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Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Alexis Phillips

1. Use the Internet to find a Technology current event article

The article was written on December 31,2014

Article must discuss one or more of the following topics;
o Mobile technology
The article is From CNN Technology.

2. Write a paragraph summarizing the article. (5 points)

Flip phones are making a comeback. More people in the world are
getting rid of their smart phones and converting back to the flip phone or
also know as the dumb phone. (CNN). Some major celebritys like
Indianapolis Colts quarter back Andrew Luck, actress Kate Beckinsale and
Rihanna(CNN) are some people who were seen using a flip phone. Motorola
is one of the most popular flip phones company out their today with their
Razor brand. Many Americans decided to go back to flip phones to remove
their self from the overwhelming social media and being connected to them
24/7 is not healthy. Another reason people decided to switch back to the
traditional flip phone is they dont have to worry about any data in their phone
being hacked or pictures being leaked or ICloud releasing valuable
information.(CNN). Also with flip phones there is no need to become addicted
to todays popular games or an urge to play them. In some sense the flip
phone has a great deal of positives but in some aspect reflects with a sum of
3. Find two additional Internet articles on the same topic. (4 points)

Keywords used to do the search: Flip phones coming back

Identify the search engines you used.
o and
Compare the results from the two searches was one search engine better than the
other, why, how.

CSIT 101 Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Updated 1/6/15

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I preferred Google to Bing because I felt Google was a lot more organized
with their tabs of the different types of options you wanted at the top and Bing
had them scattered throughout the page and you had to look to find them.

Had a list of the web sites


Ads to the right

Pulled up videos and pictures

Internet sources

In the right hand corner gave me

related searches and Ads

4. TRAAP your sources. (8 points)

Evaluate one Internet article you found in step 3 by answering the following questions:
One Internet soure:
1. Time when was it written? Has it been updated?
-December 5,2014
- No it has not been updated
2. Relevance does it relate to your topic or answer your question?
3. Authority who is the author(s)? Are they qualified to write about this topic? How
do you know?
-The author is Hannah Jane Parkinson and she is qualified to write about the
topic because next to the article where is says her name you click on her name
and it brings you to a bio about the author saying what they are quailified for and
a little about their selfs.
4. Accurate is the information trustworthy? Is it supported by evidence? Has it been
tested for accuracy? -Yes
-The article is supported by evidence by showing pictures and talking
about celebritys switching to a flip phones.
-Yes is has been tested for accuracy because the articles gives statistics to the
number of Americas who own a smart phones vs. a non-smartphone phone.
5. Purpose why was it written, to inform, sell, persuade? Is there a bias or is the
material objective?
-This article was written to inform the public about the flip phone and how
they are making a comeback.
- The article is not bias because it talks about users who use a flip phone
and why they use and it also sides with why people would still want to use
a smart phone. It presents both sides of the situation.

5.Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC
library databases. (4 points)

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Alexis Phillips


List the keywords you used to find the articles

-Flip phones
Identify the database you used.
-Academic Search Premier
Justify the choice of the database used.
-I used this database because it was very easy to narrow my choices down and
had a lot of options to choose from on the left and had many helpful tools. For
example the information was already cited and all I had to do was copy and
paste it.

6. Compare the Internet and Journal articles. (5 points)

Write a paragraph comparing one Internet article and one journal article based on the
-Comparing one internet source:

and comparing one journal source:

The Internet source required more ease of access than the Journal source
because the Internet source I had to search the topic and then scroll throw
millions of recommended choice and choose which one was best and actually
had to do with my topic. The journal source was very easy to find with the options
on the left where I could choose which type of article I was looking for and narrow
my choices down quickly rather than scrolling threw thousands of options. The
timeliness of the Internet source and the journal source was very new (even
though flip phones had be around for more than a century now) because it had
CSIT 101 Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Updated 1/6/15

Page of 5

become popular it was a trend the celebrities were setting and the news wanted
fans of the celebrities to know what the celebrities were doing so people could
be just their idol. The journal source also talked about the old flip phone brand
that everyone forgot about like Samsung and Motorola and how they may start to
become more popular . The authority of both the Journal source and the Internet
source provided a reliable authority. The journal source came from eweek and
CBS Broadcasting. The Internet source came from CBS this Moring News.

7. Cite all five sources in APA or MLA format. (10 points)

Specify which format you are using.

Works cited

CBS News. "Flip Phones Making Comeback with Celebrities and Fashion Icons." CBSNews. CBS
Interactive, 2 Dec. 2014. Web. 07 Jan. 2015. <>.
Gross, Doug. "Flip Phones Are Hip Again." CNN. Cable News Network, 31 Dec. 2014. Web. 07 Jan.
2015. <>.
Parkinson, Hannah J. "Forget Apple's IPhone and Samsung's Galaxy, the Humble Flip Phone Is
Back." The Guardian. Guardian New and Media, 5 Dec. 2014. Web. 7 Jan. 2015.
Stampler, Laura. "The Few, The Proud: The Millennials Who Still Use Flip Phones." Time.Com (2014): 1.Academic
Search Premier. Web. 7 Jan. 2015.
Weiss, Todd R. "Flip Phone Simplicity Again Gets Attention From Some Users." Eweek (2014): 1.Academic Search
Premier. Web. 7 Jan. 2015.

8. Formatting of document. (4 points)


Place the title of the assignment and your name on the left side of the header.
Place the page number in the center of the footer.

Upload document for a grade in Blackboard.

Grading of Project
Paragraph summarizing the article
Two additional Internet articles
TRAAP your sources

5 points
4 points
8 points

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Alexis Phillips
Two additional Journal articles
4 points
Compare the Internet and Journal articles 5 points
Cite all five sources
10 points
Formatting of document
4 points
40 points

Points will be deducted for spelling and grammatical errors.

CSIT 101 Assignment 1: Information Literacy

Updated 1/6/15

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