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DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. SUPERIOR COURT SHARYL THOMPSON ATTKISSON, 22697 Hillside Circle, Leesburg, VA 20175 BRANCH JAMES HOWARD ATTKISSON, a 22697 Hillside Circle, Leesburg, VA 20175 pec 30 204 and stag SARAH JUDITH STARR ATTKISSON ofthe Dail} Colombit “skagen. DE 22697 Hillside Circle, Leesburg, VA 20175 Plaintiffs, ¥ Case No.: CA. ERIC HOLDER, individually, Serve: Eric Holder, Attorney General 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 511 Washington, DC 20530 PATRICK R. DONAHOE, individually, Serve: Patrick R. Donahoe 475 L’Enfant Plaza, SW ‘Washington, DC 20260 UNKNOWN NAMED AGENTS OF the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, in their individual capacities, UNKNOWN NAMED AGENTS OF the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE, in their individual capacities, and UNKNOWN NAMED AGENTS OF the UNITED STATES, in their individual capacities, Defendants. COMPLAINT ‘The Plaintiffs, by and through their undersigned attorneys, allege the following upon information and belief after due investigation. 1. This lawsuit is brought pursuant to Bivens and challenges the government's unauthorized and illegal surveillance of the Plaintiffs’ laptop computers and telephones from | iyi Complaint -attcisson v. Holder, etal Page 1 2011 - 2013 under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. See Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). JURISDICTION 2. The present case arises under the Constitution and laws of the United States and is within this Court's jurisdiction pursuant to §11-921 and §§13-422 and -423. PARTIES 3. Plaintiffs incorporate and re-allege each and every allegation above as if fully set forth herein. 4, Atall times relevant to this lawsuit, Plaintiff Sharyl Atkisson was a citizen and resident of Leesburg, Virginia, and an investigative reporter for CBS News. She was responsible for investigating, writing, publishing, and airing investigative news stories on a wide-variety of topics, including the federal gun-trafficking investigation that came to be known as "Fast and Furious,” and the controversial attack of the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. tall times relevant hereto, Ms. Atkisson was a member of "the press" as described by the First, ‘Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. In the course of her investigative journalism, she experienced confrontational encounters with officials within the Department of Justice and White House who demanded disclosure of the identity of confidential sources who may have been leaking information. Federal agencies and the White House repeatedly withheld documents, at times invoking "national security" as the justification. During the same time period, the Department of Justice implemented efforts to vastly expand its cyber security Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 2 capabilities, efforts, and resources in the name of national security and actively targeted journalists and news organizations as part of leak investigations, Ms. Attkisson discovered that her computers and telephone had been “hacked,” that an unauthorized party or parties had illegally installed software on her laptop computer, and that her confidential, professional, and personal information had been illegally accessed 5. Atall times relevant to this lawsuit, Plaintiff James Howard Attkisson was a citizen and resident of Leesburg, Virginia, and was married to Sharyl Attkisson, Because much of the surveillance alleged in this complaint occurred at Ms. Attkisson’s residence, Mr. Attkisson was subjected to surveillance as well, and his confidential, professional, and personal information were illegally accessed. 6. tall times relevant to this lawsuit, Plaintiff Sarah Judith Starr Attkisson was a citizen and resident of Leesburg, Virginia, and the daughter of James and Sharyl Attkisson, Because much of the surveillance alleged in this complaint occurred at Sarah Attkisson's residence, she was subjected to surveillance as well, and her confidential, professional, and personal information were illegally accessed 7. Defendant Eric H. Holder is the Attorney General of the United States. Attorney General Holder has ultimately authority over the Department of Justice ("DOJ") and the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"). He is sued in his individual and official capacity. 8. Defendant Patrick R. Donahoe is the Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer of the United States Postal Service ("USPS") and has ultimate authority over the USPS. He is sued individual and official capacity. 9, Plaintiffs are unaware of the true names and capacities, whether individual or otherwise, of the Unknown Federal Agents and therefore sues those Defendants by fictitious ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder, etal Page 3 names. Plaintiffs are informed and believe, and on that basis allege, that these Defendants, and each of them, are in some manner responsible and liable for the acts and/or damages alleged in this Complaint, and that these Defendants are employees or agents of the federal government who acted under color of law. BACKGROUND 10. Ms. Attkisson was a reporter for CBS News for twenty (20) years. Her job required her to investigate and report on national news stories. In 2011, during the course of her reporting, she began investigating what later became known as the “Fast and Furious” gun- walking story involving federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATE) improperly permitting weapons to pass into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels. 11, Her first “Fast and Furious” report aired on CBS on February 22, 2011. The report quoted and relied upon numerous confidential sources, all of whom were critical of the Fast and Furious gun-walking strategy deployed by the respective federal agencies. 12, In February 2011 the ATF, in an internal memorandum, instigated an orchestrated ‘campaign against Ms. Attkisson's report, including efforts to discredit it, and outlined a strategy for the Agency to push "positive stories" in order to "preempt some negative reporting."* 13. Despite the foregoing efforts, Ms. Attkisson continued to report Fast and Furious stories, When contacted for comment, DOJ officials persisted in their denial of the allegations * See hutp:!/! “Given the negative coverage by CBS Evening News last week and upcoming events this week, the bureau should look for every opportunity to push coverage of good stories. Fortunately, the CBS story has not sparked any follow up coverage by mainstream media and seems to have fizzled....It was shoddy reporting. ..ATF needs to proactively push positive stories this week, in an effort to preempt some negative reporting, ot at minimum, lessen the coverage of such stories in the news cycle by replacing them with good stories about ATF.” Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 4 and continued efforts to unveil Ms. Attkisson's confidential sources. ATF sources told Ms. Attkisson that the Agency was actively seeking to identify government insiders who were providing information or "leaking" to her and CBS, 14, _ In September, 2011, Ms. Attkisson reported on secret audio recordings that implicated the F.B.I. in an alleged discrepancy in its accounting of evidence in the Fast and Furious related murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. 15, Also in September, 2011, Ms. Attkisson reported on the existence of secret audio recordings implicating the F.B.I, in an alleged discrepancy in accounting of evidence in the Fast and the Furious related murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. 16. Also in September, 2011, Ms, Attkisson reported on the alleged involvement of an F.B. informant in the Fast and Furious matter. 17, In October, 2011, Ms. Attkisson reported on the continuing controversy regarding the F.B.L's accounting of evidence in Fast and Furious. 18. In November, 2011, Ms. Attkisson reported on evidence contradicting Attorney General Holder's sworn testimony wherein he claimed that he had only heard of Fast and Furious for the first time in the past couple of weeks. 19. Inmid-to-late 2011, Ms. Attkisson, Mr, Attkisson, and Sarah Attkisson began to notice anomalies in numerous electronic devices at their home in Virginia. These anomalies included a work Toshiba laptop computer and a family Apple desktop computer tuning on and offat night without input from anyone in the household, the house alarm chirping daily at different times, often indicating "phone line trouble," and television problems, including interference. All of the referenced devices use the Verizon FiOS line installed in Ms. Attkisson's ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v, Holder, et al Page 5 home. Verizon was unable to cure the problems, despite multiple attempts over a period of more than a year. 20. In December, 2011, Ms. Attkisson reported on the DOJ's formal retraction of a letter and a misrepresentation made to Congress in February, 2011, which had stated, incorrectly, there had been no "gun-walking." 21. In January, 2012, Ms. Attkisson contacted Verizon about ongoing internet problems and intermittent connectivity because the residential internet service began constantly dropping off. She had not experienced similar problems previously. In response to the complaint, Verizon sent a new router, which was immediately installed. The new router failed to resolve the issues. 22, In January, 2012, Ms. Attkisson began a series of reports, spanning several months, that were critical of some of the Executive Branch's green energy initiatives, including the Solyndra failure 23. In February, 2012, an unauthorized party or parties remotely installed sophisticated surveillance spyware on Ms. Attkisson's Toshiba laptop. The invasion was obviously unknown to Ms. Attkisson at the time, but revealed later by forensic computer analysis. 24, In February, 2012, Ms. Attkisson contacted Verizon yet again to complain about continuing anomalies. 25. In March, 2012, a Verizon representative visited Ms. Attkisson's home and iOS replaced the router a second time. The representative also replaced the entire outside service box. Despite Verizon's efforts, however, the anomalies persisted. ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v, Holder, etal Page 6 26. In April-May, 2012, the DOJ and FBI publicly announced a new effort to vastly expand cyber related efforts to address alleged "national security-related cyber issues.” During the same time frame, the DOJ secretly--and without notice--seized personal and phone records belonging to journalists from the Associated Press news agency in violation longstanding DOJ practice. The records seizure was not publicly known at the time, but was later revealed.” 27. In July, 2012, the DOJ designated U.S. Attorneys’ offices to act as "force multipliers" in its stepped-up cyber efforts in the name of national security.? 28, That same month, July, 2012, intruders remotely “refreshed” the ongoing surveillance of Ms. Attkisson's Toshiba computer. Again, the access was unknown to Ms. ‘Attkisson at the time, but was revealed later through computer forensic analysis. 29. In September, 2012, Wikileaks published internal emails from a global intelligence company doing business with government agencies. The materials made reference to “Obama leak investigations" and the alleged "witch hunts of investigative journalists learning information from inside the beltway sources.” The email states, "(There is a specific tasker from the [White House] to go after anyone printing materials negative to the Obama agenda (oh my.) Even the FBI is shocked."* 30. On October 5, 2012, CBS aired Ms. Attkisson’s first Benghazi story for CBS, which was critical of the Executive Branch’s handling of the security requests at the U.S. 2 hutp:// ap-phone-records-in-leak-investigation/2013/05/13/1 Ld1Bb82-be1 I-1 1e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html > bttp:/blogs justice gov/main/archives/date/2012/1 1 “ (last accessed on October 28, 2014). ‘Complaint ~ Attisson v. Holder, etal Page 7 compound in Benghazi, Libya, where Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three (3) other U.S. personnel were killed on September 11, 2012. 31. On October 8, 2012, CBS aired another Attkisson report on Benghazi that included an interview with whistleblower Col. Andrew Wood.’ During the weeks following the airing of Col, Wood's interview, Ms. Attkisson made personal contact with numerous confidential sources within the federal government (or who had links to intelligence agencies within the U.S. government). The confidential government sources reported to Ms. Attkisson that efforts were being made by the Executive Branch to clamp down on leaks and to track the leaking of information to specific reporters regarding the Benghazi affair. 32, During the same time period, October of 2012, the DOJ continued its stepped-up cyber efforts with its National Security Division providing specialized training at DOJ headquarters for the National Security Cyber Specialists (NSCS) network and the Criminal Division's Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS). 33, Inthe later part of October 2012, Ms. Attkisson, Mr. Attkisson, and Sarah Attkisson began noticing an escalation of electronic problems at their personal residence, including interference in home and mobile phone lines, computer interference, and television interference. They were still unaware of any intrusion, however. 34. During the same general time frame, several sources with close ties to the intelligence community approached Ms. Attkisson privately and informed her that the government would likely be monitoring her electronically in an effort to identify her confidential sources, and also to monitor her continued Fast and Furious and Benghazi stories. 5 intp:/ ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 8 35. From November 7-9, 2012, Attomey General Holder hosted a national training conference at DOJ headquarters for the expanded efforts of DOJ's National Security Cyber Specialists (NSCS). On November 13, 2012, the F.B.L initiated a body of eyber security case investigations that would later relate to the illegal intrusions directed at Ms. Attkisson. 36. In November 2012, Ms. Attkisson's phone line became nearly unusable because of anomalies and interruptions. Her mobile phones also experienced regular interruptions and interference, making telephone communications unreliable, and, at times, virtually impossible. 37. In December 2012, Ms. Attkisson discussed her phone and computer issues with friends, contacts, and sources, via her home phone, mobile phones, and email. She decided to begin logging the times and dates that the computers turned on at night without her input. Soon after these phone and email discussions, the computer nighttime activity stopped. 38. Computer forensic analysis later revealed that the intruders initiated remote actions in December, 2012, to remove evidence of the intrusion from Ms. Attkisson’s computers and home electronic equipment. 39. In December, 2012, a contact with U.S. government intelligence experience conducted an inspection of Ms. Attkisson’s exterior home. During the course of the inspection, S-with the network built, the [Justice] department will be able to accelerate some of the national security cyber work that has been ongoing since [National Security Division's] cyber review." “To equip this large cyber cadre in how to best address these new threats, the department has developed and carried out extensive training. Last week's inaugural NSCS conference covered topies ranging from digital evidence, to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, to current threat trends, to common challenges in combating national security cyber threats specifically. Underscoring the importance of this mission, Attomey General Eric Holder, FBI Director Robert Mueller, Assistant Attorney General Monaco, and others from the department and the FBI addressed the network throughout the three-day conference. ‘the network will help strengthen partnerships between the department and agencies across the US. government, including the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and various elements of the Intelligence Community. The network also will work particularly closely with the FBI's National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCLITF) to help preserve all intelligence collection, prevention, disruption and response options for cyber national security threats. .Going forward, the NSCS network is focused on ensuring a whole-of-government and all- tools approach to combating cyber threats to national security. The network will be working to bring investigations land prosecutions as viable options for deterrence and disruption as part of the government-wide response to these threats. The network will aso be advising and consulting other parts of the government in the use of additional tools to counter these threats.” ‘np // blogs justice. gow /main Pe 2C specialized trainingtesea arch. y=16 ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder et al Page 9 the consultant discovered an anomaly with Ms. Attkisson’s FiOS (Verizon) box: an extra fiber optics line was dangling from the exterior of the box. Based on the strange finding, Ms.Attkisson contacted Verizon on December 31, 2012, which denied it had installed or had knowledge of the extraneous fiber optics line affixed to the equipment at the Attkisson’s home and suggested Attkisson contact law enforcement authorities. Shortly thereafter, a person identifying herself as a Verizon supervisor telephoned Ms. Attkisson to advise her she was dispatching a technician to the house. It would be New Year's Day, so Ms. Attkisson informed the purported supervisor that it was not necessary to dispatch a technician just then, and she offered to send them a photograph of the stray fiber optics line to save Verizon the trip. The purported supervisor declined the photograph and insisted that a technician would be present on New Year's Day. 40. On January 1, 2013, a Verizon technician visited the Attkisson's home and removed the additional fiber optics cable from the system. Ms. Attkisson asked the technician to leave the cable. The technician placed it next to the equipment and left the home. When Ms. Atkisson's husband arrived home and went to retrieve the extraneous cable, it was no longer located where the technician left it. 41, Throughout the month of January, 2012, Ms. Attkisson repeatedly contacted the purported Verizon technician to seek the location of the missing cable. The person representing himself as a technician never returned any of the calls at the number he had provided. 42. In January and February of 2013, Ms, Attkisson continued to experience phone and internet usage issues, including drop-offs, noises, and other interference. Verizon was notified and technicians and supervisors made additional contacts and visits. 43. On January 8, 2013, Ms. Attkisson made arrangements to deliver her Toshiba laptop to a contact with connections to a government forensics computer expert in the Complaint - Attkisson v, Holder, et al Page 10 intelligence community. On January 9, 2013, the forensics expert reported to Ms. Attkisson that the Toshiba laptop showed clear evidence of outside and unauthorized "intrusion," and that the sources of the intrusion were state-supported due to the nature of the technology used. 44, On January 10, 2013, the computer was returned to Ms. Attkisson through an intermediary, along with a report. According to the report, the forensics computer expert found that so-called sophisticated software had been used to accomplish the intrusion, and the software fingerprint indicated the software was proprietary to the federal government. The intrusion included, among other surveillance, keystroke monitoring, exfiltration of data, audio surveillanc of Ms. Attkisson's conversations and activities at home while conducting Skype interviews, mining personal passwords, monitoring work and personal email, and probable compromise of Ms, Attkisson’s work and personal smartphones. According to the report, the surveillance by the identified software spanned most of 2012 at least. The report also stated the intruders had accessed CBS network systems, such as the ENPS program, and that someone had also placed three (3) classified documents deep in the computer's operating system, Ms. Attkisson thereafter notified her direct supervisor at CBS News of the laptop intrusion. 48. On February 2, 2013, an independent forensic computer analyst retained by CBS News spent approximately six (6) hours at Ms. Attkisson’s home, during which time he reported finding evidence on both Ms. Attkisson’s Toshiba laptop and Apple desktop computers of a coordinated, highly-skilled series of actions and attacks directed at the operation of the computers and the storage and access of data thereon. CBS engaged the company to do further analysis of the Toshiba laptop in an attempt to recover wiped data. Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder, etal Page 11 46. In March 2013, Ms. Attkisson's Apple desktop computer began malfunctioning and, after several days of it freezing and emitting a burning odor, it shut down. Ms. Attkisson ‘was unable to turn the Apple computer back on after this event. 47. On April 3, 2013, Ms. Attkisson filed a complaint with the DOS Inspector General. 48. On May 6, 2013, an official with the United States Inspector General’s office called Ms. Attkisson and stated that he had checked with the FBI, and the FBI denied any knowledge of any operations concerning Ms. Attkisson's computers or phone lines. The official also stated that there was no PATRIOT Act related order authorizing surveillance of Ms. Attkisson. 49. On May 21, 2013, Ms. Attkisson publicly stated in a radio interview her belief that her computers had been compromised, but did not assign or allege responsibility. A news outlet sought a statement from the DOJ regarding Ms. Attkisson's assertions. The DOJ issued a written response stating, “To our knowledge, the Justice Department has never compromised Ms. Attkisson’s computers, or otherwise sought any information from or concerning any telephone, ‘computer or other media device she may own or use.” 50, On June 10, 2013, the independent cyber security firm hired by CBS confirmed that there was a highly sophisticated intrusion into Ms. Attkisson's computer, as well as remote actions in December, 2012, to delete all evidence of the intrusion. SL On June 11, 2013, CBS News issued a public statement, based on the forensics report, confirming that Ms. Attkisson’s computer was accessed by an unauthorized, external, unknown party on multiple occasions in late 2012, and that the party used sophisticated methods to attempt to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity. Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 12 52. The DOJ Inspector General requested a copy of the CBS forensic expert’s report and requested the opportunity to examine the Toshiba computer. CBS denied the requests. Ms, Attkisson then retained an independent computer forensics expert to conduct further analysis of the Toshiba computer. 53. In September, 2013, while Ms. Attkisson continued working on the Benghazi story at her home in the evening, she observed for the first time that a third computer, her personal MacBookAir, was accessed remotely, controlled, and that data was deleted. 54. In June of 2013, the F.B.I. had opened a case on Ms. Attkisson's computer intrusions under the auspices of a national security issue, but it failed to contact or interview her. (Ms. Attkisson was unaware of the F.B.I. case at the time it was opened and for months thereafter.) 55. The F.B1L. case involving Ms. Attkisson's computer intrusions was circulated to the DOJ’s national cyber security group and included with a set of cases opened in November, 2012, during the DOJ’s expansion of its cyber team and the announcement of its intention to use “new tools” in its arsenal 56. In January, 2014, Ms. Attkisson agreed to release her personal Apple desktop computer to the DOJ Inspector General for analysis. 57. On January 16, 2014, and January 27, 2014, the head of the DOJ Inspector General computer forensics unit and a colleague visited Ms. Attkisson’s home as part of the investigation, which included analysis of the Apple desktop. As of this filing, they have not yet reported back on findings. 58. Among other findings, Ms. Attkisson's computer forensics expert has identified an unauthorized communications channel opened into her Toshiba laptop directly connected to Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 13 an Internet Provider (IP) address belonging to a federal government agency, specifically the United States Postal Service, indicating unauthorized surveillance. 59. The analysis shows the connection to a federal government agency was in use prior to January 8, 2013. The USPS is known to have a strong relationship with the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and DOJ when conducting computer forensic actions. 60. Ms. Attkisson's analyst also found that while the government source who first analyzed the Toshiba laptop in January, 2013, wiped evidence, there are indications that he or she likely copied and retained the evidence on an external hard drive. 61. Ms. Attkisson’s analyst also found that direct evidence pointing to attribution for Ms. Attkisson's computer intrusions may also reside on the CBS network computer systems. 62. The above-cited events, which offer only brief highlights of the cyber attacks suffered in Ms. Attkisson’s home, caused the Plaintiffs to incur unreasonable and unnecessary expenses in an effort to diagnose and correct the problems resulting from the attacks and intrusions; resulted in an invasion of their personal and family privacy; caused them to fear for their individual and family’s well-being and safety; interfered with their ability to use their telephones, computer, and television; caused Ms. Attkisson fear for her sources’ well-being and safety; interfered with her ability t0 maintain necessary contacts with sources to perform her professional investigative reporting duties as a member of the press; affected her sources’ willingness to communicate with her; distracted from her duties as an investigative reporter; and resulted in irreparable tension in her relationship with her employer. Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 14 COUNT I--VIOLATION OF THE FIRST AMENDEMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION 63. Plaintiffs incorporate and re-allege each and every allegation above as if fully set forth herein, 64. This action arises under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971) 65. The Defendants acted under color of law when conducting surveillance on the Plaintiffs and inhibiting the exercise of her First Amendment rights. 66. The surveillance of Ms. Attkisson's computers and telephone violated the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. By subjecting Ms. Attkisson to surveillance in relation to her investigative efforts, the Defendants sought to abridge the freedom of the press and chill the exercise of her free speech. 67. The violation of Ms. Attkisson's First Amendment rights proximately caused her injuries, as set forth herein, 68. The Defendants! acted with reckless and callous indifference to the federally- protected rights of the Plaintiffs. 69. By virtue of the foregoing, the Defendants are liable to the Plaintiff Sharyl Attkisson for their violation of her rights under the First Amendment. COUNT II--VIOLATION OF THE FOURTH AMENDEMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION 70. Plaintiffs incorporate and re-allege each and every allegation above as if fully set forth herein. 71. — This action arises under Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971). Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 15 72, The Defendants acted under color of law when conducting surveillance on the Plaintifis, 73. The surveillance of Ms. Attkisson's computers and telephone violated the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, The Plaintiffs’ right to be secure in their person, residence, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures was violated. The Plaintiffs had a reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to their computers and telephones, and the Defendants had no warrant authorizing the surveillance, nor did any exigent circumstances exist at the time of such surveillance. 74, The violation of the Plaintiffs’ Fourth Amendment rights proximately caused their injuries, as set forth herein 75, The Defendants’ acted with reckless and callous indifference to the federally- protected rights of the Plaintiffs 76. By virtue of the foregoing, the Defendants are liable to P| violation of the Plaintiffs’ rights under the Fourth Amendment. DAMAGES 77. ‘The Defendants' conduct directly and proximately caused injury to the Plaintiffs in the form of trespass upon and damage to personal property, both real and tangible, workplace harassment and intimidation, fear, stress, embarrassment, expense, inconvenience, and anxiety. 78. Inan effort to discover what was happening with Ms. Attkisson’s laptop and phone lines, the Plaintiffs were forced to spend a substantial amount of time and expense in investigating the maladies and hiring others to perform forensic investigations. 79. Asa journalist, the ability to protect sources is crucial, and Ms. Attkisson’s ability to offer such protection was compromised as a result of the surveillance giving rise to this claim. ‘Complaint ~ Attkisson v. Holder, etal Page 16 This created a substantial amount of anxiety, jeopardized Ms. Attkisson’s success as a journalist, and made her job more difficult than it would otherwise have been. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs request judgment in their favor against Defendants, Eric H. Holder, individually, Patrick R. Donahoe, individually, Unknown Named Agents of the Department of Justice, Unknown Named Agents of the United States Postal Service, and Unknown Named Agents of the United States, jointly and severally, 1 for compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at trial; for punitive damages in an amount to be proven at trial; for an injunction prohibiting the Defendants, and all other agents of the DOJ and USPS, from conducting surveillance of any sort against Ms. Attkisson without first obtaining a warrant in compliance with the law; for a Declaration that Defendants’ actions, practices, customs, and policies regarding the unauthorized surveillance of the Plaintiffs were unjustified, illegal, and violated the const tional and legal rights of the Plaintiffs. for attomey's fees and costs; and for such other and further relief as the Court deems just and appropriate. TRIAL BY JURY IS DEMANDED Respectfully Submitted, Sharyl Thompson Attkisson James Howard Attkisson, Sarah Judith Starr Atkisson By Counsel Complaint - Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 17 Ad David Thomas, Esq. (D.C. Bar No. 976513) MICHIE HAMLETT LOWRY RASMUSSEN & TWEEL PLLC 500 Court Square, Suite 300 Post Office Box 298 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-0298 (434) 951-7200; (434) 951-7218 Facsimile C. Tab Tumer, Esq. TURNER & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 4705 Somers Avenue, Suite 100 North Little Rock, Arkansas 72116 Counsel for the Plaintiffs Complaint Attkisson v. Holder, et al Page 18 Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION 00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Sharyl Thompson Attkisson et al a Plain? rt asp pub 90am ve HW Ro I 18"0-0-0-832+—— Washington DC20830 _ SUMMONS To the above named Defendar You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty (20) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorney for the party plaintiff who is suing you. “The attorney's name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attomey, a copy of the Answer must be mailed to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W,, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within five (5) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. David W. Thomas, Esq Cleri Saurt ‘Name of Plaintiff's Attomey 500 Court Square, Suite 300 By ‘Address Degpty Clerk Charlottesville, VA_22902 (434) 951-7224 Date Telephone T UM, 202) 870-4828 ‘Voullee appeer au (202) 879-4828 pour une waducton BE. mit i cich, yg (202) 870-4828 ict Alef Are, (202) 870-4828. WRAL — FReICH NCH AeYTHY (202) 870-4820 SLO IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, AFTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT, IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO NOT FAIL TO ANSWER WILHIN THE REQUIRED TIME, Ifyou wish to talk t a lawyer and fe! that you cannot afford to pay a fee toa lawyer, promptly contact one ofthe offices ofthe Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite 5000 at $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help. See reverse side for Spanish transation ‘Vea al dorso la traduccién al espafol FORM SUMMONS Ja, 201 CcasUM doe TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA DIVISION CIVIL $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite S000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Teléfono: (202) 879-1133 Demandante contra Namero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO ‘Al susodicho Demandado: Por la presente se le cita a comparecer y se le require entregar una Contestacién a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona 0 por medio de un abogado, en el plazo de veinte (20) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de la entrega del citatorio. Si usted esté siendo demandado en calidad de oficial 0 agente del Gobiemo de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica 0 del Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia, tiene usted sesenta (60) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacidn. Tiene que cenviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de la parte demandante. El nombre y direccién del abogado aparecen al final de este documento. Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una ‘copia de la Contestacién por correo a la direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. A usted también se le require presentar 1a Contestacién original al Tribunal en la Oficina $000, sito en 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes o entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sibados. Usted puede presentar la Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sea antes que Usted le entregue al demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de cinco (5) dias de haberle hecho la entrega al demandante. Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacién, podria dictarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga efectivo el desagravio que se busca en fa demanda, SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL Nombre det abogado del Demandante Por: Direosion ‘Subseeretario - Fecha Teléfono Som Es (202) 879.2028, Veuitlez appeler su (202) 878-4828 pour ne traduction cn hdc, hy go (202) 879-4828 eict@ #2 Alo, 202) 70-2028 & WALL ENCICE HCH ITH’ (202) 879-4828 Start IMPORTANTE: SI USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO ANTES: MENCIONADO, ©, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL JUZGADO, PODRIA DICTARSE UN FALLO FN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERIUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODRIAN RETENERLE SUS INGRESOS, 0 PODRIAN TOMAR SUS BIENES PERSONALES O RAICES Y VENDERLOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USI PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DBJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. ‘Si desea converser con un abogado y le parece que no puede affontar el costo de uno, ame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) o el Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda 0 venga a la Oficina $000 del $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse de otros lugares donde puede pedir ayuda al respecto, ‘Vea al dorso el original en inglés ‘See reverse side for English original CCASUM doe Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 fashington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 __Sharyl Thompson Attkis iL __ - . soumasiiienstd. 14- 0008321 Eric H, Holder clo Civil Process Clerk, US Attriey for the District of Columbia Case Number 555 4th Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty (20) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attomey for the party plaintiff who is suing you, ‘The attorney's name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attomey, a copy of the Answer must be m to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W,, between 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m, and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within five (5) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. David W. Thomas, Esq. Clerk of the)Court Name of Plaintif?'s Atorney 500 Court Square, Suite 300 Address ‘Qpepfy Clerk Charlottesville, VA_22902 a (434) 951-7224 Date ( 3 7 if q Telephone T SORMA.AITE 202) 870-4828 Veuiexappoerau(202} 870-4828 pour une traduon Di eb deh hy gi (202) 870-4828, let Alst Ales, (202) 670-4028 URRAIAIS —eRMIC HCA ACTTH (202) 870-4828 BuDH IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, AFTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT, IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO.NOT FAIL TO ANSWER WILHIN THE REQUIRED TIME. I you wish to talk to a lawyer and feel that you cannot afford to pay a fee toa lawyer, promptly contact one ofthe offices of the Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite 5000 at S00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help. See reverse side for Spanish transation ‘Vea al dorso la traduccion al espaftol FORM SUMMONS - Jas, 201, CcASUM doe ‘TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA. DIVISION CIVIL ‘500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 Washington, D.C. 20001 Teléfono: 202) 879-1133 Demandanie ‘contra Nimero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO Al susodicho Demandado: Por la presente se le cita a comparecer y se le require entregar una Contestacién a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona o por medio de un abogado, en el plizo de veinte (20) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de Ia entrega del citatorio. Si usted esti siendo demandado en calidad de oficial 0 agente del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica 0 del Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia, tiene usted sesenta (60) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacién. Tiene que cenviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de Ia parte demandante. El nombre y direccién det abogado aparecen al final de este documento. Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una copia de la Contestacién por correo a la direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. ‘A usted también se le require presentar 1a Contestacién original al Tribunal en ta Oficina 5000, sito en $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 pam, de lunes a viernes o entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sibados. Usted puede presentar Ia Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sea antes que Usted le entregue al demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de cinco (5) dias de haberle hecho la entrega al demandante. Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacién, podria dictarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga efectivo el desagravio que se busca en la demanda, SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL ‘Nombre del abogado del Demandante Por Direccin Subsecretario Fecha, Talgiono somBF.ws7eR (202) 870-4828 Veuiles appeler au (202) 879-4828 pour ne traduction icin dich, hy go (202) 879-4828 Wet Beale, (202) 970-4026 2 RBA ERIE CHF MOTH: (202) 870-4828 Peart IMPORTANTE: SI USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO ANTE MENCIONADO, ©, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL JUZGADO, PODRIA DICTARSE UN FALLO EN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERIUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODRIAN RETENERLE SUS INGRESOS, 0 PODRIAN TOMAR SUS BIENES PERSONALES O RAICES Y VENDERLOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USTED PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DBJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. Si desea converser con un abogado y le parece que no puede afrontar el costo de uno, ame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) 0 el Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda © venga a la Oficina S000 del 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse de otros lugares donde puede pedir ayuda al respect. Vea al dorso el original en inglés ‘See reverse side for English original CCASUM doe Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION ‘500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Shary! Thompson Attkisson et al. Plain Pai R.Donhoe vs thru. 08324 475 LEnfant Plaza, SW ‘Washington, DC 20260 Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty (20) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorney for the party plaintiff who is suing you. ‘The attorney's name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attorney, a copy of the Answer must be mailed to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W,, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within five (5) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. David W. Thomas, Esq of the Court Name of Plaintiff's Atomey 500 Court Square, Suite 300 Address ‘Depupy Clerk Charlottesville, VA_22902 () (434) 951-7224 aa Date f K Wet AI8tAN0Y, (202) 970-4828. RIRHRAIALS ERIC Dea aerTH (202) 870-4828 fcr IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, APTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT. IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO.NOT FAIL TO ANSWER WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME. Ifyou wish to talk to a lawyer and fel that you cannot afford to pay a fee to @ lawyer, promptly contact one ofthe offices ofthe Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite 5000 at $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help. See reverse side for Spanish transation Vea al dorso la traduccién al espafo! FORM SUMMONS Jaa,2011 CASUM doe 'RIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA DIVISION CIVIL ‘500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Teléfono: (202) 879-1133 contra [Nimero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO Al susodicho Demandado: Por Ia presente se le cita a comparecer y se le require entregar una Contestacién a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona o por medio de un abogado, en el plazo de veinte (20) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de la entrega del citatorio. Si usted esté siendo demandado en calidad de oficial 0 agente del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica o del Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia, tiene usted sesenta (60) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacién, Tiene que cnviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de Ia parte demandante. El nombre y direccién det abogado aparecen al final de este documento. ‘Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una copia de la Contestacién por correo a la direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. ‘A usted también se le require presentar 1a Contestacién original al Tribunal en la Oficina 5000, sito en 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes o entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sfibados. Usted puede presentar la Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sea antes que Usted le entregue al demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de cinco (5) dias de haberle hecho Ia entrega al demandante, Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacién, podria dictarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga efectivo el desagravio que se busca en fa demanda, SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL jombre del abogado del Demandante Por: Direosion ‘Subseeretario _ Fecha Teléfono some, BHT 202) 879-4028 \Vovitez appeerau (202) 879-4828 pour vw aduction DE me bi dich hy gi (202) 6704828 let 8A), 202) 870.2028 @ BIAS. ERICH CHE Aer TH (202) 870-4828 Parr IMPORTANTE: SI USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO ANTES MENCIONADO, 0, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL. JUZGADO, PODRIA DICEARSE UN PALLO EN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERJUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODRIAN RETENFRLE SUS INGRESOS, 0 PODRIAN TOMAR SUS BIENES PERSONALES O RAICES Y VENDERLOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USTED PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DEJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. Si desea converser con un abopado y le parece que no puede affontar el costo de uno, llame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) o el Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda o venga a la Oficina $000 de! 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse de otros lugares donde puede pedir ayuda al respect. ‘Vea al dorso el original en inglés See reverse side for English original ASUM dae Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION ‘500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Sharyl Thompson Attkisson et al. Plain Patrik R, Donahoe fo Brie H. Holder, Attomey Geta case MaMoer 0008321 950 Pensyvania Ave, NW, Room S11 Washington, DC 20530 7 Defendant SUMMONS ‘To the above named Defendant: ‘You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty (20) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorney for the party plaintiff who is suing you. ‘The attorney's name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attomey, a copy of the Answer must be mailed to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, .W,, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within five (5) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. David W. Thomas, Esq. Clerk of the Court Name of Plaintif’s Attorney 500 Court Square, Suite 300 By 4 ‘Address Deputy Clerk Charlottesville, VA_22902 + (434) 951-7224 vee _f WK Telephone Ct SRB, (202) 870-4828 ——_Veuiloxappolor au (202) 879-4828 pour une traduction Dc mbc bi dich, hay gi (202) 870-4828, ict BletAles, (202) 970-4828 URAL — ERNIE DCO AVF (202) 879-4828 Peart IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, AFTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT, IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO NOT FAILTO ANSWER WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME, I you wish to talk to a lawyer and feel that you cannot afford to pay a fee toa lawyer, promptly contact one ofthe offices of the Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite $000 at $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help ‘See reverse sie for Spanish translation ‘Vea al dorso la traduccién al espaol FORM SUMMONS a, 2011 CASUM doe ‘TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA DIVISION CIVIL 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite S000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Teléfono: (202) 879-1133 Demandante Namero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO Al susodicho Demandado: Por Ia presente se le cita a comparecer y se Ie require entregar una Contestacién a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona o por medio de un abogado, en el plazo de veinte (20) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de la entrega del citatorio. Si usted esti siendo demandado en calidad de oficial agente del Gobierno de las Estados Unidos de Norteamérica © del Gobierno det Distrito de Columbia, ti sesenta (60) dias contados despues que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacién. cenviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de la parte demandante. El nombre y direccién de! abogado aparecen al final de este documento. Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una ‘copia de la Contestacién por correo ala direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. A usted también se le require presentar la Contestacién original al Tribunal en la Oficina 5000, sito en $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m, de lunes a viernes o entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sdbados. Usted puede presentar la Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sea antes que Usted le entregue al ‘demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de cinco (5) dias de haberle hecho la entrega al demandante. Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacién, podria dictarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga cefectivo el desagravio que se busca en la demanda, SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL Nombre del abogado del Demandante Diveccion Subsecretario Fecha Taldiono SOR. IT AK (202) 970-4828, Veuilez appeler au (202) 878-4828 pour une traduction cmc ic, ay go (202) 870-4828 lets a18}Ale, 02) 704028 & WR ALALS. ERICH ACHE AYP (202) 879-4828 820 IMPORTANTE: SI USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO ANTES MENCIONADO, O, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL JUZGADO, PODRIA, DICTARSE UN PALLO EN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERJUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODRIAN RETENERLE SUS INGRESOS, 0 PODRIAN TOMAR SUS BIENES PERSONALES 0 RAICES Y VENDFRLOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USTED PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DEJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. Si desea converser con un abogado y le parece que no puede affontar el costo de uno, lame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) o el Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda o venga a la Oficina 5000 del $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse de otros lugares donde puede pedir ayuda al especto, Vea al dorso el origina en inglés See reverse side for English orignal ASU M doe Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite 5000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Telephone: (202) 879-1133 Sharyl Thompson Attkisson et al. Plaine Patrick R. Donahoe ve clo Civil Process Clerk, US Attorney for the District of Columbia (Case Nur ae Tév00es2T ‘Washington, DC 20001 Defendant SUMMONS To the above named Defendant You are hereby summoned and required to serve an Answer to the attached Complaint, either personally or through an attorney, within twenty (20) days after service of this summons upon you, exclusive of the day of service. If you are being sued as an officer or agency of the United States Government or the District of Columbia Government, you have sixty (60) days after service of this summons to serve your Answer. A copy of the Answer must be mailed to the attorney for the party plaintiff who is suing you. The attorney's name and address appear below. If plaintiff has no attorney, a copy of the Answer must be mailed to the plaintiff at the address stated on this Summons. ‘You are also required to file the original Answer with the Court in Suite 5000 at 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W,, between 8:30 a.m, and 5:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays or between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon on Saturdays. You may file the original Answer with the Court either before you serve a copy of the Answer on the plaintiff or within five (5) days after you have served the plaintiff. If you fail to file an Answer, judgment by default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. Sc PF ‘the Court David W. Thomas, Esq. Name of Plaintiff's Auomey 500 Court Square, Suite 300 By ( S Address Daffy Cl Charlottesville, VA_22902 af ji ee me {BUI Telephone t ie RM3, a7 (202) 079-4029 _Veutlesappeter a 202) 879-4028 pour ne vadcton cb mt it, iy (202) 670.4020 e104 AAAI, 202) 870.2028. NMBAALS — EACH ACH AMT: (202) 870-4828 PROOM IMPORTANT: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER WITHIN THE TIME STATED ABOVE, OR IF, AFTER YOU ANSWER, YOU FAIL TO APPEAR AT ANY TIME THE COURT NOTIFIES YOU TO DO SO, A JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED AGAINST YOU FOR THE MONEY DAMAGES OR OTHER RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT. IF THIS OCCURS, YOUR WAGES MAY BE ATTACHED OR WITHHELD OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OR REAL ESTATE YOU OWN MAY BE TAKEN AND SOLD TO PAY THE JUDGMENT. IF YOU INTEND TO OPPOSE THIS ACTION, DO.NOT FAIL TO ANSWER WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME, Ifyou wish to talk to a lawyer and feel that you cannot afford to pay a fee toa lawyer, promptly contact one ofthe offices ofthe Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) or the Neighborhood Legal Services (202-279-5100) for help or come to Suite $000 at $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., for more information concerning places where you may ask for such help. ‘See reverse side for Spanish translation Vea al dors la traduceidn al espaol FORM SUMMONS Jan. 2011 ‘CASUM doe TRIBUNAL SUPERIOR DEL DISTRITO DE COLUMBIA. DIVISION CIVIL 500 Indiana Avenue, N.W., Suite S000 ‘Washington, D.C. 20001 Teléfono: (202) 879-1133 Demandante cont Namero de Caso: Demandado CITATORIO. Al susodicho Demandado: Por Ia presente se le cita a comparecer y se Ie require entregar una Contestacién a la Demanda adjunta, sea en persona o por medio de un abogado, en el plazo de veinte (20) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, excluyendo el dia mismo de Ia entrega del citatorio. Si usted esta siendo demandado en calidad de oficial 0 agente del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica o del Gobierno del Distrito de Columbia, tiene usted sesenta (60) dias contados después que usted haya recibido este citatorio, para entregar su Contestacién. Tiene que enviarle por correo una copia de su Contestacién al abogado de la parte demandante. El nombre y direccién del abogado aparecen al final de este documento. Si el demandado no tiene abogado, tiene que enviarle al demandante una copia de Ia Contestacién por correo a la direccién que aparece en este Citatorio. A usted tambien se le require presentar la Contestacién original al Tribunal en la Oficina 5000, sito en S00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., entre las 8:30 a.m. y 5:00 p.m., de lunes a viernes o entre las 9:00 a.m. y las 12:00 del mediodia los sébados. Usted puede presentar la Contestacién original ante el Juez ya sca antes que Usted le entregue al demandante una copia de la Contestacién o en el plazo de cinco (5) dias de haberle hecho la entrega al demandante. Si usted incumple con presentar una Contestacién, podria dietarse un fallo en rebeldia contra usted para que se haga efectivo el desagravio que se busca en la demanda. SECRETARIO DEL TRIBUNAL ‘Nombre del abogado del Demandante Ld = Direccion ‘Subsecretario| Fecha Telefon UMA #FT WUE (202) 870-4828 —_—_Veullr appotr au (202) 879-4828 pour ue traduction DE cd mic bi ch, hy pi (202) 8784828 Wot #8e4 Ne, 202) 670-4028. AERALAL PRICE CHF AMPTP (202) 870-4828 PLOrte IMPORTANTE: SI_USTED INCUMPLE CON PRESENTAR UNA CONTESTACION EN EL PLAZO_ ANTES MENCIONADO, 0, SI LUEGO DE CONTESTAR, USTED NO COMPARECE CUANDO LE AVISE EL JUZGADO, PODRIA DICTARSE UN FALLO EN REBELDIA CONTRA USTED PARA QUE SE LE COBRE LOS DANOS Y PERJUICIOS U OTRO DESAGRAVIO QUE SE BUSQUE EN LA DEMANDA. SI ESTO OCURRE, PODRIAN RETENERLE SUS INGRESOS, O PODRIAN TOMAR SUS BIENES PERSONALFS O RAICES Y VENDERLOS PARA PAGAR EL FALLO. SI USTED PRETENDE OPONERSE A ESTA ACCION, NO DEJE DE CONTESTAR LA DEMANDA DENTRO DEL PLAZO EXIGIDO. Si desea converser con un abogado y le parece que no puede afrontar el costo de uno, llame pronto a una de nuestras oficinas del Legal Aid Society (202-628-1161) o el Neighbottiood Lezal Services (202-279-5100) para pedir ayuda o venga a la Oficina 5000 del $00 Indiana Avenue, N.W., para informarse de otras lugares donde puede pedir ayuda al respecto, Vea al dorso el original en inglés ‘See reverse side for English original CASUM doe Superior Court of the District of Columbia CIVIL DIVISION- CIVIL ACTION: Ss BRANCH mrormation snee 4 = 00 6u2 1 s ae: 12302014 ; Brie Hier, Patrick R Donshoe LL in their official capacity. ‘Name: (Please Print) Relationship to Lawsuit David W. Thomas, Esq. Fao ae OX] Atiomey for Plaintift Michie Hamlett PLLC _ C2 Self Pro Se) Telephone No. Six digit Unified Bar No. (434) 981-7224 976513 uci ‘TYPE. OF CASE: OF NonJury © 6 Person Jury © 12 Person Jury Demand: §_ To be proven at trial Other: _Injunctive relief PENDING CASE(S) RELATED TO THE ACTION BEING FILED Case No, Judge: Calendar fs Case No, Judge: Calendaré NATURE OF SUIT: (Check One Box Only) A. CONTRACTS. COLLECTION CASES Dor Breach of Contract 07 Personal Property 02 Breach of Warranty 09 Real Property-Real Estate To6 Negoiabie Insirumemt I] 12 Specie Performance [15 Special Education Fees [©] 13 Employment Discrimination E10 Mortgage Foreclosure/Iudicial Sale 14 Under $25,000 Pitt. Grants Consent 6 Under $25,000 Consent Denied 17 over $25,000 Pie Grants Consent EII8 OVER $25,000 Consent Denied B, PROPERTY TORTS 01 Automobile 03 Destruction of Private Property Glee Conversion 104 Property Damage lor shopitting, D.C. Code § 27-102 (a) Cos trespass 1 06 Tratte Adjudication C. PERSONAL TORTS 101 Abuse of Process: © 09 Harassment TZ 17 Personal Injury- (Not Automobile, 202 Alienation of Affection (CX) 10 Invasion of Privacy ‘Not Malpractice) 503 Assault and Batery 11 Libel and Slanger 1s Wronefut Death (Not Malpractice) (T)o4 Automobite- Persona 12 Malicious Interference 19 Wrong Eviction 05 Deceit (Misrepresentation) —(_] 13 Malicious Prosecution CD 20 Friendly Suit (506 False Accusation [4 Malpractice Legal B21 Asbestos (lor Fase ares C115 maja Met tastro wgsibey C=] 22 ToxiiMass Tors 08 Fraud C16 Negligence- (Not Automobile, 23 Tobacco 'Not Malpractice) 1 241d Pain SEE REVERSE SIDE AND CHECK HERE D&D 1 USED Information Sheet, Continued C. OTHERS 1 Accounting (02 An. Before Judgment [04 Condemnation (Emin. Domai) Boos ejectment 07 tnsurance/Subrogation Under $25,000 Pht Grants Consent oe Quiet Title Flos special WriyWarrants (DC Code § 11-941) 10 .RO Injunction I Writ of Replevin or 16 Declaratory Judgment [117 Merit Personnel Act (OEA) (DC. Code Title 1, Chapter 6) ts Product Liability 24 Application to Confirm, Modity, Vacate Arbitration Award (DC Code § 16-4401) force Mechanics Lien (C125 Liens: Tax/Water Consent Granted [52s insurance! Subrogation Under $25,000 Consent Denied 27 Insurance’ Subrogation (Over $25,000 Pht. Grants Consent [028 Motion o Confirm Arbitration Award (Collection Cases Only) [5 29 Merit Personnel Act (OR) © 30 Liens: Taw Water Consent Denied © 31 Housing Code Regulations © 22QuiTam B33 Whistleblower 34 InsuranceSubrogation Over $25,000 Consent Denied 0 Dos change of Name 2106 Foreign Judgment 13 Cometion of inh Ceniowte 1 14 Comection of Mariage Cenicate 1D 15 Libel of itormation 1 19 Enter Administrative Order as Judgment [ D.C. Code § 21802,03 (h) oF 32-1519 (@)} 20 Master Meter (D.C. Code § 42-3301, et seq) G21 Petition for Subpoena [Rule 28-1 (b)) [22 Release Mechanics Lien B23 Rute 270@)(1) (Perpetuate Testimony) 24 Petition for Structured Setlement [25 Petition for Liquidation eve496i05t 4 Attomey’s Signatufe 12/30/2014 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CIVIL DIVISION SHARYL THOMPSON ATTKISSON et al Vs. CA.No. 2014 CA 008321 B ERIC HOLDER et al INITIAL ORDER AND ADDENDUM Pursuant to D.C. Code § 11-906 and District of Columbia Superior Court Rule of Civil Procedure (“SCR Civ”) 40-1, it is hereby ORDERED as follows: (1) Effective this date, this case has assigned to the individual calendar designated below. All future filings in this case shall bear the calendar number and the judge’s name beneath the case number in the caption. On filing any motion or paper related thereto, one copy (for the judge) must be delivered to the Clerk along with the original. (2) Within 60 days of the filing of the complaint, plaintiff must file proof of serving on each defendant: copies of the Summons, the Complaint, and this Initial Order. As to any defendant for whom such proof of service has not been filed, the Complaint will be dismissed without prejudice for want of prosecution unless the time for serving the defendant has been extended as provided in SCR Civ 4(m), (3) Within 20 days of service as described above, except as otherwise noted in SCR Civ 12, each defendant must respond to the Complaint by filing an Answer or other responsive pleading. As to the defendant who has. failed to respond, a default and judgment will be entered unless the time to respond has been extended as, provided in SCR Civ 55(a) (4) At the time and place noted below, all counsel and unrepresented parties shall appear before the assigned judge at an Initial Scheduling and Settlement Conference to discuss the possibilities of settlement and to establish a schedule for the completion of all proceedings, including, normally, either mediation, case evaluation, or arbitration. Counsel shall discuss with their clients prior to the conference whether the clients are agreeable to binding or non-binding arbitration. This order is the only notice that parties and counsel will receive concerning this Conference. (5) Upon advice that the date noted below is inconvenient for any party or counsel, the Quality Review Branch (202) 879-1750 may continue the Conference onee, with the consent of all parties, to either of the two succeeding Fridays. Request must be made not less than six business days before the scheduling conference date. No other continuance of the conference will be granted except upon motion for good cause shown. (6) Parties are responsible for obtaining and complying with all requirements of the General Order for Civil cases, each Judge’s Supplement to the General Order and the General Mediation Order. Copies of these orders are available in the Courtroom and on the Court’s website Chief Judge Lee F. Satterfield Case Assigned to: Judge HERBERT B DIXON JR Date: December 31, 2014 Initial Conference: 9:30 am, Fri Location: Courtroom 415 500 Indiana Avenue N.W, WASHINGTON, DC 20001 Catodoe xy, April 03, 2015 ADDENDUM TO INITIAL ORDER AFFECTING ALL MEDICAL MALPRACTICE CASES. In accordance with the Medical Malpractice Proceedings Act of 2006, D.C. Code § 16-2801, et seq. (2007 Winter Supp.), "[a}fter an action is filed in the court against a healthcare provider alleging medical malpractice, the court shall require the parties to enter into mediation, without discovery or, if all parties agree{,] with only limited discovery that will not interfere with the completion of mediation within 30 days of the Initial Scheduling and Settlement Conference ("ISSC"), prior to any further litigation in an effort to reach a settlement agreement. The carly mediation schedule shall be included in the Scheduling Order following the ISSC. Unless ail parties agree, the stay of discovery shall not be more than 30 days after the ISSC." D.C. Code § 16- 2821 To ensure compliance with this legislation, on or before the date of the ISSC, the Court will notify all attomeys and pro se parties of the date and time of the early mediation session and the name of the assigned mediator. Information about the early mediation date also is available over the internet at To facilitate this process, all counsel and pro se parties in every medical malpractice case are required to confer, jointly complete and sign an EARLY MEDIATION FORM, which must be filed no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the ISSC. Two separate Early Mediation Forms are available. Both forms may be obtained at www.decourts,gov/medmalmediation, One form is to be used for early mediation with a mediator from the multi-door medical malpractice mediator roster; the second form is to be used for carly mediation with a private mediator, Both forms also are available in the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Office, Suite 2900, 410 E Street, N.W. Plaintiff's counsel is responsible for eFiling the form and is required to e-mail a courtesy copy to [email protected]. Pro se Plaintiffs who elect not to eFile may file by hand in the Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Office. ‘A roster of medical malpractice mediators available through the Court's Multi-Door Dispute Resolution Division, with biographical information about each mediator, can be found at All individuals on the roster are judges or lawyers with at least 10 years of significant experience in medical malpractice litigation. D.C. Code § 16-2823(a). If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, the Court will appoint one. D.C. Code § 16-2823). The following persons are required by statute to attend personally the Early Mediation Conference: (1) all parties; (2) for parties that are not individuals, a representative with settlement authority; (3) in cases involving an insurance company, a representative of the company with settlement authority; and (4) attomeys representing each party with primary responsibility for the case. D.C, Code § 16-2824. No later than ten (10) days after the early mediation session has terminated, Plaintiff must File with the Court a report prepared by the mediator, including a private mediator, regarding: (1) attendance; (2) whether a settlement was reached; or, (3) if a settlement was not reached, any agreements to narrow the scope of the dispute, limit discovery, facilitate future settlement, hold another mediation session, or otherwise reduce the cost and time of trial preparation. D.C. Code § 16-2826. Any Plaintiff who is pro se may elect to file the report by hand with the Civil Clerk's Office. The forms to be used for early mediation reports are available at Chief Judge Lee F. Satterfield Caio.doe

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