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Page 1/6 - 02/15/2015- 02:29AM -DECLARATION BY BRIAN D.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on February 15,2015.

I am Brian David Hill. I have mild autism, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety
Disorder, and Type 1 brittle diabetes. I know I am a victim of a child pornography set up attempt in
2012 that led to my criminal indictment under my criminal case Unit States of America vs. Brian
David Hill, U.S. District Court for the Middle District ofNorth Carolina, Docket #1:13-cr-435-1. I had
falsely plead guilty due to ineffective assistance of counsel that threatened me to not getting a time
served sentence if I didn't take the plea agreement. Then I had written a letter to Judge Osteen before
sentencing with remarks that I had accepted responsibility for the possession of child pornography after
Judge Osteen Jr. threatened to take away my acceptance of responsibility which could lead me to
getting a harsh prison sentence instead of time served with no absolute guarantee(According to what
John Scott Coalter was telling me) that the court would accept my withdraw of my guilty plea and
request a Jury Trial. That was why I made multiple admission of guilt statements even though that
wasn't the truth. The truth was I was framed with child pornography in 2012.
Around Wednesday February 11,2015 my Appellate Court appointed Attorney named Mark A. Jones
showed up at my residence to return a portion of seized property that was seized by the Mayodan
Police Department in North Carolina on August 28, 2012 due to a search warrant executed by the
signature of a Forsyth County Judge named Todd L. Burke for the search warrant to be executed in
Rockingham County. Forsyth Co. and Rockingham Co. is in North Carolina.
Two detectives involved with the search and seizure that I personally spoke to on the day of the police
raid and even the day after was Mayodan Police Department Detective Sergeant Christopher Todd
Brim, and the other was Reidsville Police Detective Robert Bridge.
Before my first phone conversation with Mark A. Jones, Mayodan Police had attempted to call the cell
phone two times that I am using for the pwpose of working on my legal case and contacting others in
attempts to organize legal efforts to find legal remedies to relieve me from my wrongful conviction.
The two times that the Mayodan Police(336-548-6038) attempted to call my cell phone number was
during 1:52PM on Feb. 5 and I 0:58AM, Feb. 5, in 2015. I had attempted to call back that number
assuming it had something to do with the court reporters transcript issue for the U.S. Court of Appeals
or had something to do with a legal matter. The person that came up sounded like a woman there saying
"Mayodan Police Department!" which scared that heck out of me so I told her it was a wrong number
and imnlediately wanted to end the call. I was scared and wondered why during my criminal Appeal
that Mayodan all of the sudden decided to callmy
number. The number actually belongs
to my grandma or grandpa but she lets me use her cell phone under a app that blocks the Internet(per
my Probation condition) to conduct my legal business and send text messages to people I know to
conduct my legal business for challenging my conviction to have it overturned. Now I don't remember
ever giving the Mayodan Police my cell phone number as I don't ever like to talk to them after their


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Police Chief threatening me and the Detectives coercing me in 2012. I figured the only way Mayodan
Police could ever get my cell phone was when I sent a text to the Rockingham County Sheriff Sam
Page asking if Mayodan Police ever attempted to request the contents of any emails I had sent to him
that had my IP Address as I had suspected that my IP Address was obtained by my
emailing then manually entered into the Boca Raton, FL Child Protection System. I was then referred
to the County Chief Investigator that made what I felt was a veiled threat telling me that she will
inform the Mayodan Police that I had attempted to ask questions about whether the Mayodan Police
made any inquiries on emails I had sent the Sheriff to obtain my IP Address then fraudulently add it to
make it appear that I was downloading child porn off of eMule. All that I am assuming and have
suspected which is why I am asking questions. Now I am sure that the way the Police got my 0862 cell
phone number was either by that Chief Investigator or Sheriff Sam Page. I think it is odd that
threatening emails are all coming around the time the Mayodan Poli,pe made multiple attempts to call
my cell number. After the two attempts I had sent a fax to the Police asking them not to talk with me
over the phone unless the call was to be recorded to be put under official record or that all
communications must be done in writing or that Mayodan writes to my attorney of record. That day I
found out that Eric Clark also called the police to pass a note on to the detectives asking that they not
call me and contact me in writing.
Anyways the attorney met with me and my mother to accept some boxes of evidence property from the
Mayodan Police Department. The boxes came with a paper titled the "PROPERTY I EVIDENCE LOG
SHEET'. It appears that Mayodan has seven containers in the property sheet with various words to
briefly describe the property/evidence in Mayodan's custody. Three boxes were given to me by
Attorney Mark Jones containing different things. One box had a pile of broken and moldy laptop
computers with many that appeared to have their hard drives removed from what I remembered. The
attorney I witnessed took some of the laptops out of the box then I saw a item in the box that did not
have any documentation in the log sheet I received a copy of from my Attorney. The log sheet shows
that my attorney and Detective Todd Brim both signed the sheet as the chain of custody from them to
my attorney but as far as I know there is no mentioning of SBI Agent Rodney White in any of the chain
of custody records(Log Sheet and evidence sticker on the evidence boxes) that I have so far. One box
was a cardboard box with evidence seal tape on the sides but on the other two sides, there is two holes
in the box big enough to slip a laptop hard disk drive or even a small flash drive. The holes were meant
usually to make it easier to carry the box however it does also make it easier to plant evidence. I saw no
indication of any evidence that tape had ever existed in the sides of the box with the holes. So I believe
the holes had been there since my things have been seized in 2012. The next evidence box was secure
as it was my safe that was seized in 2012 but was pretty secure so nothing could be planted without the
removal of the evidence seal tape. The third box was a plastic box that had the evidence seal tape as
well but contained two computers. One was a old computer that had probably either a Wmdows 95 or
98 Operating System(OS) as I love to own a old computer to play old computer games that won't play
on newer Operating Systems like for example Wmdows 8, Windows 7 and Vista. The other was a Dell
tower d~ktop computer with no hard drives in it. It was useless to me as it started having issues in
2012 before the Mayodan Police Raid. So I suspect now it won't even work at all. That explains the
three containers that I had received from Attorney Mark Jones that received it from the Mayodan Police
I had noticed the holes off the bat so I started doing a video with a digital video camera showing how
something can easily be planted inside one of the Mayodan Police evidence boxes which concerned



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me. Then on the day after I had faxed the North Carolina Justice Academy notifying them on the
evidence box that had the two holes in it and showing the condition of one of my broken moldy laptops
found in the box along with a demonstration showing how a flash drive can easily be planted inside of
the box while it was sealed by the evidence tape while in Mayodan Police custody.
Now days before Mark Jones had called me telling me that he will help me get my property back but
ONLY what doesn't contain any child pornography and made it clear I will get nothing back that
contained ANY child pornography which was fine with me as I only wanted my lawful files and lawful
DATA back. I don't like child porn as it is yucky especially after the set up attempt on me
yesterday(Feb 14) by the Mayodan Police Department, I will explain why later in this Declaration.
In the box after the attorney started taking the laptops out, I noticed A laptop internal hard disk
drive(HDD) was in the box, likely at the bottom or it bad fell to the bottom. I picked it up and the
attorney should have a recollection of that time and event when I found the laptop HDD. I couldn't
access the DATA since I bad no means to personally access it at the time. I bad waited until my
grandparents returned from North Carolina. I bad also noticed that even though the laptops and all my
stuff returned to me seem to have some form of mold or mildew which ruined my property when I used
to live at the Mayodan home that used to be my home at 413 N. 2nd Ave., Mayodan, NC 27027.
However I didn't see a speak of mold on my laptop HDD, not even in the motherboard type circuit
within the HDD, no ruin, no mold eating the HDD.
They got back on Saturday, February 14,2015, and then after some time had passed which I cannot
remember, grandma gave me an external hard drive enclosure which she bought for me for the purpose
of seeing what was on the laptop hard drive. Excited that I may find some of my old vacation photos or
photos I had taken in Mayodan and other great places in North Carolina, I quickly put the HDD in the
enclosure and took it downstairs to my HP Desktop computer. It loaded perfectly which I thought was
weird for a old hard disk drive that would be seized from me from Mayodan so I started having a few
doubts. Then I started looking through the contents and noticed there wasn't that much on it which is
unusual for me as I love downloading tons of software, music, anime, and even lawful photos from the
Internet to aid in my news blog USWGO Alternative News. There was hardly any USWGO content on
the drive which is the first red flag then I noticed there was only an estimated 30GB or 31GB space
used on the HDD when it told me it had 160GB and was a HITACHI HDD 5K250-160, MODEL
HTS542516K9SAOO, 5400RPM, 160GB SATA, MAY-08, PIN OA54874, MLC DA2010,
OA54874DA20100P85. This information is typed up from a photo I had taken of the hard drive around
Feb. 11,2015. I will gladly provide this information to the FBI in their investigation of the matter.
Anyways I started sifting through the files and there wasn't that much for it to be worth receiving from
Mayodan, I even used a file recovery scan tool to scan the drive to see if any files were deleted and all I
could find was around the 30GB which was odd to me as the I would never just put around 30GB in a
laptop hard drive I use as I download things all the time that suite my fancy like new English dubbed
anime releases, trance/techno music that peaks my interest, software that I like to use to extend the
functionality of my computer, and store a bunch of stuff from my political work on my website
USWGO Alternative News. There is no way I would have only 30GB unless maybe I had used some
form of erasing software but none of that seemed to be on the drive either at least to my knowledge as I
didn't check every file or folder, just a portion throughout my seeking of photos from my vacation trips.
Instead of vacation photos I found a series of folders in the Download folder under the computer user



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named Brian Hill which were not the type of files I wanted to store but found them. The series of
folders in question were in a folder titled "sexy angels". I immediately started getting really cautious so
I opened up the folder and saw nude photos of little kids. A few naked boy photos and the rest were of
little girls and teens. I took notes before I quickly removed the HDD from my computer. There were
even names of folders such as "lolitas and lolis", "Teen Fuckers", "Grand Kids", "nudist kids",
"Sleeping Teen Prev ez", and even one called Badespass. I could tell by the way the photos appeared
that they were of nude children and some photos seemed to have really wanted to show their genitals to
promote them in a sexual manner. I started freaking out and almost yelled that I was set up with ehUd
pornography again and for the first time I actually got to saw what these kinds of set up photos looked
like which disgusted me and horrified me. I didn't want to look at any more as I figured out that the
Mayodan Police gave a hard drive with child porn to my attorney Mark Jones giving him the false
belief that Mayodan would not return any hard drives with child pol'l)A found on them. I started sounding
real loud for the neighbor to hear stating that I was set up with child porn again and was angry at
Mayodan Police for what they did to me. Then I came up and told my family that I found photos of
nude children on the laptop HDD in the external enclosure that were meant to make out children to be
sexual just by being naked in photos with the way the folder was termed "sexy angels". I was still
horrified and in utter shock then my family told me to quickly give them the hard drive which I did. I
then called Eric Clark to inform him that he was right about his assumption that Mayodan Police would
attempt to underhandedly send me child porn to get me set up with another child pornography charge.
Me and my whole family(Roberta Hill(mom), Stella Forinash(Grandma), and Kenneth
Forinash(grandpa)) assumed quickly out of shock, fear, and panic that Mayodan had baited me with
getting my lawful stuff and lawful property back to be framed with child porn, that by giving my hard
drive over to the police, they would take the side of the Mayodan Police and arrest me for being framed
by the Mayodan Police with child pornography. We were scared that this set up will make me get a
additional sex charge and then my life will be over for being the victim of another frame up job except
this time I can prove it was the Mayodan Police Department with my witness testimony. We were so
scared that this set up was to get me a second sex charge that I will be arrested for being the victim of
being framed, that my family turned around and destroyed the laptop HDD then disposed of it. Part of
that reason is that even though this hard drive does not appear to be one that I would be using as there
should have been more files on there then what was found, it was crafted so that it appears that Brian
D. Hill likes to have mostly sex stuff on the hard drive which includes nude photos of children when
that is not the truth. Most of my DATA on my hard drives would be downloaded software from
Bittorrent and online distribution forums, Japanese anime that are English Dubbed, movies I can look
for, music I liked to listen to after downloading them, and even my own photos taken from all the
digital cameras I had ever used in my life as I am a great photographer. All I could find was mostly just
photos and good portion of them seem to be just sex photos, no vacation photos, no USWGO research
that I normally do, no emails from David Kerr my ex-attorney from my Righthaven LLC
lawsuit(Rightha'Ven LLC v. Brian D. Hill). We were all afraid that I would be falsely accused again and
that the FBI would not listen to a word me and my family said and would whisk me away in handcuffs
to never-~ seen again for a very long time sitting in a federal prison somewhere for a crime I never
committed. That was the reason why I think my family wanted to destroy that drive to protect me from
another concocted child porn set up attempt on me. We still plan on reporting this to the FBI after I and
my family will write witness statements about all this in either a Affidavit or Declaration. I will fax this
stuff to the FBI for them to investigate the Mayodan Police Department for daring to send me child
pornography on a HDD that I don't recall actually ever using and doesn't contain any mold even though
in the same box full of moldy things, when they told my attorney a lie saying that they will only return


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my property that does not contain child pornography.
I feel I have been deceived from Mayodan Police Department.
Now around February 14,2015,3 to 4 PM that day, my grandma had brought to me a external hard
drive enclosure
Now on Monday, February 9, 2015, I recall my phone conversation with Eric Clark(
from Kansas. I told him that Mayodan Police was going to start giving me my stuff back and was super
excited as I thought I would get my out west trip photos back from 2010, at least I think that was the
year of my last out west trip. He told me that this is a red flag and that he told he he thinks that the
police will try to bait me by planting child pornography on anything, they give back to me that they
seized from me in 2012. I assumed at the time that Eric was paranoid and was going too far telling me
something that I didn't think Mayodan would go as far to do to me. I decided not to tell my attorney to
halt on getting my seized property back as the attorney told me over the phone that they will only
return property that contains ABSOLUTELY NO CHILD PORNOGRAPHY which I was fine with.
Although later that turned out to be another bull faced lie from the Mayodan Police Department that
has repeatedly lied to my family, distorted the truth in the child porn criminal case investigation, and
has done misconduct against me and my family from what I have witnessed from dealing with that
Police Department.
Later on after the destruction of my moldy laptops and HDD out of fear that Mayodan Police may have
planted child porn secretly on other devices other then the HDD that I discovered the child porn on, I
received a text message from a [email protected] around 9:17PM(Sent 9:16PM) Feb. 14,2015
according to the Message details on my phone making threatening remarks to me and also appears to
be directed at Susan Basko(Whom declared my innocence on U.S. District Court record). I called her
after I read the threat and asked her if she received any such email and then she called back confmning
that she did indeed receive such a threatening email. I forwarded copies of that threat emait/textmessage to my mother's email
and both my grandma's and grandpa's
. As I read it over it sounds as if whomever has written this is angry
at me or displeased saying that I found their little present in their hard drive and threatening for more
child porn to be sent to me so that I can be set up to go to prison to be a sex offender for a very long
time. Even stated that I will never prove whom planted child porn on my hard disk drive. Now how
would somebody in that email even know that child porn was planted on my hard drive and that I found
their little present(more like yucky garbage as child porn is yucky)? I and my whole family suspects
that the detectives or somebody affiliated with them was the perpetrator that sent those threatening
emails the whole time. The child porn was found in a hard drive that Mayodan Police put in my
property box to telease to my attorney to release to me, even though Mayodan Police made it clear that
I am not to receive any child pornography from any of my property that was seized by them. So
May~ lied to me and had intended to send me child pornography in a hard drive small enough to
slip in the evidence box. The hard drive was not even listed in Mayodan's official log sheet from what I
could tell unless I misunderstood something. Out of all what has happened to me in dealing with the
Mayodan Police Department, I now suspect beyond a doubt that Mayodan Police intended to send child
pornography to me in some kind of plot to get me on another child pornography possession charge. I
believe more then ever before that Mayodan Police did set me up with child pornogt1lphy with what all
I have experienced and witnessed from their officers.

/3n6J uHiJl BH

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I hope by creating and signing this declaration that the FBI will conduct a search warrant on the
premises of the Mayodan Police Department to find evidence of child pornography in the possession of
and under the control of their detectives including Christopher Todd Brim. I want to know if the FBI
can find child pornography in the possession of and control of the Mayodan Police Detective Todd
Brim. This dirty attempt has scarred me seeing a image of a naked child being advertised in a sexual
manner which caused me emotional distress which my entire family witnessed and possibly my
neighbor when I was upset that I saw a yucky photo of a nude child being photographed in a sexual
manner. This stuff makes me sick and that is why the FBI needs to investigate the Mayodan Police for
me being framed with child pornography. I want some answers to many questions I have had since the
Police raid in August 2012.

Note on the child porn folder found on hard drive from Mayodan Police.txt
Note on child porn folders in 169GB hard disk drive sent to my attorney Mark A.
Jones from Maydaon Police Department then given to me.
Folders of child porn:
sexy angels - main folder
lolitas and lolis
Teen Fuckers
Grand Kids
nudist kids
Sleeping Teen Prev ez
From my investigation, after the hard drive was destroyed, it was discovered that
there were no hard disk platters from what I could see which is key to the hard
drive's functioning. I know about hard drive platters because I know a good deal
about computers and have taken apart a hard drive in the past. So I suspect the hard
drive platters were removed then possibly a microchip was added to at least make it
appear as a functional hard disk drive.
The note was taken around Feb. 14, 2915 3:54PM.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed on February 14, 2915.

Page 1




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Date Entered:




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Mayodan Police Department



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subject:Fwd: YA. ..... BE......SORRY


Date: Saturday, February 14,2015 9:33PM



forwa.rd CUJJ ntfor!Jff'ltA/.




1 .......................... ya..................found .............. our ................ .little............ present////////////////

/in//////////////////////////////our..........................harrd ...................... drive ...................................more .................... child......... .
..... .. .pornz................ a ..................... comin.......................we ................... will ........................ continuez..................... to ...... .
........... send....................ya...................... ................. goto
ison.................. BRIAN ...................... YOU ....................... BASTARD ......................... STAY ....................AS ................. .
A ..................... SEX................. OFFENDER................... AND .............. .
..... GO .................. GET ............... RAPED ............... LIKE ................ A ............. .
.GOOD ................. SEX.............. OFFENDER..................... YOU ................... WILL ................NEVER............... WIN ..... .
.. ..... ..... YOU .............. WILL ................NEVER.................... PROVE ................. WHOM .................. PLANTED ............... .
.CHILD ..................... PORN ..................... IN ............... YO ................. DRIVE ................. we ................ can.......... sneak...... .
.into ........ sue.............. baskos ............ house ................ and ............. plant............ ~child in..............her..
......... hard ........... cock................. drive ...............bitch............ and........ pedo .........bastard.............. brian..........pedo ........... .
hill ..............hahahahahahaha
WE ....... WILL---------------DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMORE666666666666666TO- - - -YOU
This picture message or video message was sent using Multimedia Messaging Service.
To play video messages sent to email, Apple QuickTime 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime Player. Note:
During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select
Minimum for faster download.

BRIAN WILL SUFFER - [email protected] - Gmail

2/6/15 4:20AM



Stewart Rhodes

10:25 PM (5 hours ago)

This message may not have been sent by: [email protected] Learn more Report phishmg

I. .................WARNED ....................YOU .............. BITCH ..................... BRIAN .......................... DAVID .................. ..

HILL ...................WILL .................... SUFFER ...................AND ...................... IT ..................... IS .............. HIS .......... .
................ FAULT .................... FOR ........... NOT .............. STICKING .....................WITH ........... HIS .
.......... PAEDOPHILE ..................GUllTY./ ................ PLEA .................. BAO ........ :.... THINGS ............. .
.. WILL .............. HAPPEN ...................TO .................. HIM ...............WE .............. PROMISE ................ YOU ...................A
............. .IF ........ BRIAN ................ HASNT..................ALREADY ............... BEEN ................. DESTROYED ................... .
YOU ................ALL ....................WILL ................... NEVER .................. REMOVE ................HIM .................... FROM ....... .
.... .SEX......... OFFENDER .
............. LIST ..................... BRIAN ..................WILL ..................... REGRET .................... WHAT .................... HE .. ..
........... FILED ................WITH ...............THE. .............. COURT .............. FUCK ............. BRIAN .............. HILL. ......... HE. ...
...... WJLL .............. PAY..............POSSJBLY .................WJTH ............. HIS ...................LJFE ................ POLICE ..............P
................ WATCHING .................. HIM ........... HOWEVER ................. WE ............... ARE. ............... WATCHING .............. .
HIM .................TOO .............. EVEN ................... IF .............. HE .................. IS ................ UNDER.................... .
SUPERVISED .................... RELEASE .....................WE. ............... CAN ..................... SEND ............. .
... THOUSANDS .................... OF .................... CHILD ................... PORN ............ TO ................. BRIANS .
.................... EMAIL .......... .
...ADDRESS ......................AND .................... HE ..................WILL ................. NEVER ....................... KNOW .................. .
.UNTIL. .................... HE ............... IS ..................ALLOWED ................ ON .......... THE ............... NET ................. THEN./... .
........... BOOM ....................VIOLATION .................. OF ............. PROBATION .................THEN ............ .
...... EVEN ................... THEY............... WILL ............... BEAT.................. HIM ............. UP......................AND ................ .

https: // /O/?ui=2&view=btop&ver= 1p72xu94p9jau&search=inbox&th= 14b5ba213 78a9079&cvid= 1

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BRIAN STOP APPEAL - [email protected] - Gmail

2/6/15 4:21AM



Susan mBasko

10:34 PM (5 hours ago)

This message may not have been sent by: [email protected] Learn more Report phishtn;

TELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL,, ,,, ,,,,,,BRIAN ........................GOODAN .................... MOTHAFUCKZ...... STOP;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;APPEAL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;STOP;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;IT;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;OR;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ELSE............. .
.... .... STOP ......................APPEAL .................... IN ............... DA................ COURT ................... HE ...............WILLL ....... .
.............. NOTT .................WINN ........................... EVEN ............... IF ........, .... HE .............. DOES ..... ;........... WE ...... .
...... HAVE ............... AUTHORITES,.,,,,,,,,,,,TO .............. SET .................. HIM ................... UP ........... WIT ............ .
...... CHILD ................. PORN ...................AGAIN ..............THINK .....................ABOUT .................. IT ................... BITCH .
................. BEFORE ....................YOU ........................TESTIFY ...................YOU ...............TOO ............. SCOTI ....... .
................TELL ..................BRIAN ................. TO .................. CUT ............. HIS ......................APPEAL ............. OR ....... .
....... I.................WILL .............. SET ................ HIM ................. UP ................TO .................... CUT ..................... HIM

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