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Lesson Plan Template Abridged

(May be adapted based on instructors needs)

Grade Level
(Plus any others
as may be

Bloom's Taxonomy
Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)

Ms. Michele Morgan
Social Studies - Economics
Fourth Grade
30-40 Minutes
PA Standards - Economics
6.1.4.C: Illustrate what individuals or organizations
give up when making a choice.
6.1.4.D: Explain what influences the choices people


Formal Evaluation
Students will be evaluated on the completion of the
worksheets they will work on after playing the
Lemonade Stand game. Students will have answered
the questions appropriately, as indicated on the answer
This information will be used to determine students
knowledge of economics concepts learned in previous
lessons and how choices impact business.
Informal Evaluation
The teacher will walk around the classroom while
students are playing the Lemonade Stand game and
completing their worksheets to see that they are on
This information will be used to determine if students
will need to be redirected.
Individually, the students will be able to identify the
economics vocabulary words on their worksheets 3 out
of 4 times. The level of Bloom is understanding. The
level of Webb is Level 1 Recall.
During a class discussion, the students will be able to
state how their choices in Lemonade Stand affected
their profits in the game one out of one times. The
level of Bloom is remembering. The level of Webb is
Level 1 Recall.

Step-by-Step Procedures
RATIONALE for the This lesson will be used to review economics vocabulary that
Learning Plan
was learned previously in class and how choices impact
business. Students will be able to identify previously learned
economics words. Also, students will be able to state how
their choices affected the outcomes of their games. This
connects to the PA Standards through students seeing the



Big Ideas

Lesson Procedure
Must include
adaptations &
for students with
special needs

impact of their choices.

Activating Prior Knowledge
The teacher will review economics vocabulary previously
learned on the SMARTBoard with the students.
Questions may include: Does anyone remember what
cost is? What is something that we buy or sell called,?
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
The teacher will ask students if anyone has ever had a
lemonade stand before on their street or if they have
seen someone who has. The teacher will ask students
what they need to do in order to make a lemonade stand
successful. Questions may include: Has anyone had a
lemonade stand before? When is a good time to sell
lemonade to make money? What do we need to have to
make the lemonade?
Big Idea Statement
The choices that people make in a business can affect
the success of the business.
Essential Questions
What choices do people make when they run a
Do these choices affect the success of a business?
Key Vocabulary
Consumer, Producer, Demand, Products, Goods,
Services, Profit, Cost, Price, Supply, Seller, Decisions,
Pre-Assessment of Students
During the beginning of the lesson, the class as a whole
will review the words that will be used in the lesson.
Questions may include: What is the person who buys
products called? What is the name for the items that
people sell? What is a consumer,? etc.
Modeling of the Concept
1.) The teacher will review the economics vocabulary
words with the students by writing them on the
SMARTBoard and asking questions. Vocabulary words
include: consumer, producer, demand, products, goods,
services, profit, cost, price, supply, seller, decisions, and
choices. Questions may include: Who is the person that
buys the items that we are selling? What is used to
make the products that we sell,? etc.
2.) The teacher will explain to students that they will be
playing a game called Lemonade Stand to see how the
choices that we make affect what we sell. She will tell
students that it is already opened up on the computer
and that they will play the medium level. Explain to
students that they will look at the newspaper headlines
and weather for each day. Then, they will look at the

supplies, etc.)

cost to make lemonade and decide how much to make

and charge for each glass. Explain to students that they
are trying to make money from their lemonade stand.
3.) Students will move to their seats by taking big
4.) A student will pass out the worksheets to the class
while the teacher explains that they will complete them
after playing the game Lemonade Stand.
5.) Students will spend 15 20 minutes playing the
Lemonade Stand game. The teacher will set a timer
on the SMARTBoard so that students can see how much
time they have left. Any math work that students
complete when playing the game should be completed
on the back of the Lemonade Stand worksheet.
6.) The teacher will put the vocabulary words that the
class discussed back up on the screen. Students will use
this as a word bank when completing their worksheets.
7.) Students will have time to complete their worksheets
before the class discussion (during closure). Students
will keep these worksheets until after their test and will
them turn them in to the teacher.
When moving between reviewing the vocabulary words
and the computers, students will walk with big steps to
their seats.
Guiding the Practice
While students are working on the game and their
worksheets, the teacher will walk around to make sure
that students are on task. The teacher will also ask
students some of the following questions: Name a
choice you are making? What might affect the amount
of lemonade that you sell in the game? What is the cost
to make the lemonade that you are selling? etc.
Providing the Independent Practice
Students will be assessed on the completion of their
worksheets. Students worksheets should be complete,
neat, and have their name written on them. An answer
key will be used to assess the answers that the students
have given.
Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs
A student has a behavior issue of fidgeting and getting
up out of his seat during the lesson. This student will
pass out the worksheets to the rest of the class.
Computers for Each Student Use Schools Computer
Projector of SMARTBoard
Timer Feature on SMARTBoard
Lemonade Stand Game Website Pre-opened for
Students on Computers


Lemonade Stand Worksheets
Pencils or Other Writing Utensils
Worksheet Answer Key for Teacher
Summary & Review of the Learning
The teacher will have a class discussion with the
students about the choices they made while playing the
Lemonade Stand game.
Students will be asked questions relating to the
Lemonade Stand game and the worksheets that they
Questions may include: What was the product that we
sold? Were you being the consumer or the seller of the
lemonade? What kind of decisions did you need to make
when selling the lemonade? What affected the amount
of lemonade that you sold,? etc.
Students will use their worksheets to study for their
upcoming test (economics vocabulary is used in the

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