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(Q.1) The tangents drawn at the ends of a diameters of a circle are: (1 Mark)
(A) normal(B) parallel to each other(C) equal to each other(D) Intersect each other
(Q.2) The tangent to a circle is …………… to the radius through the point of (1 Mark)
(A) parallel(B) coincident(C) perpendicular(D) Intersect
(Q.3) Two tangents are drawn at the end of a diameter of a circle. What is the (1 Mark)
distance between diameter if the area of circle is 154 cm ?
(A) 7 cm(B) 14 cm(C) 21 cm(D) 28 cm
(Q.4) From a point Q the length of the tangent to a circle is 24 cm and radius of (1 Mark)
circle is 7 cm then the distance of a Q from center is:
(A) 12 cm(B) 12.5cm(C) 25 cm(D) 50 cm
(Q.5) If two tangents from point P are drawn to circle at points Q and R, if they (1 Mark)

are inclined at 100° then QOR equal to (where O is center of circle)

(A) 70°(B) 80°(C) 90°(D) 100°

(Q.6) From a point Q the
length of tangent to circle is 24 cm and distance Q from (1 Mark)
the center is 25 cm then the area of circle is:
(A) 7 (B) 14 (C) 49 (D) 51
(Q.7)Two centric circles are of radii 25 cm and 24 cm. then what is the length of (1 Mark)
the chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle?
(A) 7 cm(B) 14 cm(C) 21 cm(D) 28 cm
(Q.8) In the given figure, if AP and AQ are two tangents is to circle with center O (1 Mark)

such that POQ = 120° Then PAQ is equal to

(A) 60°(B) 70°(C) 80°(D) 100°

(Q.9) From a point P a tangent is drawn to circle of diameter 48 cm. The point P (1 Mark)
is situated at a distance of 25 cm from center O of the circle then the length of
tangent is:
(A) 7 cm(B) 14 cm(C) 16 cm(D) 24 cm
(Q.10) From a point A the length
of the tangent to a circle is 8 cm and distance of (1 Mark)
A from the center is 10 cm. The diameter of circle is:
(A) 6 cm(B) 12 cm(C) 14 cm(D) 16 cm

If in the given figure radius of smaller and larger circles be 4 and 5 cm.
(Q.11) (1 Mark)
Find the length of chord AB.

(A) 6 cm(B) 8 cm(C) 10 cm(D) 12 cm

(Q.12) The common point of a tangent to circle and the circle is called: (1 Mark)
(A) Centre(B) Normal point(C) Common point(D) Point of contact
(Q.13) A tangent AB at point A of a circle of radius 6 cm meets a line through (1 Mark)
center O at a point such that OB = 8m. The length of AB is:

(A) 12 cm(B) 10 cm(C) 8 cm(D)

(Q.14)A line intersect the circle in two point is called: (1 Mark)
(A) Tangent(B) Secant(C) Normal(D) Radius
(Q.15) A circle may have: (1 Mark)
(A) 2 tangents(B) 4 tangents(C) 8 tangents(D) Infinite tangents
(Q.16) How many parallel tangent a circle can have? (1 Mark)
(A) 2(B) 4(C) 5(D) 6
(Q.17) How many tangents can be drawn from a point lying outsides to circle? (1 Mark)
(A) one(B) two(C) four(D) 5 infinite
(Q.18) In the given figure O is the center of circle and AB is tangent to circle. If (1 Mark)

PQ = 10 cm and PAQ = 30° Then length of AB is

(A) 5 cm(B) 10 cm (C) (D) 15 cm

(Q.19) At how many point does a tangent intersect to a circle? (1 Mark)
(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Infinite
(1 Mark)
(Q.20) In the given Fig., AB and CD are two common tangents to the two
touching circles. If DC = 4 cm then AB is equal to

(A) 4cm(B) 6cm(C) 8 cm (D) 12 cm

(Q.21) The lengths of two tangents from an external point to a circle are: (1 Mark)
(A) equal(B) unequal(C) double(D) Triple
(Q.22) Choose the correct statement/statements: (1 Mark)
(A) Parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus.(B) Tangents drawn at the ends of a
diameter of a circle are equal.(C) In two concentric circles the chord of the larger circle, which
touches the smaller circle is bisected at the point of contact.(D) Diameter is the largest chord of
the circle.
(Q.23) A tangent PQ at a point P of a circle of radius 5 cm meets a line through (1 Mark)
the center O at a point Q so that OQ = 12 cm. Length PQ is:
(A) 13 cm(B) 12 cm(C) 8.5 cm(D)
(Q.24) A tangent PQ at a pointP of a circle of radius 6 cm meets a line through (1 Mark)
center O at a point Q so that OQ = 12 cm, length PQ is
(A) 18cm(B) 12 cm(C) (D) 6 cm
(Q.25) If tangent PA
and PB from a point P to a circle with center O are inclined (1 Mark)

to each other at an angle 30° then AOB is equal to:

(A) 50°(B) 60°(C) 70°(D) 150°
(Q.26) In the figure shown below if TP and TQ are two tangents to a circle with (1 Mark)

centre O so that POQ = 140° then PTQ is equal to

(A) 40°(B) 60°(C) 80°(D) 100°

(Q.27) In a circle with center
O, AB and CD are two diameters perpendicular to (1 Mark)
each other. The length of the chord AC is .

(A) 2AB(B) AB(C) AB(D) AB

Two equal circles of radius r intersect such that each passes through the
(Q.28) (1 Mark)
center of the other. The length of the common chord is .

(A) (B) (C) \(D)

(5 Marks)
Prove that the length of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle
is equal. Using the above, prove that PP’ = QQ’ 2007]

In figure 1, two circles touch each other externally at C. Prove that the
(2 Marks)
common tangent at C bisects the other two common tangents. [CBSE-
Outside Delhi

If a line touches a circle and from the point of contact a chord is drawn,
(Q.31) (5 Marks)
prove that the angles which this chord makes with the given line are equal Outside Delhi
respectively to the angles formed in the corresponding alternate segments. 2007]
Use the above for the following:
In figure 3, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral and PQ is the tangent to the circle at C. If BD is the diameter
and DCQ = 40 0 and ABD = 60 0, find
i. ADB ii. BCP

(3 Marks)
(Q.32) In Figure 3, AB =AC ,Prove that BE = EC [CBSE-DELHI

OD is perpendicular to a chord AB of a circle whose centre is O. If BC is a

(Q.33) (3 Marks)
diameter, prove that CA = 2 OD. 2005]

(Q.34) In figure, XP and XQ are two tangents to a circle with centre O from a (3 Marks)
point X outside the circle. ARB is tangent to circle at R. 2003]
Prove that: XA + AR = XB + BR
(Q.35) In figure, a circle is inscribed in a quadrilateral ABCD in which angle B = 90o. If AD = 23 cm, (1 Mark)

AB=29cm and DS = 5 cm, find the radius (r) of the circle.

(2 Marks)
ABC is an isosceles triangle, in which AB = AC, circumscribed
about a circle. Show that BC is bisect at the point of contact. 2008]
(1 Mark)
(Q.37) In figure, O is the centre of a circle. The area of sector OAPB is 5/18 of [CBSE-DELHI

the area of the circle. Find x.

Prove that the length of the tangent drawn from an external
(Q.38) (6 Marks)
point to a circle are equal. Using the above , do the following : Outside Delhi
In fig. TP and TQ are tangents from T to the circle with center O 2008]
and R is any point on the circle. If AB is a tangent to the circle at R,

prove that TA + AR = TB + BR
(2 Marks)
(Q.39) In figure, OP is equal to diameter of the circle. Prove that ABP is an [CBSE-
equilateral triangle. Outside Delhi

(1 Mark)
Outside Delhi

(Q.40) In figure, if ATO = 400, find AOB.

(3 Marks)
(Q.41) A circle is touching the side BC of at P and touching AB and AC

produced at Q and R respectively. Prove that .

(Q.42) Prove that the parallelogram circumscribing a circle is a rhombus. (3 Marks)
(Q.43) A point P is 13 cm from the centre of the circle. The length of the tangent (3 Marks)
drawn from P to the circle is 12 cm. Find the radius of the circle.
(Q.44) In figure, if AB = AC, prove that BE = EC. (3 Marks)

(Q.45) In figure, AQ and AR are tangents from A to the circle with centre O. P is a Top
(2 Marks)

point on the circle. Prove that AB + BP = AC + CP

(Q.46) ABC is right-angled at B such that BC = 6 cm and AB = 8 cm. Find the (3 Marks)

radius of its incircle.

(Q.47) Two tangents TP and TQ are drawn to a circle with centre O (3 Marks)

from an external point T. Prove that PTQ = 2 OPQ.

(Q.48) Two concentric circles have radii 5 cm and 3 cm. Find the length of the (3 Marks)
chord of the larger circle which touches the smaller circle.
(Q.49) Prove that the tangents drawn at the ends of a diameter of a circle are (3 Marks)
(Q.50) A triangle ABC is drawn to circumscribe a circle of radius 4 cm such that (6 Marks)
the segments BD and DC into which BC is divided by the point of contact D are
of lengths 8 cm an 6 cm respectively. Find the sides AB and AC.

Most Important Questions

(Q.1) Find the length of tangent drawn to a circle with radius 7 cm from a
point 25 cm away from the centre of the circle.
(Q.2) A point P is 5 cm from the centre of a circle, the radius of the circle is
3cm. find the length of the tangent drawn to the circle from the point P.
(Q.3) O is the centre of the circle and PT is the tangent drawn from the point P
to the circle. Secant PAB passes through the centre O of the circle. If PT =
15cm and PA = 9 cm, then find the radius of the circle.
(Q.4) Prove that in two concentric circles, the chord of the larger circle, which
touches the smaller circle, is bisected at the point of contact.
(Q.5) O is the centre of the circle of radius 6 cm and PT is the tangent drawn
from the point P to the circle. Secant PAB passes through the centre O of the
circle. If PT = 8cm, then find the OP.
(Q.6) In the given figure, O is the centre of two concentric circles with radii of
bigger and smaller circle are 5 cm and 3 cm respectively. AB is the chord of
the bigger circle such that it touches the smaller circle at point P. Find the
length of the chord.
(Q.7) O is the centre of the circle and PT is the tangent drawn from the point P
to the circle. Secant PAB passes through the centre O of the circle. If PT =
16 cm, radius of circle is 12 cm, then find PA.
(Q.8) In the given figure, O is the centre of two concentric circles with radii of
bigger and smaller circle are 10 cm and r cm respectively. AB is the chord of
the bigger circle such that it touches the smaller circle at point P. Length of
the chord is 16 cm. Find the r.
(Q.9) O is the centre of the circle and PT is the tangent drawn from the point P
to the circle. Secant PQB passes through the centre O of the circle such that
PQ = 2cm and radius of the circle is 3 cm. Find the length of the tangent PT.
(Q.10) In the given figure O is the centre of the circle. PQ and PR are tangents drawn to the circle. If

(Q.11) In the given figure O is the centre of the circle. PQ and PR are tangents

drawn to the circle. If QOR = 160o, then find QPR.

(Q.12) In the given figure O is the centre of the circle. PQ and PR are tangents
drawn to the circle. Show that PQRS is a cyclic quadrilateral.
(Q.13) Two
tangent segments BC and BD are drawn to a circle with centre O
such that ∠CBD = 120o . Prove that OB = 2BC.


(Q.17) A circle is inscribed in ∆ABC having sides AB = 15 cm, BC = 9 cm, AC =
12 cm. find AD, BE and CF.


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