Employee Handbook SM Guidelines Jan15

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Inspiring and empowering students to take charge of their education.

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I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Student Voice Inc. Employee Handbook and understand
that it is my continuing responsibility to read and know its contents. I also understand and
agree that the Employee Handbook is not an employment contract for any period of
employment, or for continuing or long-term employment. Therefore, I acknowledge and
understand that unless I have a written employment agreement with STUDENT VOICE INC., I
have the right to resign from my employment with STUDENT VOICE INC. at any time with or
without notice and with or without cause, and that STUDENT VOICE INC. has the right to
terminate my employment at any time with or without notice and with or without cause.
I have read, understand and agree to all of the above. I have also read and understand the
STUDENT VOICE INC. Employee Handbook. I agree to return the Employee Handbook upon
termination of my employment.
Signature: _____________________________________________
Print Name: ____________________________________________
Date: ________________________


Any information that an employee learns about STUDENT VOICE INC., or its members or
donors, as a result of working for STUDENT VOICE INC. that is not otherwise publicly available
constitutes confidential information. Employees may not disclose confidential information to
anyone who is not employed by STUDENT VOICE INC. or to other persons employed by
STUDENT VOICE INC. who do not need to know such information to assist in rendering services.
The disclosure, distribution, electronic transmission or copying of STUDENT VOICE INC.s
confidential information is prohibited. Any employee who discloses confidential STUDENT
VOICE INC. information will be subject to disciplinary action (including possible separation),
even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure of such information.
I understand the above policy and pledge not to disclose confidential information.

Signature: _____________________________________________
Print Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________________

Please sign and return to the Student Voice Business Director

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All Student Voice employees are encouraged to have accounts on social networks. Social media
is an integral part of our brand and public culture, so it is therefore recommended that
employees take part in personal and professional social engagement. Employees must identify
themselves as being members of Student Voice if they are using their accounts for work in any
Employees do not have to include Student Voice in Twitter or other usernames, but should
mention the organization somewhere in their account description. In addition, all social profile
pictures must be respectable in caliber. There should be no textual or visual indication of illegal
activities in photos. Posting Student Voice proprietary or confidential material on social
networks is prohibited. Employees may not include political affiliations in their profiles and
should not make any postings that express politically radical views.

Employees must be aware that opinions they express may damage the Student Voice
reputation as a non-partisan organization and student movement. Student Voice employees
must refrain from declaring their views on contentious public issues in any public forum and
must not take part in trash-talk about internal matters concerning team members, supervisors
or other Student Voice initiatives on social media. If an employee of STUDENT VOICE INC. has
an issue or problem with their online presence, all questions should be directed to the Director
of Public Relations. If the issue cannot be rectified between the aforementioned party and the
Director of Public Relations, the issue should then be brought to the attention of the Executive
Director. Such speech reflects badly on STUDENT VOICE INC. and will receive corrective action.

Employees should be mindful that any opinions or personal information they disclose about
themselves or colleagues may be linked to Student Voice, even if employees restrict their pages
to privacy settings. While STUDENT VOICE INC. recommends that employees customize their
privacy settings on Facebook to determine what they share and with whom, we expect
employees to exhibit respectable behavior on social media and to refrain from partaking in
illegal activity (i.e. underage drinking and smoking, illegal drug use, defamation, etc.) that may
be displayed on social networks. Remember: nothing is truly private on the Internet, and what
you post has a direct reflection on Student Voice and its objectives.

Student Voice is strongly in favor of engaging with those who consume and share our content.
Employees should feel free to ask their followers on social networks for their opinions on

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Student Voice initiatives or to put out a call for users willing to share student voice stories or
photos relevant to our cause. Employees are also encouraged to answer questions that are
directed their way on social media as long as they answer in a way thats consistent with the
Student Voice mission, vision and purpose and is within the realm of the Student Voice Social
Media Guidelines.
Most feedback Student Voice receives is constructive, and any substantive criticism of our
content should be taken seriously. Responses to our audience should be guided by the nature
of the comments that come in and should be respectful and thoughtful in diction, tone and
syntax. However, it is best to avoid protracted back-and-forth exchanges with angry people that
become less constructive with each new round. Abusive, prejudiced, obscene and/or racist
comments should be noted and reported to the Director of Public Relations with documented
proof of the exchange. Employees are asked to refrain from responding to such commentary.
Any response we make to a reader or viewer could go public. Email, Facebook messages and
Twitter direct messages may feel like private communications, but may easily find their way to
blogs, political groups, attorneys and others. In the case of a post or image that stirs significant
controversy, the owner of the post should notify the Director of Pubic Relations and Business
Manager for advice. A Student Voice attorney should review any incoming messages that raise
the possibility of legal action before a response is made.
If you have any questions regarding any of the policy guidelines listed above, please contact
your supervisor, or the Executive Director.


Approved by the Executive Committee of the STUDENT VOICE INC. Board of

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Project Name:

Project Date:

Volunteers under 18 who are not accompanied by a parent or legal guardian are required to
bring a signed waiver (below) to the Volunteer Leader the day of the project. Without it, the
minor will not be able to volunteer. A parent or legal guardian of each minor volunteering must
read and agree to the following:
I understand that my minor child or ward,
, is voluntarily
spending the day as a volunteer for Student Voice, Inc., a non profit charitable organization, and
a community service organization. I attest that I am over 18 years of age and I warrant that I
have legal authority to execute this agreement on his/her behalf. I attest that my child or ward
is physically fit and prepared for this event and all related activities. I grant full permission for
Student Voice, Inc., its non profit agencies, and its officers and directors, partners, employees,
agents, and volunteers (Releases), to use photographs, video, and audio of my child or ward,
and quotations from my child and ward. In accounts, promotions and publications of this event
and these activities, and I hereby waive my right of publicity in connection with such uses.
Student Voice, Inc. does not provide Workers Compensation insurance coverage for volunteer
participants, who are excluded from requirements for such coverage by law. In connection with
my child or wards voluntary involvement in activities for Student Voice, Inc., I hereby agree, for
me and my child or ward, our heirs, assigns, executors and administrators to release and
discharge Releasees from all claims, demands and actions for injuries or death sustained to my
child or ward and/or damage to or destruction, loss or theft of my property of my child or ward
and to the property of others as a result of my child or wards involvement in such activities,
whether or not resulting from my child or wards negligence or the negligence of any other
individual, or from accidents without negligence, or from the international actions of other
individuals, and I agree to release and hold Releasees harmless from any cause or action, claim
or suit arising there from.
I attest that my child or wards attendance and involvement in such activities is fully voluntary,
that I am allowing my child or ward to participate at his or her own risk, and that I have read the
foregoing terms and conditions of this document. By signing in below, I am agreeing to all
stipulations as stated above.
Parent or Legal Guardians signature: ____________________________

Date: ________________

Parent or Legal Guardians full name:

Mailing Address:
E-mail Address:
Minors Name:

Minors birth date:

2004 National Council of Nonprofit Associations May be duplicated, with attribution, by charitable organizations.

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