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Christ The Antidote Regarding Death


Part 78.

It Is Finished!
Our wonderful merciful God in Whose eyes all men are good & all men are pure. ''It is finished'' All
the sins of the world which is coming from the imaginations of our lowered mistaken identity, if we can
receive it have been taken away long before Calvary! Why? For we are really non-other than the
offspring of Him who is pure & Holy, He Who is without fault, He Who is Perfection & that which is the
very spiritual issue of Himself 'ourselves' are likewise eternally the same. It cannot be otherwise. The
reason that God was manifest in a man called Jesus was to show us that what the concentrated,
consecrated Christ in one human being could accomplish as an example that it is possible for ourselves to
also do likewise. What really is the remitting of the sins of the world; these sins which are the false
information from a mistaken lowered identity?
''If I be lifted up from the world.''
In other words if I as part of the corporate son allow myself to be lifted up from the lowered religious
worldly understanding I will begin to understand the deeper truths of the remission of sins for ALL MEN.
The truth of remission is that regardless of what we have known to date, in considering the words that
Jesus Himself said ''I have many things say to you but you are not yet able to bear them'' how many of
us reading these words can really receive & believe ''it is finished'' that no one is guilty, oh yes we can all
say I am the righteousness of God & by faith plus & etc which of course is all good & profitable, but the
truth is that the way that we are witnessing the second coming of Christ is that we will be what He is
without any sense of guilt or blame whatsoever, this will of course not be through one man only but first
through a collective man or man-child called the Christ, the corporate Christ.
If I be lifted up in the corporate Christ, that is declaring that all men are as righteous & free from
their mistaken identity as the singular Christ is then the corporate Christ will also draw all men to
This is actually bringing into action The Most Holy Place understanding which is not outside of
ourselves, not that which is accomplished in what we as mortals do but the full accomplishment what
Jesus told us in John ''whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them; whose soever sins ye retain,
they are retained.'' John 20:23. Darby. Whosoever sins ye remit they are remitted to them. This is the
the true corporate Christ expressing Himself through the brotherhood of love. None are guilty in the eyes
of God, I repeat in the eyes of God all men are good, all men are pure, He sees man in a far different
light than the lowered flesh man & if we cannot yet agree we need to raise our vision & experience into a
Godlike beyond the veil Shekinah experience of full ACQUITTAL, this will enable us to say with full
conviction; My dear fellow man & woman my brother my sister God does not hold you guilty, ''IT IS

The Age Of Aquarius!

''I saw no temple in the city, for the Lord God Omnipotent [Himself] and the Lamb [Himself] are its
temple. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon to give light to it, for the splendor and
radiance (glory) of God illuminate it, and the Lamb is its lamp.'' Rev 21:22-23. Amp.
For two thousand years the Piscean age was also one of Divine love but unfortunately it became mixed
with western religiosity. If we really wish to see & understand what the early Ecclesiastic followers
believed & preached & understood then read the book of Thomas. No adulteration whatsoever, straight
pure spiritual, beyond the veil truths without mixture which hit home runs with the spiritual man within

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

every time. In the age ahead which is the Aquaria-n age of man he enters into the inner realisation of who
he is in regard to the universe, he will realise more that not only is God one but that we are all in union
with Him in a way that to most at the moment would seem unimaginable. As man progresses in this
realisation he will know assured-ally that no man can possibly live unto himself that we, as the universe is
are really only ONE. The full realisation of the above verse quote ''I saw no temple in the city, for the
Lord God Omnipotent [Himself] and the Lamb [Himself] are its temple'' and the city which is the full
realised man- you are the city set on a hill - has no more need of the earthly sun or moon for its light, for
God & the Lamb, those who are a part of the Lamb - or the pure innocent lambkin, Gk - these are the fully
realised corporate man, which believe it or not eventually consists of all men. 'I will draw or drag all
men to Myself.' John 12: 32. ''And ALL mankind shall see and understand and acknowledge the
salvation of God.'' Luke 3:6.

The True Identity Of The Angel Of The Lord!

In Part 76 The Full Salvation Will Seek You Out! In the first paragraph on page 7 the Angel of the Lord
in Judges 6:22-23 was referred to, as promised I wish now to continue with this wonderful subject.
''Michael, the chief of the angels, is the protector of your people, and he will come at a time of terrible
suffering, the worst in all of history. And your people who have their names written in The Book will be
protected.'' Dan 12:1. CEV. Notice this time he will come at a time of terrible suffering the worst in all
of history.
''And at that time stand up doth Michael, the great head, who is standing up for the sons of thy people,
and there hath been a time of distress, such as hath not been since there hath been a nation till that time,
and at that time do thy people escape, every one who is found written in the book.'' Dan 12:1. Youngs
This great ARCHANGEL according to to the true meaning of his name H4317. Please note that he is
once again coming at the the worst time since nations have been on earth. Notice also that God is
personally prophesying to Daniel regarding Michael & the future.
''AND AT that time [of the end] Michael shall arise, the great [angelic] prince who defends and has
charge of your [Daniel's] people. And there shall be a time of trouble, straitness, and distress such as
never was since there was a nation till that time. But at that time your people shall be delivered,
everyone whose name shall be found written in the Book [of God's plan for His own].'' Dan 12:1. Amp.
Please notice that in the CEV Michael is described as the Chief of the angels. Now I know of course
that immediately an alarming question mark will arise in many minds mainly because of what a certain
movement have declared for so long. In the light of where I am now in my thinking I have well ceased in
making the mistake of putting the taboo on any movement, I am convinced there is not one persuasion of
thinking that does not have within itself certain truths, unfortunately we realise that some have put a fence
around the errors as well as their truths & unfortunately in doing so have thrown the baby out with the
bath-water. Please notice that the great prince-angel Michael will stand up to protect his chosen ones.
Incidentally according to scripture you can hunt from cover to cover & you will not find any scriptural
evidence for any-more than ONE Archangel who is Michael alone. No other angel is referred to as an
Archangel & that will no doubt surprise some, I repeat, this includes ALL other angels. Incidentally the
Angel that spoke to Moses when he received the oracles was none other than Michael the Angel of the
Lord, Acts7:38.
H4317 m yka'el me-kaw-ale' From H4310 and (the prefixed derivation from) H3588 and H410; who
(is) like God?; Mikael, the name of an archangel and of nine Israelites: - Michael.
''And the head of the kingdom of Persia is standing over-against me twenty and one days, and lo,
Michael, first of the chief heads, hath come in to help me, and I have remained there near the kings of

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

Persia;'' Dan 10:13. Youngs Literal. Please notice here that this true translation properly gives Michael
his rightful position as the FIRST of the chief heads. Hear what Michael says about himself in both
Young-s & Amplified in the following.
''but I declare to thee that which is noted down in the Writing of Truth, and there is not one
strengthening himself with me, concerning these, except Michael your head.'' Dan 10:21. Young-s Literal.
In other words He is telling us that there is no other angel as far as spiritual strength is concerned that is
in anywhere near the same category as Himself. As we begin to realise just who is speaking it becomes
plain just who this great one is, He is the only Archangel of God.
''But I will tell you what is inscribed in the writing of truth or the Book of Truth. There is no one who
holds with me and strengthens himself against these [hostile spirit forces] except Michael, your prince
[national guardian angel].'' Dan 10:21. Amp.

Who Is Coming, And Whose Voice Will He Use?

''Because the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a word of authority, with the voice of the
chief angel, with the sound of a horn: and the dead in Christ will come to life first;'' 1Th 4:16. Bible In
Basic English. The Amplified would also tell us that The Lord is going to descend with a loud cry. How
will He make this cry? We are told plainly with the shout of the Archangel!
''For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and
with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first;'' 1Th 4:16. American Standard.
To myself the thing that stands out clearly is the oneness of the two, the Lord & Michael they are
inseparable. Does this relationship remind us of another similar one? Does this Archangel have another,
a further hidden identity? Allow me to paraphrase some of what is being shown us here! God Himself is
descending from a higher realm into the understanding of our Most Holy Place realisation & is telling us
that when He shouts this understanding within our being the voice will be that of Michael Himself & the
blast of the trumpet or message will come through & by the Mighty Archangel, they are one & the
same. Can you see it?

Christ In His Numerous Theophanies!

According to several dictionaries the overall meaning of the word theophany is ''a visible manifestation of
a divine being.''
Also notice that his now coming or soon full appearance is not the first time we have heard of Michael
the Angel of the Lord as he was in great activity in the time of Daniel & as we go on we will see quite
clearly he has been in great activity all through the Old Testament but many of us have not realised who
this Archangel, the angel of the Lord really was. I could only find one case that maybe could be
questionable. Could it be that this angel is really a theophany of Christ Himself? Over all the period of
the O.T what has been the activity of He the One who became flesh even Christ?

The Truth Of The War Of Man's True Enemy!

''And there came war in the heaven; Michael and his messengers did war against the dragon, and the
dragon did war, and his messengers, and they did not prevail, nor was their place found any more in
the heaven; and the great dragon was cast forth--the old serpent, who is called Devil,' and the
Adversary,' who is leading astray the whole world--he was cast forth to the earth, and his messengers
were cast forth with him.'' Rev 12:7-9 Young-s Literal.
This one who is called the the Devil, in my strong opinion has been & is yet still at a point of leading
astray the whole of religiosity. This delusion is causing war in the heaven-lies & we ask who is the
chief one who is leading this war against & exposing this delusion? It is non-other than the archangel

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

Michael & his messengers or followers. Once Michael comes on the scene which I strongly suspect that
He has already & am of the opinion more than most realise that even now is the beginning of the fact that
there will be no place that this terrible deception will be found in our heaven-lies. How gloriously
wonderful it is that God has everything under control.
''Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels went forth to battle with the dragon, and the
dragon and his angels fought. But they were defeated, and there was no room found for them in heaven
any longer. And the huge dragon was cast down and out--that age-old serpent, who is called the Devil
and Satan, he who is the seducer (deceiver) of all humanity the world over; he was forced out and down
to the earth, and his angels were flung out along with him.'' Rev 12:7-9. Amp. Man's greatest dragon is
& has always been non-other than his lowered deceiving Adamic flesh. The revealing of this truth is what
is forcing the false perception of the Devil being a great power that even threatens God & this one who is
called the Devil & Satan has been a lie of the greatest deception of religiosity ever. Notice that he was
forced out & down to the earth, this is exactly where he belongs as it has always been the deception of our
lowered self, our earthy self to create a scapegoat of a deception of the worst kind.
In the verses above in both the Young-s & the Amplified, we have been & will be making some
repetition of what we shared in our last article but with even more understanding for you to consider than
our previous article. Now I know how it is with many, the reaction is you may go so far but if you are
going to try to take away my satan - who supposedly resisted & tried to usurp the Throne of God - you can
stop right there as that is what is what I believe! My response is, I don't think so; for no matter who you
are God is kindly opening the eyes of every blind person even though it may be a war especially to some
if we cling to our old wine skins, this may even include yourself. But know this that with Michael our
Archangel exposing error, yourself along with all others will be wonderfully released from all forms of
religiosity & fleshly lower deceptive Adamic hardened stones of the man of flesh. I add, is He not
absolutely wonderful even our Full Redeemer? The further we are absorbed in The Most Holy Place
experience the more shall be added to us as well as much being changed or taken away. When we were
lowered or subjected to vanity remember it was with the hope or promise that ALL would be restored.
Rom 8:20. 11:32. The changes that we have seen over the years have been amazing, if I was to read 20
years ago or even less what we are sharing now I believe that I would very quickly disassociate with this
present day man, - being myself - but in the words of a once quite famous worldly singer ''you ain't seen
nothin yet.'' What God has on the future agenda for His people, I think everyone of us will be astoundedly, greatly & above all pleasantly amazed to say the least.
In this war in heaven or heavenly places within ourselves this is taking place even as we write even
you who are perusing this article; The deceptive non existent dragon as a separate Devil & Satan is being
cast out & there will soon be no room in our thinking of this one who has been falsely known as the Devil
& Satan, yes this religious fallacy is now being cast out of our thinking & experience for all time, now
is the day of the release from the false delusions of that which would hinder the ''opening of the eyes of
the blind.'' Notice that ''the dragon - the lower fleshly religious mistaken identity - and his angels
fought. But they were defeated, and there was no room found in heaven - our heavenly places within
ourselves - any longer'' The only believers that will see this in their spirit are those who are willing to
give up their traditional denominational, sectarian way of thinking & allow themselves to ''go up higher''
Luke 14:10.
Let us not forget who is leading this battle, it is non-other than Michael the archangel himself who in
my opinion is exposing perhaps one of the greatest of fallacies that have ever deceived God's people.
We need also to keep in mind that the original analogy of the serpent or the snake in Gen 3:1 was
never meant to be any more that a representation of the carnal or natural mind. The only reason it
became related to the great red dragon etc was that man wanted to excuse his lower false mistaken
identity so he created a fallacy & became entangled & empowered by his own delusion but thank God that
Michael the Archangel is now coming to our rescue.

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

''And when the dragon saw that he was cast forth to the earth, he pursued the woman who did bring
forth the male, and there were given to the woman two wings of the great eagle, that she may fly to the
wilderness, to her place, where she is nourished a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the
serpent;'' Rev 12:13-14. Young-s.
To iterate, this dragon that saw that he was cast forth is non-other than the lower flesh man, this flesh
or Adamic man which represents that which is connected & very much a part of the delusion of
religiosity, he does not give up easily & looking for a way to satisfy his animosity he pursues the woman
who brought forth the male or fully developed man-child. It is taking a real move of the Archangel to
remove that which has been embedded in religiosity for so long.
''And when the dragon saw that he was cast down to the earth, he went in pursuit of the woman who
had given birth to the male Child. But the woman was supplied with the two wings of a giant eagle, so
that she might fly from the presence of the serpent into the desert (wilderness), to the retreat where she
is to be kept safe and fed for a time, and times, and half a time (three and one-half years, or 1,260 days).''
Rev 12:13-14. Amp. The amplified would more than support the Young-s version, notice that the woman
is to be kept safe in this time of disruption.
''So then the dragon was furious (enraged) at the woman, and he went away to wage war on the
remainder of her descendants--[on those] who obey God's commandments and who have the testimony
of Jesus Christ [and adhere to it and bear witness to Him].'' Rev 12:17. Amp.
The dragon the lowered fleshly nature that is full of religiosity was enraged at the woman, all hope
has been lost as far as the man-child is concerned for he has been born so the only one left for him to take
vengeance on now is the woman but alas error cannot & will not in the long term be the victor over truth.
At this point we need to realise that with the book of the Revelation of Jesus the Christ it is full of
analogies & nothing is to be taken literally especially the way that many of us have thought & taken for
granted for so long. Most of the meanings are hidden even to those who would seemingly know much
more regarding this book than others & there is more being uncovered constantly especially at the present
''And I saw a messenger coming down out of the heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great
chain over his hand, and he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, who is Devil and Adversary, and
did bind him a thousand years, and he cast him to the abyss, and did shut him up, and put a seal upon
him, that he may not lead astray the nations any more, till the thousand years may be finished; and after
these it behoveth him to be loosed a little time.'' Rev 20:1-3. Young-s Literal.
This popular perception of the Devil and Adversary, being a ruling force even to the point of being the
one who withstood God even in His throne room is absolute religious diabolical rubbish of the worst kind
& we certainly need our Archangel Michael to fight for us for this is a deception of the lowest form, yet
we can be so confident that ''God has everything under control.'' We are so glad that the old perception
of the ''Devil and Satan'' - which is the exact wording of both KJV & Amplified - is bound for a long
period of time. I hear someone say what about Lucifer? If you do a study & follow it through you will
find that the word Lucifer is the same word used for Jesus the ''Bright and Morning Star'' & there can
only be ONE Bright and Morning Star. Please consult the footnote of the Amplified in Isaiah Chapter 14.
I iterate who could this messenger be that would have the key to revealing the abyss that would cause
man, the the Adamic flesh man to live in & experience such a low estate? I for one believe that it is nonother than Michael the only archangel who actually speaks for & as God 1Thess 4:16. Notice that a
thousand years is mentioned which denotes a period of time, when this period of time has reached
fulfilment there will again be another testing. Young-s would tell us that this natural carnal fleshly
Adamic man that would again hold sway in the thinking & activity of man ''be loosed a little time.'' Our
wonderful God has a purpose in all things. To illustrate what the world is experiencing at the moment
which as we read a little earlier is the worst since time began, ''and he will come at a time of terrible
suffering, the worst in all of history''. Dan 12:1 CEV. The following Amplified rendition would simply

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

support what has already been shared in the above verse. So in a nutshell we see that God's plan is to
have man once & for all to be done completely with the Adamic lowered self & the religiosity of a SAWTAWN that has been concocted by man to take away the guilt of his own adamic flesh nature. This
maybe difficult to some but yet so true to others.
''THEN I saw an angel descending from heaven; he was holding the key of the Abyss (the bottomless
pit) and a great chain was in his hand. And he gripped and overpowered the dragon, that old serpent [of
primeval times], who is the devil and Satan, and [securely] bound him for a thousand years. Then he
hurled him into the Abyss (the bottomless pit) and closed it and sealed it above him, so that he should no
longer lead astray and deceive and seduce the nations until the thousand years were at an end. After
that he must be liberated for a short time.'' Rev 20:1-3. Amplified.

As Long As The Inheritor Is A Child He Does Not Differ From A Slave

Even Though In Truth He Is Master Of All Of The Estate !
''NOW WHAT I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ
from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate; But he is under guardians and administrators
or trustees until the date fixed by his father. So we [Jewish Christians] also, when we were minors, were
kept like slaves under [the rules of the Hebrew ritual and subject to] the elementary teachings of a
system of external observations and regulations. But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His
Son, born of a woman, born subject to [the regulations of] the Law, To purchase the freedom of (to
ransom, to redeem, to atone for) those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have
son-ship conferred upon us [and be recognized as God's sons]. Gal 4:1-5. Amplified.
What we are sharing here was given to me in a strictly Most Holy Place concept. As an outer court
concept adherent - the non pentecostal - finds it most difficult to comprehend the holy place or pentecostal
understanding, so too the pentecostal adherent is in exactly the same position when it comes to
understanding the Most Holy Place or third realm concept. Some are deceived into a mixed concept
which can be most confusing.
Now regarding the above text, as long as the inheritor is still a child in their thinking, that is still
under age & under bondage as a number of the Jewish Christians were in the days of Paul the apostle.
Though in truth he - being the child is as all of us are masters of all the estate yet if he is under age &
is still bound as the Jewish Christians were, he cannot yet grasp the deeper things for as Paul intimates
many of these were still minors. But when the proper time was come God sent His fully fledged son born
of a woman, this woman actually represents our soul, the soul has a large part in the Christ being born in
our Most Holy Place understanding within ourselves. This son, the corporate Son who I am now seeing
that God has in part already sent & is now in activity to ''purchase the freedom'' of those who are still
subject to the likeness of the Jewish law that the rest might have son-ship ''conferred upon them and be
recognized as God's sons.'' God has everything planned & under control. John also brings us light to
this very subject.
''Now a slave does not remain in a household permanently (forever); the son [of the house] does
remain forever. So if the Son liberates you [makes you free men], then you are really and
unquestionably free.'' John 8:35-36. Amplified. What son? Could this be the corporate son that is now
being revealed?
''and the servant doth not remain in the house--to the age, the son doth remain--to the age; if then
the son may make you free, in reality ye shall be free. I have known that ye are seed of Abraham, but ye
seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you;'' John 8:35-37. Young-s Literal.
Once again the lead up to these very verses in question is that in verse 31-33 Jesus tells the Jews who
had believed in Him.

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

''So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My
teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth,
and the Truth will set you free. They answered Him, We are Abraham's offspring (descendants) and
have never been in bondage to anybody. What do You mean by saying, You will be set free? John 8:3133. Amp.
We see here plainly that believing in Christ to a point or only in our own way is not necessarily being
led of the Spirit. Please also importantly notice that Jesus referred to them as believers, also note the
pride in the answer that was given by these Jewish believers, ''We are Abraham's offspring and have
never been in bondage to anybody.'' In other words how dare you insinuate that we are not free & that
there is more for us to learn! Jesus is about to give them the answer to the problem that has bound them
for yonks & they are throwing blind, proud stones at Him for sharing truth with them, truth that will set
them completely free into the age to come! Then in verse 34 ''Whoever commits and practices sin is
the slave of sin,'' here we are told in today's beyond the veil terms whoever is living in his lowered
Adamic mistaken identity is the the slave or bond-servant of that terrible fleshly deception.
In verse 35 we read that a slave does not remain in the household. The household is really
representing both our singular self & the collective household of God or the collective body of Christ
which really represents every man or His, God's enlarged self. Now the slave or our lowered flesh
identity does not remain in our house forever for eventually every man's ''eyes of his understanding will
be opened'' & then we will then fully realise that our true infinite pre-adamic Christ identity does & will
remain forever.
So with this understanding ''he who the Son sets free is free indeed.'' Unfortunately because of
ignorance & pride these Jews were not ready for further liberating truth for in the 37 th verse in the
Amplified we read. ''Yes I know that you are Abraham's offspring; yet you plan to kill Me, because My
word has no entrance (makes no progress, does not find any place) in you. Unfortunately we do not
have to look very far both in the Word & even today to find this exact same attitude as this was what Jesus
encountered in many constantly & might I add, even in those who should have known better. This was all
because of progressive truth which was & is given to ''set us free.'' Are we fully absorbing this? Jesus is
referring to a group of Jews who had been at one time, followers, it seems that when it came to tradition
or truth quite a number chose tradition over truth so much so that when the words of Jesus - cut to the
quick - they then planned to kill Him. Oh my! How we need to search our hearts that this attitude is not
found in any of us today.
To move on we must leave the splendour of what we thought was wonderful, what we thought was
glorious, our SAW-TAWN the religious Satan that has for so long hidden the truth of our fleshly lowered
self. Hear what Wordsworth, a man who was far ahead of most in his thinking, yes he had realised what
many have not yet shares with us in the ''Ode Or Intimations Of Immortality.''
What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for-ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
The splendour of the grass, the glory of the flower, oh yes there was a splendour, yes there was a
certain glory in all of these lower things of the earth. After seeing the fallacy in all of these things; What
remains behind? The knowledge of the need to not to put so much stock in that which is of the earth &
to move on & to ''Go up higher.'' Thank God as far as I am concerned nothing will bring back that glory
in the flower namely the outer court & holy place position but I will learn ''in what remains behind''
from that which is being revealed & that which at the same time is being taken away. As the above
poem has informed us let it be taken from our sight forever. ''If the Son has set you free then you are

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free indeed.''

A Light From On High!

''Because of and through the heart of tender mercy and loving-kindness of our God, a Light from on high
will dawn upon us and visit [us] To shine upon and give light to those who sit in darkness and in the
shadow of death, to direct and guide our feet in a straight line into the way of peace.'' Luke 1:78-79.
''The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in the land of intense
darkness and the shadow of death, upon them has the Light shined. You [O Lord] have multiplied the
nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before You like the joy in harvest, as men rejoice when they
divide the spoil [of battle].'' Isa 9:2-3. Amp. Notice the contrast of intense darkness to a light from on
high dawning upon us, so to direct our feet in a straight line not hither or thither, a line of direct truth
being exposed.
''And risen to you, ye who fear My name, Hath the sun of righteousness--and healing in its wings,
And ye have gone forth, and have increased as calves of a stall.'' Mal 4:2. Young-s Literal.
''But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with
healing in His wings and His beams, and you shall go forth and gambol like calves [released] from the
stall and leap for joy.'' Mal 4:2. Amp. Released; these calves that have been locked up in the stable for
a long time are suddenly set free & oh what freedom. The analogy of course is that God's replicas of
Himself suddenly begin to see truths of who they are & that which they had never dreamed of being
exposed to; Those who begin to take this to themselves, they shall begin to gambol, rejoice & appreciate
truth in the miraculous spirit of Christ. I would add that profound truth to the open hearted is never
difficult to grasp, it is always simple. The number of people that we are sharing with lately who are
grasping it so easily is so encouraging.
Ferrar Fenton who in my opinion was one of our great in depth translators who in around 1906 or even
earlier published his work. This man would replace the word healing with restoration. The reason for
this is that this word is from H4832 marpe' mar-pay' From H7495; this means a deliverance, a remedy or
a cure of the situation.
So taking Ferrar Fenton's very interesting input it could read ''those who worshipfully fear My name
shall Sun of Righteousness arise with restoration in His wings.'' This to myself seems more logical
considering what we are seeing in this hour.
In looking a little closer at the title of this thought ''The Light From On High'' we see that the title of
Christ in this verse is the ''Sun of Righteousness.'' What a wonderful description of our Light Bearer. We
also notice the words ''go forth'' these two words are interestingly from the Hebrew Puwsh #6335, the
actual meaning is. Spread, grow up, be grown fat, spread selves, be scattered, act proudly. Young-s
commentary would also add this thought, 'push, increase, remedy.'
''COME AND let us return to the Lord, for He has torn so that He may heal us; He has stricken so
that He may bind us up. After two days He will revive us (quicken us, give us life); on the third day He
will raise us up that we may live before Him. Yes, let us know (recognize, be acquainted with, and
understand) Him; let us be zealous to know the Lord [to appreciate, give heed to, and cherish Him]. His
going forth is prepared and certain as the dawn, and He will come to us as the [heavy] rain, as the latter
rain that waters the earth.'' Hos 6:1-3. Amplified.
In looking closely this is certainly a wonderful verse, the predominant thought that I wish us to glean
from this is ''His going as certain as the DAWN'' His coming is the light from on high.
''While the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn's brightness, Advancing and becoming
resplendent until the day is established,'' Pro 4:18. Concordant Literal. Why have we been emphasising
the light, THE MORNING DAWN? The truth of who we are & the simplicity of the truth of the lowered

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

self, our mistaken identity is so simple to those who would be free of the religiosity of the flesh man, it is
a the Light of the morning DAWN.

It Is Now Time For Many To Change To The Higher

Davidic Mount Zion Tent Of Their Experience!
We must as David would admonish us now to leave the principle of our thinking of the Tabernacle or Tent
in the wilderness experience & graduate into the full Tabernacle, Tent of David which was placed in Mt
Zion. This of course is referring to the highest Mount Zion experience which is within ourselves.
''And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall
shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.'' Isa 22:22. Webster.
''And the key of the house of David I will lay upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut,
he shall shut and no one shall open.'' Isa 22:22. Amplified.
There was a certain time when David was instructed by God to bring the ark of the Lord to Mt Zion.
Mt Zion is representative of the highest place that any of us can attain in this present stage of our
experience. This is where David himself took the Ark of the Lord into a completely separate place into a
tent on Mt Zion. 2 Sam 6:17. It goes without saying that this is representing all those that are seeing
what this means to us, whose eyes God is opening as we come closer to a fuller appearing of Christ in His
Davidic corporate Son. For the shoulder referred to is non-other than your shoulder, the shoulder of the
collective Davidic temple that is dwelling on Mt Zion this is the temple being referred to. God is
enabling us to comprehend a fuller anointing of the Most Holy Place within us. The key that is mentioned
is the same key of knowledge that is mentioned in Luke 11:52 ''The key of knowledge'' Rev 3:7 ''The
key of David.'' Christ has saved the best wine until now.
''Jehovah is loving the gates of Zion Above all the tabernacles of Jacob.'' Psa 87:2. Young-s Literal.
''Yahweh is loving the gateways of Zion More than all the tabernacles of Jacob.'' Psa 87:2. CLV. For
clarity it would be more correct to replace the word Jacob - supplanter - for Israel.
2Sam 22:20 ''He brought me into a large place'' He delivered me because He delighted in me.
''They brought the ark of the Lord & set it in its place inside the tent which David had pitched for it.''
2Sam 6:17a. Amp. The importance of this understanding to be regarded with respect is shown very
clearly in verse 20 where Michal berated David, for she thought that in her eyes David was showing
irreligious-ity in his behaviour, it is still the same today the religious behaviour of many cannot
comprehend the true behaviour of a David or those who are aspiring to completely change Tabernacles.
Compare with Acts 2:4, & so we read that ''Michal the daughter of Saul had no child to the day of her
death.'' I do not say this to bring judgement in any way but only to show the levity of the truth of what
this analogy means to us today. This is also mentioned in 1Chron Chapters 15 &16. The people of Israel
who wished to follow what God had revealed to David - who was a type of the Christ - were more than
eager to heed their king & wholly follow His instructions.
''And they bring in the ark of Elohim, and set it up in the midst of the tent that David has stretched
out for it, and they bring near burnt-offerings and peace-offerings before Elohim;" 1Ch 16:1. Concordant
''SO THEY brought the ark of God and set it in the midst of the tent which David had pitched for it,
and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.'' 1Ch 16:1. Amplified.
In this very wonderful analogy notice who brought the ark into the tent that David had prepared or
''stretched out or pitched for it.'' What are we gleaning from this today? They the followers of David representing today the corporate Christ - brought the ark of God & set it in the midst of the wonderful

Christ The Antidote Regarding Death

new tent that David had prepared in Zion. Now there would no doubt be some would have the opinion
that we are splitting hairs here, be that as it may if we are honest & dare to take David & the analogy as it
is this can do much for our experience, it can lead us into the experience that was prophesied for the
Davidic end-time people of God. Yes I repeat we need to change Tabernacles from the Tabernacle of
Moses into the Tabernacle of David, there is a vast difference. I repeat THEY, you & I need to bring the
ark of God & set in the midst of the tent or Tabernacle which is our Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the
Most Holy Place which is our Most Holy Place. The key of David is the only key that will open this
''And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall
shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.'' Isa 22:22. Webster.
''And to the angel (messenger) of the assembly (church) in Philadelphia write: These are the words of
the Holy One, the True One, He Who has the key of David, Who opens and no one shall shut, Who shuts
and no one shall open:'' Rev 3:7. Amplified. Please do justice to yourself, your honesty & your spiritual
understanding & do not try to say that there is no difference between the two tabernacles. Our whole walk
is one of progression, we are admonished to ''go up higher'' as we move on into a higher understanding
we are admonished by these words of Jesus. ''Do you suppose that I have come to give peace upon
earth? No, I say to you, but rather division;'' Luke 12:51. Alas division is very often the price we pay
for progression. Christ has saved the best wine until now.
There is no doubt that many would be experiencing this higher understanding & would have been
doing so for some time now. This what we are advocating is in one way an experience for the whosoever
will, it is not a special team that we are trying to advocate among ourselves but a personal higher Davidic
understanding within ourselves. God is One of diversity & each allotted person comes to this Davidic
'Ark of the Covenant.' in their own time & in their own way. In my strong opinion the ''key of David''
& the''key of knowledge'' are one & the same, you cannot have one without the other for an open door.
This is an end-time experience for those who would go all the way & the God of the Davidic covenant
experience will have His fully fledged company. To iterate in the tabernacle of Moses there was
represented the outer court experience - non pentecostal - then the holy place experience - pentecostal
then of course the Most Holy Place was represented beyond the veil, these representations & experiences
were in a far different category than the Tabernacle of David which represents a far higher & different
MT ZION experience. I repeat we must realise also that there would be some that are definitely
experiencing what we are sharing but would no doubt explain it in their own particular spiritual

He Brought Me Into A Large Place!

Yes as our title would inform us it is no doubt finished & has been since those words were first uttered.
Thank God we are being constantly advanced by His wonderful judgements into bringing us into a greater
experience of just what this means. The full aim of God is to bring us into the same fulfilment of Christ
Himself who in actual fact informed His opposer's, ''Is it not written in your law I said you are gods?''
Jn 10:34. Ps 82:6. Obadiah verse 21.
''And saviors shall come upon mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the
LORD'S.'' Obad 1:21. Webster.
''And saviours shall come up in mount Zion, to judge mount Esau. And the kingdom shall become
Yahweh's." Obad.1:21 Concordant Literal.
Ralph Knowles, March - April. 2015

Trust that this finds you in the high fellowship of God & His blessings. To those who are open hearted &
are listening, blessings to you. There is always a higher place in God for all. This is something that is
never ending.

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