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Lesson Plan ACT Spanish

Subject: Spanish
y in Spanish
Learn Colors and Clothing Vocabulary

Grade Level: Middle 4-8 Grade

2. Big Understanding Students engage in
conversation, provide and obtain information,
express feelings and emotions and exchange

3. Assessment Evidence
Quiz and Peer Evaluations
4. Opening Hook
Translate Colors and Clothing from English into Spanish with a pictures and objects for
practice. How many colors and different types of clothing so you see in the classroom?
5. Instructional Strategies
Teacher Input/Modeling
Provide pictures and discuss the colors in each piece of clothing.
Guided Practice/monitoring
Fill in the blanks: complete text with provided words.
Check for Understanding
Ask Students about their classmates clothing and colors.
Independent Practice
Translate sentences into Spanish (teams of two)

6. Materials/Resources
Color Picture Cards, Chalk Board, Color Balls, Power Point Presentation Colors and
7. Grouping Patterns
Teams of two for independent practice.
8. Ending, Summary/Reflection
Show students an actual Picture of the Clothing material and Color.
9. Technology
Computer and overhead

Spanish Colors and Clothing

Language, level: Middle
Concepts Taught: Colors and Clothing Vocabulary in Spanish
Colors (rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, morado, caf, negro, gris, blanco)
Clothing (la camisa, los pantalones, la falda, el vestido, el suter, los zapatos, los calcetines)
50-55 minutes
Standard 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings
and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics
1. The students will repeat the names of the colors with 100% accuracy.
2. The students will arrange the colored strips in the order they are called out with 90% accuracy.
3. The students will raise their hand for the appropriate colors that they are wearing with 95%
4. The students will repeat the names of the articles of clothing with 100% accuracy.
5. The students will work together as a class to identify the missing article of clothing in Spanish with
90% accuracy.
6. The students will identify the student who the teacher is describing with 95% accuracy.
7. The students will identify a color from the color ball with 95% accuracy.
Color picture cards (Large pieces of paper or pictures representing each of the colors you are
One ziplock bag per student containing one strip of colored construction paper for each color you
are introducing.
A large tote bag filled with one of each article of clothing.
Chalkboard or Whiteboard
Color ball (a small ball with many different colors on it)
1. (5 minutes) Hold the picture cards up one by one and ask the students to repeat you as you
name the colors as described in Objective #1. Go through the stack twice, and point out students
who are wearing each color. Then ask individual students, Cul es tu color favorito? Help the
students with their answers by holding up each color and saying its name until they say s. Then say
the color again and have the student repeat it.
2. (1 minute) Pass out the ziplock bags.
3. (2 minutes) Tell the students to take their colored strips out of their bags. Ask, Dnde est
and then name a color. Hold up the correct strip of paper and motion for students to do the same.
Repeat this for each color.
4. (14-17 minutes) Call out all of the colors in random order while the students sequence the strips
on their desks in order as described in Objective #2. Show them each strip as you call it out the first
time through, but do not help the students during the following sequences. Each time you may want
to call them out faster and faster, and be sure to go over the correct order after each sequence. If
you have native speakers or students who already know their colors, you may want to let two or
three of them lead the class through another sequence.
5. (1 minute) Collect the color strips.
6. (2 minutes) Review the colors once more by asking Quin lleva and then listing a color.
Students who are wearing the color you name should raise their hand as described in Objective #3.
Point out the name of the article of clothing that is the color you are talking about.
7. (5 minutes) One by one, pull out each article of clothing from the tote bag, name it in Spanish,
and have the students repeat it as described in Objective #4. Each time you pull out a new article of

clothing and name it, go back and name all of the previous ones as well. Lay all of the pieces of
clothing out on a chair or table.
8. (12-13 minutes) Send a student volunteer out in the hall and ask another student to guard the
door. Then let a student from the class hide any piece of clothing. Allow the student in the hall to
come back in and ask them what piece is missing. If they cannot remember the word in Spanish,
call on somebody else in the class who remembers it as described in Objective #5.
9. (5 minutes) Write the following rhyme on a chalkboard or whiteboard:
Veo veo. (teacher)
Qu ves? (students)
Veo una persona. (teacher)
Cmo es? (students)
Show the rhyme to the students and tell them that you will say the sentences and they will respond
with the questions. Practice this a couple of times and then, when they are comfortable with it,
answer their last question by describing a person in the room. You may say if they are a boy or girl,
and then describe their clothes and what color they are. (Example: Es una nia. Lleva pantalones
azules y un suter rojo.) Keep describing the person until a student raises their hand to guess who
you are describing as described in Objective #6.
10. (3-4 minutes) If you still have some time left at the end, throw the color ball to students. Tell them
that they have to name whatever color their thumb lands on when they catch it as described in
Objective #7.

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