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2015-Feb-13 15:02:36
C06D12 : 15 Pages




CASE NO. _____________

LARRY WALTHER, Director of the

Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration,
in his official capacity, and his successors in office,
ASA HUTCHINSON, Governor of the State of Arkansas
in his official capacity, and
LESLIE RUTLEDGE, Attorney General of the State of Arkansas
in her official capacity



Comes the Plaintiffs, Angelia Frazier-Henson, Katherine Henson, Markett
Humphries, and Dianna Christy, by and through their attorney, Cheryl K. Maples, and
for their Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief, state:

Plaintiffs, Angelia Frazier-Henson, Katherine Henson, Markett Humphries

and Dianna Christy are two same-sex couples who were lawfully married in the State of
Arkansas on May 12, 2014 in Pulaski County Arkansas and who are being denied the
benefits, privileges, recognition and dignity associated with marriage and to which they
are entitled under the law.

On May 9, 2014 the Hon. Chris Piazza, Second Division, Pulaski County

Circuit Judge found Amendment 83 to the Arkansas Constitution and Ark. Code Anno.

9-11-208, 9-11-107 and 9-11-109 in violation of the United States and Arkansas

Amendment 83 defines marriage as consisting only of the union of one

man and one woman. Ark. Code Ann. 9-11-109 restates Amendment 83s definition of
marriage as between a man and a woman and declares all marriages of same-sex
couples to be void. Ark. Code Ann. 9-11-208 provides that the State only recognizes the
marital union of man and woman and forbids clerks from issuing marriage licenses to
same-sex couples.

Defendant, Larry Walther, as Director of the Arkansas Department of

Finance and Administration and successor in interest to former director, Richard Weiss,
was permanently enjoined from enforcing Arkansass constitutional and statutory bans
on marriage of same-sex couples.

On May 16, 2014 the Arkansas Supreme Court stayed enforcement of the

Injunction pending its decision in the appeal of Wright, et al v. Smith, et al (Arkansas

Supreme Court CV-14-427).

Prior to the Arkansas Supreme Courts stay, Plaintiffs and nearly 600 other

couples were married in accordance with Arkansas law and as a result were immediately
vested with all rights due all married couples under Arkansas law.

Plaintiffs marriages and their rights, privileges, protections and

recognition are protected by Arkansas law, the Arkansas Constitution and the 14th
Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and are valid marriages regardless
of the outcome of Wright or the pending federal case of Jernigan v. Crane currently
pending appeal in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.

In violation of Arkansas law and constitutional protections, the Plaintiffs

entitlement to marital benefits and rights provided to all other married couples in the
State of Arkansas are being denied to them by Defendants.

The actions of Defendants threaten the financial security, health, well-

being and dignity of Plaintiffs.


Plaintiffs respectfully request declaratory and injunctive relief requiring

the State of Arkansas to give immediate and ongoing recognition to the validity of their
marriages and access to critical protections and benefits that are enjoyed by all other
married Arkansas citizens.

This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 16-13-201(a).


Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. 16-60-103(3).



Plaintiff, Angelia Frazier-Henson, is the spouse of Plaintiff, Katherine

Henson, and is a resident of Pulaski County, Arkansas and did so reside at the time of
the happening of the events described herein.

Plaintiff, Katherine Henson, is the spouse of Plaintiff, Angelia Frazier-

Henson and is a resident of Pulaski County, Arkansas and did so reside at the time of the
happening of the events described herein.

Plaintiff, Markett Humphries, is the spouse of Plaintiff, Dianna Cristy, and

is a resident of Pulaski County, Arkansas and did so reside at the time of the happening
of the events described herein.

Plaintiff, Dianna Christy, is the spouse of Plaintiff, Markett Humphries,

and is a resident of Pulaski County, Arkansas and did so reside at the time of the
happening of the events described herein.

Defendant, Larry Walther, is the Director of the Arkansas Department of

Finance and Administration and in such capacity is responsible for the policy and
procedures of and administration of the Arkansas Office of Income Tax Administration
and Arkansas Employee Benefits Division. He and his successors are sued in their
official capacity only.



Defendant, Asa Hutchinson, is the Governor of the State of Arkansas. In

this official capacity, the Governor is the chief executive officer of the State of Arkansas.
He is responsible to ensure that the laws of the state and the Arkansas Constitution are
properly enforced. He and his successors are sued in their official capacity only.

Defendant, Leslie Rutledge, is the Attorney General of the State of

Arkansas. In this official capacity, the Attorney General is the chief legal officer of the
State of Arkansas. It is her duty to uniformly and adequately enforce the laws of the
State of Arkansas and the Arkansas Constitution. She and her successors are sued in
their official capacity only.

On July 1, 2013 M. Kendal Wright and, ultimately, 43 other plaintiffs,

brought a lawsuit against, ultimately, the State of Arkansas, Nathaniel Smith, MD, MPH,
Interim Director of the Arkansas Department of Health, in his official capacity, and his
successors in office, Richard Weiss, Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and
Administration, in his official capacity, and his successors in office, Pulaski
Circuit/County Clerk, Larry Crane, in his official capacity, and his successors in interest,
White County Clerk, Cheryl Evans, in her official capacity, and her successors in
interest, Lonoke County Clerk, William Larry Clarke, in his official capacity, and his
successors in interest, Conway County Clerk, Debbie Hartman, in her official capacity,
and her successors in office, Saline County Clerk, Doug Curtis, in his official capacity,
and his successors in office, and Washington County Clerk, Becky Lewallen, in her
official capacity, and her successors in office challenging the constitutionality of
Amendment 83 and Ark Code Anno. 9-11-107, 9-11-109 and 9-11-208.

Arkansas Code Anno. 9-11 107 states:

Validity of foreign marriages.
All marriages contracted outside this state that would be
valid by the laws of the state or country in which the
marriages were consummated and in which the parties




then actually resided shall be valid in all courts in this

This section shall not apply to a marriage between persons
of the same sex.

Arkansas Code Anno. 9-11 109 states:

Marriage shall be only between a man and a woman. A marriage
between persons of the same sex is void.


Arkansas Code Anno. 9-11-208 provides in pertinent part:

9-11-208. License not issued to persons of the same sex.
(a) (1) (A) It is the public policy of the State of
Arkansas to recognize the marital union only of man
and woman. (B) A license shall not be issued to a
person to marry another person of the same sex,
and no same-sex marriage shall be recognized as
entitled to the benefits of marriage.
(2) Marriages between persons of the same sex are
prohibited in this state. Any marriage entered into by
a person of the same sex, when a marriage license is
issued by another state or by a foreign jurisdiction,
shall be void in Arkansas, and any contractual or
other rights granted by virtue of that license,
including its termination, shall be unenforceable in
the Arkansas courts.


Arkansas Constitutional Amendment 83 of 2004 states:

Section 1: Marriage.
Marriage consists only of the union of one man and one woman.
Section 2: Marital Status
Legal status for unmarried persons which is identical or
substantially similar to marital status shall not be valid or
recognized in Arkansas, except that the legislature may recognize a
common-law marriage from another state between a man and a
Section 3: Capacity, rights, obligations, privileges, and immunities


The Legislature has the power to determine the capacity of persons

to marry, subject to this amendment, and the legal rights,
obligations, privileges, and immunities of marriage.

On May 9, 2014 the Hon. Chris Piazza declared Amendment 83 and the

above cited statutes to be in violation of the Arkansas and United States Constitutions
and issued a permanent injunction against state and county officials from enforcing
same. Judge Piazza did not stay implementation of his order.

On May 10, 2014 the first same-sex marriage licenses were issued and filed

in Carroll County, Arkansas. The following Monday, May 12, 2014, Pulaski County,
Washington County and other counties in the State of Arkansas began issuing and filing
marriage licenses for same-sex couples.

On May 15, 2014 the defendants in Wright filed a notice of appeal and the

following day filed a motion requesting an emergency stay. The Arkansas Supreme
Court granted the stay on May 16, 2014.

Between May 10, 2014 and May 16, 2014, in full compliance with Ark.

Code Anno. 9-11-201 to 207, almost 600 couples, including Plaintiffs, were issued
marriage licenses, had marriages performed and properly filed their executed marriage
licenses in the State of Arkansas.

To this date there has not been a finding that the same-sex marriages

performed in May 2014 are not valid. Defendants refuse to recognize these marriages.

Upon information and belief, until these marriages were performed, the

Defendants have never refused to recognize any marriage license that was properly
issued pursuant to Ark. Code Anno. 9-11-201 to 207, performed and filed of record
pursuant to Ark. Code Anno. 9-11-213, et seq.

Plaintiffs Angelia Frazier-Henson and Katherine Henson are Plaintiff-

Appellees in Wright, et al v. Smith, et al. As such, they have fought long and hard for

the right to marry. Both are long-time residents of the State of Arkansas. Angelia and
Katherine are both licensed master social workers. They have a long-term devoted
relationship and were thrilled when Judge Piazzas decision was announced. They were
at the Pulaski County Courthouse when the doors opened on the first day of issuance of
marriage licenses following the decision.

The first indication the couple had that they were going to have difficulty

with the recognition of their marriage was when Angelia Buford wished to take her
spouses name as her own. She was refused this privilege that automatically is afforded
to all other spouses in marriages performed in the State of Arkansas. Angelia was
forced to go to the time and expense of having to file a cause of action to have her name
legally changed.

Now the couple faces having to file separately as single individuals for

purposes of Arkansas State Income Taxes. Defendant, Larry Walther, as Director of the
Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, has directed that all same-sex
married couples must file as single individuals. Due to the Federal and Arkansas
Supreme Courts stays, it is understandable that same-sex couples married in states other
than Arkansas would be subject to this requirement. Arkansas Code Anno. 9-11-208
and 9-11-107, as stated above, specifically excludes recognition of same-sex marriages
performed in other states or foreign countries. However, there is no statute that
addresses same-sex marriages legally performed in the State of Arkansas.

The effect of the stays issued by the Arkansas Supreme Court and the U. S.

District Court permitted the continued enforcement of the existing Arkansas laws that
had been found unconstitutional. It did not create new law stating that legally
performed Arkansas issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples would not be
recognized. All heterosexual marriages similarly performed on May 12, 2014 are
recognized by said defendant.

The position and declaration of Defendant, Larry Walther, in his

capacity as Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration,

denying Angelia and Katherine the financial benefit of filing jointly only because they
are a same-sex couple is a violation of said Plaintiffs Equal Protection and Due Process
rights under the Arkansas and United States Constitutions.

The Form 2014 AR1000 issued by the Arkansas Department of Finance

and Administration for the filing of individual income tax returns states:
PLEASE SIGN HERE: Under penalties of perjury,
I declared that I have examined this return and
accompanying schedules and statements, and to the
best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct
and complete.

Pursuant to Ark. Code Anno. 5-53-102, perjury is a Class C felony,

punishable by imprisonment and/or fine.


The United States of America has recognized the validity of Plaintiffs

marriage and thus, Plaintiffs are able to file their federal income tax under the status of
married. In comparison, Defendants require Plaintiffs to perjure themselves, thereby
committing a Class C felony in order to comply with Arkansas law requiring the filing
of individual income taxes.

Both Angelina Frazier-Henson and Katherine Henson hold professional

licenses issued by the State of Arkansas. Defendants requirement that said Plaintiffs
perjure themselves could have an adverse impact on their continued licensing.

In addition to causing the suffering of financial losses and possible

criminal charges for perjury in the filing of state individual income tax returns,
Defendants, by their refusal to recognize Plaintiffs lawful marriage, subject Plaintiffs to
demeaning treatment and deny them the security provided by marriage in the event of
death, illness, incapacity, etc. in violation of their constitutional rights. The harm to


Plaintiffs is real, immediate and should not continue.


Plaintiffs Markett Humphries and Dianna Cristy are longtime residents of

the State of Arkansas. Markett Humphries is a criminal investigator with the Arkansas
State Police. Dianna Cristy is currently unemployed. They have a long-term devoted
relationship and were thrilled when Judge Piazzas decision was announced. They were
at the Pulaski County Courthouse on the first day of issuance of marriage licenses
following the decision.

Immediately after their marriage the couple attempted to take financial

benefit of employee programs. At that time both Markett and Dianna were employed
and each were paying for individual health insurance policies. They were denied the
right to have only one policy for the family. As a result, Markett and Dianna have had
the financial burden of having to carry two individual policies.

Recently, Dianna became unemployed and her health insurance was

terminated. As an employee of the State of Arkansas, Markett Humphries has health

insurance through the State Employees Benefits administered by Defendant, Larry
Walther, in his capacity as Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and
Administration. Said Defendant has refused to recognize these Plaintiffs lawful
marriage and has refused to permit Dianna Cristys enrollment on her spouses health
insurance plan. Dianna Cristy is currently uninsured.

Like the other Plaintiffs, this couple faces having to file separately as

single individuals for purposes of Arkansas State Income Taxes. Defendant, Larry
Walther, as Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, has
directed that all same-sex married couples must file as single individuals. Due to the
Federal and Arkansas Supreme Courts stays, it is understandable that same-sex couples
married in states other than Arkansas would be subject to this requirement. Arkansas
Code Anno. 9-11-208 and 9-11-107, as stated above, specifically excludes recognition

of same-sex marriages performed in other states or foreign countries. There is no

statute that addresses same-sex marriages legally performed in the State of Arkansas.

The effect of the stays issued by the Arkansas Supreme Court and the U. S.

District Court permitted the continued enforcement of existing Arkansas law that had
been found unconstitutional. It did not create new law stating that legally performed,
Arkansas issued marriage licenses to same-sex couples would not be recognized. All
heterosexual marriages similarly performed on May 12, 2014 are recognized by said

The position and declaration of Defendant, Larry Walther, in his capacity

as Director of the Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration, denying

Markett and Dianna the financial benefit of filing jointly only because they are a samesex couple is a violation of said Plaintiffs Equal Protection and Due Process rights
under the Arkansas and United States Constitutions.

The Form 2014 AR1000 issued by the Arkansas Department of Finance

and Administration for the filing of individual income tax returns states:
PLEASE SIGN HERE: Under penalties of perjury,
I declared that I have examined this return and
accompanying schedules and statements, and to the
best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct
and complete.

Pursuant to Ark. Code Anno. 5-53-102, perjury is a Class C felony,

punishable by imprisonment and or fine.


The United States of America has recognized the validity of Plaintiffs

marriage and thus, Plaintiffs are able to file their federal income tax under the status of
married. In comparison, Defendants require Plaintiffs to commit a Class C felony in
order to comply with Arkansas law requiring the filing of individual income taxes.
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Markett Humphries is a law enforcement officer. Committing perjury

could result in the loss of her employment.


In addition to suffering financial losses, no spousal health insurance

coverage and possible criminal charges for perjury in the filing of state individual
income tax returns, Defendants, by their refusal to recognize Plaintiffs lawful marriage,
subject Plaintiffs to demeaning treatment and deny them the security provided by
marriage in the event of death, illness, incapacity, etc. in violation of their constitutional
rights. The harm to Plaintiffs is real, immediate and should not continue.

Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983 state actors are liable at law or equity for their

acts or omissions undertaken under color of law which deprive any person of the rights
secured by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Defendants are state actors and, at all times relevant to this Complaint,

were acting or failing to act, are acting or failing to act, or will act or failed to act under
color of law.

Defendants by their actions have violated the due process clauses of the

Arkansas Constitution and the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

It has long been recognized that the Due Process Clauses guarantee more

than fair process; they require heightened protection against governmental interference
with certain fundamental rights and liberty interests.

The liberty interests protected by the Arkansas and United States

constitutions include the right to marry. They include protection from unwarranted
governmental intrusion into family and in the intimate and personal choices people
make in their lives that are central to their personal dignity and autonomy. They protect
the Plaintiffs from laws that demean their private lives, deny them dignity as free
persons and protect their rights to enjoy privileges long recognized at common law as
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essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by free persons.


Regardless of the ultimate outcome of Jernigan v. Crane and Wright v.

Smith, the due process clauses of the Arkansas and United States Constitutions protect
Plaintiffs marriages, legal and valid under Arkansas law when they were entered into,
from being retroactively invalidated by the state. Defendants violate, have violated,
and/or would violate Plaintiffs due process rights by refusing to recognize their
marriages and by denying Plaintiffs dignity, privileges and benefits that all legally
married couples deserve and are entitled to under the law.

Article 2, Section 3 of the Arkansas Constitution states:

The equality of all persons before the law is
recognized, and shall ever remain in violate;
nor shall any citizen ever be deprived of any right,
privilege or immunity; nor exempted from any
burden or duty, on account of race, color or
previous condition.


Article 2, Section 18 of the Arkansas Constitution states:

the General Assembly shall not grant to any citizen,
or class of citizens, privileges or immunities which,
upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all


The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution also provides that

the state shall not deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the

Equal Protection requires that all persons similarly situated should be

treated alike. Under a rationalbasis standard of review, unequal treatment is more

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likely to be struck down as unconstitutional when it inhibits or impairs personal

relationships. A heightened level of scrutiny applies where the classification intrudes
upon a fundamental right.

Defendants actions in denying same-sex couples (a disfavored group, and

only that disfavored group) legal protections and benefits or a designation that carries
significant societal meaning and benefits is in violation of both the Arkansas and United
States Due Process Clauses.

Marriage is a fundamental right. Marital status is a far-reaching legal

acknowledgment of the intimate relationship between two people, a relationship worthy

of dignity in the community equal with all other marriages. Defendants, as state
officials, refuse to treat Plaintiffs as they treat all other legally married couples.
Plaintiffs are denied recognition, benefits, rights and privileges that are an essential part
of married life.

Defendants actions announce to these couples and to the world that their

otherwise valid marriages are unworthy of state recognition.

Plaintiffs request that this court;

enter judgment in favor of Plaintiffs against Defendants;


Declare that Amendment 83; Ark. Code Anno. 9-22-107, Ark. Code

Anno. 9-22-109 and Ark. Code Anno. 9-22-208 are unconstitutional as applied to the
marriages of all couples, including Plaintiffs, who are legally married in Arkansas in
May 2014 and whose marriages were valid at the time they were entered into;

Declare that Defendants refusal to recognize the marriages of

couples, including Plaintiffs, who were legally married in Arkansas in May 2014, and
whose marriages were valid at the time they were entered into , and refusal to afford
those couples and their families, including plaintiffs, with all benefits, rights and
privileges given to other legally married couples and their families under Arkansas law,
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on account of those couples being of the same sex, violates the rights of those couples
and their families, including Plaintiffs, to due process of law and equal protection of the
laws as guaranteed by the Arkansas Constitution and the 14th Amendment to the United
States Constitution;

Provide preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to enjoin defendants

from enforcing Amendment 83; Ark. Code Anno. 9-22-107, Ark. Code Anno. 9-22-109
and Ark. Code Anno. 9-22-208 against couples, including Plaintiffs, who were legally
married in Arkansas in May 2014 and whose marriages were valid at the time they were
entered into;

Provide preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to enjoying

defendants from refusing to recognize the marriages of couples, including Plaintiffs,

who were legally married in Arkansas in May 2014 and whose marriages were valid at
the time they were entered into, and from refusing to afford those couples and their
families, including Plaintiffs, with all the benefits, rights and privileges given to other
legally married couples and their families under Arkansas law, on account of those
couples being of the same sex;

Award Plaintiffs costs and reasonable attorney fees pursuant to Arkansas

law and 42 U.S.C. 1988; and


Provide any other relief deemed just and equitable.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray this court grant the relief requested.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Cheryl K. Maples________________________________

Cheryl K. Maples ABA#87109
Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 1504
Searcy, AR 72145
Fax (501)362-2128
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[email protected]

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