Tap Drags and Fives

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Tap Drags and Fives


SnareScience.com - PR '06 -Universal

R l r L r l sim...


This exercise focuses on tap drags and tap fives. This is a straight forward, yet very important exercise for developing
consistent roll quality and correct rhythmic interpretation of diddles.

1) Stick motion:

Stick motion is huge in this exercise. The sticks heights should look exactly the same during the check patterns as they do
during the diddle measures. If a deaf guy is watching you play, it should be very hard for him to tell that you are changing from
the check pattern to the diddles. Also, there should be exactly two distinct stick heights in this exercise and nothing in between.

2) Sound Quality:

Does every tap have the same exact quality of sound? How about every accent? Some common mistakes:
a) Pounding the last note of the exercise
b) Playing weak 2nd noted diddles. If this is you, bust out the gel pad or pillow and bust them chops!
c) Playing uneven volume taps. This goes back to stick heights - if the heights are solid, the tap volume will be consistent.
d) Playing the right hand louder than the left... don't be the guy with the weak left!

3) Rhythm and Timing:

How perfect is diddle interp? How about the underlying eight note 'skeleton' rhythm? Some common errors:
a) First two notes of the exercise: The first note defines the exercise starting point and the second note defines the tempo.
You must internalize the tempo before you start so that these two notes are 'perfect'.
b) Rushing the first couple of notes in the check pattern immediately following a roll measure. The check pattern is easier
which makes it easy to rush!
b) Slurring diddles! Don't drop the diddle in before it is supposed to be played. Play the exercise very slowly so that you
are forced the think about the 16th note rhythm in the diddles.

4) Variations to this exercise:

a) Play all at one height.
b) Play off the left.
c) Play exercise with BUZZ rolls.
d) Play on low-rebound surface to improve muscle strength and endurance

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