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Lesson Plan

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Grade Level:

Time needed:

Preliminary Planning
Topic/Central Focus: A focus beyond the facts and skills. A statement that captures or summarizes the
overarching learning outcomes associated with content standards and learning objectives. It may not be
as broad or comprehensive as a big idea or essential question used in a longer unit of instruction, but it
should represent a focus beyond facts and skills. For example, the central focus for an elementary
literacy learning segment might be making predictions. All lessons in the learning segment would focus
on the conventions, word knowledge, skills, and underlying strategies associated with this powerful
meaning-making focus.
Rationale: Rationale is the application of this lesson to real life situations. This should answer the
question, So what? Explain how the Central Focus allows your students to ask and answer significant
and challenging questions about their world and to make relevant, interdisciplinary connections. This
section should be a written narrative. Your rationale should answer: Why are you teaching this lesson?
Prior Student Knowledge: This section should be a written narrative. WHO are the students in this class
(or in this group)?
What prior knowledge, skills, and academic background do students bring to the lesson (consider
previous learning experiences, assessment data, etc.)? How do you know?
Describe conditions/limitations that might impact the planning and delivery of your lesson, pacing,
texts or instructional practices.
Describe district, school, grade-level and cooperating teachers requirements or expectations.
Include such things as curricula, standardized tests or other assignments.
Illinois Learning Standards addressed: Illinois Learning Standards can be found at the following state of
Illinois web site. Include the standards for the content area as
well as Social/Emotional Standards and Common Core English Language Arts Standards. Click on the
standards listed in the right column. Copy and paste the standard number (e.g. 11.A.3b).
Academic Language:
Language Function: Language Function is the content and language focus of the learning task
represented by the active verbs within the learning outcomes or objectives. Identify a language
function essential for students to learn the strategy in your lesson (see Academic Language
Language Functions handout).

Key Learning Task: A key learning task from your plans that provides students with opportunities
for practice using the language function. What opportunities will you provide for students to
practice the new language and develop fluency (written or oral)?

Additional Language Demands: Language Demands are specific ways that academic language
(vocabulary, functions, discourse, syntax) is used by students to participate in learning task
through reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking to demonstrate their disciplinary
understanding. Given the language function and learning task identified above, describe the

Revised 1.13.15/9.3.14/4.2.14/2.11.13/1.18.13/ 11.30.12

following associated language demands (written or oral) students need to understand and/or
o Vocabulary and/or symbols: Includes words and phrases that are used within disciplines
including: (1) words and phrases with subject-specific meanings that differ from meanings
used in everyday life (e.g., table); (2) general academic vocabulary used across disciplines
(e.g., compare, analyze, evaluate); and (3) subject-specific words defined for use in the
o Plus at least one of the following:
Syntax - The set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, and phrases
together into structures (e.g., formulas in spreadsheets, sentences, graphs, tables)
Discourse - Discourse includes the structures of written and oral language, as well
as how members of the discipline talk, write, and participate in knowledge
construction. Discipline-specific discourse has distinctive features or ways of
structuring oral or written language (text structures) that provide useful ways for
the content to be communicated

Language Supports: Strategies that are used to build students academic language within a
learning task. Strategies involve both modeling the appropriate language for the students to use
in a learning task as well as opportunities for guided practice and independent practice.
Strategies include think pair share, choral response, word walls, modeling, graphic organizers,
and so on.

Objectives: At least one objective must be a language objective. Make a numbered list. For each
objective, you should use the following sentence frame:
1. Given (conditions specific items, tasks, or situations students will use to demonstrate), the
learners will (assessable behaviors) with (degree of mastery). (Illinois Learning Standard number)
Also note which standard number it meets. Verbs to avoid: appreciate, familiarize, learn, believe, like,
comprehend, realize, enjoy, know, and understand.
Differentiation/Planned Support: Planned support includes a variety of tasks/materials and scaffolding
tied to specific learning objectives and the central focus. Supports address the needs of specific
individuals or groups with similar needs and include strategies to surface and respond to common errors
and misunderstandings. Consider two of the following areas:
Whole Class:
Groups of students with similar needs:
Individual students:
Students with IEPs or 504 plans:
Formative Assessment (Process): Give a number list of 1 to 3 methods (with a short explanation) you
will use

How will you know that the students are learning/working towards your goals?
How will students demonstrate their understanding? What specific actions do you expect to observe?
How will you record what you see and hear?
How you will use multiple forms of assessments to inform your instruction during the lesson.

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Summative Assessment (Product): List the summative assessment for the lesson or unit

What evidence of student learning will you collect?

In what ways will the evidence document student achievement?
Does your assessment allow all students to show what they know or have learned?
How might you modify your assessment/s for the students with whom you are working?

Preparation: List everything that must be done before the class period or day in preparation for this
lesson. Include materials needed, as well as actions such as copying or creating materials, collecting
supplies, and preparing equipment.
Technology used: List the technology that will be used with this lesson.
Classroom Setting: Consider how you arrange the desks and the room. What arrangement do you need
to make for the desks? What instructional culture would you like to create?

Instructional Plan
Engage, Connect, and Launch: This section should give details about how you will introduce the lesson,
be engaging and motivating, focus students attention, and establish purpose and direction for the
lesson. You should do three things during this part of the lesson.
1. Engage: Hook and Hold student interest. How will you engage your students?
2. Connect: Make connections with prior lessons. How will you connect to your students previous
experiences? How will you link this to their lives as students?
3. Launch: Communicate what the students will know or be able to do i.e. state why this is important
- give reasons. You should say these words somewhere in your anticipatory set, today we will
be.. How will you communicate your learning goals/objectives or your expectations to the
Sequence of Learning Activities: This section is a numbered list of how you will reach your objectives
using various activities/tasks. Explain what you will say and how you will transition. Include the number
of minutes that each activity will take. The sequence should be logical, organized, and include all
necessary elements for the content to be presented. You should give details of what the students will
do to explore the concept and what you will do to help them. Show evidence that you understand how
students learn. Note where your objectives are being met by placing the objective number in
parenthesis at the end of the activity.
In activities, students
1. Should be intellectually engaged through teacher-student and student-student interaction in
discussions, tasks, or activities tailored to their specific needs.
2. Should connect new content and students prior learning and experiences, social and emotional
development, and interests in ways that support understanding of concepts.
3. Should be given explicit models, opportunities for practice, and feedback.
4. Should use targeted academic language in ways that support learning.
5. Should interact with other students to examine their own strengths to apply new learning.
6. Should respond to their new learning and be guided to build on skills

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Activity #1: Name and justify the learning task. Use effective and best practices and relevant
research/theory to justify why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate.
2. (etc.)
EXAMPLE: Activity 1 Guided Practice. Guided practice provides students the opportunity to grasp and develop
concepts or skills and requires me to monitor student progress (B. Rosenshine) (6 minutes).
1. Ask a student to read the definition of a pattern on page 30 of their text
2. Ask 2 students to explain the definition of pattern in their own words. Tell students to tell a partner what
a patter is with a sentence starter: A pattern is
3. Have students give an example of a number pattern that they know (Obj. 1)
4. Direct students attention to the examples A-C on page 30 of the text
5. Ask them to give another name for the patterns that they see (ex. A Counting by 2)
6. Ask students to name a 3 digit number pattern when the digit in the tens place decreases. (ex. 350, 340,
330, 320, 310.)
Transition: Ask students to focus their attention on the patterns on the board.

Activity #2: Name and justify the learning task. Use effective and best practices and relevant
research/theory to justify why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate.
2. (etc.)
Activity #3: Name and justify the learning task. Use effective and best practices and relevant
research/theory to justify why learning tasks (or their adaptations) are appropriate.
2. (etc.)
Add more activities as needed.
Closure: Closure is the time to help students organize the information and retain new information by
reading, writing, speaking, or listening. How will you allow students to think, make final connections, and
engage in discussions using previously-learned and newly acquired academic language? How will you
allow students to reflect on the lesson and to share their ideas with others and with the class?
Assignment: What will the student do to practice skills, review concepts, apply information learned, or learn new
information? What feedback will you give? How will you give guidance for improvement? How will students use
that feedback to evaluate their learning and develop abilities? Provide a rationale for either choosing or not
choosing and assignment.

Post-Instructional Reflection
Assessment/Evaluation of Student Learning: Use the following questions to guide your narrative.
Formative Assessment (Process)
What worked? What did not work? For whom? Why? Use specific examples of students work, actions, or
quotes to support your claims.
In what ways did you monitor student learning during the lesson?
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How did you determine your students understanding?

Describe the ways in which you used formative assessments to inform your teaching decisions during the
What feedback did you provide? How did your feedback support students in meeting the goals of the
Summative Assessment (Product)
What evidence of student learning did you collect?
In what ways did the evidence document student achievement?
Does your assessment allow all students to show what they know or have learned?
How might you modify your assessment/s for the students with whom you are working?
How did your students be able to reflect upon and self-assess their learning?

Reflection of Teaching/Reflective Commentary: Have your students met your learning objectives? How
do you know? Discuss what students appear to understand well and where they continue to struggle.
(Evidence could include student comments or work, exit slips, supervising cooperating teacher notes,
video, etc.)
If you could teach this lesson to the same group of students again, what are two-three things you would do
differently to improve the learning of your students? How would the changes improve the learning of
students with different needs and characteristics? Was the lesson taught as planned? If not, what changes
were made to the lesson and why?
What will be your next steps instructionally? Why? Do you have data to support these next steps?
What did you learn about your students as learners? What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?
What goals do you have for yourself as you plan future lessons?

Revised 1.13.15/9.3.14/4.2.14/2.11.13/1.18.13/ 11.30.12

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