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The fault dear Brutus is not in the stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings.
... is a famous line from William Shakespeares Julius Caesar, (Act 1, Scene 2) wherein Cassius is attempting to
persuade Brutus to take action against the tyrannical Caesar and join the rest of the senate in opposing Caesar
even if it must be by murder. Cassius explains here that we do not have to accept fate (the stars) as it is, but
rather that we ourselves must act to correct what fate has given us. Mr. Greens title, The Fault in Our Stars,
outwardly implies that in the some situations the problem can lie within our stars and that little can be
done to correct the situation we are forced to live with. Whereas Brutus has the ability to become master of
his fate and correct the situation, Hazel unfortunately must accept the condition fate has given her and can
only make the best of the situation. The plot therefore being laid in the title, we as readers will follow the
story of Hazel and see how she lives with and handles the difficult situation which she has been dealt.
Why study The Fault in Our Stars?
The themes presented in The Fault in Our Stars can provide for hours of discussion and contemplation, easily
tying in to many issues we may encounter in our lives... Furthermore, for students studying English as a
second language, this engaging novel is equally as valuable in providing new vocabulary, comprehension
practice through captivating, interesting and thoughtful reading.
The following pages of questions are designed to help the reader chapter by chapter in targeting the
language, themes and events important for a comprehensive and fruitful reading of the novel.
How to proceed:
Simply read each chapter for as thorough an understanding as possible (paying special attention to
vocabulary, expressions, slang and grammar. along the way.) Then once youve completed the chapter
answer the corresponding questions in the book. Answering the questions should be easy, but if you find
questions that are difficult, simply go back to that chapter and reread wherever necessary so that you can
easily respond to the question. All answers are in the novel.
You may write your responses in this booklet, or you may want to create your own The Fault in Our Stars
Reading Journal. There are many blank writing journals available for sale ranging from simple to fancy.
The most important!
The most important thing is to enjoy what you read. The Fault in our Stars can be quite an emotional and
motivational novel. Youll find yourself turning page after page as you follow the events in the lives of our
young characters.
So immerse yourself in English and Hazels world in The Fault in Our Stars!
Other books by John Green:

Looking for Alaska

An Abundance of Katherines
Paper Towns
Visit Mr. Greens site at:

By John Green

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25


List of main characters

Hazel Grace Lancaster
Augustus (Gus) Waters
Peter Van Houten
Mrs. Lancaster
Lidewij Vliegenthart

By John Green

1. What kind of cancer did the group leader have? (p. 4)

2. What would Hazel rather be doing rather than attending the support group? (p. 6)

3. Why doesnt Hazel use the elevator? (p. 8)

4. What impending fate does Isaac face? (p. 10)

5. Why doesnt Hazel believe Michael when he says that hes okay? (p. xx)

6. What is the name of Hazels third best friend? (p. 13)

7. Who is he?

8. What reason does Augustus give Hazel for starring at her? (p. 16)

9. Why did the cigarette make Hazel angry? (pp. 19-21)

10. How does Augustus justify his use of cigarettes? (pp. 20-21)

11. With information from the first chapter, describe Hazel.

Side effect (p.3)
To snort up (p.6)

Blow/blew (slang, p.6)

Mere (p.7)
To bite it (slang, p. 8)
Cankle (slang, p.9)

Gait (p.14)
PDA (slang, Public Display of

By John Green

1. Where are Augustus and Hazel going? (p.22)

2. Who or what is Old Prosty? (p.23)

3. What is a cancer perk? (p.23)

4. What saved Hazel? (pp.25-26)

5. What is the reason for Hazels vegetarian diet? (p.28)

6. In Hazels opinion, why is An Imperial Affliction her favorite book? (p.34)

7. Describe Augustus.

Perk (p.23)
Sophomore (p.24)

GED (p.26)
Hurdles (p.31)
Disheartening (p.32)

Grab (p.34)
Novelization (p.34)

By John Green

1. Based on the information given, explain a half-birthday. (pp.40-41)

2. Where is Kaitlyn from? (p.42)

3. What excuse does Hazel give Kaitlyn for not continuing shopping with her? (p.45)

4. What does Hazel do instead? (pp.45-46)

5. What reason does Hazel give for preferring the companionship of children? (p.47)

Hue (p.40)

Clutch (p.41)
Cannula (p.46)

1. What does Hazel ironically think about books about people with cancer? (p.48)

2. Why is this ironic?

3. How does An Imperial Affliction end? (p.49)

4. What is Augustuss reaction to An Imperial Affliction? (p.53)

5. What does Augustuss sacrifice in the video game explain about his personality? (p.59)

6. What is the significance of the word always between Monica and Isaac? (p.61)

Spoiler (p.51)

Flail (p.55)
Stomp (p.62)

By John Green

1. Where did Hazels parents meet? (p.65)

2. What surprise does Augustus have for Hazel? (p.67)

3. What does Hazel want to know from Mr. Van Houten? (p.70)

4. Who was Emily Dickinson? (p. 71) A little research may be necessary

5. Explain what Augustus means when he says: no longer suffering from personhood.

6. Maybe okay will be our always. Explain the significance of this line. (p.73)

7. Why does Mr. Van Houten not want to answer Hazels questions? (p.78)
8. How can Hazel get the answers shes seeking? (p.79)
9. What does Hazels father caution Augustus about? (p.83)

10. As evidenced with his use of cigarettes, Augustus likes symbols and metaphors. What were the
symbols he prepared for the Netherlands picnic? (pp.86-87)

11. What is the Genie Foundation? (p.80 & pp.89-90

12. What is the culmination of Augustuss Netherlands picnic? (pp.89-90)

By John Green
Swing set (p.66)
Re (p.66)

Ensnare (p.68)
Scant (p.68)
Kidding (p.74)

Squirt (p.76)
Crush (slang) (p.80)
Sheer (p.83)

1. Why does Hazel say that her father would rather stay home? (p.92)

2. What is Hazel worried about where Augustus is concerned? (p.93)

3. How does Kaitlyn feel about Augustus? (p.94)

4. Why do you think the wall post from Carolines friend upset Hazel? (p.97)

5. Why does Hazel liken herself to a grenade? (p.99)

6. Why is Hazel distancing herself from people? (pp.99-101)

Compartmentalize (p.97)

Twitterpate (p.98)
Scold (p.99)

1. To what is Hazel referring when she said that she was poked and stabbed and poisoned for
years? (p.110)

2. What was the cause of Hazels pain? (pp.106-107)

3. What does Hazel mean by the word undays? (p.108)

By John Green
4. What is the author trying to accomplish in the story with the contrast of the style of Mr.
Van Houtens writing and the general style of the novel? (pp. 112-113)

5. What is Mr. Van Houtens advice to Augustus where Hazel is concerned? (p.113, last 3
ICU (p.106)

Vale (p.113)
To hang out (p.110

1. What do the doctors say about Hazels planned trip to Amsterdam? (p.117)

2. What are her parents final decision concerning the trip? (p.117)

3. What secret do we learn about Augustus? (pp.118-119)

4. How does the BiPAP help Hazel? (p.119)

5. Explain the sentence; I mustnt let it kill me before it kills me. (p.121)

6. How does Augustus respond to Hazels efforts to distance herself emotionally? (p.122)

7. How much do Hazel and Augustus want to sell the swing set? (p.124)

8. The sale of Hazels swing set can be metaphorically compared to what? (pp.120-128)

Edema (p.115)

To stay the course (p.115)

Nudge (p.122)

Ad (p.123)

By John Green

1. How does Isaac know whats been going on in Hazels life? (p.130)

2. Whats special about Isaacs video game? (p.133)

3. When Augustus plays the video game with Isaac, what prevents him from winning? (p.134)

Sigh (p.131)

Skip (p.133)
Enamored (p.134)

1. Why doesnt Hazel like to eat before dawn? (p.137)

2. What is the broader sense of the phrase to pick your battles? (p.138)

3. What step of independence does Hazel take at the airport? (p.142)

4. Why was Augustus nervous at take-off? (p.147)

5. For every person alive today there are 14 dead people. TRUE or FALSE (p.151)

6. How does Hazel respond to Augustuss profession of love? (pp.153-154)

To break out (p.137)

Eavesdrop (p.139)
To ride shotgun (p.140)

Bashful (p.153)

By John Green

1. From where does the Hotel Filosoof take its name? (p.157)

2. What is spring snow in Amsterdam? (p.161)

3. What do Augustus and Hazel think of their dinner at the restaurant? What does Hazel
privately thing? (pp.165-166)

4. What is the truth about the suit that Augustus is wearing in Amsterdam? (pp.166-167)

5. What does each of them believe concerning an afterlife? (p.168)

6. Where did Augustus meet Caroline? (pp.172-173)

7. Describe Carolines personality according to Augustus? (pp.174-175)

8. Why did Augustus remain Carolines boyfriend? (p.175)

Stretched (p.156)
Bedhead (p.159)

Lawn (p.162)
Crooked (p.165)
Afterlife (p.168)

Drown (p.172)
To dump s.o. (p.175)

1. What is the irony displayed in Hazels shirt? (p.178)

2. How does Mr. Van Houten feel about Americans? (p.181)

3. What does Mr. Van Houten notice about the way Hazel is dressed? (p.185)

4. What does Lidewij say about Mr. Van Houtens behavior? (p.188)

By John Green
5. Why is Mr. Van Houten not able to answer Hazels questions as to what happens to the
characters of An Imperial Affliction after the novel ended? (pp.191-192)
6. For what is Lidewij sorry? (pp.196-197)

7. According to Hazel, what was the worst part about Anne Franks death? (p.201)

8. How do you feel about Augustuss and Hazels first kiss in the Anne Frank House?
9. What was Augustus self-conscious about? (p.206)

Drawback (p.178)
Numinous (p.189)

Whim (p.192)
To bow (p.204)
Lurch (p.205)

Blink (p.206)

1. Why does Hazel believe that its important not to cry in front of loved ones? (p.213)

2. What does Augustus reveal to Hazel? (pp.213-214)

3. What was the reason that Augustus was arguing with his parents the morning they left for
Amsterdam? (p.215)

4. According to Augustus, why are there no paintings of cancer kids in the Rijksmuseum?

Tongue-tied (p.209)

Clench (p.213)
Con (p.216)

By John Green

1. What does Augustus suggest about the way Mr. Van Houten treated them? (p.221)

2. How did Hazels mother and father learn about Augustuss recurrence? (p.222)

3. What did Augustus take Isaac to do? (pp.227-228)

Over my head (p.222)

Barf (p.224)
To egg (p.229)

1. What is Augustuss condition? (p.231)


ER (p.231)

Damp (p.233)

1. What is Augustus hoping to do for Hazel? (p.234)

2. Why does Hazel want to fake a choking incident? (pp.234-238)

G-tube (p.236)

Choke (p.237)
Puke (p.238)

1. In what state did Hazel find Augustus? (p.239)

2. What does Hazel want Augustus to do for her that he wont be able to? (p.240)

Obituary (p.240)

By John Green

1. When Hazels phone rings, what news is she expecting to hear? (p.242)

2. Why doesnt Augustus want Hazel to call 911? (p.243)

3. Why was Augustus at the gas station?

4. What does Augustus mean by the phrase: to be someones Peter Van Houten.? (p.245)


Mumble (p.244)

Disgust (p.245)

1. Where does Augustus sleep now? (p.248) What is the reason for the change?

2. What does Augustuss dad confide in Hazel? (p.252)

Laundry (p.248)

Kneel down (p.250)

Burden (p.251)

1. Explain what a last good day is in the context of our characters lives. (p.253)

2. What concerns do Hazels parents express? (p.254)

3. In your own words, what has Augustus arranged at the Literal Heart of Jesus? (pp.257-260)


Drag (p.254)

Eulogy (p.254)

By John Green

1. The inevitable question: What news did Hazel receive at 3:30 a.m.? (p.261)

2. In what way does Hazel relate the pain of her cancer to the pain shes feeling now? (pp.262263)

3. Why does the wall post, Youll live in our hearts forever. upset Hazel? (p.264)

4. How does this event make you feel?


Unbearable (p.262)

Galled (p.264)

1. Why does Hazel remove her oxygen? (p.269)

2. What does Hazel give Augustus? (p.270)

3. Why did Hazel get pissed off at the ministers speech? (p.271)

4. Who is unexpectedly seated behind Hazel? (p.271)

5. What good news did Augustus bring Isaac? (p.272)

6. What are the reasons Hazel doesnt want to go to the cemetery? (p.274)

7. Why did Mr. Van Houten come to Indiana? (p.276)

8. Why does Hazel not want to know what happened to the characters in Mr. Van Houtens
novel? (pp.276-277)

By John Green
Puppy love (p.269)
Coffin (p.268)

Lanky (p.269)
Horse crap (p.271)

Break even (p.275)

Pallbearer (p.274)

1. What were Isaac and Hazel doing with the video game? (pp.279-280)

2. What news does Isaac tell Hazel? (p.282)

3. What surprise did Hazel find in her car outside of Isaacs house? (p.283)

4. Why did Mr. Van Houten act the way he did when Hazel and Augustus met him in
Amsterdam? (p.286)

5. What was Hazel looking for at Augustuss house? (pp.288-291)


Thrust (p.280)

Curb (p.287)

1. Did Hazel find what she was looking for at the support group? (pp.293-294)

2. Why did Hazels mother not want her to know that she was working on her Masters
degree? (pp.297-298)

3. What does Hazel make her parents promise and why? (p.299)


Gutted (p.294)

Revile (p.299)

By John Green

1. What does Hazel write Lidewij about? (pp.302-303)

2. What does Hazels mom want to celebrate? (p.306)

3. What are the comparisons Augustus makes between Hazel and other people (humans)?

4. What do you personally find to be true in Augustuss letter to Mr. Van Houten?

Distract (p.304)

Teeming, (p.308)
Headstone (p.308)

Bequeath (p.310)

Good job! You have successfully completed all of the questions. Connecting to the story of
this book is important, so take some time and write down your initial feelings after having
finished the book.

By John Green
Personal Notes and Thoughts
This is a very emotional story. Take some time to reflect and write down your own personal feelings,
thoughts and observations.

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