2 15 2015 CV Kepplem

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Instructional Technology & Design
Oviedo, FL
(407) 280-1897
[email protected]
Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education (abd)
Instructional Technology
University of Central Florida
Anticipated graduation: August 2015
Dissertation Title - Designing games for learning: The selection of game attributes
Master of Science (M.S.) in Educational Technology
Central Connecticut State University, 2010
Attended: August 2009 August 2010
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Elementary Education
University of Central Florida, 2007
Attended: August 2003 December 2007
Higher Education Teaching Experience
University of Central Florida- Orlando, FL (August 2014- present)
Adjunct Instructor
College of Education and Human Performance
Courses taught
EME 2040: Introduction to Technology for Educators (fall 2014, spring 2015)
Faculty course supervisor: Dr. Richard Hartshorne
Introduction to technology for educators, including classroom management tools, multimedia,
communication networks, interactivity, educational software and legal, ethical and social issues.
University of Central Florida- Orlando, FL (August 2012- present)
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Child, Family, & Community Sciences
College of Education and Human Performance
Teaching Experience
IDS 7501: Issues in Research and Education (GTA; fall 2012, 2013 & 2014)
Faculty supervisor: Dr. Glenn Lambie
The course focuses on research design methodology, ethics, and procedures as well as doctoral
level writing and publishing. All doctoral students entering the Ph.D. in education program at
UCF are required to take the course during their first semester of the program. Responsibilities
within the course increased from supplemental to instructional, including; teaching, grading,
student advising, facilitating/coordinating poster presentations and guest lectures and
supplemental requirements (i.e., CITI (IRB) training).
IDS 7502: Case Studies in Educational Research (GTA; summer 2014)
Faculty supervisor: Dr. Glenn Lambie
Case Studies in Education Research expands beyond the research foundation established in
doctoral students primary research courses (e.g., EDF 7475, EDF 7403, EDF 7463, IDS 7500, &
IDS 7501). Additionally, IDS 7502: Case Studies in Education Research is intended to support the
development of students research methodology, promoting their ability to construct a sound

dissertation proposal and study.
MHS 7311: Technology Issues in Counselor Education, face-to-face (Co-taught, summer 2013)
Faculty supervisor: Dr. Sejal Barden
Redesigned the course to adhere to CACREP standards and prominent literature on technological
competencies of counselors, and counselor supervisors. The course emphasized instructional
design for adult learners, designing and instructing courses in online formats, web development,
and grant writing.
EDH 6304: Teaching and Learning in the Community College, fully online (GTA, spring 2013)
Faculty supervisor: Dr. Brenda Thompson
The course focuses on teaching effectiveness in the community college setting. Content included
adult learning and best practices. Revisions to the course were made to include a practicum
experience; where the students design, develop, and teach in the community college setting, either
online or face-to-face utilizing grounded theories in adult learning.
Additional Duties
Managing Editor, Designer, & Writer: The CFCS Chronicle (interactive departmental newsletter)
Document management for CACREP accreditation (Counselor Education Program, 2012 2013)
Logistic support for department and program committees
Website Liaison: update, manage, and design content on the departmental and program area
Manage textbook orders of courses within the department (approx. 60 course sections)
Central Connecticut State University- New Britain, CT (fall 2010 - spring 2012)
Full-time Faculty Instructor, Educational Technology Department
100% Teaching position (course load: 12/12)
Courses redesigned and taught
EDT 210: Introduction to Educational Technology
Designed, developed, and taught an introductory course on educational technology to pre-service
elementary education students.
EDT 315: Educational Technology in the Secondary School Classroom
Designed, developed, and taught a mid-level course on educational technology to pre-service
secondary education students. The course focused on instructional strategies, implementation, and
multimedia resource development.
EDT 415: Developing Educational Materials
Designed, developed, and taught a senior level course on theoretical foundations, and classroom
implementation strategies, along with web 2.0 and multimedia program development.
Basic Computer Skills
Designed, developed, and volunteered instruction in remedial basic computer skills for students
lacking experience or self-efficacy in MS Word, PowerPoint, or other fundamental programs.
Central Connecticut State University- New Britain, CT (fall 2009- spring 2010)
Graduate Assistant to department chair, Teacher Education Department
Worked within the college to meet accreditation, assessment, and student data management
requirements for program evaluation. Designed and implemented web 2.0 tools and multimedia


K-12 Teaching Experience

Drivers Education Teacher - Avon/Westport/Ridgefield, CT (August 2008 August 2009)
Top Driver, Inc: Taught 200+ high school students state and federal laws, driver intelligence, and on the
road practical skills training to prepare for licensure.
5th Grade teacher - Oviedo, FL (January June 2008)
Lawton Elementary school, Long-term substitute
Internship as a Student Teacher- Oviedo, FL
Lawton Elementary School, 5th grade (August December 2007)
Stenstrom Elementary School, 5th and 2nd grade (January May 2007)
Project-Based Experiences
Hoover Planning and Development, Inc. - Naples, FL (Summer, 2007)
Internship in project and account management
Responsible for safety code enforcement (planning, budgeting, and installation) at multiple development
sites in Naples, FL.
Kepple Engineering, Inc. - Naples, FL (2000 2004)
High school internship & part-time position.
AutoCAD draftsman: Draft preliminary jobsites based on county data, site measurements, and existing
blueprints. Additional duties included oversight of water management tests, water hydrator tests, and
locating public records (online and onsite).
Publications in Refereed Journals
Olan, E. L., Bello, P., & Kepple, M. T. (In review). Understanding teachers career choices: A case study of
international in-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). International Journal of
Teaching and Learning.
Olan, E. L., Kepple, M. T., & Bello, P. (In review; accepted revise/resubmit). The paths to an EFL career in
Argentina: A glimpse of culture and society through narratives. GiST Education and Learning
Research Journal.
Book Chapters
Gallegos, B., Kepple, M. T., & Bukaty, C. (accepted chapter; In revision). Using video gameplay to measure
achievement for students with disabilities: A perspective to grading and achievement reporting. In the
Handbook of Research on Gaming Trends in P-12 Education. IGI Global (double-blind peer review).
National & State Conferences
Campbell, L. O., Kepple, M. T., & Reyes, J. (2014). Using Digital Curation to Enhance Writing: An
Innovative Practice. Concurrent presentation at the Association for Educational Communications and
Technology (AECT) Convention. November 4-8. Jacksonville, FL.
Kepple, M. T. (2014). Using Games to Foster, Develop, and Assess 21st Century Literacy skills. Concurrent
presentation at the Information Fluency Conference, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.

February 26-27.
Accepted Presentations
Campbell, L. O, Kepple, M. T., & Herlihy, C. (accepted). International perspectives of women in technology.
International Conference for Poverty, Globalization, and Schooling. February 26-28, 2015. Orlando,
Campbell, L. O, Herlihy, C., & Kepple, M. T., (accepted). Personal perspectives of nutrition education in an
urban food desert. International Conference for Poverty, Globalization, and Schooling. February 2628, 2015. Orlando, FL.
Campbell, L. O, Kepple, M. T., Hartshorne, R. & Herlihy, C. (accepted). An introductory examination
comparing factors influencing K-12 teachers perceptions and use of emerging technological tools by
urban, suburban, and rural schools. Society for Information Technology & Education (SITE)
Conference (AACE). March 2-6, 2015. Las Vegas, NV. Full Paper.
Kepple, M. T., Campbell, L. O., Hartshorne, C., & Herlihy, C. (accepted). An introductory examination of
factors influencing K-12 teachers perceptions and use of emerging technological tools in the
classroom. Society for Information Technology & Education (SITE) Conference (AACE). March 2-6,
2015. Las Vegas, NV. Brief Paper.
Campbell, L. O, Kepple, M. T., & Herlihy, C. (accepted). Get creativity popping: Integrating STEAM content
with Popcorn Maker. Society for Information Technology & Education (SITE) Conference (AACE).
March 2-6, 2015. Las Vegas, NV. Brief Paper.
Kepple, M. T., Campbell, L. O., & Herlihy, C. (accepted). Developing brilliance in gifted girls and women:
Closing the gender gap in technology. UCF Gifted Education Professional Development. (March 28,
Campbell, L. O., Kepple, M. T., & Herlihy, C. (accepted). Spotlight on the 3: Women in technology an
underrepresented population. Global Conference on Learning and Technology (AACE). April 16-17,
2015. Berlin, Germany. Virtual (asynchronous) Presentation.
Grant Experience & Funding
Olan, E. L., Kepple, M. T., & Bello, P. (In review). Go, slow, whoa: Message design for literacy in healthy eating
habits ($7,500). Toni Jennings Grant (Internal Grant), University of Central Florida.
Kepple, M. T. (2014). Orientation to using Tablets in the Primary Classroom. BYOD Workshop presented for all
teachers (3-5 grades) at Deerwood Elementary: Orlando, FL. Summer 2014. Funded through an NSF Grant
on Urban Initiatives; P.I. Hayes, B. G.
Kepple, M. T. (2014). Planning for Technology-Enhanced Lessons: Using the SAMR model in grades 3-5. Virtual
workshop presented at Deerwood Elementary: Orlando, FL. Summer 2014. Funded through an NSF Grant
on Urban Initiatives; P.I. Hayes, B. G.
Teacher Development & In-service Workshops
Kepple, M. T. (2013). Implementation of interactive whiteboards to support Universal Design of learning and
ESL students. Invited presentation to the Six-Week Language Certificate Program for High School
Teachers from Brazil's Using Interactive Whiteboards in the Secondary English Classroom
Colloquium, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.

Kepple, M. T. (2011). Higher Education Faculty development training on Technology integration through
Grounded Instructional Strategies. Workshop presented at Central Connecticut State University: New
Britain, CT.


Provide advising to graduate (doctoral level) and undergraduate students. Doctoral advising focused on
research design and methodology, critical thinking, analysis, and scholarly writing.

Developing an online version of a paper-based counselor education assessment instrument: the Counselor
Competency Scale Revised (CCS-R).

Volunteered for IT technical assistance at the Florida Educational Research Association (FERA)
Conference in Cocoa Beach, FL. November 2014.

Member of the BlendKit2014 MOOC team, funded through the University of Central Florida.
Registrants (N=2838) via Canvas Network.

Managing Editor, Writer, & Designer of The CFCS Chronicle, fall 2012 - present.

White paper proposal to redesign the undergraduate Educational Technology courses at Central
Connecticut State University, which was accepted and implemented in 2010.

Attended national conferences and presentations related to educational technology and teaching practices
from 2010 2014.

Aided in non-profit organizational outreach programs: 2012 Orlando Heart Walk- COEHP Heartbeats
team which raised over $4,000 for the non-profit organization.

First Lego League, Co-sponsor. (2007-2008). 5th grade Lego Robotics team. Bi-weekly afterschool club for
student enrichment (12 weeks). Lawton Elementary School, Oviedo, FL

International Student Volunteer (Summer 2005). New Zealand: Four week alternative break program.
Worked in national parks, elementary schools and with the Maori for cultural awareness and outreach.


Faculty Search Committee Member, non-voting member. (2014). University of Central Florida,
Instructional Technology Program. Search for Tenure earning Assistant Professor to teach undergraduate
EME 2040 courses and graduate level instructional technology classes as needed.

Certificate Program Committee Member. Designed and developed a new curriculum to support a graduate
level certificate program in Instructional Design. Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT.


Association of the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) Member

Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT) Member
Association for Talent Development (ATD/ASTD) Member
Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honours Society, Member


Florida Educational Research Association (FERA) Member

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Member

Design & Training Contract Jobs (2009 present)

Designed and delivered face-to-face and virtual training on integrating tablets into upper elementary
classrooms. Deerwood Elementary School, Supported by UCF Urban Initiative Grant. PI: Dr. Grant Hayes.
July 2014.

Freelance Web Design: Created a business website for locally owned company. Glastonbury, CT. June,

Designer and developer of Focus on Learning: A yoga-based interactive curriculum for physical education.
I was one member of a two-part team that created an interactive digital physical education training
program. Based on the needs of the West Hartford, CT school district our team designed, developed, and
implemented a flash-based interactive computer-based yoga training program for elementary teachers.
Program rollout was July, 2010.

Computers and Technology: Accustomed to working in environments with various

technological advancements. Ability to use technology appropriately for education and training,
enhancing instruction and motivational purposes.
Sample of product knowledge:
Productivity suites [PC: Microsoft Office, MAC: iLife (Pages, Keynote & Numbers),
Web-based: Google Drive, Evernote]
Multimedia: Adobe Suite [Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, InDesign]
Concept Mapping [Inspiration, related freeware]
Interactive Whiteboards [SMART & Promethean software/hardware]
Website development [Dreamweaver, freeware/open source: Weebly, Wikispaces]
Learning Management Systems [Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle]
Audio recording/editing software [Garageband, Audacity]
Video editing software [iMovie, Windows moviemaker, related freeware]
Drafting 2D/3D [AutoCAD]
Research & User testing [Qualtrics, Online card sorts, freeware: Survey Monkey]
Web 2.0 applications and other various educational programs

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