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Review of Literature on Employee Grievance









Grievance Organizations are made up of people and functions through

people without people organization cannot exist. The resource of men,
money, material and machinery are collected, coordinated and utilized
through people in the organization. It is through the combined efforts of
people that materials and monetary resources are effectively utilized for the
attainment of common objectives and goals without united human efforts no
organization can achieve its goals.
Zulkifee Bin Daud, Khulida Kirana Yahya (2011) in his research paper The
Influence of Heads of Department Personalities on the Selection of Grievance
Handling Styles Grievance management is an important topic in the area of
industrial relations. Research on grievance management is burgeoning, and
yet the understanding of its antecedents and consequences remains rather
unclear. This research discusses the styles in handling grievances among
heads of department at a telecommunication headquarters and branches
located in Peninsular Malaysia and the determinant of personalities in
selecting the appropriate style.
Sonika Sharma, Niti Sharma (2011) in his research paper entitled Listening
Skills: A Pre-Requisite for Grievance Handling The ability to be an active
listener is too often taken for granted. HR professionals play vital role in the
organization. They inject a feeling of confidence and belief among the staff
members by listening and solving their issues and concerns. Employee
grievances are essentially human problems, real or imaginary.
Lawrence Nurse, Dwayne Devenish (2007) in his working paper entitled
Grievance Management and its Links to Workplace Justice The Purpose of
this paper is to explore the influence of workers demographic characteristics
on their perceptions of procedural justice form grievance management. A

related aim is to determine whether procedural justice perceptions have an

impact on perceptions of distributive justice.

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