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Management Information System 201


Telecommunication sector around the world is going through a process of

rapid change due to convergence of advance Information Technology (IT),
mobile telephony, Internet, e-commerce and value added services. PTCL is
the prime telecom service provider in Pakistan. We choose this company
because it is one of the pioneer company and largest company in telecom
sector in Pakistan as it is the largest company that’s why we wanted to know
which information system they are using to successfully control operations
on such a massive scale. Our sole purpose is to analyze their Information
systems. After our detailed analysis via different source and from visits of
PTCL Company we have come to know that PTCL is using four types of
information systems, which are

 Computerized Fault Management System

 B&CC (Business and Customer Care System)

 Partial Office Automation System

 Human Resource Management Information System

Every system has its own advantage of using but B&CC controlled the major
network of PTCL. Although PTCL is using these kinds of systems but most of
employees of PTCL does not know about the Management Information
System. So there is need to realize the importance of management
information system in employees.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction of Company

2 Purpose of Project 5

3 Information System 6-

4 Conclusion 13

5 Recommendation 14

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6 Part Two 15-18

7 References 19


1947-1962 is the era of development of Posts and Telegraph department and
in this era PTCL becomes the major player of telecommunication sector in
Pakistan, which is run by the Government, and in 1991 Government
announced to privatize the PTCL. In 1995 PTCL recognized as the backbone
of Telecom industry in the Pakistan.

With the advancement of technology PTCL launched its mobile data services
by name of UFONE. In the middle of 2005 company decided to sell its 26%
share to the private agency. By this privatization certain changes involved in
PTCL, which are as, follow

 VSS (Voluntary Separation Schemes for its Employees)

 Use of different operational and customer care softwares like ERP, SAP,

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 Change in Logo of PTCL

After privatization their main focus is on productivity and customer


Currently PTCL is involved in following operations

 `Voice and Communication

 Broadband

 IPTV Services

 Vfone

 Pak internet Exchange

 Satellite Communication

There are seven different types of switching technologies currently operated

in PTCL network, which are

 Alcatel

 Siemens


 Erricsson

 Hawaii

 J.S Telecom


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With these technologies PTCL running its e network and providing different
communication facilities to its customers.

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) issued 25 years licensed to

PTCL for telecom services all over in Pakistan.

PTCL is the largest telecommunication industry in Pakistan. PTCL is all set to

redefine the established boundaries of the telecommunication market and is
shifting the productivity frontier to new heights.

Vision of PTCL is “To be the leading Information and Communication Technology Service
Provider in the region by achieving customer satisfaction and maximizing shareholders value”

Mission of PTCL is to achieve our vision by having:

• An organizational environment that fosters professionalism, motivation and quality

• An environment that is cost effective and quality conscious
• Services that are based on the most optimum technology
• "Quality" and "Time" conscious customer service
• Sustained growth in earnings and profitability

Communication is very important for human because it is the process of
sharing knowledge, ideas, thoughts and experience. For this purpose

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Telecommunication plays a vital role not only in communication but also in
economic development. Due to emergence of Information technology there
is rapid change in telecommunication sector.

In today’s world managers can’t ignore the role of IT in business because all
the worldwide organization connected with its stakeholders via IT
infrastructure and every business today wants to elaborate itself with new
face of IT technology.

MIS plays a very important role in the telecommunication sector. Information

systems are part of organizations. Indeed, for some companies, such as
Pakistan telecommunication, without the system there will be no

In order to analyze these systems and provide recommendations for further

improvement we need to study and understand the current Management
Information System

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Information Systems
In organization different kind of levels are involved in management, there are
different information systems at different level of organization. One
information system cannot provide all the information that’s why all
departments coordinated with each other and jointly made a management
information system for whole organization.

Following are the information systems involved in PTCL.

 OLD Telegraph System

 Computerized Fault Management System

 B&CC (Business and Customer Care System)

 Partial Office Automation System

 Human Resource Management Information System

. PTCL is divided into two stages (1) strategic, management, knowledge and
operational level (2) functional areas such as sales and marketing,
manufacturing finance, accounting and human resource

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Old Telegraph System
Old Telegraph system has been terminated by the PTCL now because of
various recommendations. PTCL is improving and modernizing the system to
meet the requirements of the 21st century because in delivering Telegrams
by post it takes three to four days.

Computerized Fault Management System

CFMS stand for Computerized Fault Management System, which is used at
operational level in PTCL. This system of PTCL helped in improving the
network & is being used to register & rectify Land Line Faults in a
computerized way. This fault management system contains activating
notification software that allows a human to take proper intervention. This
system was working in few cities but now it is available all over Pakistan. In
this system when customer calls to PTCL at 1218 for complaints it registers
there complaint and then this system track the faults and complaints for a
particular user and sent notification alert for solutionthensystem itself calls
back to the customer to know whether the customer problem has been
solved and has the customer been satisfied or not.

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Advantages of Computerized Fault Management System

Following are the advantages of using computerized Fault management System.

 Provide Costumer’s feedback to top management regarding their


 Track the faults and complaints.

 Focus on Customer Satisfaction.

 Help Managers to understand difficulties of customers regarding

problem solutions.

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 When a problem of a customer is not solved then a message is sent on
the mobile of senior management by system.

Disadvantage of Computerized Fault Management System

Following are the disadvantages of this system that we found during our

 Security Threats because there is no proper security available for this


 No immediate backup for failure of this system

 This system is not able to automatically take action, either launching a

program or script to take corrective action.

B&CC System (Business and Customer Care System)

The whole network of PTCL only one software name B&CC (Business &
customer care System) is used and which is cost approximately 3 Arab
rupees. This system is operated at all three levels of PTCL, which are
operational, Middle level, Top Management. This system includes the
following functions

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 Franchise and Payphone Management

 Costumer Information

 Product Information

 Sales Management

 Order Entry

 Order Management

 Resource Management

Every employee in PTCL has an access to this software but options are
limited according to the authority of each employee. For example if an
operational level login his username and password then the options
regarding his job appear on screen and if top manager login his username
and password then the options for his purpose appear on the screen. The
decision to grant installment in the bill to customer is made by lower level
supervisors according to predefined criteria.

Franchise and Payphone Management and Costumer

These two functions involve bill payment and customer account information.
PTCL employees just hit the phone number of customer and all the detail
regarding billing and accounts appear on the screen. These functions include
the following things

 Costumer Name

 Customer Address

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 Payment Code

 Payment Name

 Payment Mode

 Payment Type

Product Information
Product information involves the details about the product, which has been
used by the customer. For example it tells either a customer has used a
PTSN or any other differentiated product. It has tabs of Product code, Product
type, Product Status and Bill Status.

Sales Management
Sales management function of B&CC tells about the daily sales transactions
and track elementary activities and transactions of the organization. It
includes sales dialogs, customer experience about the sales and sales
information about walk-in queries and existing customers.

Order Entry and Order Management

These two functions include the details about new order and any change in
existing packages. Its process depends upon three phases

 Accepting (New Orders or New Package)

 Handling (Processing)

 Completed (Completion of Process)

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Resource Management
Resource Manager involves the computerize tracking of receipts, cash,
deposits, payroll and store information for their materials like cables,

telephone sets etc.

Advantages of B&CC

B&CC used for all three levels of Management which made it a sole
information system of the Organization

 Immediately can track the data about the customer, which made billing
and other process quiet easy.

 Describe about the new orders and packages conversation of customer

to their respective department.

 Purpose of B&CC is to control, monitor and manage the entire PTCL

network and to enhance and optimize Network Management through a
transparent and centralized platform.

 Increase network availability through Enhanced Quality of Service and

centralized performance statistics and reporting mechanism.
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 It provides the description about the resource used by organization
and help managers to managing the resources.

Disadvantages of B&CC System

Following are the disadvantages of B&CC, which we have found during our

 Much complicated software for operational level employees because

these employees are not well educated and trained.

 Chances of Identity theft in this system.

 Breakdown of this system can be the breakdown of the whole network

of PTCL.

 Decision-making through this system is slow, which leads to the lack

of productivity.

 Difficulty for Top Managers to take decision via this system because it
is not easy as compare to ESS or DSS.

Partial Office Automation System

PTCL also implement partial office automation system, which is based on
database. It includes only two following things

 Word Processor

 Desktop Publishing

Office automation systems (OAS) are configurations of networked computer

hardware and software. A variety of office automation systems are now applied to
business and communication functions that used to be performed manually or in
multiple locations of a company, such as preparing written communications and
strategic planning. In addition to this, functions that once required coordinating the
expertise of outside specialists in typesetting, printing, or electronic recording can
now be integrated into the everyday work of an organization, saving both time and

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money .If PTCL implement fully OAS in their organization then they can improve
their performance.

Human Resource Management Information System

PTCL is also focusing on HR Management and Development; PTCL introduced

the “HR online Hiring Management System”. Appropriate changes have
been made in HRM such as to establishment of Human Resource
Management Information System (HRMIS). Recruitment process and system
has been adequately revamped by adopting appropriate HR practices.
Professional development of employees, especially the middle management,
is being ensured. Training courses for employees have been redesigned. A
special emphasis is being laid on the inculcation of sense of responsibility
and politeness in the minds of employees, especially the lower management
and staff. Training institutes of PTCL i.e. Telecom Staff College, Regional
Telecom Training Schools and Divisional telecom Training Centers is also
being revamped to cope up with the changing trends in technical and
managerial training. PTCL’s engineers and professionals are also being
continuously sent abroad for various training courses to keep them abreast
with the latest technology and management skills.


Management Information system can play a vital role in building

infrastructure of telecommunication in Pakistan. There is need to realize the
importance of management information system in mind of PTCL’s employees
and to train them according to emerging technologies in the world. There is

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need of improvement like at operational level PTCL is using partially OAS
(Office automation system); the use word processing is in a limit, because
PTCL ground level labors are not educated as well as supervisor level
employees. At managers level they have a system that track all the
transaction of the system like fault every supervisor have an account and
they have records so they use this record to remove faults and complains. At
strategic level Managers should use ESS (Executive Support System) so that
they can plan easily and take decisions.


Following are the recommendations to PTCL for enhancing the efficiency of

their information systems.

 There should be proper security involved in each system of PTCL

 Employees should be well trained and educated to operate these


 Systems like ESS and DSS should be used at strategic level so that Top
manager can easily plan and take decisions.

 Office automation system should be totally implemented rather than

partial implementation.

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 If PTCL implement proper Management Information systems then it will

be very beneficial for Organization.

 The whole network of PTCL should not depend upon B&CC; there
should be an alternative to this information system at different levels
of Organization according to their strengths.

 Employees understanding of Management Information System should

be increased employees have no concept about Management
Information System.


“A comparison of two oldest email service providers on internet”

YAHOO continues to be the most popular web mail service, As per
comScore's latest figures in July, Yahoo added almost 20 million users last
year, growing its share of the market by 22 percent from 87.2 million users
to 106.2 million users in June. Yahoo modern business is rushing towards e-
commerce. If the transition is done properly, it provides better management,
new services, lower transaction costs, and better customer relations.

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Functions of Yahoo
Yahoo performs the following functions regarding E-commerce and other
related activities.

 Online Shopping Centers

 Internet Banking

 Internet Business and Economics

 Business to Business and Business to Costumer Transactions

 Provide Digital money for Business and Shopping

 Provide Small Business solutions

 Provide Investment opportunities to users

 Provide entertainment to user like, Sports, Movies, Travel and etc.

 Yahoo Mail

 Provide Profession Quality E-commerce Website

 Provide accurate shipping rate and Costumer information

 UPS World ship Compatible

User Friendliness
Yahoo is not as complicated, and the layout is easier and more open which
facilitates navigation not only through mail but through the other options and
services yahoo offers. (Source: Yahoo answers [User’s views])

Yahoo is very user friendly for both new and existing users. Yahoo is much
better than other website in terms of processing speed, understanding, and
once a user get used to with Yahoo then he will not go anywhere else.

As E-commerce is concerned it provides special quality E-commerce website

by user can also built its own E-commerce Website for business purposes. It
provides solution for online businesses and Yahoo! online Business is
dedicated to delivering industry-leading business services at great values.
Using a robust, scalable e-commerce platform, Yahoo! Merchant Solutions
offers everything you need.
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Business Strategy of Yahoo
Yahoo! Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive online products and
services to consumers and businesses worldwide. Yahoo is responsible for
providing world class service to Yahoo! Small Business customers by
resolving customer inquiries through multiple contact channels, including
phone and e-mail. This strategy include following things

 Provide world class service to all small business customers in a

customer-centric environment

 Document in detail all interactions with customers

 Educate customers on products; help customers to be successful

 MSN, formerly The Microsoft Network, is a collection of Internet sites
and services provided by Microsoft. It is one of the most popular
website for any internet user and it performed number of services and
function which made it much convenient for user. It gives ultimate
solutions for communication and businesses.

Functions of MSN
MSN performed the following functions which made it much better than other

 Provide Marketing Tools

 Provide Business to Customers Solutions

 Search Engine Optimization

 Online Shopping

 Internet Banking

 Hotmail

 Digital Money, Maps and Directions

 Provide Entertainment like, Entertainment, sports, Traveling


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 Provide Health and Fitness Information

 Careers and Jobs Portal

User Friendliness
Like Yahoo, MSN is also very user friendly and all users can easily be familiar
with this website and it provides easy environment MSN several useful
comparison features to assist users that are searching for products within
either portal or site. It also provide the different marketing tool and tolls for
making your own E-Commerce website for business purposes and It also
provide business to consumer e-commerce.

Business Strategy of MSN

Business strategy of MSN focuses on B2C and e-commerce and this strategy
is focused by follow mentioned functions. These functions are

 Focus one Personalization

 Client friendly application

 Easy marketing solutions

 Multiple ecommerce channels

 Customization with offline channels


Both MSN and yahoo are good and user friendly for a new user. When we talk
about old users, people have gotten used to the one they use. Those who
had been using yahoo find it easier and better while those who used MSN
consider it much better than yahoo. As an organization, yahoo had enjoyed
better conditions than hotmail but the difference is not very big that may
allow us to conclude that yahoo is better. So I would say that neither is
better than the other for a new user but for me Yahoo is still better than

There are some recommendations for both websites.

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 Yahoo should maintained better security systems because Yahoo ID
can easily hacked by Hackers.

 Yahoo sign up form should be made easy for users.

 They should promote e-commerce to large businesses as well.

 MSN should promote B2B E-commerce as well

 Yahoo and MSN should provide chatting history as the face book does.

 Msn should launch Internet banking as yahoo has launched.

 Msn should provide chat rooms to free users as well like yahoo does.

 They should provide such a mail service that mails which contain
viruses should be automatically defused.

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For successful completion of this project we have utilize different available
resources, from which we have obtain the required data. These resources lie
in both digital and analog form. Most of the information is obtain from
Internet, while a visit to company is also made to get further information. We
are thankful to company management who have welcomed and cooperated
with us. Resources, which we utilize, are as follow:


 Company’s website -

 Company Annual Reports
 Magazine Business Economist
 Economic survey of Pakistan
 PTA Reports





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