Nolan Dow CV

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2803 Wakefield | Jamison, PA | 215-353-3192 | [email protected]


A Mechanical Engineering position within the aerospace industry, where I will be able to use my experience as a propulsion
engineering intern to tackle engineering problems and assist with aircraft or spacecraft projects.

B.S. in Aerospace Engineering

The Pennsylvania State University

Graduated May 2014

Cumulative GPA: 3.33/4.00, Major GPA: 3.60/4.00

Graduated on Deans List, 5 semesters


Propulsion Engineering Intern, Firefly Space Systems

Austin, TX
July December 2014
Gained significant experience in design of pressure-fed liquid rocket engines of both kerosene and methane design

Ignition systems: Designed injection valve network for hypergolic fluids into combustion chamber, and flush/purge

Umbilical Systems: Conceptualized and refined umbilical quick-disconnect system for fill-up of propellant tanks

Reaction Control System: Designed gas-thruster clusters for attitude control, in-flight roll authority and post-stage
separation tank settling

Regularly engaged in design reviews and led component designs from conceptualization through manufacturing

NASA RASC-AL Competitor

Cocoa Beach, FL

Constructed abstract about Holistic Spacecraft Habitat Design for submission, leading to acceptance into the RASC-AL
competition run by NASA. One of only six abstracts accepted by competition judges in the nation.

Project Leader for the research team representing Penn State at competition. Involved creation of a full design proposal for
long-term habitable spacecraft for use in future NASA missions. Presented proposal to panel of industry leaders.

Student Space Program Laboratories

Research group at Pennsylvania State University

October 2013-May 2014

Responsible for CAD design of cube-satellite and manufacture/construction of a sub-scale satellite

Work on sun-sensor and earth-sensor code for satellite guidance, navigation and control

Pennsylvania State University Aerospace Program

Experience leading student engineering teams for large-scale design projects, including software engineering for robotics.

Conducted vibrational analysis testing on complex bodies.

Winning team of the First (2014) Annual Collegiate Wind-Energy Competition


AutoCAD/Autodesk and Solidworks

Matlab/IGOR and C++ programming
Satellite Tool Kit
MS Office and OSX equivalents
Native English, Fluent in French (Quebec)



2803 Wakefield | Jamison, PA | 215-353-3192 | [email protected]

Dr. Thomas E. Markusic
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Firefly Space Systems
512-234-3700 (company phone number)
[email protected]
CEO and chief engineer of Firefly Alpha engine systems, and my direct supervisor. Former VP of Propulsion at Virgin
Galactic, Senior Systems Engineer at Blue Origin, and Director of the Texas Test Site at SpaceX.
Shey Sabripour
Chief Technical Officer
Firefly Space Systems
512-818-6869 (company phone number)
[email protected]
CTO of Firefly space systems I worked with Mr. Sabripour in relation with Reaction Control Systems for the Firefly
Alpha vehicle. Former Director of Spacecraft Design at Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company.
Dr. Dennis McLaughlin
Professor of Aerospace Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
230 Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802
[email protected]
Penn State professor I assisted, with relation to the manufacturing of wind-energy equipment.

Dr. David B. Spencer

Professor of Aerospace Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
229 Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802
[email protected]
Faculty advisor of the Penn State NASA RASC-AL competition team. My professor for three Aerospace Engineering
classes, including Spacecraft Design Projects.

Dr. Robert Melton

Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Director of Undergraduate Studies
The Pennsylvania State University
229B Hammond Building
University Park, PA 16802
[email protected]
My professor for four Aerospace Engineering classes, including Advanced Orbital Mechanics.

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