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1. Complete the interview with Georgia Stump with the following phrases:
Used to work
Used to make
Used to get

Used to enjoy
You use to

Used to have
Used to go

Did you use to


Interviewer: Where were you born?

I was born in west London.
Interviewer: Was it a pleasant place to grow up?
No, it wasnt. The area.. a lot of factories and things, no
trees at all.
It has changed a lot since then.
Interviewer: Did you go to school in west London?
No, I didnt. I a school about ten kilometers
Interviewer: good marks at school?
No! I .mainly D and E grades and I failed my exams.
Interviewer: What were your best subjects at school?
I music lessons most! I always liked singing really
Interviewer: Did during the holidays?
Yes, I did. I .at one of the film studios in the
area. Toy know, just making
tea and coffee.
Interviewer: How did you get your first job as a film director?
I .my own short films. I made one called
Night. The screen was just
black all the time. Really clever black , Night, see? The studio
bosses thought it was
clever too, so they offered me a job.

2. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences:

When I was a child

I used to walk/walking six kilometers to school every day.

I used to wore/wear an awful uniform at school.
we didnt use to watch/watched TV because we didnt have one.
I used to play/played the guitar e very evening.
my grandparents used to lived/ live with us.
my parents didnt use to have/ had a car.
my father used to work/ works at a factory.

h) we used to spending/ spend our holidays at the coast.

3. Complete the sentences with the right verb form:

Having; getting up; sharing; telling; living; driving; flying; living; driving;
1 I get up at 5:30 every day so Im used to early.
2 Shes German so she isnt used to..on the left yet.
3 They are used to .in big houses.
4 I come from a big family, so Im used to ..with my brothers and sisters.
5 Ma father is often away on business so Im used to only mother at home.
6 I havent lived in the country for very long so Im not used to miles to the
nearest shop.
7 The children went to boarding school so they are used to ..away from home.
8 He travels a lot for work so he is used to .. .
9 As the oldest child, she is used toafter other children.
10 Im new in this job, so Im not used topeople what to do.

4. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets:

1 When I was a student, I used to .in a bar. (work)
2 I will never get used to nights. I much prefer working days. (work)
3 She isnt used to ..on her own. The house feels quite empty. (live)
4 When I worked in the city, I used to really early to commute to work. (get
5 Are you getting used to in your new house yet? (live)
6 Were not used to .in a cold climate. Were used to a warm one. (Live)

7 I used togardener. Im not used toin an office all day. I find it very hard.
(be, sit)
8 Since I retired from my job, I cant get used to ..nothing to do all day. (have)
9 In my lost job I used to..a suit and a tie. Now I wear jeans. (wear)
10 I was getting used to ..glasses when I changed to contact lenses.
5. Mix and Match
1 I used to eat a lot of chocolate but
2 Paul used to work in London but
3 He used to take the train to work but
4 When I was younger, I didnt use to eat cheese
but now
5 When I lived in the city,
6 They used to go to a very traditional school
7 I used to really enjoy his company but
8 She used to play the piano but
9 We used to go to the beach for our holidays
10 He used to have a motorbike but

a) when we were children.

b) now he drives a very boring
family car.
c) now I find him a bit boring.
d) where they wore a uniform.
e) now he drives.
f) now he works in Sheffield.
g) now she plays the guitar.
h) now I eat a lot.
i) I often used to go to the theatre.
j) now Im on a diet.

used to get up
am used to getting up

6. Choose the right answer

1. When I was a child I ... go swimming in the lake.
used to
am used to

2. I ... in front of an audience. I am a teacher.

used to speak
am used to speaking

3. As a father I ... the mess my children make every

used to clean up
am used to cleaning up

4. In the army I ... at six every morning.

5. My grandmother ... 5 miles to go to church on

used to walk
is used to walking

6. Anderlecht ... the best Belgian players.

Nowadays they can't afford that any longer.
used to attract
is used to attracting

7. I ... the paper after lunch. That's one of the

things I really enjoy.
used to read
am used to reading

8. In Spain you will soon ... a siesta in the

used to take
be used to taking

is used to taking

9. On holiday in Finland my wife ... a sauna every

used to take

10. After all this time I have become quite ... this
used to operate
used to operating

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the

verbs from the list.





listen to



a) Its difficult for Jenifer to get used to __________ on the left in London.
b) Stephen and his friends used to __________ football on Sunday
c) Mike is used to __________ several miles a day: thats why he easily won
the race last Saturday.
d) Where did you use to __________ before you got the job in the bank?
e) I never used to __________ classical music, but now I love it.
f) I cant get used to __________ a big meal as soon as I get up in the
g) Martha is sure that she will never get used to __________ a motorbike.
h) When Tom lived alone in Cambridge, he used to __________ his own

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