AISI S210-07 - Cold-Formed Steel Framing - Floor and Roof System Design

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AISI S210 07

North American Standard for
Cold-Formed Steel Framing
Floor and Roof System Design
2007 Edition

Endorsed by:


AISI S210-07

The material contained herein has been developed by the American Iron and Steel Institute
Committee on Framing Standards. The Committee has made a diligent effort to present
accurate, reliable, and useful information on cold-formed steel framing design and installation.
The Committee acknowledges and is grateful for the contributions of the numerous researchers,
engineers, and others who have contributed to the body of knowledge on the subject. Specific
references are included in the Commentary.
With anticipated improvements in understanding of the behavior of cold-formed steel
framing and the continuing development of new technology, this material will become dated. It
is anticipated that AISI will publish updates of this material as new information becomes
available, but this cannot be guaranteed.
The materials set forth herein are for general purposes only. They are not a substitute for
competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be
reviewed by a design professional. Indeed, in many jurisdictions, such review is required by
law. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and
assumes any and all liability arising therefrom.

1st Printing October 2007

Copyright American Iron and Steel Institute 2007

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design


The American Iron and Steel Institute Committee on Framing Standards has developed
AISI S210, the North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System
Design, to provide technical information and specifications for designing floor and roof systems
made from cold-formed steel. This standard is intended for adoption and use in the United
States, Canada and Mexico.
This standard provides an integrated treatment of Allowable Strength Design (ASD), Load
and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), and Limit States Design (LSD). This is accomplished by
including the appropriate resistance factors () for use with LRFD and LSD, and the appropriate
factors of safety () for use with ASD. It should be noted that LSD is limited to Canada and
LRFD and ASD are limited to Mexico and the United States.
The Committee acknowledges and is grateful for the contributions of the numerous
engineers, researchers, producers and others who have contributed to the body of knowledge
on the subjects. The Committee wishes to also express their appreciation for the support of the
Steel Framing Alliance and the Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute.


AISI S210-07


Richard Haws, Chairman


Steve Fox, Vice Chairman

Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute

Jay Larson, Secretary

American Iron and Steel Institute

Don Allen

Steel Stud Manufacturers Association

Bill Babich

ITW Building Components Group

John Butts

John F. Butts & Associates

Brad Cameron

Keymark Engineering

Nader Elhajj

NAHB Research Center

Jeff Ellis

Simpson Strong-Tie

Ray Frobosilo

Super Stud Building Products

Michael Gardner

Gypsum Association

Stephen Gatto

Compass International

Greg Greenlee

USP Structural Connectors

Jeff Klaiman

ADTEK Engineers

Roger LaBoube

University of Missouri-Rolla

John Matsen

Matsen Ford Design Associates

Kenneth Pagano

Scosta Corporation

Mike Pellock

Aegis Metal Framing

Nabil Rahman

The Steel Network

Greg Ralph

Dietrich Industries

Harry Ray

Allied Studco

Gary Rolih


Ben Schafer

Johns Hopkins University

Reynaud Serrette

Santa Clara University

Fernando Sesma

California Expanded Metal Products

Sutton Stephens

Kansas State University

Tom Trestain

T.W.J. Trestain Structural Engineering

Steven Walker

Steven H. Walker, P.Eng.

Lei Xu

University of Waterloo

Rahim Zadeh


North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design


Roger LaBoube, Chairman

University of Missouri-Rolla

Jay Larson, Secretary

American Iron and Steel Institute

Don Allen

Steel Stud Manufacturers Association

Bill Babich

ITW Building Components Group

John Butts

John F. Butts & Associates

Brad Cameron

Keymark Engineering

Nader Elhajj

NAHB Research Center

Jeff Ellis

Simpson Strong-Tie

Steve Fox

Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute

Greg Greenlee

USP Structural Connectors

Jeff Klaiman

ADTEK Engineers

Richard Layding


John Matsen

Matsen Ford Design Associates

Mike Pellock

Aegis Metal Framing

Dean Peyton

Anderson-Peyton Engineers

Nabil Rahman

The Steel Network

Greg Ralph

Dietrich Industries

Gary Rolih


Ben Schafer

Johns Hopkins University

Reynaud Serrette

Santa Clara University

Fernando Sesma

California Expanded Metal Products

Sutton Stephens

Kansas State University

Tom Trestain

T.W.J. Trestain Structural Engineering

Lei Xu

University of Waterloo

Rahim Zadeh



AISI S210-07


Greg Greenlee, Chairman

USP Structural Connectors

Jay Larson, Secretary

American Iron and Steel Institute

Don Allen

Steel Stud Manufacturers Association

Bill Babich

ITW Building Components Group

Randy Daudet

Dietrich Design Group

Nader Elhajj

NAHB Research Center

Roger LaBoube

University of Missouri-Rolla

Richard Layding


John Matsen

Matsen Ford Design Associates

Mike Pellock

Aegis Metal Framing

Tom Trestain

T.W.J. Trestain Structural Engineering

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design


AISI COMMITTEE ON FRAMING STANDARDS.......................................................................... iv
DESIGN METHODS SUBCOMMITTEE......................................................................................... v
FLOOR AND ROOF SYSTEM DESIGN TASK GROUP ................................................................. vi
A. GENERAL................................................................................................................................1

Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Definitions .................................................................................................................................... 1
Loads and Load Combinations ................................................................................................. 1
Referenced Documents............................................................................................................... 1

B. DESIGN...................................................................................................................................3
B1 Member Design ........................................................................................................................... 3
B1.1 Properties of Sections ...................................................................................................... 3
B1.2 Floor Joist Design ............................................................................................................. 3
B1.3 Ceiling Joist Design.......................................................................................................... 4
B1.4 Roof Rafter Design........................................................................................................... 5
B1.5 Built-up Section Design................................................................................................... 5
B2 Floor and Roof Truss Design ..................................................................................................... 6
B3 Connection Design ...................................................................................................................... 6
B3.1 Bearing Stiffeners ............................................................................................................. 6
B4 Bracing Design ............................................................................................................................. 7
B5 Diaphragm Design ...................................................................................................................... 8

C. INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................9


AISI S210-07

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North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design


A1 Scope
The design and installation of cold-formed steel framing for floor and roof systems in
buildings shall be in accordance with AISI S100 [CSA S136] and AISI S200, except as modified
by the provisions of this standard. Alternatively cold-formed steel framing for floor and roof
systems in buildings shall be permitted to be designed solely in accordance with AISI S100
[CSA S136].
This standard shall not preclude the use of other materials, assemblies, structures or
designs not meeting the criteria herein, when the other materials, assemblies, structures or
designs demonstrate equivalent performance for the intended use to those specified in this
standard. Where there is a conflict between this standard and other reference documents, the
requirements contained within this standard shall govern.
This standard shall include Sections A through C inclusive.
A2 Definitions
Where terms appear in this standard in italics, such terms shall have meaning as defined in
AISI S200. Terms included in square brackets are specific to LSD terminology. Terms not
italicized shall have the ordinary accepted meaning in the context for which they are intended.
A3 Loads and Load Combinations
Buildings or other structures and all parts therein shall be designed to safely support all
loads that are expected to affect the structure during its life in accordance with the applicable
building code. In the absence of an applicable building code, the loads, forces, and combinations of
loads shall be in accordance with accepted engineering practice for the geographical area under
consideration as specified by the applicable sections of Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and
Other Structures (ASCE 7) in the United States and Mexico, and the National Building Code of
Canada (NBCC) in Canada.
A4 Referenced Documents
The following documents or portions thereof are referenced within this standard and shall
be considered part of the requirements of this document.
1. AISI S100-07, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Members, American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
2. AISI S200-07, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing General Provisions,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
3. AISI S213-07, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Lateral Design,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.

AISI S210-07

4. AISI S214-07, North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Truss Design,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, DC.
5. ASCE 7-05 Including Supplement 1, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA.
6. CAN/CSA S136-07, North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members, Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
7. NBCC 2005, National Building Code of Canada, 2005 Edition, National Research Council of
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

Except as modified or supplemented in this standard, strength determinations shall be in
accordance with AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1 Member Design
Floor joists, ceiling joists and roof rafters shall be designed either on the basis of discretely
braced design or on the basis of continuously braced design. Webs shall be solid, have holes
that satisfy AISI S100 [CSA S136], or have holes that are reinforced in accordance with an
approved design.
(a) Discretely Braced Design. Floor and roof assemblies using discretely braced
design shall be designed neglecting the structural bracing and/or compositeaction contribution of attached sheathing or deck. Discretely braced design shall
include assemblies where the sheathing or deck is not attached directly to
structural members.
(b) Continuously Braced Design. The continuously braced design provisions of this
standard shall be limited to floor joists, ceiling joists and roof rafters having the
following limitations, unless noted otherwise in Section B1:

Maximum web depth = 14 inches (356 mm)

Maximum design thickness = 0.1242 inches (3.155 mm)
Minimum design yield strength, Fy = 33 ksi (230 MPa)
Maximum design yield strength, Fy = 50 ksi (345 MPa)

When continuously braced design is used, the engineering drawings shall

identify the sheathing or deck as a structural element.
B1.1 Properties of Sections
The properties of sections shall be determined in accordance with conventional methods
of structural design. Properties shall be full cross section properties, except where use of a
reduced cross section or effective design width is required by AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.2 Floor Joist Design
B1.2.1 Bending
(a) Discretely Braced Design. Flexure alone shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.1.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
(b) Continuously Braced Design. Where structural sheathing or steel deck is attached
to the top flange of the floor joist in accordance with Section B4.1 of this standard
and the bottom flange is braced in accordance with Section B4.2 of this standard,
flexure alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.1.1 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.2.2 Shear
Shear alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].

AISI S210-07

B1.2.3 Web Crippling

Web crippling alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.4 of AISI S100 [CSA
S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the requirements of Section B3.1
of this standard.
B1.2.4 Bending and Shear
The combination of flexure and shear shall be evaluated by using Section C3.3 of
AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.2.5 Bending and Web Crippling
The combination of flexure and web crippling shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.5 of AISI S100 [CSA S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the
requirements of Section B3.1 of this standard.
B1.3 Ceiling Joist Design
B1.3.1 Axial Load
Axial load alone shall be evaluated by using Section C2 (tension) and Section C4
(compression) of AISI S100 [CSA S136], as applicable.
B1.3.2 Bending
(a) Discretely Braced Design. Flexure alone shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.1.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
(b) Continuously Braced Design. Where structural sheathing or steel deck is attached
to the top flange of the ceiling joist in accordance with Section B4.1 of this standard
and the bottom flange is braced in accordance with Section B4.2 of this standard,
flexure alone for gravity loading shall be evaluated by using Section C3.1.1 of
AISI S100 [CSA S136] and flexure alone for uplift loading shall be evaluated by
using Section C3.1.2 and D6.1.1 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.3.3 Shear
Shear alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.3.4 Web Crippling
Web crippling alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.4 of AISI S100 [CSA
S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the requirements of Section B3.1
of this standard.
B1.3.5 Axial Load and Bending
The combination of axial load and bending shall be evaluated by using Section C5
of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.3.6 Bending and Shear
The combination of flexure and shear shall be evaluated by using Section C3.3 of
AISI S100 [CSA S136].

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

B1.3.7 Bending and Web Crippling

The combination of flexure and web crippling shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.5 of AISI S100 [CSA S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the
requirements of Section B3.1 of this standard.
B1.4 Roof Rafter Design
B1.4.1 Axial Load
Axial load alone shall be evaluated by using Section C2 (tension) and Section C4
(compression) of AISI S100 [CSA S136], as applicable.
B1.4.2 Bending
(a) Discretely Braced Design. Flexure alone shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.1.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
(b) Continuously Braced Design. Where structural sheathing or steel deck is attached
to the top flange of the roof rafter in accordance with Section B4.1 of this standard
and the bottom flange is braced in accordance with Section B4.2 of this standard,
flexure alone for gravity loading shall be evaluated by using Section C3.1.1 of
AISI S100 [CSA S136] and flexure alone for uplift loading shall be evaluated by
using Section C3.1.2 and D6.1.1 of AISI S100 [CSA S136]. Where structural
sheathing or steel deck is attached to both flanges of the roof rafter in accordance
with Section B4.1 of this standard, flexure alone for gravity or uplift loading shall
be evaluated by using Section C3.1.1 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.4.3 Shear
Shear alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.4.4 Web Crippling
Web crippling alone shall be evaluated by using Section C3.4 of AISI S100 [CSA
S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the requirements of Section B3.1
of this standard.
B1.4.5 Axial Load and Bending
The combination of axial load and bending shall be evaluated by using Section C5
of AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.4.6 Bending and Shear
The combination of flexure and shear shall be evaluated by using Section C3.3 of
AISI S100 [CSA S136].
B1.4.7 Bending and Web Crippling
The combination of flexure and web crippling shall be evaluated by using Section
C3.5 of AISI S100 [CSA S136], unless a bearing stiffener is used in accordance with the
requirements of Section B3.1 of this standard.
B1.5 Built-up Section Design
Built-up sections shall be evaluated by using Section D1 of AISI S100 [CSA S136].

AISI S210-07

B2 Floor and Roof Truss Design

Floor and roof trusses shall be designed in accordance with AISI S214.
B3 Connection Design
B3.1 Bearing Stiffeners
Bearing stiffeners, other than clip angle bearing stiffeners, shall be designed in accordance
with Section C3.6.1 or Section C3.6.2 of AISI S100 [CSA S136]. Clip angle bearing stiffeners, as
permitted in Section B1.2.3 of this standard, shall be designed in accordance with Section
B3.1.1 Clip Angle Bearing Stiffeners
The nominal web crippling capacity of a floor joist connected to a rim track using a
clip angle bearing stiffener shall be in accordance with the following:
Pn = 0.9 (Pj + Pt + 0.5AgFy)

(Eq. B3.1.1-1)



End-two-flange web crippling capacity of the floor joist

Interior-two-flange web crippling capacity of the rim track
Gross area of the clip angle bearing stiffener
Yield strength of clip angle
1.80 for ASD
0.85 for LRFD
0.70 for LSD

The above equation shall be valid within the following range of parameters:
Floor Joist and Rim Track
Design Thickness
Design Yield Strength
Nominal Depth of Joist
Minimum Bearing Width

0.0451 to 0.1017 (1.146 mm to 2.583 mm)

33 ksi to 50 ksi (228 MPa to 345 MPa)
8 to 12 (203 mm to 305 mm)
1 (38.1 mm)

Clip Angle Bearing Stiffener

Design Thickness
Design Yield Strength
Minimum Length

1x 1 (38.1 mm x 38.1 mm)

0.0312 to 0.0713 (0.792 mm to 1.811 mm)
33 ksi to 50 ksi (228 MPa to 345 MPa)
Floor Joist depth minus 3/8 (9.5 mm)

Minimum Screw Size
Minimum Fasteners

No. 8 for angle design thickness 0.0566

(1.438 mm) and No. 10 for thicker angles
3 screws connecting legs of bearing stiffener
to joist and rim track web, in accordance with
Figure B3-2

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

Width of
1 (25.4 mm)
Depth of
1 (25.4 mm)
Three (3) Equally Spaced Screws

Figure B3-2 Fastening of Clip Angle Bearing Stiffener

B4 Bracing Design
Bracing members shall be designed in accordance with Section D3 of AISI S100 [CSA
S136], unless bracing is provided that satisfies the following requirements:
(1) In continuously braced design, the sheathing or deck shall consist of a minimum of
3/8 inch (9.5 mm) wood structural sheathing that complies with DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2,
CSA O437 or CSA O325, or steel deck with a minimum profile depth of 9/16 (14.3
mm) and a minimum thickness of 0.0269 (0.683 mm). The sheathing or deck shall be
attached with minimum No. 8 screws at a maximum 12 inches (305 mm) on center.
(2) In continuously braced design, floor joists, ceiling joists and roof rafters with simple or
continuous spans that exceed 8 feet (2.44 m) shall have the tension flanges laterally
braced. Each intermediate brace shall be spaced at 8 feet (2.44 m) maximum and
shall be designed to resist a required lateral force, PL, determined in accordance with
the following:
(a) For uniform loads:
PL = 1.5(m/d) F

(Eq. B4-1)



Distance from shear center to mid-plane of web

Depth of C-shape section
Uniform design load [factored load]
Distance between centerline of braces

(b) For concentrated loads:

If x 0.3a
PL = 1.0(m/d) F

(Eq. B4-2)

AISI S210-07

If 0.3a < x < 1.0a

PL = 1.4(m/d)(1-x/a) F

(Eq. B4-3)



Distance from shear center to mid-plane of web

Depth of C-shape section
Concentrated design load [factored load]
Distance from concentrated load to brace
Distance between centerline of braces

(3) In continuously braced design, floor joists, ceiling joists and roof rafters that are
continuous over an intermediate support shall be designed in accordance with AISI
S100 [CSA S136].
B5 Diaphragm Design
Diaphragms shall be designed in accordance with AISI S213 or an approved design or
approved design standard.

North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

The members and connections of a floor or roof system shall be installed in accordance with
AISI S200.

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Commentary on the
North American Standard for
Cold-Formed Steel Framing
Floor and Roof System Design
2007 Edition

Endorsed by:


Commentary on AISI S210-07

The material contained herein has been developed by the American Iron and Steel Institute
Committee on Framing Standards. The Committee has made a diligent effort to present
accurate, reliable, and useful information on cold-formed steel framing design and installation.
The Committee acknowledges and is grateful for the contributions of the numerous researchers,
engineers, and others who have contributed to the body of knowledge on the subject. Specific
references are included in this Commentary.
With anticipated improvements in understanding of the behavior of cold-formed steel
framing and the continuing development of new technology, this material may eventually
become dated. It is anticipated that AISI will publish updates of this material as new
information becomes available, but this cannot be guaranteed.
The materials set forth herein are for general purposes only. They are not a substitute for
competent professional advice. Application of this information to a specific project should be
reviewed by a design professional. Indeed, in many jurisdictions, such review is required by
law. Anyone making use of the information set forth herein does so at their own risk and
assumes any and all liability arising therefrom.

1st Printing October 2007

Copyright American Iron and Steel Institute 2007

Commentary on the North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design


This Commentary is intended to facilitate the use, and provide an understanding of the
background, of AISI S210, the North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and
Roof System Design. The Commentary illustrates the substance and limitations of the various
provisions of the standard.
In the Commentary, sections, equations, figures, and tables are identified by the same
notation as used in the standard. Words that are italicized are defined in AISI S200. Terms
included in square brackets are specific to LSD terminology.


Commentary on AISI S210-07

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Commentary on the North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

A. GENERAL................................................................................................................................1
A1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1
A3 Loads and Load Combinations ................................................................................................. 1

B. DESIGN...................................................................................................................................2
B1 Member Design ........................................................................................................................... 2
B3 Connection Design ...................................................................................................................... 2
B4 Bracing Design ............................................................................................................................. 2

REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................3


Commentary on AISI S210-07

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Commentary on the North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

A1 Scope
AISI S210 (AISI, 2007c) applies to the design and installation of cold-formed steel framing for
floor and roof systems in buildings and provides a supplement to AISI S100 [CSA S136], (AISI,
2007a; CSA, 2007).

A3 Loads and Load Combinations

Currently, ASCE 7 (ASCE, 2006) has no geographical-based information on Mexico.
Therefore, users with projects in the Mexico should work with the appropriate authority having
jurisdiction to determine appropriate loads and load combinations that are consistent with the
assumptions and rationale used by ASCE 7.

Commentary on AISI S210-07

B1 Member Design
The standard permits the design of floor joists, ceiling joists and roof rafters to be based on
either a discretely braced design in which discrete braces are provided along the members
length, or based on a continuously braced design in which attached sheathing or deck are
attached in accordance with the standard.
The continuously braced design provisions of the standard are limited to floor joists, ceiling
joists and roof rafters with dimensions and properties that are within the range of standard
products, as defined by AISI S201 (AISI, 2007b). This limitation was deemed appropriate due to
the availability of research and field experience with such members.
B3 Connection Design
The standard provides provisions for clip angle bearing stiffeners, based on research at the
University of Waterloo (Fox, 2006).
B4 Bracing Design
The continuous bracing and flange bracing provisions of the standard were deemed
appropriate due to the availability of research and field experience with such assemblies. The
requirements in Section B4(2) were adapted from AISI S100 [CSA S136] requirements for
members where neither flange is attached to sheathing.

Commentary on the North American Standard For Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System Design

(AISI, 2007a), North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members,
AISI S100-07, American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C., 2007.
(AISI, 2007b), North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Product Data, AISI S201-07,
American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C., 2007.
(AISI, 2007c), North American Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing Floor and Roof System
Design, AISI 210-07, American Iron and Steel Institute, Washington, D.C., 2007.
(ASCE, 2006), Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-05 Including
Supplement No. 1, American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, 2006.
(CSA, 2007), North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members,
CAN/CSA S136-07, Canadian Standards Association, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 2007.
Fox, S.R. (2006), The Strength of CFS Floor Assemblies with Clip Angle Bearing Stiffeners,
Proceedings of the 18th International Specialty Conference on Cold-Formed Steel Structures,
Department of Civil Engineering University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO, 2006.

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