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Little Hawk Ledger










December 22
Holiday Parties
begin at 2:30pm
(1:30 for 2nd

December 23-Jan

1 ,


N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R

2 0 1 4

Many Reasons to Give Thanks at Lou!

5 NO School

January 5 Little
Hawk Assembly
(wear T-shirts)

January 6 First
day back for students

January 19 NO
School: Dr. Martin
Luther King


Camp Invention

Dress Code

Allergy Reminder

PTO minutes 5
PTO minutes 6

It is hard to believe but the

New Year is right around
the corner! As we prepare for the winter
months we have taken
some time to reflect on all
the good things that the
fall has left us.
As conversations of
Thanksgiving have taken
place all over our building
we have seen/heard many
common themes. We are
thankful for our families.
We are thankful for time
spent with friends and
loved ones. We are also
thankful for the various

gifts that have blessed us in

so many ways.
At Lou Henry we are also
hearing a common school
theme. We are thankful
for the community of par-

ents, teachers, partners in

education, and of course

our students. We are

thankful for a strong committed team of professionals working hard every day
to provide for our students. We are thankful for
the joy of learning
and the doors and
avenues an education can open.
From our team to
your home, thank
you for your contribution to this school

Mitten Tree & Holiday Parties

Lou Henry Families,
We wanted to let you know that
we have a mitten tree again at
Lou Henry this year. Our mitten
tree is a way for us to help some
students during the holiday season.
If you would like to adopt a student, please stop in the office
and get a mitten. The mitten will
tell you the item that the child is
requesting, then you go pur-

chase and return it to school. If

you can't stop by the office,
please call us and indicate that
you would like to help with the
mitten tree.
Lastly, our holiday parties will
take place on Tuesday, December 23rd our last day of school
for the break. Parties will take
place at 2:30 for all grades except second grade. Second
grade will celebrate at 1:30
p.m. Please remember our Blue

Zones expectations when it

comes to treats, call the school
for more information.

School will resume on Tuesday,

January 6th. Be safe and enjoy
the holiday season.

What is ELL?

The whole
purpose of
education is to
turn mirrors into
-Sydney J. Harris

ELL is an English Language Learner program

providing academic support
to students in reading,
writing, listening and
speaking. Support includes
large group, small group
and one-on-one instruction, provides translators
for some languages at conferences, meetings, written
communications, as well as
assisting in classrooms as

Students may have another

language spoken at
home. At school all instruction is in English--this is
where our ELL program can
help. Not all students evaluated for ELL qualify for the
program and parents sometimes waiver/refuse this
academic program for their

Camp Invention encourages children to

be confident in their
natural ability to
dream and create. Our
programs are designed
to reflect the spirit of
invention, inspired by
the greatest innovators of the National
Inventors Hall of Fame.

ing kart and navigate

an obstacle course,
create a 3-D model of
a new video game
maze, and explore bioluminescence, structural integrity, and
rocket trajectory.

Our new curriculum,

Illuminate, features
challenges from those
famous inventors. Participants will design
original prototypes,
build the ultimate rac-

English and make up 20% of

our enrollment. There has
been an ELL program here
since 2006 and has grown
from the original 32 students with 1 teacher to
over 100 students and 2
Mrs. Cabbage

At Lou Henry our ELL students speak 15 different

languages in addition to

June 15-19, Lincoln

Elementary School &
Lou Henry Elementary
M-F, 9:00 am - 3:30
For students entering
grades 1-6
To register: 800-968-

4332 or
org Registration fee
includes a camp Tshirt.
Base registration
price: $220. See our
website for early registration discounts.
Presented in partnership with the United
States Patent and
Trademark Office

Dress Code Reminder

Students may wear school
spirit shirts on the first
Wednesday of each month
for Little Hawk Assemblies
and on Fridays.



3 , 4 , and 5 graders are

asked to tuck in shirts at all
2nd 5th should wear belts.

Please refer to the district

website for a complete

summary of our districts

dress code policy.

Link to District Dress Code



Dear families,
Lou Henry is a Blue Zones school. One of our missions is to serve less sugary
drinks and treats to our students. Our school has a holiday celebration this
month and it is our policy that cake, cupcakes, cookies and other sugary snacks
and drinks not be sent to school to celebrate. We will mark the special day with
a healthy snack and a celebration activity that day. Thanks for your support in
creating a healthier school for us all!
The Lou Henry Staff

Kids need healthy snacks to meet their nutritional needs and give them the energy to play hard
on the playground and concentrate in the classroom. Combine at least 2 food groups for a nutritious snack. Let your student help you with their favorite foods.

Vegetable Group
Mini carrot sticks
Red, yellow or orange
Cherry or grape tomatoes

Meat Group
Hard-cooked eggs
Lean deli meats

Fruit Group
Orange slices
Apple Slices
Peaches or plum
Raisins and other dried

Grain Group
Mini bagels
Teddybear grahams
Mini pitas
Whole-grain crackers
Mini muffins Pretzels
French toast sticks
Graham crackers
Lowfat granola

Milk Group
Flavored milk
Yogurt-drinkable, in
Cheese-string, cubes or
Sugar Free Pudding
Cottage cheese
Lowfat cream cheese
Lowfat ranch dip

November 4, 2014 PTO Minutes:

Meeting called to order and introductions made at 6:45PM in the Library.
Leader Valley: Mrs. Crowley welcomed everyone and Melissa Reade Dustin
from Leader Valley. They both shared with us Leader in Me and The &
Habits of Highly Effective People founded by Franklin Covey. Leader Valley is a collaboration of education and business to help students build
soft skills that will help them through their school years on through college and someday their future professional lives. We currently have 9
Waterloo Community schools involved in Leader in Me (LIM).
Leadership is a choice not a position Stephen Covey. One thing Dustin
asked of all of us, that he also asked teachers he talks with when he travels is, Who inspired you and why?
There are 4 basic principal focuses for LIM:
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Identifying & nurturing the gifts & talents of all students
Providing authentic learning & leadership opportunities for all
Developing essentials soft skills in all students
Fundraisers: We raised just under $17,000. This was after cutting out candles and with
trying a new cookie dough brand so we are happy with the results. We will still look at
other options for next year if others have more suggestions.
Pick up was moved to Tuesday Nov 11th from 3-6PM
Help is still needed from 3-4, 4-5 and 5-6.
Membership: We are at about 50 right now; it is still low compared to past years. Please
consider joining PTO. We are always looking for help with events that benefit all the
students and the more parents we have to help the less that falls on the few. Please
consider helping out. Thank you.
Math Night: Thursday November 6th from 5:30-6:30
For the entire family so please come join us and learn what you can do to help
your kids at home and enjoy a fun family Math Night at school.
Blue Zone: Garden is being built this weekend with the help of the cub scouts, girl scouts
and Jr Cadets. If any students and parents would like to come help please meet at the
school this Sat. Nov 8th at 9:00 AM.

Secretary report: Kaylene Orr: I submit the meeting minutes to the school admin team.
It then gets submitted for the school newsletter and website/facebook page as they
please. I do have some email addresses as they are given to me but I can only forward on meeting minutes to those I have email addresses for. If you wish to receive
meeting minutes from me please email me at [email protected] or
[email protected]
Old Business T-Shirts:
Scholastic News was purchased; costs were split evenly between school and PTO,
about $1,000 each.
Still needing pictures for yearbook, teachers as you snap pictures of students in
class or parents as you do the same please send them in to be added to the
Royal Gala has been set up for Friday November 21st in the school gym to help
start the fundraising for a new school mascot. Time is going to be 7-9 PM; cost
is $8 a couple. Flyers to go home with students with more information soon.
New Business:
Mr. Nass was present to request PTOs help with funding the purchase of materials for a 4th grade Holiday project for parents of the 4th graders. The request
was for $128.88, Kelly Delveau motioned, Missy Miller 2nd and members
Parents will be getting connect-ed calls and brief information about Dangerous Intruder Trainings that the schools will be doing with all students district wide.
These are NOT active shooters drills. There will NOT be any officers running
through the buildings and shooting or anything. Teachers are just going to be
discussing with students what to do in cases of dangerous intruders in buildings. They will be discussing the run and hide options and the where they need
to go and what to do. More information will come out as soon as it is provided
from the district.

Next Meeting is Tuesday December 2nd at

6:45PM in the Library, COME JOIN US!

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