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Espaol 1 Term #3 (Winter 2015) - High

Mrs. Navarro: cnavarro@daltonschool. kr

Outcome: In this term, you will learn to talk about Spanish foods and beverages for each
meal. You will be learning how to ask WH-questions and how to give explanations in Spanish.
You will be able to say which foods/meals you like and dont like. You will be learning to talk
about family members and birthdays. You will learn to express possession, talk about
important dates and make comparisons.
Interest Packet: During Term #3, you will be introduced to the delicious cuisine of the
Spanish-speaking countries. We will be learning about several dishes, meal times and
traditional ways of celebrating holidays around food. In relation to food, you will be learning
how to talk about types of foods you like and dislike. Additionally, we will go on-line shopping
in Spanish supermarkets and shops. Also, you will be learning how to talk about your family
members, and we will see differences/similarities between Spanish-speaking and Korean
families. We will learn how to express possession and give dates. We will be able to make
comparisons between objects, people, feelings and ideas.
Essential Key Topics:

Talking about foods and beverages

Asking questions and providing information about drinking/eating habits
Saying which foods you like and dont like
Grocery shopping
Talking about family
Asking and telling ages
Expressing possession
Giving dates
Making comparisons

Quiz #1
Quiz #2
Quiz #3

Class #: Project 1
Class #: Final Exam

Grading Breakdown:


Quizzes: 20%
Project #1: 20%
Final Exam: 20%
Participation and Attendance: 20%
Assignments: 20%

Grading Rubrics
Attendance and participation, behavior in class, homework completion, project preparation
and presentation, and performance in quizzes.
Students should check regularly the Spanish 1 class website to find their assigned
All assignments are to be kept in a 3 ring binder, so that the student can review them daily,
and also for quiz/test preparation. The binder can be collected at any time, so students need
to keep their homework, class notes, in-class assignments, handouts, quizzes, and tests wellorganized in their binders.
If a student is absent and therefore fails to present an assignment, a make up is typically
required. It is the students responsibility to arrange the make-up with the teacher within the
allotted time span. (This time span is usually two days for every day absent, with exceptions
for unusual circumstances verified by parental contact or a doctors note).
Participation & Attendance: Every day we have class, each student has the opportunity to
obtain 1 point for Participation & Attendance. By the end of the week, I will be putting
students grades on Powerschool. Students are graded on their daily participation &
attendance. It is absolutely necessary for each student to be participative, engaged and
responsive while the class is on. I expect students to raise hands and ask questions, to come
to the board, to share opinions and talk with classmates in SPANISH. Learning a language
means SPEAKING it and USING it (reading, listening and writing) as much and as frequent
as possible. Participation grades will be assigned based on effort, overall command of the
language, pronunciation, attitude and behavior in class. Students will be practicing more
independent learning in Spanish during this term.
Project and Oral Presentations: Given that the class has an emphasis on developing
communicative skills in Spanish, students will be required to give an oral presentation. This
will be graded on pronunciation, fluency, grammatical structure and content.
Students will prepare a project during Term #3 and will be asked to give an oral presentation
about it. The project will cover cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking countries.
The project will be explained on our class website:
Quizzes and Exams: approximately every 7 days of class, depending on the rhythm of each
group, students will be taking a short quiz. Students are expected to study for the quiz, and to
pass it with good grade, as the GPA will be depending on students effort. There will be a final
Test on Term #3 which will be covering everything learned during term #3.
Skills List: (California Department of Education, 2010)
Communication: Listening and Speaking:
Ask and answer questions about very familiar topics. (1.1a)
Engage in common classroom interactions such as, greetings, stating needs and
preferences. (1.1.b)
Communication: Reading and Listening:
Identify people, places and things based on oral and written descriptions. (1.2a)
Connections: Interdisciplinary Connections:
Demonstrate competencies previously introduced. (3.1b)
Connections: Distinctive Viewpoints of Information:
Broaden understanding of world culture through authentic spoken and written
information. (3.2b)

Comparisons, Language Comparisons:

Report similarities and differences between the sound and writing system of target
and native language. (4.1c)
Communities: Language Use within and beyond the classroom:
Recognize the target language when encountered outside the world language
classroom. (5.1a)

Required Textbook: Avancemos! 1 (2010: Holt Mc Dougal) Textbook

and Cuaderno. Required Material to bring to class: book, notebook, pencils, pens, eraser, 3ring binder. During the course, students will be asked to bring extra materials when working
on specific projects.
Daily Lesson and Assignment Overview: the following schedule is tentative, and can be
modified according to students progress in class.
1st day: Presentation of new Assignment Packet for term#3. (Standards: 1.1a, 1.1b, 2.2a, 3.1a)
Objectives: New assignments are handed in, explanation of expectations and term schedule.
Revision of term #2. Students will be listening, writing and talking about school subjects, school
places, adjectives related to emotions, prepositions, verbs and conjugations.
: Escribir A, B and C (pages 90-92) / Listening: pags. 84-86)
2nd day: Culture, tradition and customs (Standards: 1.1a, 2.2a, 2.2b, 2.2c)
Objectives: Students watch short clips about family life in several Spanish-speaking countries.
Students are introduced to the Spanish traditional meal times, with special attention to foods and
drinks for each of them. Students learn about when, what, how and why Spanish speakers have
their own particular way to eat and enjoy foods & drinks.
: Review vocabulary about food, drinks and meals at home.
3rd day: Asking questions about meal times, drinking and eating habits. (St. 2.2a, 3.1a, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students learn how to make questions and provide answers about people eating and
drinking habits. WH-questions and possible answers are practiced during the lesson today.
Revision of meals, foods and drinks from previous class. Textbook exercises:
: Create a typical Spanish menu. Search a Spanish website in Internet. Find out about
plates/dishes/drinks/prices. Print your chosen menu in Spanish, and bring it to class.
4th day: Linking knowledge activities: GUSTAR + COMIDAS, BEBIDAS + MENU (St. 1,1c, 2.2a,
2.2b, 3.2a)
Objectives: Students are linking some existing knowledge with new items in this class. We are
reviewing the use of verb gustar and adding the vocabulary and wh-questions to find out what
they eat, when and how are their eating and drinking habits in Spanish. Texbook exercises.
: Write a conversation between two friends that meet in Spain. Include questions and answers
to cover the topics of: meals, food, drinks, dislike and dislikes. (100 words, not repeated)
5th day: Verbs with endings er / -ir. (St. 1.3a, 1.3b, 2.2a, 3.1a)
Objectives: Students conjugate several verbs with endings er/-ir and practice writing and talking
about these verbs. Students link these verbs with questions and answers about meal routines.
Students complete exercises from Textbook.
: Cuaderno pag.99-100.
6th day: Talking about healthy food/drinks habits in daily life. What is the importance of eating a
healthy diet? (St. 3.1a, 3.1b, 3.2b, 4.1c)
Objectives: Are you eating/drinking properly as a student? Students are introduced to several
Spanish menus and talk about what they prefer/think. Students conjugate and practice verbs:
preferir and pensar. Students talk and debate about food/eating habits living in Korea.
Textbook: Pag. 147 (exercises 7,8 and 9)

: Cuaderno pag. 101-102.

7th day: Listening and talking to review vocabulary and verb conjugations. (St. 2.2a, 3.1a, 3.2a,
Objectives: Students listen to Telehistoria from Textbook (pag. 148) and complete exercises
Textbook: pag.149. Students talk in twos to interview each other and make a survey about other
classmates food/drink habits. Students present results of their survey to the class.
: Cuaderno pag. 104-105
8th day: On-line shopping. Students bring their laptops to class. (St. 1.2a, 1.3a, 2.1a, 3.2b)
Objectives: Students are shopping on-line in Spain/Latin America. Students make a shopping list in
Spanish with desired items. Every student set a budget to go shopping for him/her and his/her in a
Spanish speaking country. Students visit several websites and find out about food/drinks they
would like to buy. Students learn vocabulary related to going shopping.(Deseo, quiero, me
gustara, kilo, kilo, gramos, pagar con tarjetas de crdito, en efectivo)
Write a postcard to your best friend. You will talk about what is your daily meal. Use whquestions in Spanish (qu, cundo, cmo, por qu, quin, dnde) Talk about your reality. (100
words in Spanish -not repeated-)
9th day: Additional practice on going shopping, prices, paying methods in Spanish. (2.2a, 3.1a,
3.2a, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students complete activities on their Textbook: pag. 155-157. Students read about
several examples of shopping centers, prices and products. Students receive a worksheet to help
them practice meals and time habits.
Study for Quiz #1. Unidad 3, Leccin 1. (Textbook pages 138-159)
10th day: Review for Quiz #1. (St. 2.2a, 3.1a, 3.1c, 4.1b)
Objectives: Students complete several activities related to Quiz #1. Quiz #1 covers Unidad 3,
leccin 1 (Textbook pages 138-159). Topics covered are: foods and drinks of Spanish cuisine,
meals, and verbs related to shopping at supermarkets. Self-study time during class, students have
the opportunity to revise their notes and ask questions.
11th day: Quiz #1. (St. 1.2b, 2.2a, 2.2c, 3.1a)
Objectives: Students take Quiz #1 that covers Unidad 3, leccin 1. There will be a reading, writing,
listening and speaking activities. Students will role-play a visit to a Spanish supermarket to shop
something. This will represent the Speaking test for Quiz #1.
Study and memorize vocabulary and grammar for Quiz #1.
12th day: Cultural Day. Students receive the results for Quiz #1 (St. 1.1c, 1.1d, 2.1b, 2.1c)
Objectives: Projection of several videos related to Spanish habits on shopping. Students will watch
several short clips on traditional shops, restaurants, malls, etc. The class will discuss about
shopping and their thoughts about it. We will compare how Korean and other cultures choose to go
shopping. To shop, or not to shop?
Study family related vocabulary from textbook page 164.
13th day: Family in the Spanish speaking countries: members, relationships, and name/surname.
(St. 1.1a, 2.1a, 3.1a, 4.2b)
Objectives: Students will be presented the vocabulary related to Spanish family. Students will find
out how to call each of their family members in Spanish, how to greet each other, what kind of
expressions and affection signs do we use in Spanish. We will draw a family chart and learn all the
related names of members. Students will be reviewing verb ser.
Draw a chart introducing your extended family on both sides (mother/father) with all the
Spanish words for each relationship. Then explain these relationships writing at least 10 sentences
in Spanish.
14th day: Birthdays and important dates for you and your family. Review of numbers. (St. 2.2a,
3.1a, 3.1b, 3.1c)

Objectives: Students will learn all the months and how to express birthdays and important dates in
Spanish. We will be practicing asking and answering each other about those days. Students will be
using the names of their relatives and make sentences with them. As part of this class, students
will be reviewing numbers from 100-1,000,000 in Spanish. We will be completing exercises on
page 166 (Textbook)
Cuaderno pages: 122-124
15th day: Listening and speaking activities: Students should bring their Cuaderno to class. (St.
1.2a, 1.2b, 1.2c, 2.2a)
Objectives: Students will be listening and reviewing some of the vocabulary/topics of previous
lesson today. Cuaderno, pages: 110-111. We will also be listening to Telehistoria page167 and 168
(Textbook). Once completed the listening activities, students will be discussing in twos/groups
about their family members, birthdays and ages.
Review vocabulary related to family, birthdays and numbers.
16th day: Grammar introduction of possessive adjectives in Spanish. (St. 1.3b, 2.2a, 3.1a, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students will be introduced to the possessive adjectives in Spanish and will be
constructing sentences with them. This grammatical topic will be linked to the already learned
family members/ages. Students are now able to make longer and more complex sentences about
their family members and their personal and unique characteristics.
Cuaderno pages: 125-126
17th day: Reading and Writing activities (St. 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.3a, 1.3b)
Objectives: Students will be reading several short paragraphs related to family descriptions where
possessive adjectives, ages and comparisons are also included. Each student will be reading out
loud his/her paragraphs, and will be writing answers to several questions related to those
paragraphs. Additionally, Students will work in twos creating running stories related to imaginary
families around the world. We will be working on typical clichs related to families, cultures and
countries around the world.
Cuaderno page 127
18th day: Grammar introduction to comparatives through listening activities. (St. 1.2a, 1.2b, 1.3a,
Objectives: Students will listen to Telehistorias (Textbook page 172) and will be completing
activities from Textbook page 173. Students will be presented the comparatives and will work on
building up sentences linking family member and ages. (ms/menos/igual/mayor/menor+ que)
Cuaderno pages 128 and 129.
19th day: Review on comparatives and sentence formation (St.1.2b, 2.2a, 3.1a, 3.1b)
Objectives: Students will receive a worksheet where they will be asked to choose, review and
create sentences about comparatives. Students will be listening to Telehistoria Completa in
Textbook page 177. Students will be talking about who is older/younger in the
class/families/friends. Students are now working on using all the contents of Unidad 3, Leccin 2
and are able to use the vocabulary to make sentences, write short paragraphs and talk and ask
questions about it.
Reading on pages 180-181 (Textbook) La Quinceaera. Answer questions at the end
20th day: Project preparation for Term #3. (St. 2.1a, 2.1b, 3.1b, 3.1c)
Objectives: Students will be introduced Term #3 project during class. BE A PAPARAZZI During
this term, students will be working on a particular young artist that is currently living in one of the
Spanish speaking countries (actor, actress, painter, writer, musician...) to find all kind of
personal/professional information about him/her. Pictures, presentation, talking and sketches will
be accepted. Students are welcome to create a debate in class where each person could
participate and share his/her views. Students will receive some guidelines on how to find accurate
information in Spanish speaking websites.
Each student looks for the topic in the news of Spanish speaking newspapers/magazines and
e-mails me his/her selected Spanish speaking celebrity.

21st day: Review for Quiz #2 (St. 2.2a, 3.1a, 3.2a, 3.2b)
Objectives: In class, we will be reviewing Unidad 3, leccin 2 (Textbook pages 162-189)
Students will be completing activities in their textbooks pages 184-185. Topics included for Quiz #2
are family member, age, birthdays, comparatives, and possessive adjectives. Students will be also
expected to remember known concepts such as: verbs ser, estar, adjectives, emotions, time, days,
months, school objects and places.
Review for Quiz #2: study vocabulary and grammar Unit 3, Leccin 2.
22nd day: Students take Quiz #2 (St. 1.2b, 1.3b, 2.2a, 3.1a)
Objectives: During class, students will be taking Quiz #2. This quiz will consist of a listening,
writing and speaking part. For Sp1-A, which is a bigger group, the speaking test will take place
during the following class.
Project Preparation
23rd day: Project preparation in class, students bring their laptops. (St. 1.3a, 2.2a, 3.2b, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students will be given time to prepare their topics. Students will be seating in pairs with
their chosen parties and will use their laptops to search specific contents. Students will have time
to discuss the shape and structure of each presentation.
Project Preparation
24th day: Project presentation. (St. 3.2b, 4.1b, 4.2a, 4.2c)
Objectives: Students will be presenting their elected topic to the class. Each presentation will last
10 minutes maximum and it should contain Spanish/English vocabulary. Presentations including
whole class/group debate will receive extra credit. Rubric for presentations will be based on:
content (10), presentation (10) and creativity (10). (30 credit points total)
Project Preparation
25th day: Project Presentation and Review Unidad 3, Leccin 1 (Sp1-A continues presentations in
class.) (St. 1.3a, 4.1c, 4.2c, 5.2b)
Objectives: For Sp1-C and B this class will include both a presentation and a review for Unidad 3,
leccin 1. As we have completed the main topics of both Lecciones (1 and 2), students are now
starting a final summary and review to get ready for the final quiz. We will be using specific
worksheets and completing both Textbook and Cuaderno activities.
Revision activities: flashcards for meals, family members, possessive pronouns, numbers
26th day: Revision through cultural activities and short video clips. (St. 1.2b, 2.1b, 4.2b, 4.2d)
Objectives: Students will be watching short clips containing the main topics covered by Lecciones
1 and 2. Students will be completing a checklist of main vocabulary items that they need to study
for the final Quiz #3. Brainstorming activity.
Revision activities: Cuaderno pages 136, 137.
27th day: Revision of skills and objectives covered by Unidad 3 (Lecciones 1 and 2) (St. 2.2a, 3.1a,
3.1c, 3.2a)
Objectives: Students will be discussing and reviewing all the contents and skills used and trained
throughout Term #3. Students will be given a self-check card that will contain all the objectives they
need to fulfill by the end of Term #3. This activity gives the opportunity to each student to
acknowledge and recognize his or her achievement in Spanish. We will be discussing possible
ways to improve and accomplish more in Spanish.
Study for Quiz #3
28th day: Extra reading practice. Topics related to whole Unidad 3 (Lecciones 1 and 2)

(St. 1.2a, 1.2b, 3.1a, 3.1b)

Objectives: Students will be reading several Spanish texts related to the topics covered by
Lecciones 1 and 2. Through reading, students recognize and categorize each word into
grammatical groups and understand main topics. After reading, each student will be able to
distinguish words by topic.
Study for Quiz #3
29th day: Extra writing practice concentration (St. 1.3b, 2.2a, 3.1a, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students will be given some electives to choose from, so they can write short
paragraphs during class time. Students can use dictionaries in their phones if needed, but
vocabulary should be based on their Textbook (Lecciones 1 and 2). Students will be given some
ideas about how to think about a topic, identify main ideas and chose words related to start
describing and writing about them.
Study for Quiz #3
30th day: Listening preparation and Test for Quiz #3. Students bring their Cuaderno to class.
(St. 1.2a, 2.2a, 3.1a, 4.1a)
Objectives: Students will be listening several extracts in Spanish related to the topics covered by
Lecciones 1 and 2. Cuaderno, pages 133-135. These activities are the Listening Quiz #3
Study for Quiz #3
31st day: Speaking preparation and Test for Quiz #3 (St. 1.1c, 1.1d, 2.2a, 3.1a)
Objectives: Students will be preparing a short conversation with a classmate, to follow up with a
rope-play conversation. Each couple will be choosing one specific topic out of 10 as covered in
Lecciones 1 and 2. After that, each couple can either talk in front of the class, or present in front of
the teacher.
Study for Quiz #3
32nd day: Reading & Writing Text for Quiz #3: Final (includes Lecciones 1 and 2) (St. 1.2a, 1.3b,
2.2a, 3.1a)
Objectives: Students will take the final quiz #3 that includes both lecciones (1 and 2). Topics
included in this quiz are: foods, drinks and meals, Spanish speaking meal eating habits, shopping
and vocabulary, grammatical aspects: possessive adjectives, comparatives, verbs conjugations
(-ar, -er, -ir), family members, birthdays, ages, uses of gustar, preferir, desear and pedir with
meals, etc.
Study for Quiz #3
33rd day: Final day dedicated to recognition of achievement in Spanish. (St. 2.2a, 3.1a, 4.1b, 4.2a)
Objectives: Students receive results for Quiz #3. Each student will be given some recognition of
what he/she has achieved during term #3. First, each student will have the opportunity to reflect on
those aspects where he/she has grown and learned more. Then, each student will self-identify
those areas where he/she needs to put more effort during the next term. During the class, we will
be watching short clips to cover several aspects related to the topics learned in Unidad 3,
Lecciones 1 and 2.

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