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1. A teacher is talking to her students before an exam. Finish her sentences:

a. If you sleep well before the exam, __________________________________________.
b. If you revise a little every day, _____________________________________________.
c. If you try and study the night before the exam, ________________________________.
d. If you cheat, ___________________________________________________________.
e. If you dont go to all the classes, ___________________________________________.
f. If you dont answer all the questions, _______________________________________.
2. Find the mistakes in these sentences and correct them.
a. If I were president, my life will be completely different.
b. If it were 1923, I wont be here.
c. If I spoke English perfectly, I wont be studying now.
d. If John Lennon were alive today, he will still be singing.
e. If there are less wars the world would be a better place.
f. If I play football for Manchester United, Id be very famous.
g. If I were rich, Ill buy a yacht.
h. If I am you, Id buy them a present.
3. Finish these quotes by John Lennon with will and would to make correct sentences.
a. Im an artist and if you give me a tuba*, I____ bring you something out of it.
b. If you put me with B.B. King**, I ____ feel real silly.
c. If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there____ be peace.
d. You cant cheat kids. If you cheat them when theyre children, they____ make you pay when
theyre sixteen or seventeen.
e. If all politicians were like Pierre Trudeau***, there ____ be world peace.
*tuba = a musical wind instrument
**B.B. King = an American blues musician
***Pierre Trudeau = former Canadian Prime Minister (1968-1979)

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