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Atma Chetna Sadhana-Foundation For Every Sadhana

Every Sadhana has a basic philosophy and without understanding this basic concep
t, the chances of complete success in Sadhana are minimal. Atma Chetna or Inner C
onsciousness of Soul is the basis for any Sadhana and without this Atma Chetna, i
t is not possible to generate inner power or Atmabal . Atmabal provides strength and
power during the Sadhana. Anyone who has decided to perform any Sadhana for upli
ftment in life, should certainly perform Atma Chetna
sadhana without fail. At a f
irst glance, this Sadhana is not for any specific spiritual or material accompli
shment, but is it possible to build a house without erecting a foundation first?
And a house built without foundation may fall like a pack of cards anytime.
Every Sadhana touches Atma Chetna (Self Consciousness) of Sadhak in some way. If
a Sadhak has already performed this foundation Sadhana for AtmaChetna, then (s)
he will imbibe and accumulate benefits of other Sadhanas faster. The energy of
any Sadhana (any deity, God, Goddess, Apsara, Yakshini etc.) will concentrate
more powerfully on its main point after interacting with Atma Chetna of Sadhak.
Any aspirant interested in using this Sadhana as a foundation basis for quicker
success in other Sadhanas & areas should place a consecrateed and sanctified cop
per inscribed Atma Chetna Yantra in a copper plate on a white cloth on 15.3.98 o
r any Sunday morning. (s)He should sit facing East and should chant 11 rosary ro
unds of following Mantra using a specially consecrated and sanctified Atma Chetn
a rosary. Sadhak should wear white dhoti and sit on a white Asana. If possible l
ight a ghee lamp, though it is not strictly necessary.
Om Hreem Soham Hreem Om
This Sadhana should be performed in early morning between 5 am and 6 am if possi
ble. This process should be done regularly for 21 days. On the last day, place a
ll Sadhana articles along with some dakshina (charity money) in a temple. This i
s not a miracle oriented Sadhana. However after performing this Sadhana, a Sadha
k will himself feel energetic & comfortable. He will feel an increase in his inn
er strength. (s)he will be able to sit continuously for 2-4 hours or more in any
Sadhana without feeling any pain, discomfort or other problems.
And this is also the main aim of this Sadhana.
Note: Keep Siyarsingi always with you during period of this sadhna otherwise you
can get some distrubance of physical status.

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