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ISSN 2278- 4136

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Recent Trends in Indian Traditional Herbs Syzygium

aromaticum and its Health Benefits
Debjit Bhowmik1, K.P. Sampath Kumar*1, Akhilesh Yadav2, Shweta Srivastava2, Shravan Paswan2, Amit Sankar

Department of pharmaceutical sciences, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

[E-mail: [email protected]]
Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
R. K. Pharmacy College, Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum), many medicinal uses have been most famously applied to toothache, and for mouth
and throat inflammation. The dove has been used in India and China, for over 2,000 years, as a spice to check both
tooth decay and counter halitosis that is bad breath. In Persia and China, it was considered to
have aphrodisiac properties. Cloves have historically been used in Indian cuisine (both North Indian and South
Indian). In the north Indian cuisine, it is used in almost every sauce or side dish made, mostly ground up along with
other spices. More than just a counterirritant though, the German Commission E Monographs list cloves as having
antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties One of the main constituents of clove oil (eugenol)
exhibits broad antimicrobial activities against both Gram-positive, Gram-negative and acid-fact bacteria, as well as
fungi Cloves are well known also for their antiemetic (relieves nausea and vomiting) and carminative
properties. The oldest apparent medicinal use of cloves was in China, where it is reported that they were taken for
various ailments as early as 240 BC. Cloves were taken over the centuries for diarrhea, most liver, stomach and
bowel ailments, and as a stimulant for the nerves Traditionally cloves have been used to treat flatulence, nausea and
vomiting .In tropical Asia cloves have been given to treat such diverse infections as malaria, cholera and
tuberculosis, as well as scabies traditional uses in America include treating worms, viruses, candida, various
bacterial and protozoan infections Laboratory tests on cloves identify eugenol as being the possible reason for the
antimicrobial actions, and confirm cloves effectiveness in inhibiting food-borne pathogens as well as other bacteria
and fungi The volatile oil of cloves (about 85-92% eugenol) was highly active against a range of test
microorganisms, being classified as bactericidal in nature. Along with the recreational uses of cloves, they are also
said to be a natural anthelmintic.
Keyword: Syzygium Aromaticum, Health Benefits, Cloves

1. Introduction
Cloves are an aromatic herb that has many useful
purposes. The aroma of the clove is pleasant yet
spicy and can be used to make drawers and
closets smell nice. Cloves has some medicinal
purposes as well and it tastes good in certain
dishes like spice cake. Cloves like to grow in hot
tropical climates like the islands of Indonesia.
The clove plant is an evergreen tree that can
reach a height of thirty or forty feet high. The

leaves of the clove are leathery textured and are

covered with many tiny depressions. The part of
the clove that is used is the flower buds of the
clove. The aromatic oils of the clove have a
stimulant and irritant effect. Cloves can increase
blood circulation and raise a person's temperature
slightly. The oils of the cloves have been known
to stimulate and disinfect a body as it travels
through the body. Clove can be used to promote
the flow of saliva and gastric juices. If you have


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

stomach pain or gas in the stomach then the use

of cloves can help to relieve the stomach pain.
You can prepare a cup of clove tea by taking a
cup of boiling water and adding a teaspoon of
clove powder to it. Then let the water and clove
steep for a few minutes before you drink it. Clove
tea has been known to relieve nausea and
vomiting. When cloves are used externally on the
body it can relieve the pain in chronic
rheumatism, toothache and lumbago. Cloves can
also help to relieve the pain of muscle cramps and
some nerve conditions. You can apply clove oil
along the nerve where the pain is. To deodorize a
smelly drawer or closet you can put some cloves
in a small container that is open and let it sit in
the drawer or closet. Leave the container open
and put it in a place that it will not spill. Or you
can tie up a handful of cloves in a handkerchief
and put it in a closet or drawer. The scent of
cloves is pleasant and nice. Cloves are a very
useful herb that has many uses for the body and
the aroma. Cloves can be used to spice up foods
like a ham or cake. Cloves can be purchased in a
power form or it can be in a dried whole flower
bud form. You can buy cloves in a grocery store
in the spice section. Clove is an herb. People use
the oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems to
make medicine. Clove is used for upset stomach
and as an expectorant. Expectorants make it
easier to cough up phlegm. Clove oil is used for
diarrhea, hernia, and bad breath. Clove and clove
oil are used for intestinal gas, nausea, and
vomiting. Clove is applied directly to the gums
(used topically) for toothache, for pain control
during dental work, and for a complication of
tooth extraction called dry socket. It is also
applied to the skin as a counterirritant for pain
and for mouth and throat inflammation. In
combination with other ingredients, clove is also
applied to the skin as part of a multi-ingredient
product used to keep men from reaching orgasm
too early (premature ejaculation).In foods and
beverages, clove is used as a flavoring. In
manufacturing, clove is used in toothpaste, soaps,
cosmetics, perfumes, and cigarettes. Clove
cigarettes, also called kreteks, generally contain
60% to 80% tobacco and 20% to 40% ground
clove. Eugenol, one of the chemicals in clove,

acts like menthol to reduce the harshness of

tobacco smoke.
1.1 Origin of Clove [1-7]
Cloves are the pink flowering bud of a form
evergreen tree (Eugenia aromatica), which are
dried until brown and used for medicinal and
spicing purposes. Indigenous to the Moluccas
spice islands of Indonesia, cloves also grow
naturally in India, the West Indies, Tanzania, Sri
Lanka, Brazil and Madagascar. With their sultrysweet aromatic flavor and powerful essential oil
compounds, cloves have been used for hundreds
of years as a nutritional spice for food and a
remedy for a variety of health concerns. For over
2,000 years, both Indian and Chinese traditional
medicine made extensive use of clove flowers
and clove oil. Arabic traders brought the buds to
Europe in 4th century A.D., and in the seventh
and eighth century A.D. Europe, cloves became
very popular as a medicinal flower, due to their
ability to preserve foods, and mask the smell of
poorly-kept foods [2, 3].
1.2 Active Constituents of Clove Oil
Approximately, 72-90% of the essential oil
extracted from cloves has Eugenol. Other
essential oil ingredients of clove oil are,
1. Acetyl eugenol.
2. Beta-caryophyllene and vanillin
3. Crategolic acid, tannins, gallotannic acid,
methyl salicylate (painkiller)
4. Flavonoids eugenin,
rhamnetin, and eugenitin
5. Triterpenoids like oleanolic acid.
6. The dried buds of cloves contain about 15
- 20 percent of essential oils, and the bulk
of this is eugenol. A kilogram of dried
buds provides about 150 ml (1/4 of pint)
of eugenol.
1.3 Health Benefits of Organically Certified
Clove [11, 12]
Clove is a natural antiviral, antimicrobial,
antiseptic, and anti-fungal agent. It also holds
capacities. The oil of cloves has been used in a
variety of health conditions including indigestion,


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

generalized stress, parasitic infestations, cough,

toothaches, headache, and blood impurities. In
fact, the expert panel German Commission
recently approved the use of its essential oil as a
topical antiseptic and anesthetic.

1.4 Clove may play a therapeutic role in the

following conditions:
Clove is used extensively in dental care for
relieving toothache, sore gums and oral
ulcers. Gargling with clove oil can also aid in
sore throat conditions and bad breathe [1].
Anti-Bacterial: An effective aid for food
poisoning, clove oil effectively kills many
contaminated foods [2].
Antiseptic: Clove oil can be used to reduce
infections, wounds, insect bites and stings [1].
Anti-fungal: Clove is also effective in
reducing fungal infections such as athlete's
foot [1].
Skin: Excellent aid for skin disorders, such as
General Stress Reliever: Clove oil
stimulates the circulatory system, clearing the
mind and reducing mental exhaustion and
fatigue. It has also been used to aid insomnia,
memory loss, anxiety and depression.
Anti-Inflammatory: Clove oil clears the
respiratory passages, acting as an expectorant
for treating many upper-respiratory conditions
including colds, eye styes, bronchitis, sinus
conditions, cough and asthma.
Blood Purifier: Not only purifies the blood,
but also aids in stabilizing blood sugar levels,
and may have benefits for diabetic
Clove's antiviral and cleansing properties
purify the body, augmenting our resistance to
Premature Ejaculation: Some research has
shown that clove may be useful as a aid for
premature ejaculation.
Indigestion: Clove oil offers a powerful
action against gas and bloating. It reduces gas

pressure in the stomach, aiding in the proper

elimination of food and toxins. It also relieves
the discomfort of peptic ulcers. Effective for
stomach related conditions including nausea,
hiccups, motion sickness and vomiting.(2)
Cancer Prevention: Preliminary studies
suggest that clove oil may play a
chemopreventive role, particularly in cases of
lung, skin and digestive cancers.(5,7)
Cardiovascular Health: The active essential
oil in clove, eugenol, has been shown to act as
an effective platelet inhibitor, preventing
blood clots [4].
Studies show that clove oil can prevent
toxicity related to exposure to environmental

1.5 Medicinal uses Clove Oil: Clove oil is

produced by a steam distillation process. So
you're probably better off buying the oil rather
than trying to make it yourself. Clove oil is
available almost anywhere .Clove oil is an
unusually powerful antioxidant. Antioxidant
capacity is measure by ORAC (Oxygen Radical
Absorption Capacity). Although the dried buds or
powders rank highly among anti-oxidants, clove
oil is the monster antioxidant.
1.6 Biological Sources [7]

Scientific classification
S. aromaticum
Binomial name
Syzygium aromaticum
(L.) Merrill & Perry

As an essential oil, clove's ORAC rating soars to

over 10 million. Most other antioxidants are rated
in the tens of thousands to a maximum of a few
hundred thousand at best. Producing the oil from
clove buds concentrates clove's eugenol, the main


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

active ingredient of clove. Eugenol is an antiinflammatory. Clove's flavonoids also contribute

to the high ORAC level of the essential oil and
clove oil is a great anti-fungal. It's even
recommended by many who treat Candida. The
oil is also useful for direct applications to outer
skin fungi, such as ringworm and athlete's foot.
1.7 Nutritional/Medicinal Value:
Clove is one of the highest sources of manganese
you'll find. Manganese is vital for metabolism,
contributes enzymes, promotes bone strength, and
also adds to clove's high ORAC antioxidant
value. Magnesium, calcium, vitamins C and K
also make strong appearances in clove. Clove is
high in fiber also. Omega-3 is in abundance in
clove as well as many phytonutrients that
enhance the immune system. Clove greatly boosts
your humoral immunity, which protects your
blood and tissues. Clove has anti-viral antibacterial properties as well. It has been
discovered to help prevent adult onset diabetes by
tripling insulin levels.
1.8 Health Properties of Cloves [11-16]
Cloves are the dried flower buds of the clove tree,
an evergreen tree that grows in tropical climates.
While cloves are mostly used for culinary
purposes today, the health benefits of cloves have
been known for centuries. The Chinese used
cloves to get rid of bad breath over 2000 years
ago, and it is even said that anyone who had an
audience with the Emperor was required to chew
on cloves so that their breath was sweet! It was
also considered an aphrodisiac in China as well as
Persia. Cloves have powerful medicinal
properties. They are stimulating and have
antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic
properties. They are also a natural anesthetic (due
to the eugenol oil) which is why they were often
used for dental procedures in centuries past and
are still used in some cultures to remedy
toothache. It is the oil that is derived from the
cloves that is so powerful, and this is often used
for medicines both topically and internally. This
oil contains compound that helps with blood
circulation and can stimulate the skin when
applied directly to it. Cloves are a great spice to

heal ailments of the digestive system. They are

well known for relieving flatulence and can
actually help promote good digestion as well as
metabolism. They may also help relieve vomiting
and diarrhea as well as a host of other digestive
disorders. Cloves have been well known as an allaround healing herb and its not just digestive
problems that cloves are reputed to help with. In
fact, they are used in tropical Asia to treat
conditions such as scabies, cholera, malaria and
tuberculosis. As an antispasmodic it can be
applied topically to relieve muscle spasms or in a
tea to ease coughing. It can also treat skin
problems like styes and sores when applied as an
ointment. It is said a paste of milk, salt crystals,
and cloves can be a great headache remedy.
Cloves are believed to have other health benefits
that arent necessarily connected with an
immediate illness. For instance, they can make a
great mosquito repellant, as well as a moth
repellent. Clove studded oranges are often used to
repel many kinds of insects in tropical climates.
Sucking on cloves may even reduce the craving
for alcohol. Today, the health benefits of cloves
are not mentioned much in the Western world,
but this ancient spice is still a popular herb with
Ayurvedic healers who use it in teas and powders
both topically and internally. It is even found in
the arsenal of aromatherapy practitioners.
Although used from centuries in all over the
world, clove is a resident of Molucca islands. It
has been widely used in the Ayurveda Indian
traditional medicine, and Chinese traditional
medicines. In the modern world, it is largely
cultivated in Zanzibar, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
India, and Pakistan.
1.9 Transnational Uses of Clove [15, 17, 19]
Clove: is very well known as spice as
well as herb all over the world. An
English name clove, has been derived
from the Latin word nail as the shape
resembles to small sized nails. It is widely
used for medicinal as well as culinary
purposes. Cloves are actually the dried
flower buds of tree that is member of
Myrtaceae family. Clove is an evergreen
tree that bears sanguine flowers in


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

clusters. The medicinal uses of this dried

bud are as follows:
Cholera: The intake of cloves is very
much effective in the treatment of cholera.
Add some four grams of cloves to boiling
water. Boil it, till the half water gets
evaporated. Drink this water to prevent
from severity.
Digestive disorder: Cloves boost the
digestive system of the body as, it
regulates the enzyme flows. Intake of this
herb reduces the irritation level in
intestine and cures indigestion problem.
Mix the powdered cloves with
teaspoonful of honey, and consume this
mixture before going to bed.
Coughs: Take a clove with rock salt and
chew it thoroughly to ease down soreness
of throat. It also helps in reliving the
inflammation of pharynx. You may even
burn a clove and chew it, to get relieved
from severe cough. Clove oil when mixed
with honey, gives amazing effect of
recurring cough.
Teeth troubles: From ancient era, clove
is used in India and china to cure tooth
aches. They are highly beneficial in
reducing the pain of tooth. Due to its
antiseptic properties, it is also guards the
tooth from infections. Apply the clove oil
which reduces the pain in gums and
decayed tooth.
Ground the cloves into powder form and
mix it with salt crystals. Add milk to this
mixture, it is very effective remedy for
Earache: Boil cloves in sesame oil and
pour three to four drops of oil in ear. It
will immediately cure earaches. Apart
from the medicinal uses, it is used in
culinary worldwide. It is main ingredient
of the spice in Indian curries and also
included in the preparation of curry
powder. Clove oil is also used in the
production of bath salt, soaps, and

1.10 Natural Herbal Remedies Using Cloves

Natural herbal remedies using cloves
includes: Relieving toothaches, earaches,
nausea, hypertension and pain from burns
and wounds. Also helps respiratory
problems, great air freshener, mosquito
repellent, fly deterrent, and ant killer.
1.11 Cloves come in 3 different forms
Cloves (myrtaceae) come in 3 different forms,
whole, ground and oil. All three forms have the
same properties with differing degrees of
potency. Oil has the highest potency and is best
used diluted with carrier oil like almond oil.
Whole cloves are medium potency the oils are
still in them and they can be ground in a mortar
and pestle for use. Ground cloves are the least
potent, most of the oil has already been released.
1.12 Medicinal uses and Pharmaceutical
Western studies have supported the use of cloves
and clove oil for dental pain. However, studies to
determine its effectiveness for fever reduction, as
a mosquito repellent and to prevent premature
ejaculation have been inconclusive. Clove may
reduce blood sugar levels. Tellimagrandin II is an
ellagitannin found in S. aromaticum with antiherpes virus properties. The buds have antioxidant properties. Clove oil can be used to
anesthetize fish, and prolonged exposure to
higher doses (the recommended dose is 400mg/l)
is considered a humane means of euthanasia. In
addition, Clove oil is used in preparation of some
toothpastes, laxative pills and Clovacaine solution
which is a local anesthetic and used in oral
ulceration and anti-inflammations. Eugenol (or
clove oil generally) is mixed with Zinc oxide to
be a temporary filling
1.13 Using Cloves Medicinally
All three forms can be used with differing
degrees of results and applied in different
ways. Clove oil can be applied with a q-tip, a
drop will do, remember it is very potent, you
may even want to consider diluting it for this
purpose. A whole clove can be crushed


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

slightly and placed on the gum where the

toothache is located, or place a small amount
of ground cloves into a piece of coffee filter,
wrap, wet and place between gum and lip.
Using any of these applications will alleviate
the pain, the higher the potency, the quicker
the relief. Using clove oil will not only
alleviate the pain it will also draw out any
infection from an abscess so you won't need
antibiotics before seeing the dentist.
Earaches: Clove oil is best used for an
earache, dilute with a carrier oil (never
water), place on a cotton ball and place just
inside the ear canal. The pain will subside
quickly and it will help to reduce infection if
any is present.
Nausea: Clove tea has a very unique flavor
and aroma. The best part of drinking clove tea
is the quick relief from nausea and the fresh
breath you have afterwards. In fact chewing
on a clove from time is the best breath mint
ever and keeps nausea and heartburn away.
However too much tea or chewing on cloves
can produce heartburn, especially if done on
an empty stomach.
Hypertension: Regularly chewing on cloves
for at least six weeks or more can help reduce
hypertension. Always be sure to discuss this
with your doctor before deciding if it is a
right option for you.
Burns and Open Wounds: Apply clove oil
directly and immediately to 1st and 2nd degree
burns and minor open wounds and cuts to
alleviate pain, reduce possibility of infection
and reduce healing time. For minor open
wounds and cuts just sprinkling ground cloves
will help stop bleeding and reduce pain
immediately. I never go anywhere without
either a small bottle of ground cloves or clove

1.14 Home Remedies of Cloves [11-16]

Respiratory Aid: Aromatherapy is the
best way to use cloves as a respiratory aid.
Make clove tea and breathe in the aroma
from the hot tea. A pomander as pictured
can be hung in various places to have a

continual aroma therapy and improve

respiratory problems.
Air Freshener: Cloves have a great
aroma and can be used in a variety of
ways to remove offensive smells rather
than using aerosols or other artificial air
fresheners. Make an atomizer in a spray
bottle mixing clove oil with water, shake
well before each use as oil and water do
not stay mixed. A clove pomander is
another way, see instructions below for
how to make one. After the pomander has
lost its effectiveness, the cloves still have
more aroma to share, crush slightly and
add to a potpourri. Cloves are always a
great addition to spicy potpourris or an oil
Mosquito Repellent: Using the same
atomizer you freshen the air with, shake
and spray lightly on exposed skin.
Fly deterrent and ant killer: The aroma
alone from cloves will deter flies whether
it is in a potpourri an air freshener or a
pomander. A drop of clove oil will kill
ants instantly. Mix clove oil, cinnamon
oil and water and shake well before each
use to kill ants.

1.15 Medicinal Properties and Health Benefits

of Cloves [15-19]
The active principles in the clove are
known to have antioxidant, anti-septic,
rubefacient (warming and soothing),
carminative and anti-flatulent properties.
The spice contains many health benefiting
essential oils such as eugenol, a phenylpropanoids class of chemical compound,
which gives pleasant, sweet aromatic
fragrances to the clove-bud. Eugenol has
local anesthetic and antiseptic properties,
hence; useful in dental treatment
The other important constituents in this
spice include: - essential oils:
eugenol, beta-caryophyllene and vanillin,
crategolic acid; tannins: gallotannic acid,


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

methyl salicylate (pain-killer); the

eugenin, kaempferol,
rhamnetin, and eugenitin; triterpenoids:
like oleanolic acid, stigmasterol and
campesterol; and several sesquiterpenes.
The active principles in the clove may
increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract as well as improve the
digestion power by increasing gastrointestinal enzyme secretions. Thus, helps

relieve indigestion and constipation

The spice also contains good amount of
minerals like potassium, manganese, iron,
selenium and magnesium. Potassium in an
important electrolyte of cell and body
fluids that helps control heart rate and
blood pressure. Manganese is used by the
body as a co-factor for the antioxidant
enzyme superoxide dismutase.

See the table below for in depth analysis of nutrients:

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum),
Nutritive Value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Total Fat
Dietary Fiber
Pantothenic acid
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

47 Kcal
10.51 g
3.27 g
0.15 g
0 mg
5.4 g

Percentage of RDA

68 mcg
1.046 mg
0.338 mg
0.116 mg
0.066 mg
0.072 mg
13 IU
11.7 mg
0.19 mg
14.8 mcg


94 mg
370 mg


44 mg
0.231 mg
1.28 mg
60 mg
0.256 mg
90 mg


0.2 mcg


8 mcg
0 mcg
464 mcg



Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

It contains very good amounts of vitamin

A and beta carotene levels. These compounds
are known to have antioxidant properties.
Vitamin A is also required by the body for
maintaining healthy mucus membranes and
skin and is also essential for vision.
Consumption of natural foods rich in
flavonoids helps to protect body from lung
and oral cavity cancers.

This spice is a good source of vitamin-K,

vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin
B1), vitamin-C and riboflavin.
Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C
helps body develop resistance against
infectious agents and scavenge harmful
oxygen free radicals.

1.16 Medicinal Uses of Cloves [2-19]:

1. Clove oil is an antiseptic in natures and
effective against and streptococcus and
staphylococcus bacteria and therefore it is
used in respiratory and digestive diseases.
2. An infusion of cloves is used in nausea,
vomiting, flatulence and dyspepsia.
3. Clove oil is popularly used for tooth aches
from time immemorial.
4. Cloves are expectorant in nature hence
they are used in controlling coughs. If one
two cloves are kept in the mouth controls
the cough particularly in the nights and
promotes sleep.
5. It controls the throat irritation.
6. Because of its antiseptic nature it finds a
place in the preparation of mouth washes,
tooth pastes and tooth powders.
7. Infusions of cloves is used for controlling
of Cholera and Asthma
8. Along with honey clove powder is used
for controlling vomiting.
9. Because of its anesthetic nature it is used
in ear ache.
10. Clove oil is used in headaches.
11. Clove oil is a good remedy for treating
styes on the eye (Inflammation of the eye
lids in the form of small growths).

1.17 Culinary Uses

In order to keep the fragrance and flavor intact,
clove is generally grounded just before preparing
dishes and added at the last moment in the
cooking recipes. This is because prolonged
cooking results in evaporation of its essential oils.
This popular spice has been used in
preparation of many popular dishes in
Asian and Chinese cuisine since ancient
times. Along with other spices
like pepper, turmeric, ginger etc. It is
being used in marinating chicken, fish and
Some Indian vegetarian and chicken
curries and rice dishes (biriyani) contain
cloves and in the Middle East it is used in
meat and rice dishes.
They are also been used in the preparation
of soups, barbecue sauces, pickling and as
main ingredient in variety of curry
1.18 Specific Health Benefits of Cloves
Cloves have analgesic properties that can be used
for treatment of various dental problems like
tooth aches. They also boost memory and blood
circulation, and are beneficial for the heart, liver
and stomach.
Cloves can effectively cure many digestive
problems like stomach ulcers, flatulence and
dyspepsia, since they stimulate your body's
enzymes and boost digestion.
Because of the antiseptic and germicidal benefits
of cloves, they help fight infections like cold, flu,
bronchitis, arthritic pain and athletes foot.
1.19 Anti-Inflammatory Benefits of Cloves
Chemical analysis shows that cloves have 36
different ingredients, the most important being an
essential oil called eugenol. Cloves also contain a
variety of flavonoids which contribute to clove's
anti-inflammatory (and antioxidant) properties.
Aromatherapists often use clove oil to treat the
symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis. The
aromatic clove oil, when inhaled, can help relieve
certain respiratory conditions like coughs, colds,
asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis.


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

Eugenol and other components of clove combine

to make clove a mild anaesthetic as well as an
anti-bacterial agent. For these reasons, you'll find
clove oil in some over-the-counter sore throat
sprays and mouth washes.
1.20 Analgesic Benefits of Cloves
The analgesic property of clove oil can be used
for treatment of various dental problems like
tooth aches. A cotton ball soaked in the clove oil
can work wonders on the aching tooth. Clove oil
is also used to relieve pain from sore gums and
improves overall dental health.
1.21 Antiseptic Benefits of Cloves
Clove and clove oil are antiseptic in nature and
work as an effective remedy for some common
problems such as cuts, fungal infections, burns,
wounds, athlete's foot and bruises. The antiseptic
properties of clove oil are why it's a common
ingredient in various dental creams, toothpastes,
mouth wash, and throat sprays.
Clove and clove oil boost the immune system by
purifying the blood and help to fight against
various diseases.
1.22 Digestive Health Benefits of Cloves
Cloves can effectively cure many digestive
problems. Cloves are known to have medicinal
qualities to cure flatulence, loose stools,
indigestion and nausea. Cloves are useful in
relieving the symptoms of diarrhea, gastric
irritability and vomiting.
1.23 Get the Benefits of Cloves Every Day
Cloves have so many benefits, ideally you'd want
to have some every day. However, as with any
spice, you may find it impractical to include
cloves in your meal plans that often. There's an
easy way to accomplish this by making
yourself a smoothie every day and adding some
cloves to your recipe. Fresh smoothies make for
some of the most nutritious, delicious and easyto-make meals you could imagine. They're a great
way to get more of those "good for you"
antioxidant-rich foods (that you may not get
enough of) into your diet. I personally use small
amounts of cloves and cinnamon in my smoothie

recipes to help give them more antioxidant

power. Using small amounts of super foods such
as cloves gives my smoothie the antioxidant
power of 6-9 servings of dark green leafy
vegetables and it taste nothing like them! To
learn more about the art of making smoothies,
skip on over to my page on How to Make a
Smoothie the Healthy Way and learn all my tricks
for making delicious and nutritious smoothies! To
learn more about cloves and ways to use this
beneficial spice,
1.24. Selection and storage
The spice is available year around in the markets.
Good quality cloves release sweet fragrance when
squeezed between the thumb and index fingers. In
the store, buy whole buds instead of powder
since, oftentimes it may contain adulterated spicy
powders. The cloves should be wholesome with
stem and sepals, and compact.
Whole cloves should be stored in cool dark place,
in airtight containers for many months and can be
milled using "hand mill" as and when required.
Ground/powder clove should be stored in the
refrigerator in airtight containers and should be
used as early as possible since it loses its flavor
1.25 Side-Effects of Clove [16]
Clove oil is very powerful oil and at times
has unpleasant taste.
If large quantities are accidentally
ingested, it may cause irritation to the skin
of some individuals and can easily irritate
the mucus membranes.
If it is used directly as clove oil, the
concentration should be below 1%.
It should be avoided during pregnancy.
2. Conclusion
Clove is used to treat various health conditions,
headaches, colds, impotence, and gastrointestinal
problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and
gas. It is also used to alleviate inflammation from
arthritis and flu symptoms. Topical uses of clove
include application directly to the gum or skin to
alleviate dental pain and to reduce inflammation


Debjit bhowmik, K.P.Sampath Kumar*, Akhilesh Yadav, S. Srivastava, Shravan Paswan, Amit sankar Dutta

of the mouth and throat areas. Clove is also used

in combination with other supplements for
treating premature ejaculation and cancer.
3. Reference

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