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Date: 1-3015

Strengths of
the class:
Needs of the

Grade and Period 8th-9th 1A

Lesson Topic
previous day
for the lesson

School culture in the U.S. Vs. Spanish speaking countries

Chapter 2 assignment. Study AR verbs, study classroom vocabulary.

for Students
for Students

As a whole, this class is very intelligent. They are willing to move their desks quickly to get into partners,
which makes it easier to begin working on conversation partner activities.
There are several cliques in this class that at times can cause a lot of disruption. Since the class is very large,
activities can take longer than planned. We are a little bit behind Spanish 1B. This is the first class of the day,
so sometimes they are too sleepy to participate enthusiastically.

Level 1: Standard 1
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and
exchange opinions. (Interpersonal)
Ask and answer simple questions

SWBAT compare student life in the U.S. to student life in a Spanish

speaking country by analyzing a report cord from a Mexican student and
answering several related questions.
SWBAT discuss school life in a foreign country by reading a paragraph
and completing questions with their partner.
SWBAT explain school life in the U.S. (i.e. schedules, school subjects,
school supplies) and how it pertains to their daily life.
SWBAT compare school life in the U.S. with school life in Spanishspeaking countries.
SWBAT compare their school life with a classmates school life
SWBAT use questions related to school life to participate in a 10-minute
happy hour activity.
1. Starter: Students will finish forming 3 questions in Spanish related
to school life. They will then ask a partner their questions and record
their partners response. Students will use a highly scaffolded
worksheet to complete this task.


1) Be a respectful listener
2) Stay in seat unless we are doing a group activity.
3) Raise hand
4) Come in quietly and begin working on the starter everyday as well as writing your daily objectives and
homework in your planner.
5) Use vest for bathroom, cant use during the first 10 or last ten minutes of class
6) Turn in homework on time. If it is turned in late, you will only receive 50% for the assignment. To turn in
homework pass up the row so I can collect all homework at the front.
7) Partner activities: Push desks together within 10 seconds. Group activities. I will form the groups and tell
them who they are going to work with.
8) Calling for volunteers: I will use Seor Dilleys sticks with the students names on them. I will also notify
several groups that they will be modeling a conversation with their classmates.

Class Work

1. Starter: Students will finish forming 3 questions in Spanish related

to school life. They will then ask a partner their questions and record
their partners response. Students will use a highly scaffolded
worksheet to complete this task. When finished, students should pull
out their conversation cards and study the questions (5-10 minutes).

2. Speaking: La hora feliz-Students will push desks to the side and

ask and answer a myriad of questions related to the classroom schedules.
They will pair up. After they have asked their partner the first question,
they will switch questions and find a new partner. It is called happy hour
because students will mingle around and talk to lots of different students
(10-15 minutes).
Feedback: Were their questions that you didnt know how to answer?
Review of some of the questions by asking several students the
questions. Push desks back together.
2. Listening: Cornell Notes-culture- Lesson on Spanish-speaking
countries and how they do their grading, how teachers interact, etc. I will
create a power point for this lesson. Students will follow along and take
notes on the power point. I will highlight the most important information.
Assessment: I will have students rate from 1-5 with their fingers how
well they understood the portion on culture. Then, I will have them turn
to a partner and share one thing they learned.
3. Reading/Writing: P. 80-81 Paso a Paso review of a Mexican
students report card. Boleta de Evaluacin. I will post questions on the
board. Students will write an answer to the questions in partners.
Cmo se llama la escuela?
Cmo se llama el estudiante?
En qu grado est?
Qu clases tiene el estudiante?
Que significa asistencia?
Cul es su nota en la clase de ingls?
Assessment: Students will switch their questions with another group of
partners and check that they have the same answers. Finally, I will call on
several groups of students to report their findings.
3. Reading: p. 70 in the Paso a Paso textbook. I will also post a
second set of questions on the board. In the same partners they will
discuss the questions. They will not need to write anything down this
Qu necesitan para la clase de ciencias?
Cmo es la clase?
Qu usan frecuentemente en la clase de ciencias?
Cundo empieza la tercera hora?
Cules son los verbos de AR en la carta?
4. Extra time: Students will practice speaking Spanish with a partner by

Plans for
Plans for
EnrichmentPlans for
Plans for English
Language Learners


using their conversation cards.

I will collect the 3 questions and answers that the students wrote.
Comprehension checks throughout the lesson. I will also participate in
the happy hour and answer questions if they cannot answer a question. I
will give them feedback after each segment of the lesson.
Study AR verbs and their conjugations for an upcoming quiz. Study
classroom vocabulary for an upcoming quiz.
Que tal-magazine to read. Additional questions and tasks to complete
that are more cognitively demanding.
Focused groups. Strategic placement of partners. Switching of partners so
students work with a variety of other students. One on one instruction.
Past copies of notes if students have missed days or lost their notes.
Modeling, vocabulary emphasis in context. Individual support as I walk
around the classroom. Modeled examples in written and spoken form.
Use of Seor Dilley for modeling support.

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