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Ultimate StreetBowl RuleZ

Updated for 2009 and beyond

The Basics:
Street Bowl is played using standard LRB rules, except for the following changes.
StreetBowl is made up of two 6-turn halves, rather then the normal 8 turn halves used in Blood Bowl.
Because it is played on the streets, it is quite simple to mark out an area the same length as a normal Blood
Bowl pitch. Unfortunately, the narrow streets and alleys of the slums mean that the Street Bowl pitch is only
7 squares wide, 3 squares in the centre and 2 squares in each of the wide zones.
A Street Bowl team is comprised of at least 7 players. The coach MUST set up as many players as he can for
each kick off, up to a maximum of 7 players for each drive. Due to the narrower width of the pitch, it is only
mandatory to set up one player on the line of scrimmage, though more can be set up if desired. Only one
player may be set up in each wide zone.
The hard playing surface is much more dangerous than playing on grass. Add +1 to the Armor roll for any
player that is knocked over while playing Street Bowl (whether by a block or a failed action or in any other
way). This helps to explain the violent reputation of Street Bowl and the fact it is extremely unpopular with
Halflings! In addition, the hard surface makes the ball bounce much more than on grass. The ball scatters as
normal when kicked or thrown, but bounces twice if it is dropped after a failed catch, or hits the ground after
a pass, kick or throw in. If a ball does hit the ground roll a D8 and scatter the ball in that direction. If the
square is not occupied, roll another D8 to bounce the ball a second time. After this the ball will stop bouncing
and play can continue as normal. The ball may be caught if it bounces into an occupied square, but it scatters
twice more if is not caught.
The playing area is surrounded on both sides by walls, boarded up windows and metal grates. Even in each
end zone blockades are put up to stop fans running onto the pitch. This means that the ball can never leave
the pitch except over the low barriers at each end of the street. When a ball bounces out of bound in the
endzone, the fans will throw it back in using the same rules as in BloodBowl. If a ball bounces into a wall
during play then it will scatter D6 squares in a random direction using the standard Throw-in Template, and
then bounce twice upon hitting the ground as described above. This rule affects bouncing balls, and also any
kick offs which hit a wall. Note that there is no touchback in Street Bowl unless the ball bounces back into
the half of the kicking team or out the end of the street.
Being pushed into a brick wall hurts, even if the player is not knocked over! A player can only be pushed into
a wall if there is no available unoccupied square. When a player is pushed back against a wall, but not
knocked over, leave the player standing, but make an Armor roll adding +1 because the wall is as hard as the
cobbles! If the armor is penetrated the blocked player falls down, and you may roll for injury straight away. If
a player is pushed back against a wall and knocked over, then the blocking player may add +2 to the Armor
roll (+1 for the wall and +1 for the cobblestones!). If the armor is penetrated, roll to injure as normal. Note: a
block against the wall is eligible for CAS SPPs. If a player is pushed into the crowd at either end of the street,
roll to injure using the same rules as Blood Bowl.

Passing the ball in Street Bowl often involves more risk as the narrow pitch makes interceptions more likely.
To counteract this, some throwers will deliberately try to pass the ball to another player by bouncing it off a
wall. Passing a ball off a wall is extremely difficult, as well as quite unpredictable. Any such pass suffers a
modifier of -1 to the Agility roll to pass the ball. A pass, which is bounced off the wall can never, be
intercepted, though players with Pass Block may still move to place tackle zones on either the thrower or
intended receiver. Holding the range ruler sideways, it is possible to bend the ruler so that it goes from the
thrower to the intended receiver (or to an empty square) and also touches one of the walls along the side of its
intended path. This marks the section of the wall, which the thrower is aiming for when he makes the pass.
Make the Pass action taking into account the -1 modifier for bouncing it off the wall as described above. If
the throw is fumbled it lands at the throwers feet as normal and bounces twice. If the throw is inaccurate it
hits the wall, but then scatters unexpectedly D6 squares in a random direction using the Throw-in template.
An inaccurate pass which bounces off the wall in this way may be caught by any player on either team in the
same way as a bouncing ball, failing which it will hit the ground and bounce twice. If the pass is accurate the
receiver as normal may catch it.
Note on Throw Teammate:
Throw Teammate works the same way it does in LRB, with the exception of the thrown player hitting one of
the walls. If a thrown teammate scatters into a wall, roll a D6. On a 1-5 the player stops scattering as they
violently hit the wall. Treat them as if they were pushed back and down against the wall (+2 to the AV roll).
On a 6, the player has managed to successfully kick him or herself off of the wall. The Coach may determine
which direction the player will continue in using the throw in template. Roll a D3 to determine the number of
squares the player will travel from the wall, and then treat the landing roll as normal in that square.
Street Bowl games are not watched over by a Referee, which means players cannot be sent off, but they can
be hurt in retribution. A player wishing to commit a foul does so as normal, taking assists into account.
Irrespective of the success of the foul attempt, the coach of the fouled player may roll a D6; on a 1-3 nothing
happens, on a 4+ the fans have hit their target. Make an AV roll for the player committing the foul adding +1
to the roll. If the roll is enough to break amour, make an injury roll as normal. If amour is broken on the
player committing the foul his team suffers a turnover.
2D6 Result
2 Smog: Smog makes it almost impossible to see how many players are on the street. Each coach rolls a D6
prior to each kickoff, on a roll of 1, they may only field 6 players, on a roll of 6 they may field 8 players (if
they have the reserves). The Smog also makes it impossible for the fans to see fouls, so no fouls will be
spotted as long as the Smog persists. The horrible Smog also prevents players from throwing very far, so only
Quick passes may be attempted.
3 Very Windy: Strong winds are whistling down the street, making passing the ball very difficult. All
attempts to pass the ball are subjected to an additional -1 modifier.
4-10 Nice: Perfect Street Bowl weather.
11 Pouring Rain: Its raining, making the ball slippery and difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all catch,
intercept, or pick-up rolls.
12 Blizzard: Its cold and snowing! The ice on the pitch means that any player attempting to move an extra
square (GFI) will slip and be Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2. The snow also means that only quick or short
passes can be attempted.

Pre-Match Routine
1. Choose Inducements and make any Lil' Shoppe rolls
2. Journeymen allocation
3. Roll for potions
4. Roll for Gate/FAME
5. Roll for weather
6. Coin Toss
Post-Match Routine
1. Collect Money (Promoter's roll, Scramble money, Bookie's Bounties)
2. Fan factor
3. MVPs and SPP rolls
4. Delete Dead players
5. Talent Scout check
6. Purchases
Fan Factor Table
Win= Fan Factor goes up 1
Tie=Both coaches roll d6, high roller's Fan Factor goes up 1, low roller's Fan Factor goes down 1, in case of
a tie nothing happens.
Loss= Fan Factor goes down 1
The Kickoff Table
2D6 Result
2 Riot: Both coaches roll a D6 for each opposing player on the pitch and add their FAME to the roll. If a roll
is 6 or more after modification then the player is Stunned (players with the Ball & Chain skill are KO'd). A
roll of 1 before adding FAME will always have no effect.
3 Stray Pony: The stable boy at a nearby tavern forgot to bolt the door! Suddenly a galloping pony runs right
across the street, throwing the game into disarray. Each player on the Line of Scrimmage must make a
successful Dodge roll directly back, this is an unmodified roll you are not dodging from your opponents so
any skills they may have do not apply. If they fail, they are knocked over into the square directly behind
them. If another player is occupying that square then he is pushed backwards and stays on his feet. Roll
armor for the knocked over player as normal, adding +2 to the roll: +1 for the cobblestones and +1 for the
trampling hooves of the pony.
4 Perfect Defense: The kicking teams coach may reorganize his players in other words he can set them up
again into another legal defense. The receiving team must remain in the set-up chosen by their coach.
5 Happy Hour! A local tavern opens its doors just as the kickoff is about to take place. You must determine
how many players from each side that are on the street run off for a pint or two. Roll a D3; the result will be
the number of random players from each team that are placed in the Reserves box. This can never take a team
below one player; if it does then the team may keep one player of their choice on the street.
6 High Kick: The ball is kicked very high, allowing a player on the receiving team time to move into the
perfect position to catch it. Any one player on the receiving team who is not in an opposing players tackle
zone may be moved into the square where the ball will land no matter what their MA may be, as long as the
square is unoccupied.
7 Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table (see page 20). Apply the new Weather roll. If
the new Weather roll is a Nice result, then a gentle gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra square in a
random direction before landing.
8 Quick Snap! The offense starts their drive a fraction before the defense is ready, catching the kicking team
flat-footed. All of the players on the receiving team are allowed to move one square. This is a free move and
may be made into any adjacent empty square, ignoring tackle zones. It may be used to enter the opposing half
of the pitch.

9 Scramble! Just as the kick off has taken place, an overexcited spectator accidentally drops a bag of cash
into the middle of one of the end zones. Each player rolls a D6 and adds their FAME re-rolling ties. The
winning player determines into which end zone the purse has been dropped. Place the marker in the middle
square of that end zone. Then roll a D6 for every player, starting with the lowest roster number on the
receiving team and go up from there alternating between teams. On a roll of 3 or less, the player moves D6
squares up to their maximum movement allowance (i.e. a Long Beard rolling a 6 would move 4 squares),
towards the square where the purse landed as they all race to grab the cash! Players may enter the opposing
half and ignore tackle zones during this free move. Once resolved, the drive continues as normal. The first
player who reaches the purse allows the coach to gain a re-roll for the rest of the game, as well as collecting
the money from the purse. The team that reaches the purse may add 10gps to their treasury after the match.
10 Blitz! The defense starts their drive a fraction before the offence is ready, catching the receiving team flatfooted. The kicking team receives a free bonus turn; however, players that are in an enemy tackle zone at
the beginning of this free turn may not perform an Action. The kicking team may use team re-rolls during a
Blitz. If any player suffers a turnover, the bonus turn ends immediately.
11 Mrs. Miggins: An elderly neighbor has been awoken by all the noise and decides to exact some revenge.
Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their teams FAME to the score, re-rolling ties. The high scorers fans
convince the old crone that it was the other team making all the noise and she sends out her Rottweiler,
Fluffy, to get one of them! Decide randomly which player on the other team was bitten (only players on the
street are eligible) and roll for the effects of the injury straight away. No Armor roll is required.
12 The Guards! Suddenly a cry goes up warning the players that the City Guard is approaching, causing
panic amongst the players. Roll a D6 for all players on the pitch who are not Stunned, starting with the lowest
numbered player on the receiving team and then alternating from kicking to receiving team. On a roll of 6,
the player has seen this all before and defiantly stands his ground. On a 5 or less, the player races off to try
and avoid being arrested! Move the player D6 squares in a random direction, up to their maximum movement
allowance (i.e., a Long Beard rolling a 6 would move 4 squares) ignoring all tackle zones(Prone player must
pay the 3 squares to stand or stay on the street). If during this move they reach the wall, then they will remain
there trying to hide. If during the move they run into another player from either side, knock both players
down and roll for armor taking into account the modifier for the cobblestones, ignoring any other modifiers.
Once all of this pandemonium has been resolved, roll a further D6. On a 2+ it was a false alarm and the game
continues as normal. On a roll of 1, the Guards arrive and arrest one random player from each team. An
arrested player misses the rest of this match.
Creating your Team: (If you want to call them a team.)
Teams are made up of at least 7 players and no more than 11 players, purchased using the team list in this
rulebook. The head coach has 600 gold pieces with which to choose his starting line-up.
Aside from the head coach, there are no other staff members on a Street Bowl team, well no professional staff
members anyway. Wizards have little time for such violent nocturnal pursuits and there are no Apothecaries
who would dirty their hands with the blood of Street Bowl players. Therefore no Wizards, Apothecaries,
Assistant Coaches or Cheerleaders may be included in a Street Bowl team. Some unscrupulous herbalists
have been known to sell what they claim to be magic potions to unsuspecting coaches before a game. All
coaches may roll D3 before each match. The result represents the number of potions that the coach has been
able to purchase for this match only. If any potions are left after the match, then they may not be carried over
for future matches as the magic of the potion wears off. Teams, which do not normally employ an
Apothecary, (Undead, Nurgles Rotters, Necromantic, Khemri, etc.), may not use magic potions. There are

also some useful people that may be induced for a match to help your team out, but Im sure they would
refuse to be called a member of your staff.

Magic Potion Table (D8 roll)

Magic Potions are used before a kickoff, to any player that has been sent to the Casualty box. The effect of
the injury will still be applied after the match is over, unless you were lucky enough to get a Healing Balm,
which will cure the player completely. Note: while the injury will take effect after the match, the potion is for
this match only, with the exception of the 'Healing Balm'.
1 - Squig Pish!: That damned herbalist sold you poison! The player is dead. Steal some money and call the
undertaker before his corpse starts to smell too bad.
2 - Sewer Water: Youve been duped! You curse the herbalist while trying not to get the players vomit on
your boots. He misses the next drive, but you could try again after that if you like to take stupid risks
3 Laudanum: The player slowly rises to his feet, asks who you are and stumbles onto the street. He suffers
from Really Stupid and 2 AG for the remainder of the match, but benefits from Thick Skull, as he is almost
totally immune to pain.
4 - Dwarf Ale: Player returns to play, but is well past his best. He suffers -1 AG and Boneheaded for the rest
of the match and, most probably, a bad hangover tomorrow
5 - Fungus Beer: Somehow the herbalist managed to get some Goblin Brew. The player suddenly roars out
as his muscles double in size and he bursts into the opposition. He counts as having +2 ST and Frenzy for the
rest of the match, but also has Wild Animal as his body struggles to contain the rage. Before this player takes
an action of any kind you must roll a D6, on a 2+ he is fine and may complete the action. On a 1 he dies of a
heart attack and cannot be revived again by any means. This only causes a turnover if the player was holding
the ball.
6 Warpstone!: Wow! The player sprints off and retakes to the field immediately! He has gained Sprint and
Jump Up for the rest of the match, but he MUST be the first player on his team to act each turn as he is too
excited to stand still for more than a few seconds at a time! If there are multiple players on the street with
Warpstone, it doesn't matter what order they go in but they must move before players without Warpstone.
7 Shrinking Potion: Drink me! After finishing the potion the player begins to feel a bit unstable. The
player begins to shrink to the size of a Halfling. The player may take the street but will have the stat-line of a
rookie Halfling for the rest of the match. If the player had the Stunty skill before taking the potion then the
potion will have the reverse effect. The player will grow to the size of an Ogre; they may retake the street
with the stat-line of a rookie Ogre for the rest of the match.
Halfling Stat-line: MA=5 ST =2 AG=3 AV=6 Dodge, Right stuff, Stunty
Ogre Stat-line: MA=5 ST=5 AG=2 AV=9 Bonehead, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate
8 - Healing Balm: Well, the herbalist got it right for once! The player looks considerably healthier as he
retakes to the field in time for this drive!
StreetBowl not BloodBowl
Some changes that were made to LRB to add more of the Street flavor to the game.
The Gate
Who wouldnt want to watch a StreetBowl match? Well, besides anyone that has a life. The Gate roll at the
beginning of the game is 1D6 + Fan Factor X10, rather then the 2D6 used in Bloodbowl. FAME is
determined in the same way as listed in LRB.

Casualty Table
The players on the Street arent conditioned as well as their professional counter-parts, and dont have
anyone looking out for their well being. Thus, they are more prone to injuries; it is rare to see a StreetBowl
player that does not show some lingering signs of the brutal game they play. Replace the Casualty table in
LRB with the following table. Note it is a D88 table rather then a D68 table (Roll the D8 twice to determine
D88 Result Effect
11-28 Badly Hurt: No long-term effect
31-38 Serious Injury: Miss Next Game
41-58 Lingering Injury: Niggling Injury
61-65 Severe Injury: -1 MA
66-72 Severe Injury: -1 AV
73-75 Severe Injury: -1 AG
76-78 Severe Injury: -1 ST
81-88 Death Dead!
Changes to Skills
The Description of some skills listed in the LRB should be changed for the street, as well as the addition of a
few skills.
Regeneration (Extraordinary) If the player suffers a Casualty result on the Injury Table, then roll a D6 for
Regeneration after the roll on the Casualty table. On a result of 4+, the player will heal the injury after a short
period of time to pull themselves together, and is placed in the reserves box. The player isnt quite in
perfect shape, however, and will suffer from a Niggling Injury for the rest of this match.
Secret Weapon (Extraordinary) Some players are armed with special pieces of equipment that are called
secret weapons. Although the StreetBowl rules specifically ban the use of any weapons, the game has a
long history of teams trying to get weapons of some sort onto the street, and who likes rules anyway?
Nonetheless, the fans look down on the use of secret weapons. The craziest of fans have a nasty habit of
finding players with weapons as they come off the street, and giving them a few well-placed blows to the
head. Weapons that StreetBowl players often get their hands on are not the professionally made weapons you
see on the Bloodbowl pitch, but more likely something the player has put together from the local scrap yard.
Because of this the weapons are notoriously dangerous for their users, before the player performs an action
roll a D6, on a roll of 1 the weapon breaks down in some way. The player runs off the street to try and repair
his weapon, they will be back with their weapon in time for the next game but their work is done for the day.
You do not need to roll for the crazed fans when a player leaves the street in this way. Also this is not a
turnover unless the player was holding the ball. After any drive, which the player participated in, they run for
the nearest dark alley, and are often chased by crazed fans seeking justice. Make an armor roll for the player,
and apply the injury to them. No matter what the injury is they are done for today, but should be okay, injury
permitting to play in the next match.
Sneaky Git (Agility) This player has the quickness and finesse to stick the boot to a downed opponent
without drawing the fans' attention unless they hear the armor crack. During a Foul Action, a player with this
skill does not have an object thrown at them unless the Armor roll was successful.
Loner (Extraordinary) Loners dont work well, or practice at all with the rest of the team. Because of this
they may never use a team reroll. Also since the rest of the team resents them for their lack of effort, they
may never be given speshul stuff from the Lil' Shoppe.

The player loves to improvise plays rather then sticking to the play that is called. All attempts to intercept a
pass from this player are made at a -1 instead of the normal -2.
The player loves his drinks. If happy hour is rolled on the kickoff table this player must make a drink check
to see if he runs off with his mates as well. Roll a d6, if the result is a 1, then the player realizes that he is
missing his chance at cheap drinks and takes off for the pub (reserves box).
This skill is given to any player that already has a negaskill (Bonehead, Really Stupid, Wild Animal, Take
Root, Blood Lust) and has to gain another negaskill because of a Potion or some other reason. Instead of
having two negaskills, they gain Blockhead. This player is dumb beyond belief, or has been temporarily
knocked stupid it is hard telling. Before this player takes any action they must roll a 4+ to make sure they
remember where they are. If they fail the roll, then they lose their tackle zone and action until they manage to
pass a succeful 4+ roll before a future Action or the drive ends.
Chaotic Character
The Chaos gods do have a sense of humor. A team that has a player with this skill on their roster must roll
before each match to see which monster has been sent to them for this match. Roll a D3, a 1=Minotaur
2=Troll and 3=Ogre. If playing in a league it is important to remember that this is still treated as one roster
spot, or one player. So any injuries that would affect one monster apply to any that show up, likewise for
SPPs and skills gained.
League Play
Advancement Levels
StreetBowl players dont have the luxury of regular practices or experienced coaches to help them improve.
So as you can imagine it takes a bit longer for a StreetBowl player to improve their skills. Replace the LRB
Star Player Points table with the following table:
SPPs Title Star Player Rolls
0-5 Rookie None
6-30 Experienced One
31-75 Veteran Two
76+ Emerging Star Three
Player Values
Skill advancement is more rare and valuable to a street team in comparison to the Bloodbowl teams you are
used to. To help compensate for this change the Value Modifiers table to
Value modifiers Table
+30 New Skill
+50 Skill that can only be taken on a double
+50 +1 MA, or +1 AV
+80 +1 AG
+100 +1 ST
Making Money on the Street
Even StreetBowl teams need to make a little cash. Most StreetBowl matches are arranged by Promoters who
are there to make their money off the crowd that gathers to watch the match, and take thier share of the
crowds money. The Promoters are generous enough to give a small kickback to the teams that are bringing
the crowds in. After the match make a Promoter roll. While this is the main source of most teams' income,
there are a couple of other ways teams make money as detailed below.
Promoters Roll
Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME. Your team receives this amount X 10 gold pieces as their
payment. If you won or tied the match you receive an additional 10 gps.

Spiraling Expenses
As your team get more skilled, you find the bar tabs getting bigger. The players might even begin demanding
uniforms! If your teams Team Value exceeds 800, apply the following expense in the post match sequence
as you are collecting your Bookie money.
Team Value Expenses
<800 0gps
800 to 990 10gps
1,000 to 1,190 20gps
1,200 to 1,390 30gps
Continuing in Steps of 200 +10gps each
Bookies Bounties
Believe it or not Bookies arent always the most honest of people. No, really! They have been known to place
Bounties on players to insure that one team will have an advantage over the other. Never forget the Bookies'
motto Ive got my mind on my money, and my money on my mind. If you managed to kill a skilled player
from the other team by Block, Foul, or Secret Weapon Attack, you can collect the Bookies Bounty for that
player. Bounties will be paid out according to how many advancements the player has received. Check the
bounty list below:
Players Level Payout
Rookie A pat on the Back
Experienced 10gps
Veteran 20gps
Emerging Star 30gps
The final money making method for the StreetBowl coach is the Talent Scout. Bloodbowl teams dont like to
admit it, but they do often recruit StreetBowl players to come and play for their teams. The StreetBowl
coaches dont mind because they are often compensated for the player.
Talent Scout
Once a StreetBowl player become a Veteran (31 SPPs) the Scouts might start coming around to watch him
play, hoping to take him away to the Big Leagues. During the post match sequence of any game after they
reach that level you may roll a D6 to see if the Scouts were watching. On a roll of a 2+, a Scout approaches
and offers you an amount of cash based upon a D3 and the table below. There is a separate table for
Emerging Stars (76+ SPPs) as there is more of an interest in these players. You need not accept the Scouts
offer if you do not wish to do so; if you accept the offer, erase the player from your roster and add the Scouts
offer to your treasury.
Talent Scout Offer (Veteran)
D3 roll Offer
1 The players Value
2 The players Value Plus 20gps
3 The players Value Plus 50gps
Talent Scout Offer (Emerging Stars)
D3 roll Offer
1 The players Value plus 20gps
2 The players Value plus 50gps
3 The players Value plus 100gps

Inducements on the Street

To insure that there is a good turnout for the StreetBowl matches they are promoting, Promoters have been
known to use their connections to offer underdogs a little bit of help. Be it by giving them money to higher a
ringer for the match, or maybe send them to the Lil' Shoppe to buy some stuff. A hard fought even match is
what most crowds want, and it is a Promoter's job to give them that. An underdog team may take the
difference in Team Values between the teams and spend it on inducements. (Note this section completely
replaces the inducement section in the LRB)
Inducement Options
Lil Shoppe of Orrors (0-3) 10gps
Extra Training (0-1) 100gps
Bribes (0-1) 50gps
Counter Offer (0-1) - 50gps
Halfling Bartender (0-1) Free for Halflings; 300gps all other teams
Med Student (0-1) 150gps
Zlurpee Cart (0-1) 50gps
Ringers (0-1) varies, see list
Ye Olde Lil Shoppe of Orrors
For a minor fee of 10gps, a team's coach may choose to buy some "speshul stuff" from a nearby dealer. Roll a
D8 and see which of the following items the coach can buy. Each item lasts for this match only, if used in a
tournament setting the coach must reroll the "speshul stuff" before each game. Note: remember players with
the loner skill may not receive Lil' Shoppe items.
1. Sticky Bun Mitts - A player has brought a pair of gloves previously used for cooking something sticky (be
it sticky buns or a barbequed halfling). The player gets to use the Sure Hands skill during this match. In
addition, because his hands are so sticky, he has a -1 for any pass attempts.
2. Skates The Lil Shoppes self constructed new item. While they may not look very safe the shop owner
assures you that they will get the job done. The wheeled shoes make a player on your team much faster as
they gain the Sprint skill for this match.
3. Scissor Hands - You have been given a dangerous glove with knives and scissors at the end of each finger.
This very useful device will help the player take down the biggest of opponents, the player gains the Claw
mutation. The Glove is very dangerous to the other team, but the player with the glove on is also in danger.
Any time the player wearing the glove is knocked down and armor is broken, add +1 to the injury roll.
4. Oily Goo - The player has coated himself in, well, some oily goo substance. The oily goo makes it more
difficult to push the player around. For this match the, player may use the Sidestep skill. However because of
the oily goo, the player has a -1 modifier to catch or pick up the ball.
5. Pots and Pans - The player has brought something to protect his noggin. He is treated as if he has the
Thick Skull skill for this match.
6. Air Jordell's- The player has managed to get enough scratch together to buy the new Jordell's,which
promise to make him 'Run a little Fasta, Jump a little higha, and feel a little Stronga'. Until he learns better he
believes them. The player may use the Leap skill for this game.
7. Bag o' Marbles- The dealer hands you a Bag o' Marbles, and explains that you can throw them at the feet
of players that are trying to dodge away from you. You may give the marbles to a player and treat them as if
they have the Diving Tackle skill for this match
8. Lucky Glove- The local Rat-Catcher has lost his lucky glove. The dealer makes you an offer you cant
refuse. Give the Glove to a player on your team they may use the Catch skill for this match.

Extra Training For 100gps, you manage to rent some space to hold a team practice session in. You may take
an extra reroll for this match.

Bribes Your team has decided it might be a good idea to get the fans on your side, investing 50gps in T-shirts
and other team giveaways. They have a meet and greet session before the match and are even a little friendly.
You may use your bribe once a game when a foul committed, before your opponent rolls to see if the fans
throw an item at you. If you use your bribe the fans decide to let your action go this time. Bribes may not be
used on the beatings handed out to players with Secret Weapon at the end of a drive.
Counter Offer Your team has heard about your next opponents dirty tactics, and have tipped off some eagleeyed fans. They may have even supplied these fans with sharp object to be thrown. You may use this to catch
an opponent who commits a foul. Instead of roll a 4+ to catch them, it is automatic. Roll for armor as normal.
Halfling Bartender Free for Halfling teams. 300gps for any other team able to use Magic Potions. You hire
a famous stunty cocktail master. You automatically get 3 potions for the game and get to roll twice on the
Magic Potion table for each potion used and choose which result to use.
Med Student For 150gps, you manage to convince a struggling Apothecary student to help your team out.
While not finished with his studies yet, he does know a little. You may use the Med Student on a player after
they have suffered a casualty. Make a Med Student roll to see if he is familiar with the injury: on a D6 roll of
2-6 he can help you, on a roll of 1 he does more harm than good. Add 10 to the CAS table roll. If the Med
Student is familiar with the injury you may roll a second time on the Casualty table and take the lower of the
two injuries.
Zlurpee Cart For 50gps, you convince the local Zlurpee Cart vendor to park his cart near your dugout. The
delicious refreshment of the frozen beverages will allow your players to recover from KOs on a 3+ rather
then a 4+ for this match.
Journeymen Journeymen work the same way they do in LRB, though they may be even more important to a
StreetBowl team. You will often see a coach ducking into the Pub just before kickoff trying to find some
local talent. Note: Journeymen on the street will be the 0-11 position on the team list and all journeymen on

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