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Farzad Pourboghrat

Guidelines for MATLABs SISO Design Tool GUI

The SISO Design Tool is a graphical user interface (GUI) that facilitates the design of
compensators for single-input, single-output feedback loops. The SISO Design Tool
allows you to iterate rapidly on your designs and perform the following tasks:
Manipulate closed-loop dynamics using root locus techniques.
Shape open-loop Bode responses.
Add compensator poles and zeros.
Add and tune lead/lag networks and notch filters.
Inspect closed-loop responses (using the LTI Viewer).
Adjust phase and gain margins.
Convert models between discrete and continuous time.
The sisotool command opens the SISO Design Tool and sets it up for controller design.
Here are the steps for launching the SISO Design Tool:
1. Enter the plant model (transfer function, etc.) into MATLAB workspace
Ex: G(s)= s (10
s + 2)
2. Type sisotool and press return
The SISO Design Tool window opens as shown.
To change the Control System toolbox preferences,
choose Toolbox Preferences from File menu
and make necessary modification in Units, Style,
Characteristics and SISO Tool options.

3. Select Import from File menu and import the plant model G(s) into sisotool GUI.

The root locus and Bode plot of the plant G(s) with the default control C(s)=1 will
then be shown in the SISO Design Tool window.
To change the units of the Bode magnitude plot
from dB to absolute value, choose magnitude in
absolute log scale from Edit / SISO Tool
Preferences / Units menu.
To change the compensator format from default to

C ( s) = K

s +1
s +1

, choose Natural frequency from

Edit / SISO Tool Preferences / Options menu.

4. To add/remove grids you right click on the corresponding plot windows (root-locus,
Bode, or both) and select the grid option. To show the design constraint
boundaries, you right click on the appropriate plot window and choose design
constraint option and specify your new constraint. To modify these constraints, click
and drag the appropriate constraint boundary to a new location.

5. To design or modify the control, right-click on the Current Compensator box.

The compensator window opens where you can add/delete zeros and poles and
change the control gain.

The root locus and Bode plot of the open-loop system C(s)G(s), with the new
control C(s), will be shown in the SISO Design Tool window.

You can now interactively modify the current compensator until the design
constraints are satisfied.
6. To change the compensators pole and zero, click and drag them to new locations.
Instantly, you will see the systems root-locus and Bode plot will also change.

To save the results and plots at different
stages of your design, choose Save Session
from File menu. It saves everything.
To retrieve the results and plots that were
saved at different stages of design, choose
Retrieve Session from File menu.

You can also click and drag the closed-loop poles (the red squares on the rootlocus) to new locations. This, instantly changes the corresponding control gain.
To change the control gain, you may also click and drag the Bode plot magnitude
up or down. The cross-over frequency, phase-margin and gain-margin, shown in the
Bode plot, will then change instantly.
Now, the current controller is: C ( s) = 1.4

s +8

7. You can now check the characteristics of the closed-loop system.

To see closed-loop poles, choose closed-loop poles from View menu.

To see closed-loop step-response, choose Loop Responses Closed-Loop Step

from Tools menu. You can right click on the plot in the LTI Viewer window to
add/remove grid, as well as add/remove closed-loop characteristics (Peak Response,
Settling Time, Rise Time, Steady State).

For other system responses, select Loop Responses Other from Tools menu.

8. To export the designed controller to MATLAB workspace, choose Export from

the File menu. The exported data will overwrite the existing data in the workspace.

9. To transfer the plots to another application such as WORD, choose Print to Figure
from File menu. This, transfers the selected figure to a MATLAB Figure window.
Now, in this Figure window, choose Copy Figure from the Edit menu and then
Paste it into your WORD file.

10. To transfer the data to SIMULINK, choose Draw Simulink Diagram from the Tools
menu. This can be done only after the plant and compensator data have already been
exported to MATLAB workspace.

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