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Unit Overview

Movement Competence, Active Living

Lead-Up to Volleyball and Badminton

What Will the Students Learn?

Students will participate actively and regularly in a variety of volleyball- and badminton-related activities with attention to
strategies that demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others.
As they build the capacity to demonstrate and apply movement principles, students will demonstrate personal and interpersonal
skills and critical and creative thinking as they relate to sending and receiving objects, and the application of a variety of tactical
solutions that will increase their chances of success in volleyball- and badminton-related activities.
Key Questions
How will I demonstrate my ability to apply living skills that include adaptive, management and coping skills, relationship and social
skills, and critical and creative thinking as I actively and safely participate in volleyball- and badminton-related physical activities?
How can I demonstrate my ability to send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment while adjusting for speed
and applying basic principles of movement?
How will I apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase my chances of success as I participate in volleyball- and
badminton-related activities?
Curriculum Expectations
See the Ontario Curriculum, Health and Physical Education, Grades 1-8, revised (2010) for examples, teacher prompts
and student responses related to expectations.
1 - demonstrate personal and interpersonal skills and the use of critical and creative thinking processes as they acquire knowledge
and skills in connection with the expectations in the Active Living, Movement Competence and Healthy Living strands for this grade
1.2 - use adaptive, management and coping skills to help them respond to the various challenges they encounter as they participate
in physical activities, develop movement competence and acquire knowledge and skills related to healthy living
1.4 - apply relationship and social skills as they participate in physical activities, develop movement competence and acquire
knowledge and skills related to healthy living to help them interact positively with others, build healthy relationships and become
effective team members
1.5 - use a range of critical and creative thinking skills and processes to assist them in making connections, planning and setting
goals, analyzing and solving problems, making decisions, and evaluating their choices in connection with learning in health and
physical education
A1 - participate actively and regularly in a wide variety of physical activities and demonstrate an understanding of factors that
encourage lifelong participation in physical activity
A1.1 - actively participate in a wide variety of program activities, according to their capabilities, while applying behaviours that
enhance their readiness and ability to take part [PS, IS]
A3 - demonstrate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of others as they participate in physical activities
A3.1 - demonstrate behaviours and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others during physical activity [PS, IS]
B1 - perform movement skills, demonstrating understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and applying movement concepts
as appropriate, as they engage in a variety of physical activities
B1.4 - send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, adjusting for speed, while applying basic principles of
movement [PS, IS]
B2 - apply movement strategies appropriately, demonstrating an understanding of the components of a variety of physical activities,
in order to enhance their ability to participate successfully in those activities
B2.3 - apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate in physical activities [IS, CT]

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN No. 978-1-926555-33-1 I Page 5.NW.a.1

Unit Overview
Movement Competence, Active Living
Lead-Up to Volleyball and Badminton

How Will I Know What the Students Have Learned?

Assessment of Learning
Students will participate in a variety of badminton- and volleyball-related activities, in which they will demonstrate their ability
to send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, adjusting for speed, while applying basic principles of
movement and tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate actively.
To consolidate learning, students will participate in various badminton- and volleyball-based stations that will allow them to
demonstrate their learning throughout the unit.
Assessment for Learning
Throughout the unit, students achievement of the identified Learning Goals (for each of the lessons) is monitored during the
learning using a variety of assessment strategies and tools that have been identified and embedded in the lessons.

How Will Assessment and Instruction Be Organized For Student Learning?

Lesson 1: Lead-Up to Volleyball: Defending Open Space
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate safely and actively in physical activities.
A1.1, A3.1, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to demonstrate tactical solutions such as the recovery position and covering the entire court?
Teacher Resource 1: Net/Wall Movement Strategies Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to safely and actively participate in badminton activities?
Teacher Resource 1: Net/Wall Movement Strategies Checklist
Lesson 2: Lead-Up to Volleyball: Consistency with the Overhead Pass
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
participate actively as they send objects using different body parts and equipment
apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success in sending and receiving a variety of equipment.
A1.1, B1.4, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to send objects with consistent accuracy using the overhead pass?
Teacher Resource 2: Net/Wall Activities Sending and Receiving Skills Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to return to a ready position to receive objects using the overhead pass?
Teacher Resource 1: Net/Wall Movement Strategies Checklist
Lesson 3: Lead-Up to Volleyball: Consistency with the Forearm Pass
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
use adaptive, management and coping skills as they develop competence in sending objects using different body parts and
apply relationship and social skills effectively as they participate actively and demonstrate behaviours that maximize their own
and others safety.
1.2, 1.4, A1.1, A3.1, B1.4

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN No. 978-1-926555-33-1 I Page 5.NW.a.2

Unit Overview
Movement Competence, Active Living
Lead-Up to Volleyball and Badminton

Know before you go

Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to send objects safely and in control, using the forearm pass?
Teacher Resource 2: Net/Wall Activities Sending and Receiving Skills Checklist
Student Resource 1: Forearm Pass Peer Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to participate safely and actively while using adaptive, management and coping skills and relationship and social
Teacher Resource 3: Volleyball Participation and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart
Lesson 4: Lead-Up to Volleyball: Introduction to the Underhand Serve
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
use adaptive, management and coping skills as they develop competence in sending objects using different body parts and
apply relationship and social skills effectively as they participate actively and demonstrate behaviours that maximize their own
and others safety.
1.2, 1.4, A1.1, A3.1, B1.4
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to send the ball over a height and for distance with an underhand serve?
Teacher Resource 2: Net/Wall Activities Sending and Receiving Skills Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to participate safely and actively while using appropriate relationship and social skills to help their peers achieve
Teacher Resource 3: Volleyball Participation and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart
Lesson 5: Lead-Up to Volleyball: Setting Up for Attack
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
send objects of different sizes in different ways and apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as
they participate actively in volleyball activities.
A1.1, B1.4, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to use the overhead pass to send and receive the ball with consistent accuracy?
Teacher Resource 4: Application of Net/Wall Movement Skills Checkbric
Checkpoint 2:
Can students use tactical solutions like sending the ball away from their opponents?
Teacher Resource 4: Application of Net/Wall Movement Skills Checkbric
Lesson 6: Lead-Up to Badminton: Ready Position
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate in badminton lead-up games
participate actively and demonstrate behaviours and procedures that maximize their safety and that of others during badminton
lead-up games.
A1.1, A3.1, B2.3

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN No. 978-1-926555-33-1 I Page 5.NW.a.3

Unit Overview
Movement Competence, Active Living
Lead-Up to Volleyball and Badminton

Know before you go

Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to move quickly, with their racquet, to the ready position to receive objects effectively?
Teacher Resource 1: Net/Wall Movement Strategies Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to safely use a racquet to send and receive objects?
Teacher Resource 3: Volleyball Participation and Living Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart
Lesson 7: Lead-Up to Badminton: Consistency
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate actively and demonstrate behaviours
and apply procedures that maximize their safety and that of others in badminton activities
send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, adjusting for speed, while applying basic principles of
movement to badminton activities.
A1.1, A3.1, B1.4, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to use a racquet to move quickly from their ready position to send and receive objects with consistency?
Teacher Resource 1: Net/Wall Movement Strategies Checklist
Checkpoint 2:
Are students able to send and receive different objects using different body parts and equipment, while applying basic principles of
Teacher Resource 2: Net/Wall Activities Sending and Receiving Skills Checklist
Lesson 8: Lead-Up to Badminton: Setting Up for Attack
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
think critically and creatively as they apply a variety of tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate in
badminton activities
participate actively as they send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, adjusting for speed, while applying
basic principles of movement to badminton activities.
1.5, A1.1, B1.4, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to consistently and strategically send objects to the open space?
Teacher Resource 5: Badminton Skills Anecdotal Recording Chart
Lesson 9: Lead-Up to Badminton: Balloonminton
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
send and receive objects using different body parts and equipment, adjusting for speed, while applying basic principles of
movement and tactical solutions to increase their chances of success as they participate actively in badminton activities.
A1.1, B1.4, B2.3
Know before you go
Checkpoint 1:
Are students able to consistently return to a ready position to defend space and send objects into open space, away from opponents,
in a modified game of badminton?
Teacher Resource 6: Application of Badminton Movement Skills and Strategies Checkbric
Student Resource 2: Exit Card

Ophea 2010

I H&PE Curriculum Support Resource I ISBN No. 978-1-926555-33-1 I Page 5.NW.a.4

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