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My Valentine

Song and

(Sung to: BINGO)

To show you love your special friends

Just give them each a heart.
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T
Each heart says "I love you!"
(repeat verse each time leaving out the next letter
and clapping instead)

Be My Valentine
(Sung to: Mary Had A Little Lamb)

You're a special
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
You're a special
Friend of mine
Be my valentine!
My Valentine Heart

When I say I love you

(Point to lips)
It comes from my heart
(Hand on heart)
You hear it in your ear
(Point to ear)
And it sounds very smart
(Point to head)
I love it when you're
proud of me
(Stand very tall)
You say it all day long
(Stretch arms wide)
And when I hear you say
(Point to ear)
My heart sings a merry
song (Hand on heart)

I'm A Little Valentine

I'm a little valentine
Red and White
With ribbons and lace
I'm a beautiful sight
I can say, "I Love You"
On Valentine's Day
Just put me in an
And give me away!
Here is a valentine.
I made it just for you.
With paper and ribbons
And lots of Elmer's glue!
I cut it with my scissors
And designed it with my
If I tell you that I love
Do you promise
not to faint?

Valentine Fingerplay

Let's count valentines

One, two, three
Let's count valentines
All for me!
Let's count valentines
Four, five, six
Let's count valentines
Match and mix
Let's count valentines
Valentines Say I Love
You Seven, eight, nine
Let's count valentines
(Sung to: London Bridge)
I'm glad you're mine.
Valentines say I love you,
I love you, I love you.
Valentines say I love you
Yes, I really do.
Five Big Valentines
Five big valentines from the corner drug store
I mailed one to a friend - then there were four
Four big valentines, ovely ones to see
I mailed one to my Mommy
- then there were three
Three big valentines - red, shiny, and new
I mailed one to my Daddy - then there were two
Two big valentines, the best is yet to come
I mailed one to Grandma - Then there was one
One big valentine, the giving is almost done
I mailed it to Grandpa - and now there is none

Valentine Poem
5 little valentines just for you
The first one says, "My love is true."
The second one says, "You have my heart."
The third one says, "Let us never part."
The fourth one says, "Won't you please be mine?"
The fifth one says, "'Til the end of time.”
I'll Make A Valentine
(Sung to: London Bridge)
I'll make a bright red valentine,
Valentine, valentine.
I'll make a bright red valentine,
And give it right to you.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
Lace and bows, lace and bows.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
And give it right to you.

Yes, I do
(Sung to: Three Blind Mice)

I love you, I love you

Yes, I do, yes, I do
I love you every night and day,
I love you when I work and play,
I love you in so many ways,
I love you!
All the Time
(Sung to: Oh, My Darling

I love you, I love you,

I love you all the time.
And I hope, oh yes I hope
You will be my valentine
I love you , I love you,
I love you night and day.
And I hope, oh yes, I hope
You will love me the same

A Great Big Hug

(Sung to: The Wheels on
the Bus)
Oh, I just love your hugs
and kisses,
Hugs and kisses, hugs and
Oh, I just love you hugs
and kisses,
Come and give me some.
A great big hug and lots of
Lots of kisses, lots of
A great big hug and lots of
Ready? Here I come!
Hugs and Kisses
(Sung to: My Bonnie Lie over the Ocean)

My mother says, "I love you"

My father, "I love you, too."
I give them hugs and kisses,
'Cause I love them, too!
Hugs and kisses
Hugs and kisses, I love you.
Hugs and kisses,
Hugs and kisses for you.
This Valen tines song & co lo ring book h as been
compile d by Je nn @ cious-ambiguity-nen / ©

It is for P ERSO NAL USE O NLY an d not to be

redistribu ted for co mmerc ial use. P le ase cre dit
me, the author, shou ld you post this on you r
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unknow n.

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Enjo y!  -Jen n

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