, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:50:15 AM

Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL

Pg 3

TRT: 323
Out Cue: This is Paul Ochoa reporting for UNI-TV"
( Paul Ochoa / MCU / Cam 4 )

1:12:40 PM

Sure looked like fun, this coming Saturday Our UNI

Panthers will take on South Dakota State for the Family

1:12:47 PM
1:12:47 PM


B-2 volleyball

( Paul Ochoa / MCU / Cam 4 )

In the McLeod Center Our lady panthers were in
action Friday 10th and Saturday 11th. They were hoping
to reach a special milestone in the program.

Take PKG Runs.. 3:11 ..std outcue"

"InCue: At the University of Northern Iowa, In the McLeod
TRT: 3:11
Out Cue: We at UNI would like to congratulate our lady
( Paul Ochoa / MCU / Cam 4 )

1:12:56 PM

1:16:07 PM

Our UNI Lady Panthers will look to continue 5 game

winning streak, when they go on the road for three
straight games. Our Lady Panthers wont be home until
Oct 25th against Drake. This is all the time we have for
sports. Lets send it back to Nathan and Margio.

1:16:21 PM
1:16:21 PM


B-3 X-Culture

( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1

If you've got the time, we've got some more stories to
share with you. Here's one from reporter Ian Shilhanek,
who took a look at one student's special trip to Florida
for a X-culture Symposium.

Take PKG Runs.. 4:32 ..std outcue"

"InCue: "The academy of international business..."
TRT: 4:32
OutCue: "...also spoke about how this conference will help
Molly in the future.""
( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1

1:16:32 PM

1:21:04 PM

Thanks, Ian! Going to a conference of such high profile

certainly is a fantastic opportunity.

1:21:10 PM


B-4 Toss to Break 2

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Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1:21:10 PM

Pg 4

Cam 2 )
Its time for a break, go grab a beverage and a snack and
come on back for some more UNI news.

(Director Note)
aroll and take DDR (1:00) for two PSAs

1:21:16 PM

1:21:16 PM


1:22:52 PM
1:22:52 PM



C-1 Clothes Line Project

( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1

Welcome back!
The Clothesline Project is an artistic visual
representation of the pervasiveness of violence against
women, the LGBTQ community and other marginalized
populations. Various colored T-shirts will be displayed on
October 23 to express the emotions and feelings of the
survivors and victims. Cori Noble tells us more about the

Take PKG Runs.. 1:44 ..std outcue"

"InCue: Cori TBA
TRT: 1:45
OutCue: Cori TBA"
( Nathan Greve / MCU / Cam 1

1:23:12 PM

1:24:56 PM

Thanks, Cori. For more information, please contact

Robin Summers by email, [email protected].

1:25:01 PM
1:25:01 PM



( Margo Sturges / MCU / Cam

Last week on UNI-TV, we heard about UNI's first
annual Panthers World Wide Scavenger Hunt. Reporter
Mackenzi Brophy participated in this event. Let's see
what she's up to!

1:25:11 PM

1:27:38 PM

Take PKG Runs.. 2:27 ..std outcue"

"InCue: The Panther's Annual World Wide Scavenger Hunt
TRT: 2:27
OutCue: ....if you break law, there will be a consequence
of..of no breaking the law."
( Margo Sturges / MCU / Cam

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed by chen, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:50:15 AM

Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL

Pg 5

Thanks Mackenzi, looks like a lot of fun!

1:27:40 PM
1:27:40 PM
1:27:40 PM


C-3 Zombie Walk

(Director Note)
Please watch the time. If it is overtime, you may cut off the
content. Please tell the anchors before the live.
( Nathan Greve / 2 Shot / Cam
On October 31, Zombies and Monsters would be
roaming the streets of Cedar Falls. As Halloween marks
a special occasion where everyone can wear favorite
costumes, go out, and collect candy or go to a party.
However, on Saturday, October 11, many people stood
against when a hoard of Zombies invaded the Hill. Had a
zombie apocalypse finally happened? Was the end of
Humanity on the horizon? No; these so called Zombies
packed no bite. They were simply Cedar Falls residents
participating in the fourth annual Cedar Falls Zombie
Walk hosted by Mohair Pair and the Octopus Bar.

1:28:12 PM

( Margo Sturges / 2 Shot /

Cam 2 )
This was a charity event benefiting the Northeast Iowa
Food Bank. The husband and wife team of Dave Deibler
and Barb Schif, owners of Mohair Pair and The Octopus,
came up with the idea as a fun and festival way to raise
money and food donations for the Northeast Iowa Food

1:28:28 PM

( Nathan Greve / 2 Shot / Cam

All participants had to either donate two food items or
$5.00 to participate in the walk. The making-up
assistance was available at Mohair Pair prior to the
event. The folks of Broad Street Brewing showed up the
Octopus at 2pm to do a Tap-Takeover. At 3pm, over
50 participants, ranging from college students to whole
families, in their best zombie makeup and gear, were
taking over the Hill as they strolled up and down the Hill
and College Street. After 30 minutes of terrorizing the
hill, the horde made its way back to the Octopus for the
After party.

1:28:59 PM

( Margo Sturges / 2 Shot /

Cam 2 )
There was a costume contest. The best zombie
costume was awarded a $20 gift certificate. For more
information on upcoming events, please check out the
Octopus and Mohair Pairs Facebook Pages, and to learn
more about The Northeast Iowa Food Bank and how you
can get involved. be sure to visit the web site

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed by chen, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:50:15 AM

Director's Rundown
Projected Hit TTL

1:29:18 PM
1:29:18 PM


Pg 6

C-4 Closing

( Margo Sturges / 2 Shot /

Cam 2 )
Thank you for watching today's show! Nathan and I
enjoyed informing and entertaining you.

( Nathan Greve / 2 Shot / Cam


1:29:23 PM

We sure did Margo! Tune in next time for even more

intersting and informative news and adventures!

1:29:29 PM
1:29:29 PM
1:29:59 PM


C-5 Credits

Take CG Runs.. 0:30 (Scores)

(Director Note)
Credits: Anchor 1: Margo Sturges
Anchor 2: Nathan Greve
music up and fade out
Fade to Black
Thanks everyone for your greate teamwork!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Printed by chen, on Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:50:15 AM

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