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Korean J Lab Med 2009;29:1-9

DOI 10.3343/kjlm.2009.29.1.1

ReviewGeneral Laboratory Medicine

Correct Use of Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance

Eunsik Park, Ph.D.1, Meehye Cho, B.Sc.1, and Chang-Seok Ki, M.D.2
Department of Statistics1, College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam National University, Gwangju; Department of Laboratory Medicine and
Genetics2, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

In biomedical research, researchers frequently use statistical procedures such as the t-test, standard analysis of variance (ANOVA), or the repeated measures ANOVA to compare means between
the groups of interest. There are frequently some misuses in applying these procedures since the
conditions of the experiments or statistical assumptions necessary to apply these procedures are
not fully taken into consideration. In this paper, we demonstrate the correct use of repeated measures ANOVA to prevent or minimize ethical or scientific problems due to its misuse. We also describe
the appropriate use of multiple comparison tests for follow-up analysis in repeated measures ANOVA.
Finally, we demonstrate the use of repeated measures ANOVA by using real data and the statistical software package SPSS (SPSS Inc., USA). (Korean J Lab Med 2008;28:1-9)
Key Words : Ethics, ANOVA, Repeated measures, Multiple comparison


ods may lead, even if unintentional, to deceptive practices.

As access to user-friendly statistical packages gets easier, it

The correct use of statistics in biomedical research plays

is more likely that incorrect analyses are made due to mistakes

an important role in enhancing the scientific quality of re-

by the user
s lack of fundamental statistical knowledge. These

search and observing research ethics. The misuse of statis-

kinds of mistakes might lead to incorrect study conclusions.

tics is unethical and can have serious clinical consequences

In statistical analysis, the t-test is used to compare obser-

in medical research [1]. The misuse of statistics arises from

vations from two populations. It tests if they have equal

various sources: degrees of competence of researchers in

means or if the means of observations from two groups from

statistical theory and methods, researchershonest errors

one population are the same. When we deal with more than

in application of methods, egregious negligence, and deliber-

two populations or groups, we use Analysis of Variance

ate deception [2]. Misuse of statistics means applying sta-

(ANOVA) [4].

tistical methods that are inappropriate to research goals and

Often experimental studies measure responses two or

the data structures. The importance of careful inference was

more times repeatedly over a period on the same subject.

commented as part of the slow, step by step nature of scien-

The use of the standard ANOVA method to compare group

tific discovery [3]. A faulty understanding of statistical meth-

means is inappropriate in this kind of study, as it does not

consider dependencies between observations within sub-

Received : December 2, 2008

Manuscript No : KJLM2206
Revision received : February 6, 2009
Accepted : February 21, 2009
Corresponding author : Eunsik Park, Ph.D.
Department of Statistics, College of Natural Sciences, Chonnam
National University, 300 Yongbong-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju
500-757, Korea
Tel : +82-62-530-3448, Fax : +82-62-530-3449
E-mail : [email protected]

jects in the analysis. To deal with such a context in a study,

we use repeated measures ANOVA where strict analytical
assumptions should be satisfied and specific analytical procedures followed [5]. Failure to meet those requirements
can make studies with repeated measures data vulnerable to

*This work was supported by a Korea Science and Engineering Foundation

(KOSEF) grant funded by the Korean government (MOST) (R01-2006-00011087-0).

statistical errors and can lead to incorrect conclusions [6].

In this paper, we first give examples of repeated measures

Eunsik Park, Meehye Cho, Chang-Seok Ki

ANOVA applications in clinical chemistry and then present

ciated with high incidence of acute myocardial infarction,

the correct use of repeated measures ANOVA to prevent

cardiovascular disease, and death rate after one month [7].

or minimize ethical or scientific problems focusing on the

This is an example of repeated measurements over time

experimental framework and underlining assumptions.

without comparison groups.

We also describe the use of multiple comparison proce-

b) Twenty apparently healthy volunteers were recruited to

dures to perform follow-up analysis in repeated measures

compare the performance of two new tubes, Sekisui INSE-

ANOVA. Then, we use real data to demonstrate the correct

PACK tube and Green Cross Green Vac-Tube, with the exis-

use of repeated measures ANOVA including follow-up pro-

ting BD Vacutainer tubes for 49 common analytes. Results

cedures. Finally, we conclude with a discussion.

at t=242 hr, t=722 hr, and t=1682 hr were compared

with those at t=0 hr for each tube to study the stability of


each analyte [8]. Since the blood sample from the same subject was used for all three tubes, comparison groups of inter-

1. Repeated measures design

est are within-subject factor. Thus, this is a study with two

within-subject factors, tube types and time.

Repeated measures are obtained when we measure the

c) Blood samples were obtained before surgery and at 0, 2,

same variable repeatedly, for example, at different time

4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hr after surgery to see changes in

points. Matched data can be obtained when we have sepa-

serum free or phospholipid-bound choline concentrations in

rate groups but they have been matched in some way. For

response to off-pump and on-pump coronary artery bypass

both cases, there is correlation among measurements within

grafting surgery. The data represent repeated measures over

subject, or within matched pair, so standard ANOVA can-

time with one between-subjects group. Repeated measures

not be applied to such data.

ANOVA revealed a significant effect of surgery type and a

Comparisons among treatments for matched data are per-

significant interaction between the surgery type and time

formed by two-way ANOVA if treatments can be randomly

on serum free or phospholipid-bound choline concentrations,

assigned within the matched pair (a randomized block de-

respectively [9].

sign). But, for example, two-way ANOVA cannot be applied

Two ways may be used to analyze repeated measures for

to the data of repeated measures at monthly intervals or

one response: the univariate approach and the multivari-

by increasing doses where the order of time or dosage can-

ate approach [10]. The relative merits of the two approach-

not be randomized. Instead, we can use repeated measures

es, focusing on illustrating their misuses in marketing re-

ANOVA. This design reduces variation due to differences

search, were discussed in detail [6].

of subjects across several treatments. Repeated-measures

In repeated measures analysis of variance, the effects

analysis can also handle more complex, higher-order designs

of interest are a) between-subject effects (such as GROUP),

with within-subject components and multifactor between-

b) within-subject effects (such as TIME), and c) interactions

subjects components. Repeated-measures analysis can be

between the two types of effects (such as GROUP*TIME).

used to assess changes over time in an outcome measured

Here in parenthesis we assumed that repeated measure-

serially. Before looking at how to use repeated measures

ments on the same subject are taken by varying TIME and

ANOVA, its examples in clinical chemistry are given below.

each subject belongs to one GROUP.

For tests that involve only the between-subjects effects,

2. Examples in clinical chemistry

both the multivariate and univariate approaches give rise

to the same tests. For within-subject effects and for with-

a) Cardiac troponin I was measured repeatedly over time

in-subject-by-between-subject interaction effects, the uni-

at 2, 4, 6, and 12 hr to find out if its minor elevation was asso-

variate and multivariate approaches, however, yield differ-

Correct Use of Repeated Measures ANOVA

ent tests. The multivariate tests provided for within-sub-

condition. When there are only two levels of the within-sub-

jects effects and interactions involving these effects are

ject effect, since a sphericity test is not needed, the usual

WilksLambda, Pillai
s Trace, Hotelling-Lawley Trace, and

F tests can be used to test the univariate hypotheses for

s largest root. The only assumption required for valid

the within-subject effects and associated interactions.

multivariate tests for within-subject effects is that the

We need to distinguish clearly the difference between

dependent variables in the model have a multivariate nor-

the sphericity condition and compound symmetry. Assum-

mal distribution with a common covariance matrix across

ing that we have a variance-covariance matrix of the treat-

the between-subject effects.

ments within the group factor, we say that the data satis-

The choice of a specific test statistic only becomes impor-

fies the compound symmetry condition when all variances

tant when the multivariate method is applied to between-

(on the diagonal of the covariance matrix) are equal and all

subject factors. In the case of repeated measures, all these

covariances between treatments (off the diagonal of the

statistics give the same F value and P value. All four multi-

covariance matrix) are equal. The compound symmetry is

variate tests will provide similar statistics and similar evi-

the sufficient condition in conducting repeated measures

dence against the null hypothesis when sample sizes are

ANOVA but it is not the necessary one. The sphericity con-

large. When samples are moderate, Pillai

s, Lawley
s, and

dition is a more general case of compound symmetry. It

s have similar power [11]. Wilkslambda is the easiest

holds when the variances of the differences between the

to understand and therefore the most frequently used. It has

treatment levels are equal [13]. Thus, the sphericity assump-

a good balance between power and assumptions. 1-Wilks

tion needs to be checked when carrying out repeated mea-

lambda can be interpreted as the multivariate counterpart

sures ANOVA [15, 16].

of a univariate R-squared, that is, it indicates the propor-

If your data do not satisfy the sphericity condition, an

tion of generalized variance in the dependent variables that

adjustment to the degrees of freedom of the numerator and

is accounted for by the predictors. Pillai

s trace is most ro-

denominator can be used for a correction. Two such adjust-

bust with respect to violations of the assumptions of mul-

ments, based on a degrees of freedom adjustment factor,

tivariate ANOVA. It is particularly useful when sample sizes

are known as (epsilon). Both adjustments estimate epsilon

are small or unequal, or covariances are not homogeneous,

and then multiply the numerator and denominator degrees

and offers the greatest protection against Type I errors with

of freedom by this estimate before determining the signif-

small sample sizes. Hotelling

s trace is used when there is

icance levels for the F tests. The first adjustment proposed

only one independent variable and that independent vari-

by Greenhouse and Geisser is labeled Greenhouse-Geisser

able has just two conditions (i.e. two samples). Roy

s largest

epsilon and represents the maximum-likelihood estimate of

root is appropriate and powerful when its assumptions

s epsilon factor [15]. It has been shown that the estimate

appear to be met and when the largest root is considerably

by Greenhouse and Geisser tends to be biased downward,

larger compared to any of the others, but, was otherwise

that is, it is too conservative, especially for small samples

least sensitive. It is less robust than the other tests when

[16]. Although epsilon must be in the range of 0 to 1, the

the assumption of multivariate normality is violated.

estimator by Huynh and Feldt can be outside this range.

The univariate tests for the within-subject effects and

When the estimator by Huynh and Feldt is greater than 1, a

interactions involving these effects require some assump-

value of 1 is used in all calculations for probabilities and the

tions for the probabilities provided by the ordinary F tests

probabilities are not adjusted. In addition, another epsilon,

to be correct. Specifically, these tests require certain patterns

the Lower-Bound epsilon, may also be used. The Lower-

of covariance matrices, known as Type H covariances [12]

Bound epsilon is also referred to as part of the Greenhouse

or the sphericity assumption. Data with these patterns in

and Geisser method. The output from SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chi-

the covariance matrices is said to satisfy the Huynh-Feldt

cago, IL, USA) provides all three epsilons. In practice, the

Eunsik Park, Meehye Cho, Chang-Seok Ki

first two epsilons, which are also available in SAS (SAS

3. Multiple comparisons

Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA), are widely used to correct

for the non-sphericity condition. The magnitude of the

When we compare means from multiple groups of obser-

epsilons is also an indication of the violation of the spheric-

vations, we first test to see if there are significant differ-

ity assumption. The closer epsilon is to 1, the higher the

ences among the means of groups. The test stops if there

possibility that the data satisfies the sphericity condition.

is no evidence of difference. Otherwise, we perform follow-

The formal method to detect the violation of the sphericity

up tests for multiple comparisons to determine which group

assumption is to use Mauchley

s test. It is available in widely

mean is larger and by how much.

used packages such as SPSS and SAS [14].

Two crucial statistical errors related to the mean compari-

In summary, if your data do not meet the assumption of

son procedures are the use of the wrong statistical tests

sphericity, use adjusted F tests. However, when you strongly

and the inflation of the type I error [17]. The former includes

suspect that your data may not have Type H covariance, all

some errors such as the incompatibility of the test with a

these univariate tests should be interpreted cautiously. In such

specific data type such as paired or unpaired data, the incor-

cases, you should consider using multivariate tests instead.

rect use of the parametric method, and use of an inappro-

As the assumption used in the univariate method is too re-

priate test for the hypothesis under investigation. Errors

strictive, we can use multivariate repeated measures ANOVA

related to the inflation of the type I error include failures

methods. In this case, the model is much more complicat-

and incorrect use of multiple comparison procedures. Appro-

ed because there is no longer a nice, simple assumption

priate multiple comparison procedure depends on the study

about covariance. Thus, it is no longer possible to use famil-

objective and data structure.

iar procedures based on simple F ratios of mean squares.

s test is a multiple comparison procedure in-

There are reasons when the univariate and multivariate

volving application of the standard t-test. The significance

tests disagree. Differences can be due to an outlier, or the

level is adjusted by dividing it by the number of dependent

requirements of one or both tests are not met by the data,

comparisons to be made. This method is recommended only

or because one test has much less power than the other does

when there are a small number of comparisons. Otherwise,

where the power is the complement of the Type II error. Fur-

the type II error increases causing the power to become low

ther study is needed to determine the cause of the disagree-

[18]. Use of the adjusted P values was recommended for

ment. If univariate and multivariate analyses lead to differ-

any simultaneous inference procedure, specially the Holm-

ent conclusions, it is safer trusting the multivariate statis-

Bonferroni procedure, since it is more powerful than the

tic because it does not require the sphericity assumption.

original Bonferroni procedure [19]. Holm

s procedure is a

However, in the case of small samples, we should consider

simple procedure that is less conservative but maintains

this carefully. In this case, the reduced number of degrees

. Here, unadjusted P values are orthe type I error rate,

of freedom for error in the multivariate approach may cause

dered from p1 to pn and then, the P values are adjusted by

this approach to fail to identify effects that are significant

multiplying pi with the corresponding (n-i+1). That is, the

in the univariate analysis. The choice between the univariate

. In this proadjusted P values (n-i+1)pi are compared to

and multivariate approaches depends on some conditions of

cedure, hypotheses are tested sequentially starting from

the data. The univariate approach has higher power, i.e.,

the smallest P value p1. The testing process stops when we

a smaller Type II error rate, if the sphericity assumption

receive a non-significant result. The remaining untested

holds. However, many statisticians argue that this assump-

hypotheses are considered non-significant.

tion is rarely met in practice. In this case, the use of a mul-

When the interaction between time and main effects exi-

tivariate approach is preferred, providing that the sample

sts, we investigate its nature without being concerned about

size is sufficiently large [15, 16].

the main effects as these are not of practical relevance. An

Correct Use of Repeated Measures ANOVA

interaction is the variation among the differences between

these statistics can control the type I error rate and ensure

the means for different levels of one factor over different

the power if the sample size is relatively large [22].

time points. Thus, the common practice for multiple com-



parisons in this case is to compare the mean responses of

the group levels at each interval.
For multiple comparisons for the repeated measures data,
the data should conform to the sphericity assumption. If

In this section, we apply repeated measures ANOVA to

this assumption is valid, we can use multiple comparison

real data. Our objective is to present the correct procedures

procedures for the univariate approach as in the case of

to analyze repeatedly measured data.

standard ANOVA. We may use well-known multiple comparison procedures or contrast tests, as they are useful to

1. Data structure

compare the means averaged over time or at individual intervals [18]. Little research has been conducted on the impact

Twenty subjects were recruited for this study. Each subject

of a violation of the sphericity assumption on multiple com-

was measured on days 0, 1, and 3 repeatedly. On each day,

parisons in the repeated measures ANOVA. The effect of

BD Vacutainer was compared with the two new tubes, Sek-

nonsphericity was studied on the a priori tests for repeat-

isui INSEPACK and Green Cross Green Vac, for differences

ed measures data [20]. It was found that even small depar-

in routine hematology and coagulation test results. Thus,

tures from sphericity can produce large biases in the F test.

two within-subject factors are measured on each subject [8].

If the sphericity assumption is not met, the use of the pooled

In this study, major interest lies in comparison of tube types,

error term in pair-wise comparisons can lead to a lenient

given as a within-subject factor. In the study of laborato-

or conservative Type I error rate [21]. The use of separate

ry medicine, the major factor of interest is commonly given

error terms for each comparison was recommended. The

as a within-subject factor, while it is frequently given as

power and Type I errors was tested for five a priori tests

a between-subject factor in other biomedical studies. We

under repeated measures conditions [22]. His main findings

use erythrocyte sedimentation rate (mm/hr) as a response

were that Tukey

s Wholly Significant Difference (WSD) test

variable among routine hematology and coagulation test

inflated the Type I error rate when sphericity is even slightly

results to demonstrate using repeated measures ANOVA.

violated but the Bonferroni procedure was extremely robust

For repeated measures ANOVA, we need to transform the

and controlled Type I error rates. It was concluded that the

data to the multivariate form where all repeated measures

Bonferroni method was the best method to use in terms of

of responses (Y_Dx_Ty, x=0, 1, 2 for day, y=1, 2, 3 for tube

Type I errors and Tukey

s WSD was the most appropriate

type) over day (Day) and tube type (Tube), taken from the

procedure in terms of power for a small sample. Maxwell


same subject, are listed as one observation.

work was extended for an unbalanced design [23], where

the Bonferroni method was concluded to be statistically more



Y_D0 Y_D1 Y_D1



Y_D3 Y_D3 Y_D3


powerful than the multivariate test especially when the

number of repetitions increases.
The choice of analysis depends on complex relationships










between the degree of sphericity violation and sample size

[24]. If the sphericity condition of the covariance structure

2. Use of SPSS

is satisfied, we can apply any of the multiple comparison

procedures depending on the purpose of the study. Other-

To perform the repeated measures ANOVA in Tables 3, 4

wise, it would be better to use Bonferroni t statistics, as

using SPSS 16.0, after creating the data set with the above

Eunsik Park, Meehye Cho, Chang-Seok Ki

data structure, click onAnalyze-General Linear Model-

jects, even if some have missing values. Thus, use of the

Repeated Measuresin this order on the SPSS menu window.

MIXED procedure is recommended in this case, since the

Next, on the pop-up window, specify within-subject fac-

presence of missing values is a less severe problem with the

tor name asDayand number of levels as3

. Repeat this

MIXED procedure than it can be with the GLM procedure.

for the within-subject factorTube

. Then click onDefine
button. On the new pop-up window, move corresponding

3. Statistical analysis

variables from the left hand list to the right side boxes for
within-subjects variables and between-subject factors if

The means and standard deviations (SD) for erythrocyte

you have any. Now, when theOKbutton is clicked, then

sedimentation rate are given in Table 1. Mean differences

the analysis output will appear in a separate window. In

between tube types vary by day; this indicates the possible

front of the output window, SPSS codes are displayed before

existence of their interaction effect. Table 2 provides uni-

the analysis results are provided. Another way to use SPSS

variate tests for within-subject effects. The interaction effect

is to run these SPSS codes directly instead of using the

ofDayandTubeand their main effects are all signifi-

menu-driven method described above.

cant. As their validity depends on whether or not the covari-

For multiple comparisons of the repeated measures AN-

ance structure satisfies the sphericity condition, we can

OVA, click onAnalyze-General Linear Model-Multivari-

use the test based on Mauchly

s Criterion to check for this

atesequentially on the SPSS menu window. Next, on a

condition. P values for the effectDayand its interaction

pop-up window, move corresponding variables from the

withTubeare 0.002 and 0.000, respectively. That is, the

left hand list to the right side boxes for dependent variables

sphericity condition is not met, while it is 0.230 for the effect

and the fixed factor. Then click on thePost Hocbutton

. Thus, test results of the significance ofDayand

to designate the post hoc multiple comparison method. On

the interaction based on Table 2 are suspicious. The right-

a new pop-up window, move a variable from the left hand

most two columns in Table 2 contain two adjusted P values,

list to the right side box for post hoc tests and check for the

labeled G-G and H-F. These two P values are obtained

box next toBonferronito compare groups by the Bonfer-

from F values with a reduced degree of freedom using Box


roni method. Now, if theContinuebutton is clicked, you

method. In our example, both adjusted P values from the

can go back to the previous window where clicking onOK

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt epsilons provide the

button will produce output for multiple comparisons. This

same conclusions. This is not always the case. More com-

is useful for multiple comparisons of between-subject factors.

monly, the unadjusted univariate method testing for a with-

When there are missing values, the GLM procedure re-

in-subject effect gives smaller P values than the adjusted

moves all the data for any subject that has incomplete data,
while MIXED procedure still analyzes data from all the subTable 1. ESR means and SDs

Table 2. Repeated measures univariate ANOVA results


Vacuum tube








Error (day)

BD Vacutainer















Green Cross






Abbreviation: ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; SD, standard deviation; BD, becton dickison.



2 109.850



Error (tube)







Error (day*tube)


Adjust- AdjustUnaded
P value P value
P value
by G-G by H-F













Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance; DF, degrees of freedom;

G-G, Greenhouse-Geisser Epsilon; H-F, Huynh-Feldt epsilon.

Correct Use of Repeated Measures ANOVA

one if the sphericity condition is not satisfied.

lysis is conducted by comparing tube types for each inter-

Instead of using the univariate method, we can confi-

val. Depending on the objective of the comparisons, a spe-

dently use the multivariate test for repeated measures data

cific multiple comparison procedure is chosen. For instance,

as it does not require a specific covariance structure. Table

in this illustration, our purpose is to compare two new tube

3 shows results using the multivariate test for the signifi-

types, Sekisui INSEPACK (S) and Green Cross Vac-Tube

cance of two within-subject effects and their interaction

(G), with existing BD Vacutainer (B) where the number of

effect. Four statistics are given in Table 3 to accomplish

comparisons is two. If we consider all pair-wise compar-

the tests. Since all P values from the four statistics are

isons, the number of comparisons to make is three. If we

0.001, two within-subject effects and their interaction effect

test for tube types at days 0, 1, and 3, the familywise prob-

are significant in the models with the multivariate test.

ability of a Type I error is 0.05 at each day, but approach-

This result agrees with that from the univariate test. There-

es 0.15 for the full set of comparisons. It is, therefore, desir-

fore, we conclude that tube types have a significantly dif-

able to limit the number of comparisons regardless of the

ferent effect on the response variable erythrocyte sedimen-

nature of those tests.

tation rate and their effect varies by day.

Since the sphericity condition is not met, the use of follow-up tests should be taken with care. As mentioned above

4. Multiple comparisons

in the section of multiple comparisons, the Bonferroni procedure is the best one to use in terms of type I error control.

From previous analysis, we observe that the interaction

Its P values were adjusted by the Holm-Bonferroni proce-

between days and tube types is significant based on uni-

dure to make it more powerful. The results are shown in

variate and multivariate methods. Thus, the follow-up ana-

Table 4. In this study, whether or not we limit the number

of comparisons at each day to two or three gives the same

Table 3. Multivariate ANOVA tests for two within-subject effects

and their interaction effect



F value P value F value P value F value P value
Pillais trace
Wilks lambda
Hotellings trace
Roys largest root







comparison results. Note that if the interaction effect is not

significant, the follow-up analysis should be carried out by
comparing the tube types on response over all intervals.
For each day, we have three pairs of tube types to compare in the 2nd column. The 5th (4th) column of Table 4
contains the (un)adjusted P values of tests while the corresponding confidence intervals are located in the (2nd) last
column. After comparing P values by the Holm-Bonfer-

Abbreviation: ANOVA, analysis of variance.

Table 4. Multiple comparisons of vacuum tube types at each day

95% confidence limits

95% confidence
limits using


(-0.040, 1.640)
(-3.423, -0.777)
(-4.142, -1.658)

(-0.040, 1.640)
(-3.638, -0.562)
(-4.458, -1.342)



(0.146, 1.954)
(-1.574, 0.474)
(-2.319, -0.881)

(-0.001, 2.101)
(-1.574, 0.474)
(-2.501, -0.699)



(-0.443, 1.143)
(-1.249, 0.649)
(-1.137, -0.163)

(-0.572, 1.272)
(-1.249, 0.649)
(-1.260, -0.040)

Vacuum tube










P value

P value using

Eunsik Park, Meehye Cho, Chang-Seok Ki

roni procedure with the significance level 0.05, significant

ods using univariate and multivariate analysis do not agree.

pairs of tube types are B-G and S-G at day 1, S-G at day

In the univariate method, if the sphericity assumption is not

2, S-G at day 3, which vary by day due to the interaction

met, we use adjustments, such as Greenhouse-Geisser and

effect between tube types and day. Since statistical signif-

Huynh-Feldt, to account for the within-subject correlation.

icance does not always imply clinical significance, clinical

However, these adjustments may be inadequate to address

interpretation can differ from the statistical one.

the impact of the correlation and in turn may lead to a wrong

conclusion. In this case, researchers should decide on which


method they should rely. Our recommendation is that if the

sphericity condition is met, we should use the univariate

Mean difference comparison procedures are very widely

method. Otherwise, we should use the multivariate approach.

used in most biological and medical research as well as other

The multivariate repeated measures ANOVA has some limi-

life and social sciences. The inappropriate uses of such meth-

tations. Since multivariate ANOVA does not require a covari-

ods may lead to wrong conclusions about the nature of dif-

ance structure assumption, it cannot deal with some infor-

ferences and the relationship of factors for the outcome of

mation from the data; this in turn has an adverse impact

interest under the comparison. Aside from the widely used

on efficiency and power. If there is a missing observation

procedures, such as one or two sample t-tests and some

at a single time for a given subject, the multivariate ANOVA

nonparametric tests, the standard ANOVA and repeated

will delete all entries of that subject; this results in loss of

measures ANOVA have been of concern to researchers with

valid data. To avoid some of the limitations of univariate

their uses and interpretation of results, since researchers

and multivariate ANOVAs, we can use a mixed model to ana-

feel confused with the use of these two methods. In this

lyze the repeated measures data. We will mention this me-

paper, we classify how to choose the correct method depend-

thod in other work as it is beyond the scope of this paper.

ing on the data structure and underlying statistical assump-

Another issue that needs attention when applying the

tions. Researchers should think about their studies care-

repeated measure ANOVA is the use of follow-up analy-

fully before they perform statistical analysis in terms of

sis. Depending on the existence of an interaction effect, we

the method of measuring responses, independence among

should make the appropriate multiple comparisons. Choos-

observations, and the use of appropriate models.

ing the type of multiple comparisons depends on the study

In our example, we demonstrated the use of repeated

objective and interpretation of interest. Some recent stud-

measures ANOVA. This example also showed how the data

ies show that the violation of sphericity in repeated mea-

structure should look and how the assumption of the sphe-

sures ANOVA has effects on the follow-up analysis in terms

ricity condition is met and checked. In practice, we need to

of the Type I error rate and power. It is safe to use the Bon-

verify, before statistical analysis is carried out, whether or

ferroni method to do the follow-up analysis as it can con-

not responses are measured repeatedly. The sphericity as-

trol the type I error rate. However, to ensure the power, the

sumption is often not satisfied. Then, we need to use some

Bonferroni adjustment procedure such as Holm

s method

adjustment to deal with this assumption violation. We also

can be considered.

note that this assumption is necessary for the univariate

Finally, we mention the use of statistical packages. The

method only and its violation across repeated measures

most widely used statistical packages, such as SAS, SPSS,

inflates a Type I error in a univariate repeated measures

S-plus, or Stata, support standard ANOVA and repeated

ANOVA. The use of the multivariate method for the repeat-

measures ANOVA, as well as multiple comparisons in a

ed measures ANOVA has an advantage in that it does not

user-friendly way. Sometimes different software and dif-

require the assumption on the covariance structure. In prac-

ferent methods may require preparation of different data

tice, we may sometimes see conclusions from the two meth-

formats to perform the same statistical analysis. Since sta-

Correct Use of Repeated Measures ANOVA

tistical software does not check if statistical assumptions

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